一、2021考研英语一阅读取材范围2020届命题组与上一届命题组北京大学王继辉教授团队命题特点截然不同,基本上摒弃所谓英美主流媒体选材范围,除了一篇来自于《纽约时报》,其他均出自非主流,其中英国《卫报》出了二篇,另外一篇选自《波士顿环球报》,这是考研英语一历史上绝无仅有的,说明官方对其内容,文章质量是认可的;但选材范围可能需要范围大一些,英式英语中,英国广播公司BBC毫无疑问是一个重要来源【虽然由于众所周知的原因,考研英语一不可能采用它的文章,但并不妨碍从中获取英语一阅读取材范】,下面展示从BBC获取相关内容的方法:BBC和考研英语一相关板块有:business,Science,Family & Ecation,Health等,其中business毫无疑问是重点,点击展开次级菜单有Economy,然后打开如上界面,往下拉有最新更新Latest Updates,查询与考研英语一取材范围【搜索已发内容】及有效时间段:2020年12月至2021年9月相符合内容,经过筛选,下面是一篇符合标准的文章【文章按照句子划分,有利于分析研究】:2021年一月29日发表Watchdogs in the US and UK said they were monitoring activity and potential lawbreaking, and warned traders they risked facing huge losses.Traders should ensure they are familiar with all rules, "including market abuse", the UK's regulator said.GameStop is the focus of a trading war between amateurs and Wall Street pros.Shares in the US bricks-and-mortar video games retailer surged again on Friday, ending 68% higher. Another stock in the traders' sights, AMC Entertainment, jumped 54%.That bucked broader market trends, which saw all three main US indexes fall roughly 2%. For the week they were down more than 3% - the biggest weekly decline since October.Some share trading firms temporarily halted dealings on Thursday amid extreme volatility in GameStop, which has soared as much as 700% in the past week. AMC Entertainment and Blackberry, which have also seen huge trading activity, were among the other companies also hit by the restrictions.UK traders have also been sharing their thoughts and tips on trading chat forums amid mounting concerns about misinformation and share ramping.London-listed companies have also been the focus of social media attention, including publisher Pearson and cinema operator Cineworld, although the share price movements were minimal compared with the GameStop surge.In the US, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) warned against illegal "manipulative trading activity".The regulator added: "Our core market infrastructure has proven resilient under the weight of this week's extraordinary trading volumes."Nevertheless, extreme stock price volatility has the potential to expose investors to rapid and severe losses and undermine market confidence."The SEC also said it would review actions that could "unly inhibit" and "disadvantage investors".The war between amateur private investors and heavyweight firms like hedge funds centres on so-called short selling. Over recent months, hedge funds had made big bets that shares in loss-making GameStop would fall.But an army of private investors, swapping tips on social media, spotted a chance for a buying frenzy that would push up the price and "squeeze" the hedge fund short sellers.Many private traders made profits - and losses - along the way, but their actions also dealt a big financial blow to hedge funds that spent billions of dollars gambling GameStop's shares would tumble.The decision on Thursday by several brokerages to halt purchases of shares in Gamestop and some other firms sparked outrage among investors, who accused the companies of working on behalf of traditional Wall Street investors who were losing out to the army of amateurs. Some disgruntled investors said they were preparing legal action.Investor anger over their temporary ban from trading spread beyond the investment community, with rappers and US politicians on both sides of the Washington divide joining the backlash against Wall Street.虽然考研英语一不可能采用BBC的文章,但并不妨碍从中获取英语一阅读取材范,因为英式文章风格大同小异,特点之一就是比较好出题,里面“坑”是比较多的;通过这一篇文章,可以了解一些相对专业的术语,比如对冲基金,做空,逼空,止损等,这些对于即将参加考研中国知识精英来说,并不算专业知识。下面是和文章相关背景知识,有助于了解本文。