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2020考研英语于今日下午正式结束。不管各位同学发挥得如何,都请不要在所有考试结束前对答案,以免影响心情,进而影响到接下来的考试。文都教育考研英语辅导老师现将2020考研英语(一)大作文的参考范文及译文分享给大家,方便各位在考试结束后了解自己的写作情况。【参考范文】Portrayed distinctively by the two cartoons above is an impressive scene: a girl in the left picture is doing homework and saying that early completion is better. Nevertheless, the boy in the right picture is sitting in front of the desk and saying that he will not finish the homework until the last minute. Undoubtedly, the symbolic implication of the pictures is to show us that importance should be attached to the formation of good habits, especially the good habit of time management. On the one hand, efficient time management is critical to personal development. As the old saying goes, “Time is money,” and in the fast-paced modern life, it seems that we always have a lot of things to do and we are very busy. In the face of such a situation, we have to realize that efficiency holds the key to saving time and time management skills hold the key to personal success. On the other hand, good time management habits play a vital role in the development of the whole society. There is no doubt that, to a large extent, social progress is closely related to the efforts of each indivial. If we can develop the good habit of time management, we are much more likely to improve efficiency and have a better performance in the learning and working process, which is an integral part of social advances and prosperity.From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that the sense of efficient time management skills is of equal importance in personal and social progress. Therefore, we ought to take advantage of the phenomenon to enlighten the public and the press is expected to take a lead in advertising the value of developing good time management habits. Only in this way can we have a bright future. 【参考范文译文】上面两幅漫画所描绘的是一个令人印象深刻的画面:左图中的一个女孩正在做作业,她说早完成比较好。然而,右图中的男孩正坐在书桌前,说他要到最后一分钟才会完成。毫无疑问,这两幅图的象征意义是:我们应该重视好习惯的养成,尤其是时间管理方面的好习惯。一方面,高效的时间管理对个人发展至关重要。俗话说,“时间就是金钱”,在快节奏的现代生活中,我们似乎总是有很多事情要做,很忙。面对这种情况,我们必须认识到,效率是节省时间的关键,而且时间管理技能是个人成功的关键。另一方面,良好的时间管理习惯对整个社会的发展起着至关重要的作用。毋庸置疑,社会进步在很大程度上与每个人的努力密切相关。如果我们能养成良好的时间管理习惯,我们就更有可能提高效率,在学习和工作过程中有更好的表现,这是社会进步和繁荣发展不可分割的一部分。综上所述,可得出如下结论:高效的时间管理对于个人和社会的进步同等重要。因此,我们应该利用这一现象来启发公众,而媒体应该带头宣传养成良好的时间管理习惯的价值。只有这样,我们才能拥有一个光明的未来。以上就是文都教育考研英语辅导老师提供的2020考研英语(一)真题大作文的参考范文和相应译文,希望对大家的写作有所帮助,最后,祝大家取得理想的成绩!



关注励志学生,每天更新,获取教育最新资讯!19考研:英语大、小作文模板,建议背过以前小编发过一些19年考研英语作文预测,并且发过英语作文(三段作文)的第一段和第二段,最近有很多考生留言说想要考研英语作文的第三段。因为考研英语作文的第三段基本上可以是固定的,只需要修改一两个词,任何作文都可以用上的。今天励志学生和同学们分享一下,考研英语大、小作文模板,喜欢的同学可以背过。考研英语大、小作文模板一、小作文目前来看,考研英语小作文考书信(询问信、邀请信、祝贺、求职信等,由于书信较多只写一种)较多,那励志学生就将书信模板写出来,供大家参考,需要其他的话评论说哦!求职信Dear (一般题目都会给人名):I have read your advertisement in 地点 of 时间 for 职位 ,and should be grateful if you consider me as a candidate for the position.Keenly interested i am in the poet of 职位. You have advertised on the job market bacause i think my major, right personality and my practical experience particularly matches. Your requirements of the post. For one thing, (自己写原因). For anther,(自己写原因).I shall be pleased to fimish you with any futher information concerning my ecation and work experience. If my application were taken into favorable consideration, i would be most grateful. I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours Sincerely (写信人)(注意,有的同学喜欢写完用笔点一点,这样不好尽量避免)考研加油二、大作文最后一段无论是英语一的图画作文还是英语二的图表作文,最后一段一般都分为三个步骤:(1)一般趋势的建议。