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Section III TranslationDirections:Translate the following text into Chinese. Write your translation neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points)It's almost impossible to go through life without experiencing some kind of failure. People who do so probably live so cautiously that they go nowhere. Put simply, they're not really living at all. But, the wonderful thing about failure is that it's entirely up to us to decide how to look at it.We can choose to see failure as“the end of the world," or as proof of just how inadequate we are. Or, we can look at failure as the incredible 1earning experience that it often is. Every time we fail at something. we can choose to 1ook for the lesson we re meant to learn. These lessons are very important, they're how we grow, and how we keep from making that same mistake again.Failures stop us only if we let them.Failure can also teach us things about ourselves that we would never have 1earned otherwise. For instance, failure can help you discover how strong a person you are. Failing at something can help you discover your truest friends, or help you find unexpected motivation to succeed .[参考译文]人的一生总要经历一些失败。有些人生活极其小心翼翼(谨慎)以至于他们那儿也没过。简言之,他们根本没生活过。但是,失败的美妙之处在于,这完全取决于我们看待方式。我们可以选择视失败为“世界末日”,或仅是我们能力不足的证明,亦或可以将其看学习经验,尽管有点让人难以置信。每次的失败,我们都能选择把它看作本要掌握的经验。这些经验十分重要,它们关乎我们如何成长以及如何避免再次犯错。只有我们允许失败阻拦我们时,它才会阻止我们前行。失败也让我们更加了解自己,而这些是我们之前从未意识到的。例如,失败让我们自己是多么强大,失败也能帮你发现真正的朋友,或者帮你发现通往成功的出乎意料的动力。真题出来了,答案对完了,心情还好吗?考研英语还是有难度的,加上考研人数年年增加,今年已经突破400万,后面的形势会越来越严峻。21考研的小伙伴要好好准备,尤其英语,每年放倒多少英雄好汉(捂脸哭)。不过还是相信人艰不拆,上岸书单送给大家:单词书《考研词汇闪过》,按照考频划重点,频考词、基础词、偶考词、超纲词,一目了然,清晰好记。真题书:英一《考研真相》,英二《考研圣经》,逐词逐句图解文章超详细,不用再翻工具书,英语渣的神助攻。作文书:英一《写作160篇》,英二《写作宝中宝》,高分词汇,基础句型,经典模板应有尽有,好背又好用。关注微信公众号“巨微考研英语”,获取更多备考资料!



2020考研英语二真题及答案【完形篇】完形填空真题及答案Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A,B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET (10 points)Being a good parent is, of course, what every parent would like to be. But defining what it means to be a good parent is undoubtedly very 1。particularly since children respond differently to the same style of parenting. A calm, rule-following child might respond better to a different sort of parenting than2. a younger sibling.3.There's another sort of parent that s a bit easier to 4 a patient parent. Children of everyage benefit from patient parenting. Still,5 every parent would like to be patient, this is no easy 6.Sometimes parents get exhausted and frustrated and are unable to maintain a 7 and composed style with their kids. I understand this.You're only human, and sometimes your kids can8 you just a little too far. And then the 9happens: You lose your patience and either scream at your kids or say something that was a bit to 10 and does nobody any good. You wish that you could 11 the clock and start over,We've all there:12.even though it's common, it's important to keep in mind that in a single moment of fatigue. you can say something to your child that you may 13 for a 1ong time. This may not only do damage to your relationship with. your child but also 14 your child's self-esteem.If you consistently 1ose your 15with your kids. then you are inadvertently modeling a lack ofemotional control for your kids. We are all becoming increasingly aware of the16 of modeling tolerance and patience for the younger generation This is a skill that will help them all throughout life. In fact, the ability to emotionally regulate or maintain emotional control when 17 by stress is one of the most important of a11 life's skills.Certainly, it's incredibly18 to maintain patience at all times with your children. A morepractical goal is to try, to the best of your ability, to be as tolerant and composed as you can when faced with 19situations involving your children. I can promise you this: As a result of working toward this goal. you and your children will benefit and 20 from stressful moments feeling better physically and emotionally.答案1. tricky2. for example3. fortunately4. describe5. while6. task7. tolerant8. push9. inevitable10.harsh11. turn back12.however13.regret14.affect15. cool16. importance17. confronted18. hard19. changing20.emerge好了,关于完形填空的真题和答案就整理到这里,不管结果好与坏,这场考试已经结束了,2021考研被提上日程,2021考研的小伙伴,可以参考近几年的考试真题,来制定来年自己的复习计划。考研的话,一般是大三第二学期开始正式复习,大半年时间够用,并不是越早越好,太早的话容易懈怠和疲劳,你现在年前可以先准备前期的复习了,比如英语单词,考数学的话,比如做书上的基础题,了解更多考研的常识,搜集复习资料,年后准备就绪,进入状态。如果基础不是很好,你就用英语一《考研真相》/英语二《考研圣经》做真题吧,一句一句注释词汇、一句一句分析语法,重点词汇和每个句子都有详细讲解,不怕你看不懂。真题资料就选它!