Key to what's going on is "short selling" or "shorting", where a big investment firm such as a hedge fund tries to make money by betting that a company's share price will fall.The hedge fund borrows shares in a company from other investors (for a fee) and sells the shares on the markets at, for example, $10 each, waits until they fall to $5, and buys them back. The borrowed shares are returned to the original owner, and the hedge fund pockets a profit.GameStop - which saw heavy losses last year and was described as "failing" by one big investor - is the most shorted stock on Wall Street.But in the last week, amateur investors who follow the Wall Street Bets forum on Reddit have poured money into buying the company's stock with the aim of pushing up the price.If the price rises dramatically, short sellers face big losses and they need to buy back the shares they have borrowed quickly to prevent bigger losses - a process known as covering.However, buying back the shares only adds to demand for the stock and pushes its price higher still.如果能在英国《卫报》查询相关文章,尤其是《社论》或者《观点》栏目,会对文章理解能力提升起到事半功倍的,养成阅读英文不同文字表达近似内容的习惯是解决考研命题组“坑”行之有效的方法。
一、考研英语一英国《卫报》2021年一月份《观点》栏目文章查询方法英国《卫报》guardian 2020考研英语一共出了二篇阅读理解,一篇来自于《社论》editorial栏目,另外一篇《观点》opinion栏目;《卫报》是考研英语一主要来源之一;自2015年以来,每年至少一篇,今年也应该不出意外;它还有一个栏目the observer《观察家》也出现在英语一的阅读理解文章中,所以提前复习熟悉相关材料是重中之重,下面展示《卫报》2021年一月份《观点》栏目文章查询方法:左二为《观点》栏目点击进入根据取材基本原则,可以按照时间顺序搜索,一般看文章标题即可,如果文章不符合考研英语一标准的《观点》文章,直接跳过继续查询,像意识形态,政治观点,种族问题,宗教信仰这一类主题,不在英语一命题范围之内。《观点》栏目文章比较多把上述内容过滤后,月末有主要《观点》文章总结,也可以在这里查询相关复习内容。经过筛选,就可以获得2021年一月份文章符合考研英语一标准的《观点》文章。二、考研英语一英国《卫报》2021年一月份《观点》栏目文章汇总政治经济类和科学技术类;人文教育类,文化交流类;历史传统;此外,热点公共话题也是命题内容,比如去年考的数字税。这是栏目推荐的重点内容《观点》栏目经济类文章比较多,并不需要面面俱到,重复主题只需要选择一篇即可,主要原则是找到符合考研英语一标准文章,就可以分析研究内容信息了,下面就是介绍文化一篇:文章发表于Sun 31 Jan 2021《观点》栏目family主题,属于考研英语一命题范围之公共话题。Two years ago, I interviewed an American time-management expert named Julie Morgenstern. I embarked on it in a playful and unserious spirit, thinking I would most likely waste time discussing time with a time expert, only to ignore her advice and get back to wasting more time. Instead, she absolutely blew my mind.A couple of things she said were so self-evident, yet so rarely acknowledged, that I still regularly preach them even now, a mini-evangelist army of one. For instance: “How much time and attention do kids need to feel loved and secure? The answer is this: short bursts of five to 15 minutes of truly undivided attention delivered consistently – not big blocks of time delivered erratically.”This completely changed my parenting. Overnight, I stopped hovering about, dispensing non sequiturs while checking my phone, and gave them the full beam of my gaze in much shorter units. I would say this has made me a lot less annoying, although, inevitably, it has increased the proportion of our interactions that are spent on them telling me how annoying I am.There is so much more: Morgenstern is not so much a time management expert as a philosopher of the race against mortality, although, arguably, that is what all philosophers are. Let’s just call her the Hegel of the to-do list.Anyway, she recently said she had some tips on time management in a pandemic, and this is content I am totally here for, as the young people say. Our Zoom was set for 7pm our time, 2pm hers, and Mr Z was trying to give me a glass of wine. I said I didn’t think I could – that might be interpreted as me drinking through a meeting, of which American time-managers would take a dim view.“Americans don’t care if you drink as long as you give them a varietal,” he insisted. It was 6.57pm and I didn’t really have time to find out what he was on about, yet I did want to know what he was on about.