(2)良好品质的赞扬。(3)反面现象的解决方法。例:Taking into account the factors above,we can safely draw a conclusion that (主旨,最好不要多写,以免判卷老师发现你的水平,嘿嘿). On one hand, (建议1). On the other hand, (建议2).I believe then the relationship between people will be harmonious and our society will be a better place for us to live in. In order to make our world a better place in which to live, we must learn to live in harmony with the nature.祝考研人旗开得胜上述就是考研英语小作文和大作文最后一段的模板,供同学们参考,如果有更好的意见或建议,欢迎同学们讨论。






【落网之鸟】有一个猎人,在湖沼旁张网捕鸟。不久,很多大鸟都飞入了网中,猎人非常高兴,赶快收网预备把鸟抓出来;没想到鸟的力气很大,反而带着网子一起飞走了,猎人只好跟在网后面拼命跑。一个农夫看到了,笑猎人:“算了吧,不管你跑得多快,也追不上会飞的大鸟呀。”但猎人却坚定地说:“不,你根本不知道,如果网子里只有一只鸟, 我就真追不上它,但现在有很多鸟在网子里,我一定能追到。”果然,到了黄昏,所有的鸟儿都想回自己的窝,有的要回森林,有的要回湖边,有的要回草原,于是那一大群鸟就跟着网子一起落地,被猎人活捉了。构思点拨上图表现的是在“尚方宝剑”严惩的威严下,一位从事商业贿赂的人落荒而逃。不言而喻,这幅图反映的是当今一种比较猖獗的社会现象:商业贿赂。深层次来讲,就是道德问题、责任问题。本文的内容和结构安排如下:第一段:描述图画;第二段:从两个角度分析影响+分析动机;第三段:建议措施。思维拓展此类文章可以展开的角度有:金钱观,商业道德建设、职业道德建设,公平竞争。相似的图片比比皆是。高分范文There is no doubt that this cartoon vividly depicts a negative but rampant scenario in modern society: commercial bribery. Frightened by the sharp punishment sword, the man, carrying a large pile of money used as bribery, is trying his best to escape. What is conveyed by the drawing is both realistic and thought-provoking。The implication of the given picture can be elaborated in terms of the decline of work-moral values and the view on money. For one thing, commercial bribery has a very damaging and destructive effect on the whole society. Firstly, moral deficiencies as well as the humanity weakness revealed in the action of bribery may stain and pollute the atmosphere of professional ethics and cause others to copy. Secondly, fair competition may be threatened because bribery puts honest businessmen at a disadvantaged position. For another, the bad behavior of commercial bribery is largely driven by “profit”, showing that those people who are involved in bribery do not have a right view on money. It is true that money is indispensable, but, there is no denying that money should be obtained and spent in a reasonable, wise and legitimate way。To eliminate the immoral behavior of bribery thoroughly, drastic actions should be taken and severe punishment measures should be adopted. Besides, a positive mental guidance on the right attitude to money should be popularized among the public. Only in this way can we have a fair and sound social environment。佳作妙译毫无疑问这幅漫画生动地描述了现代社会一种负面的但是却十分猖獗的现象:商业贿赂。由于惧怕严厉的惩罚,这个人背着一大堆贿赂用的钱落荒而逃。漫画的寓意是十分现实并发人深思的。上图的寓意可以理解为详细阐述了在金钱冲击下职业道德的沦陷。一方面,商业贿赂对全社会造成恶劣的、毁灭性的影响。首先在贿赂行为中表现出的道德缺陷和人性弱点会破坏和污染职业道德的氛围,不良分子也会效仿。其次,行贿者将破坏公平竞争,诚信经营的商人被置于不利地位。另一方面,商业贿赂行为大多是被利益驱动的,这说明这些人对金钱没有正确的态度。没有金钱的确是万万不能的,但对待金钱,无疑需要取之有道,用之有度。为了彻底根除贿赂这种道德败坏的行为,应该采取严厉的惩罚措施。另外,应该在公众中逐渐普及正确的金钱观。只有这样,我们才能拥有公平、健全的社会环境。















