这一篇小文,小编就给大家解析一下2000年~2004年考研英语的五篇作文,帮助大家更好地把握考研英语的写作思路和选题走向。#考研英语#2000年真题作文部分2000年这一年考察的是图画作文。自图画作文登场,考研英语作文从形式上看的几大类型文章基本都出现了。这一年的作文给出了两张图片,图片下面有一句话,指明了方向。作文的字数要求是不少于150词。除此以外,题目中还给出了文章的内容提纲。文章的话题是:“过度捕捞”;标题自拟;主题词是“over-fishing”。文章结构大体可以分为三段:其一是“描述图画”,阐明两幅图的不同即变化,其二是“总结图画所反映的现象”,其三是“给出合理的解决建议”。作文分值15分。So it is high time we took effective measures to solve this problem.所以,我们是时候采取一些有效的措施去解决这一问题了。2001年真题作文部分2001年这一年考察的也是图画作文。有的老师也称之为“漫画作文”,其实都是可以的。这篇文章从题干来看,和之前的漫画作文有了很大的变化,这些变化体现为:其一,作文的分值从15分变成了20分;其二,在题干的开头给出了一段描述,显然是在提示文章的主题;其三,字数要求由原来的的150词变成了200词。当然,文章给出了写作的思路:第一段是对漫画的描述,解释考生对漫画后文章象征意义的了解;第二段是给出一个具体的例子,来论证观点;第三段是给出相关的献爱心的建议。文章的话题是“爱心”;主题词是“love”。There is probably no other feeling that is nobler than love. Everybody not only needs love ,but also should give others love.大概没有一种感觉比爱更高贵了。每个人都不仅需要爱,更应该把爱传递给别人。2002年真题作文部分2002年这一年考察的是图画作文。但是和以前不同,不是漫画,而是一张穿着中国传统服装的美国女孩的照片。从题干来看,和去年漫画作文的要求是一致的。首先是给出了一段描述,但是这里的描述意义不大;其次是交代考生文章的内容要求;接下来是作文的字数要求和分值:作文的分值为20分,字数要求为200词。这篇文章可以分成三部分来写:第一段是对照片的描述,这题相对简单,因为题干和照片下方已经给出了相应的语料;第二段是解释图片背后的含义,要注意,服装只是表现,其“里”指的应该是“文化”的内容;第三段是给出考生自己的观点、评论或者是建议,当然指的应该是文化输出的建议,因为这毕竟是一个美国女孩。文章的话题是“文化交流”;主题词是“cultural exchange”;分值是20分。All in all,cultural exchange is an effective way to achieve efficient cross-cultural communication and promote world peace and prosperity.总之,文化交流是一种有效的实现跨文化交流和促进世界和平和繁荣的方式。2003年真题作文部分2003年这一年考察的是漫画作文。题干可以说是越来越精简,可以说题干中有效的信息就是思路和词数、分值的说明。字数要求是200词左右;分值是20分;文章的话题可以理解为“儿童教育”,也可以理解为“挫折的重要性”;主题词是“hardship/difficulties”。行文的结构应该是三段:第一段是对图表的内容进行简单描述,重点揭示前后的变化;第二段是揭示漫画在现实中的含义,也可以写一写“温室”对于“花朵”究竟会有怎样的危害;第三段是给出看法和建议,或者是呼吁也可。Thus,it is high time that parents,ecatiors and the government made joint efforts put an end to this situation.因此,家长、教育者、政府是时候共同努力来结束这样的情况了。2004年真题作文部分2004年这一年考察的是漫画作文。题干中的有效信息是思路,其余和去年没有任何变化。字数要求是200词左右;分值是20分;文章的话题是“终点和起点”;主题词是“final spur and starting point”。文章的写作思路是:第一段对漫画的内容进行描述,第二段指出这图画含义的社会现状,第三段提出支撑自己观点的例子,比如大学生毕业,既是一个阶段的结束,有时一个新阶段的开始。Only when we are well-prepared for it can we meet the challenge in the future.我们只有做好准备才能迎接未来的挑战。考研英语是很难的好了,这就是2000年~2004年考研英语作文的全部解析,很是很走心的喽,如果帮助到了你,感谢点赞关注哈~(真题图书推荐陈正康老师的《真题超精读》,很详细,也很走心~不过要注意自己考得究竟是一还是二,千万不要买错了喽)政治:“对国家出路的早期探索”专题易错考点考研英语:1994~1999年真题作文全解析
考研英语一真题及答案【完型填空】Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Even if families don't sit down to eat together as frequently as before, millions of Britons will nonetheless have got a share this weekend of one of that nation's great traditions: the Sunday roast.1 a cold winter's day, few culinary pleasures can 2 it. Yet as we report now. The food police are determined our health. That this 3 should be rendered yet another quilty pleasure 4 to damage our health.The Food Standards Authority (FSA) has5 a public worming about the risks of a compound called acrylamide that forms in some foods cooked 6 high temperatures. This means that people should 7 crisping their roast potatoes, reject thin -crust pizzas and only 8 toast their bread. But where is the evidence to support such adarmlist advice? 