“What are you on about? And make it fast.” “Well, you can’t say, ‘I’m drinking wine.’ But if you said, ‘My husband’s just poured me a glass of merlot,’ that would be fine.” I don’t know why he’s right, but he is.“Do we have any merlot?”“We have a fleurie.”OK, I am about to change your life: that 15 minutes of attention for your children? It works on everything, according to Morgenstern. Stop waiting until you have 90 minutes to exercise, or a whole evening to pretend you are at a restaurant, or an afternoon to lose yourself in big thoughts – those things won’t happen.In order to remain passably normal, you need sleep, rest, exercise, love and fun. Sleep, you should continue to plan for in large units of time.It’s just a lockdown after all – you are not sailing the Atlantic. Everything else, throw 10 or 20 minutes at it. You can always find 10 minutes. I just lost seven minutes staring out of the window (which I am filing under “fun”; I wouldn’t really call it “rest”).I was chewing over whether this would work – it definitely would for exercise. It is quite a well-established behavioural observation that if you promise yourself it’ll be short, you’re much more likely to do it. But would it work for hobbies? I don’t really have any, so there’s that.I don’t think 10 minutes is enough to lose myself in a big thought. I tried to remember the last time I had a big thought, and started laughing. Is this the right time to mention the fleurie? It’s so easy to mishear, and then it just sounds random. If only it was merlot.“If you have kids that are five or under, the only way to work and manage that is somebody else has got to manage it,” Morgenstern continued. It doesn’t make things any easier, since there isn’t a somebody else. But at least it sloughs off the great lie that you can home school and also work, and that BBC Bitesize or Oak Academy are going to help you with that.The reality is that everybody with children of primary school age or under who has any flexibility in their job is trying to do all their work between 8pm and 1am, leaving them barely enough time to fight with their partner, let alone drink fleurie wishing it was merlot – which is good, in a way, since they have a large number of home school incidents to fight about.For older children, get a whiteboard, stick it somewhere communal, put everybody’s timetable on it: it is incredibly good for avoiding minor mishaps and understanding one another’s rhythms and it gives you “grist to make you closer”, which is Morgenstern’s elegant way of saying “something to talk about”.It’s not really about time management, I realised afterwards. It’s about averting conflict. When you can’t see anybody else, getting on with the people you live with is your only genuinely urgent task. I went in looking for a to-do list, and I came out with just one job. And a glass of fleurie that was still full.三、文章要点文章讨论了时间管理,尤其是对家庭事务,公共话题考研英语一命题范围之公共话题。内容比较琐碎,文字“坑”比较多,需要抓住论点;为了考研英语一语言能力,要把句子主要语义,句法结构,词汇特点分析透彻;本文对解读、分析、运用英语语言能力要求比较高,需要使用笔记本不断总结,反复提炼;这样,遇到类似考试内容才会从容应对。文章论点:short bursts of five to 15 minutes of truly undivided attention delivered consistently – not big blocks of time delivered erratically.关键词:blew my mind, dispensing non sequiturs,take a dim view,give them a varietal, sloughs off the great lie .尽量根据语境确定语义,英语词汇基本上都是多义,英汉字典字典释义语义有误导作用,多看英文列句,使用英语解释英语是提升语言能力的必由之路。