每一年的考研就是一场生死交战,因为很多学生为了考研备战已久,对于考研要知彼知己,对于考研的作文有一定的了解会更胜一筹,预祝各位考生百战百胜,以下是给大家整理的供参考2019考研英语作文必备范文及译文:被互联网异化的交流,希望可以帮到大家Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:(1) describe the drawing briefly,(2) explain its intended meaning, and then(3) state your point of view.范文:As is illustrated in the picture, a couple sleeps on the same bed but they seem to be rather isolated from each other. Their oral communication has been replaced by online chatting. This picture reveals the in-depth problem of modern people’s alienation from each other, even among family members.The issue is attributed to two factors. In the first place, modern people are fully occupied by their work and business, which causes so much tension that there is little time left for communication with each other. Everybody is busy all the time because of the pressure of survival in the society, which deprives them of a casual way of life. In the second place, the prevailing use of the Internet makes it easier for people to contact each other. However, the convenience of sending instant messages to anybody around the world prevents people from the pleasure of the face-to-face communication. In a sense, the addiction to internet exchange makes humans mechanical.People should be aware that the modern modes of communication cannot take the place of traditional ones. If the couple in the drawing continues to behave like this, their close relationship might be ruined, perhaps even becoming the “closest stranger” some day. Direct communications, in contrast, helps construct more human connections among people.译文:正如图中所示,一对夫妇睡在同一张床上,但是他们看起来却彼此孤立。上网聊天代替了他们的口头交流。这幅图深刻地揭示了一个问题,就是现代人彼此之间趋于异化,即使是在家庭成员之间。这种情况主要取决于两个原因。首先,现代人都忙于自己的工作,过大的压力导致他们没有时间与其他人进行交流。由于社会生存压力,每个人都非常忙碌,从而失去了休闲的生活方式。第二,互联网的广泛使用使人们联系彼此都变得更加方便。但是,虽然可以随时给世界上任何一个人发即时消息,但是这种便利使人们失去了面对面交流的乐趣。从某种意义上说,过于沉溺于互联网的交流使人们变得更加机械。我认为人们应该意识到现代的交流方式不能取代传统的交流方式。如果图中的这幅夫妻继续这样下去的话,他们会毁掉曾经的亲密关系,甚至会变成最亲近的陌生人。相反,直接的交流能够帮助人们建立更加人性化的联系。闪光词汇及词组:in-depth: adj. 深入的alienation: n. 异化,分离tension: n. 紧张状态,不安deprives sb. of: 使某人失去casual: adj. 随意的,不经意的prevailing: adj. 流行的。广泛的万能句型:As is illustrated in the picture…This picture reveals the in-depth problem of…The issue is attributed to two factors.In a sense…



今天霸哥来跟大家聊一聊英语作文的那些事。距离考研不到一个月了,刨去吃饭、上厕、所发呆的时间有事耽搁,以及偶尔出去浪一下,剩下的复习时间不多啦!在这个时间紧、任务多的考研最后阶段,同时应该是我们考生实行战略大调整的时期。怎么调整呢?霸哥认为,我们的战略应该由之前的全面进攻转向现在的重点进攻,意思是度过了之前的全面铺开复习知识点的阶段,在剩下的一个月应该着重把握那些短时间更好拿分,更能提高总分、提升整体竞争力的部分。哪些是更好拿分的部分呢?霸哥认为,具体在英语复习中,作文绝对属于这一部分,理由是分值高而且短时间内能有突破。人人都知道要实现英语作文短时间内的突破,就必须整理出模板,有没有模板以及有没有好的模板,其间能有5~7分的差距,虽然如此,但并不是人人都会整理模板以及运用模板。闲话少说,上干货!大作文模板整理套餐来咯~一、环境保护类常用词汇(必会)限制***的使用 limit/ban/prohibit the use of…提高环境保护意识enhance environmental awareness核能 nuclear energy太阳能 solar energy环境恶化 environmental deterioration污染者负担的政策“the-polluters-pay” policy白色污染 white pollution垃圾分类 garbage classification空气污染 air pollution烟尘排放 soot emissions矿物燃料 fossil fuels第二段思路展开批评谴责:指出破坏环境的现象对人造成的危害。原因分析:分析这种现象产生的原因。采取措施:通过宣传,提高公众的环境保护意识;政府要制定相关政策,采取一定的措施去限制污染环境的现象的发生。