导语:2019年英语一、二考研作文真题和完整版答案,赶快来对答案喽!2019考研英语(一)图画作文是让考生写出坚持的重要性,题目描述的是两个人在爬山,一个人太累想停下来,另外一个人给他递了一瓶水,告诉他要坚持下去。针对本题,文都考研教学研究院提供2019考研英语(一)真题答案大作文参考范文一篇如下:【题目】52. Directions:Write an essay of 160-180 words based on the following picture.In your essay, you should1) describe the picture briefly.2) interpret its intended meaning, and3) give your comments.【参考范文】The cartoon provides us with a thought-provoking scene: two men are climbing a hill, but one of them desires to give up e to tiredness, while the other one encourages him to keep going.Undoubtedly, the cartoonist aims at reminding us of the significance of persistence. At the top of the list, we should attach importance to perseverance mainly e to that it can enable us to ameliorate ourselves so we can be qualified for future career promotion, and be ready for meeting the forthcoming challenges.What’s more, we ought to place a high value on the role played by persistence in personal growth. Put it another way, in this ever-changing world, perseverance is to personal growth what water is to fish. To sum up, if persistence misses our attention in any possible way, we will suffer a great loss beyond imagination.Hence, it is vital for us to derive positive implications from the above cartoon. For one thing, we should frequently use it to enlighten the young. For another, we should cultivate the awareness of teenagers that it is very vital to keep going toward our goals. Only by doing so, can we become winner in the face of difficulties.【参考范文译文】这个漫画给我们呈现了一个发人深思的情景:两人正在爬山,但是其中一个人因为疲劳想要放弃,而另一个人鼓励他继续下去。毫无疑问,图画的作者旨在提醒我们坚持重要性。首先,我们应该重视坚持,主要是因为坚持可以让我们完善自身,这样我们未来才有资格得到职业生涯的进步,才能做好准备迎接以后的挑战。另外,我们也应该重视坚持在个人成长方面的作用。在这个多变的时代,坚持对于个人成长就像水对于鱼一样重要。 换言之,如果我们以任何可能的形式忽视坚持,我们将遭受非常巨大的损失。因此,从以上图画中得出积极的含义非常重要。一方面,我们应该经常用它来启迪年轻人。另外一方面,我们应该培养青少年重视坚持的意识。只有这样,我们才能成为困难面前的赢家。各位考研学子,明天继续加油,祝考出好成绩!考研必胜!



今天2020考研英语二考试已经结束了,小编正在发布2020考研英语二真题及答案,现在已经整理出2020考研英语二真题及答案:阅读理解第一篇和第二篇、以及翻译部分,并公布出来,希望有助于大家。2020考研英语二真题及答案:完型答案1.tricky2.for example3.fortunately4.descirbe5.while6.task7.tolerant8.push9.inevitable10.harsh11.turn back12.however13.regret14.affect15.bond16.important17.confronted18.hard19.changing20.escape2020考研英语二真题及答案:阅读理解第一篇21.Copper and her colleague argue that a "town of culture" award would ___.A. consolidate the town city ties in BritainB. promote cooperation among Brain's townsC. increase the economic strength of Brain's townsD. focus Brain's limited resources on cultural events.22.According to paragraph 2, the proposal might be regarded by some as ______..A.a sensible compromiseB.a self-deceiving attemptC.an eye-catching bonusD.an inaccessible target23. The author suggests that a title holder is successful only if it ______A. endeavor to maintain its imageB. meets the aspiration of its peopleC. brings its local arts to prominenceD. commits to its long-term growth24. “Glasgow” is mentioned in Paragraph 3 to present ______A. a contrasting caseB. a supporting exampleC. a background storyD. a related topic25. What is the author's attitude towards the proposal?A. Skeptical B. Objective C. Favorable D. Critical2020考研英语二真题及答案:阅读第二篇26. which of the following has contributed to CEO pay rise?A. The growth in the number of cooperationsB. The general pay rise with a better economyC. Increased business opportunities for top firmsD. Close cooperation among leading economics27.Compared with their predecessors, today's CEOs are required to ___.A. foster a stronger sense of teamworkB. finance more reaserach and developmentC.establish closer ties with tech companiesD.operate more globalized companies28. CEO pay has been rising since the 1970s despite ____.A.continual internal oppositionB. strict corporate governanceC.conservative business strategiesD.repeated governance warnings29.High CEO pay can be justified by the fact that it helps ___.A.confirm the status of CEOsB.motive inside candidatesC.boost the efficiency of CEOsD.increase corporate value30.The most suitable title for this text would be ___.A.CEOs Are Not OverpaidB. CEO Pay : Past and PresentC.CEOs' Challenges of TodayD.CEO Traits: Not Easy to Define2020考研英语二真题及答案:翻译部分