2021考研英语大纲已经公布了!对于很多同学来说英语阅读是心中的痛,如果不认真复习那么考研的一切努力都将面临付之东流的可能。但是,面对密密麻麻需要背的单词和看不懂的语法脑袋又是一阵眩晕,甚至有很多同学认为做某些年试题蒙的都比认真做对的还要多。那么,面对阅读的刁难,我们真的就无计可施了吗?当然不是!今天老师就跟大家说说考研英语阅读复习攻略。要想阅读拿分多总共分三步:第一步知己知彼,攻其要害; 第二步掌握技能,迅速升级;第三步巩固基础,以不变应万变。面对英语大部分同学都是盲目做题,拿来试题就是一阵狂做,但是往往效果不佳。因此第一步就是要知己知彼,攻其要害。那么,考研英语的要害是什么呢?体裁和题文同序原则。不同体裁写作手法不同,考研英语的阅读文章体裁是议论文,这就决定了文章的结构是论点和论据的结合,这也为接下来学习答题技巧做了铺垫。除此以外,题文同序也是需要了解的重要的原则之一。所谓“题文同序”就是题目和文章叙述的顺序保持一致。这样,通过阅读五道题的题干就能掌握文章的中心。第二步掌握技能,迅速升级。技巧可以帮助我们快速的定位答案,甚至有的时候能够对答案进行预判。当然,要学的技巧可不是,三长一短选最短,三短一长选最长。根据议论文的特征及考纲要求进行分类。比如考纲提出对文章理解主旨要义考查,实质上考查考生是否能够掌握文章主旨大意的能力。对于该题型,很多同学都是阅读完全文才能选,但是实际上完全可以利用题干进行解题。21. Which of the following is true according to the first two paragraphs?22. Dr. Yehuda’s research suggests that women ______.23. According to Paragraph 4, the stress women confront tends to be ______.24. The sentence “I lived from paycheck to paycheck.” (Line 5, Para.5) shows that_______.25. Which of the following would be the best title for the text? (2008年text1)[A] Strain of Stress: No Way Out?[B] Responses to Stress: Gender Difference[C] Stress Analysis: What Chemicals Say[D] Gender Inequality: Women Under Stress通过阅读该题题干发现反复出现的表达是women,所以整篇文章可以预判出来的与女性有关,预判答案选择D. 当然还有其他题型的答题技巧,有机会再跟大家分享。第三步巩固基础,以不变应万变。技巧再好用,但是要想在阅读中拿到理想的成绩,还是要巩固基础,这样即使面对考题的变化也能够应对自如。总之,阅读是我们必须重视起来的题型,一定要认真对待。
一、按照英语一阅读命题取材范围社会科学是考研英语一阅读的主要和重点选材,尤其是政治经济类,一般至少二篇;自然科学一直保持在1篇文章左右的分量,人文科学的重要性则有上升的趋势。2019年阅读部分涉及到了2篇经济政策类(银行管理政策、消费税sales tax policy)、科技(AI智能)、教育(GPA学分);2020年阅读部分:英国工党议员Cooper提议文化城市;出版商与科学著作之间利益关系;男女平等问题;数字服务税;2020考研英语一命题总结:二篇社论,二篇观点,《卫报》独占二篇;四篇文章政经济类二篇,法律类二篇,反映了考研英语一命题组仍然以经济发展,介绍西方人文科技为主。按照命题取材范围选择阅读材料针对性较强,对预测命题内容帮助比较大,但需要考生有着广泛阅读的兴趣和习惯;长期紧跟时代步伐、了解全球的重大事件、信息和资讯的学习态度。二、按照英语一阅读命题写作风格还有一种方法就是根据写作风格来确定专栏作家,因为考研英语一命题组一般选择具有一定英语语言文学特点文章,文章必须具备一定曲折性和文学性,说白了就是内容必须有“坑”,无论是在英语语法结构还是语义理解上,这样才能出有陷阱的题型,考研英语一阅读考题从来都是总体难度的重要组成部分,考试审题千万不可大意,现在好一些了,2010年以前,很多阅读能力较强考生也能被题目内容“雷”倒,尤其是最后一道主观题,似乎跟内容理解没有直接关系,变成MBA案例分析了。三、写作风格阅读命题内容取材方法下面以The guardian为例,参考近五年考研英语一文章作者,寻找相关专栏作家columnist,如果这位作家文章不止一次出现,后面大家都知道该怎么做了-----;ok,首先打开网址,显示如下:最上面search栏目在上面搜索栏目输入columnist and leader writer,leader指主要;然后会出现这些专栏作家及主要作品的图片影像资料,比较凌乱;再往下会出现文字内容,看左边opinion,简单明了,就这么多!opinion栏目columnist and leader writer上面opinion显示columnist and leader writer名单,不需要全部专栏作家文章,查询这些专栏作家负责领域,最好查一下相关背景资料,尤其是大学本科专业,文史类、政治经济类为佳,原因很简单,写作风格符合英语一命题要求呗!后面有专栏作家写作领域英国columnist and leader writer分为三类:普通专栏作家(包括业余、特约专栏作家);主要leader专栏作家;还有就是chief leader 主任专栏作家或者专栏作家组长。Sonia Sodha is chief leader writer at the Observer and a Guardian/Observer columnist上面这位就是一位大牛,属于chief leader级别,牛津大学MA degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics and an MPhil in politics. 除了写作之外,还担任opinion栏目的副总编辑工作,下面是她很影响力的一篇教育类《观点》栏目专栏文章:虽然是一家之言,但看过文章就知道国内趋之若鹜的英国高考A-Level究竟是怎么回事,对于国内现在通过A-Level实现英国留学现状也是一种警示;考研英语阅读命题要求之一就是阅读内容与学以致用息息相关,学习一门语言终究是为了博闻强识,尤其是在信息错综复杂情况下有缜密的分析能力,明智的判断能力!A-Level(General Certificate of Ecation Advanced Level ),英国高中课程,是英国全民课程体系,是英国普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程,也是英国学生的大学入学考试课程。A-Level课程证书被几乎所有英语授课的大学作为招收新生的入学标准。
2021考研英语大纲于9月10号新鲜出炉。英语部分基本没有变化。同学们按部就班地复习就好,下面文都考研小编和大家一起分享下考研英语阅读的备考方法:在强化阶段,学生不能像基础阶段一样,还停留在慢慢积累的过程中,应从近几年的真题入手,把握出题人的出题规律和出题特点,才能拿到高分。首先,做考研阅读的步骤有三步英语划关键词(关键词包括题干的关键词和选项的关键词)题干中的n. =定位,v. =方向选项主要划n.要把握住题干的所有关键词,因为出题人的设问很严谨,他会尽量缩小题目的范围定位定位包括两个方面:模糊定位和精准定位模糊定位是定位到段(把握顺序选择),精准定位是定位到句同义替换注意有一种正确选项是正话反说以及反话正说以下是常见的阅读题的题型,按照频度依次如下:细节题有句话说细节决定成败,在考研阅读中是细节题决定成败做细节题要注意题干问你什么答什么,避免答非所问。注意正确答案一定会发生替换。注意与原文一模一样的选项。推理题英语一的推理题要比英语二的推理题总体上要难,但是注意转折处,把握段落的中心句。实在不会做可以用排除法,利用“主题为王”排除态度题遇到态度题先把不能选的选项排除,然后我们能选的态度就有三类:正面,负面,客观一定要看清楚题干问的是谁对什么的态度。回到原文找到某人带走感情色彩的词来判断;注意转折处;根据举的例子来判断例证题同学们首先要明白的是离子的作用主要就是证明相应的观点。中心做法是找到例子,然后在例子的前一句找观点即可。词汇题词汇题的中心做法就是依据逻辑关系。还有一些直接明了的方法,长词可以依托于词源结构,短词可以还原。主题题主题题要注意的是不选细节处。做题方法总共有三种根据题干的信息;根据首段首句/二句(转折);根据每段首句。