万能模板见考研真相2011年范文二、教育文化类常用词汇(必会)信息时代 information era知识爆炸时代era of knowledge explosion文化差异 cultural difference文化交流 cultural exchanges文化融合 cutural blending/integration东/西方文化 estern/western culture多元文化 multi-culture文化多样性 cultural diversity保存珍惜 preserve and cherish取其精华,去其糟粕absorb its essence and resist its dark side流行文化 popular culture上网成瘾 web addiction虚拟生活 vitual life网络谣言 online gossip不负责任的言论 irresponsible remarks第二段思路展开(1)偶像崇拜相关话题万能理由(略,考的可能性不是很大)优点:偶像能够为青年人树立好的学习榜样,给青少年动力,引领青年人成长,取得成功进步缺点:肤浅地模仿偶像的服装发型行为,并不能够给他们带来实质上的帮助,却花费大量的时间和金钱,影响学习和正常生活。(2)文化交流/融合相关话题万能理由(略,考的可能性不是很大)优点:a.对个人来说,能够体会到不同文化的魅力,增加人与人之间的沟通,让我们生活更加丰富和美好;b.对国家层面来说,能够减少不同国家之间的冲突。缺点:尤其是对于某些发展中国家来说,全球文化的交流可能会使自己国家的文化消失,这个必须要引起我们的警惕,我们要保护好自己的文化。(3)电脑/网络/手机/机器人相关话题万能理由(重点看看)优点:A因特网带来很多的变化the Internet has made a great difference in every aspect of lifeB我们在时间,空间和花费上选择变多(在线课程,网络购物,在线博物馆,图书馆等话题)provide users with many options in terms of time, location and costsC拥有最新的信息be armed with the updated information/ by clicking the mouse, any information that you need can be presented to you in no timeD在家办公,省时间,避免交通高峰work at home, save a lot of time, avoid rush hour traffic缺点: A电脑游戏会占据太多时间,导致学习成绩不好computer games take up a lot of players' time for study, lead to poor academic performanceB沉迷在虚拟世界,人会孤立于现实inlge in the virtual world, tend to isolate themselves from realityC 沉迷上网人会变得冷漠 对维持人际关系有害,我们应当充实生活每一天virtual world separates us with each other, be increasingly indifferent and cold-blooded cause harm to the maintenance of our relationship; live up to everydayeg:机器人带来的影响的万能理由A 我们的工作由机器人来做(优点)B 提高效率,把我们从重复劳动中解放出来(优点)C 广泛的应用将使没有技能的人将失去工作(缺点)A our work in instry will be operated by robotsB raise proctivity and lower cost of manpower, free us from some repetitive tasksC the wide application of robots in instry will force less skilled people to lose jobs万能模板(以2009年大作文为例)三、社会热点类常用词汇(必会)代沟 generation gap相互理解 mutual understanding照顾 care, take care of,look after虐待 mistreat,ill-treat老年人 the old/aged/elders/elderly奉行孝道 practice filial piety传统美德 traditional virtues责任感 sence of responsibility承担责任 shoulder/assume/undertake one’s ties/responsibilities逃避责任 avoid/shirk/shun one’s ties信任危机 the crisis of trust道德缺失 the lack of moral behabiors尊老爱幼 to respect the old and care for the young第二段思路展开社会热点类话题没有明确的模板,因为社会热点太多了,只能多根据已有的真题多练习自己的思路,具体问题具体分析了。eg:以两代关系为例:首先明确提出观点:要提倡孝道,尊老爱幼,践行传统美德。分析:从正反两个方面来说,一方面,从道德上来说,父母为我们的成长付出了他们的辛劳,给予我们无微不至的关心,如果没有他们,我们不可能成长到今天这样。所以我们应当回报他们。另一方面,那些不承担赡养父母责任的人应该为他们的行为付出代价,受到内心的谴责,要付出法律责任。万能模板四、人生哲理类常用词汇(必会)自立 self-dependence不断努力 make constant efforts永不停止进步 never stop makding progress勤奋 diligence奋斗精神 striving spirit恒心 perseverance耐心 patience团队合作 team work与他人合作 cooperate with others第二段思路展开关于人生哲理类的话题比较简单,往成功学的方向写,正反来说:拥有这样的态度(乐观 积极)就会让自己身心愉悦,建立良好的人际关系,最后取得成功。但是光空说道理不行,最好附带举例论证的方式:爱迪生、海伦凯勒是常见的名人。句式:Just as the saying goes, in life as in chess, and a few steps are the key to victory.Seeking a gateway to success at the crossroad of lifeTo make a right decision, the following factors matter a lot.Xxx is a great source of motivation to keep you moving forward on the path you have chosen.A sensible choice is fundational to success万能模板(13年大作文-choice 为例)这次的大作文模板套餐就分享到这里。什么?还没够?那就请及时关注下一期的小作文模板套餐。