9 studies have shown that acrylamide can cause neurological damage in mice, there is no 10 evidence that it causes cancer in humans.Scientists say the compound is11 to cause cancer but have no hard scientific proof 12 the precautionary principle it could be argued that it is 13 to follow the FSA advice. 14 it was rumourded that smoking caused cancer for years before the evidence was found to prove a 15 Doubtless a piece of boiled feef can always be16 up on Sunday alongside some steamed vegetables, without the York shire pudding and no wine. But would life be worth living? 17 ,the FSA says it is not telling people to cut out roast foods 18 , but rece their lifetime intake.However its 19 risks coming a cross as being pushy and overprotective. Constant health scares just 20 with no one listening.1. [A]In [B]Towards [C]on [D]Till2. [A ]match [B]express [C]satisfy [D]influence3.[A]patience [B]enjoyment [C]surprise [D]concem4.[A]intensified [B]privileged [C] compelled [D]guaranteed5. [A]issued [B]received [C]ignored [D]cancelled6. [A] under [B]at [C]for [D]by7. [A]forget [B]regret [C]finish [D] avoid8. [A]partially [B]regularly [C] easily [D]initially9. [A]Unless [B]Since [C]If [D]While10.[A] secondary [B]extermal [C] conclusive [D] negative11.[A]insufficient [B]bound [C]likely [D]slow12.[A]On the basis of [B]At the cost of [C] In addition to [D]In contrast to13.[A]interesting [B]advisable [C]urgent [D]fortunate14.[A]As usual [B]In particular [C]By definition [D]After all15.[A]resemblance [B]combination [C] connection [D]pattern16.[A]made [B]served [C]saved [D]used17.[A]To be fair [B]For instance [C]To be brief [D]In general18.[A]reluctantly [B]entirely [C] graally [D] carefully19.[A] promise [B] experience [C]campaign [D] competition20.[A]follow up [B]pick up [C] open up [D]end up答案(1-20)1. on2. match3. enjoyment4. intensified5. issued6. at7. avoid8. easily9. while10. conclusive11. bound12. on the basis of13. advisable14. after all15. connection16. served17. to be fair18. entirely19. campaign20. end up关于2020考研英语一完型填空的真题及答案就分享到这里啦。回过头来看,考研是一场孤独的战斗,可能这一年都是自己一个去图书馆,一个人去食堂,一个人回宿舍……虽然过程很辛苦,但你全心全意为自己拼的样子真的很棒,不负梦想,不负自己,加油!现在2021考研的小伙伴也开始准备了,作为考研过来人,学姐给你分享一些考研英语专用书单。单词书:闪过英语《考研词汇闪过》,里面单词很全,还有重点,按考频划分了频考词、基础词、偶考词和超纲词,你可以根据自己的情况记,先背频考词,再背基础词和其它词,记起来很省时间。真题书:英一真题推荐《考研真相》,英二真题推荐《考研圣经》,里面真题都是逐句图示分析,重点单词和句子语法都有分析,很适合英语基础弱的考研er用,完全不用担心看不懂真题~~作文书:英语一《写作160篇》英语二《写作宝中宝》,你要是英语底子比较弱,不会写作文的话,真的建议你用这个。从常用的词汇、句型、模板都给你总结了,不会写那就直接背!再用思路定律和句式方法,让你从会写作文到会写高分作文。
本文是2013年考研英语试卷阅读理解Part A的Text 2部分。本文主要讲述了网络隐私问题,就“在线行为广告”引发的争议展开论述,随后追溯了争议的相关解决方案。An old saying has it that half of all advertising budgets are wasted-the trouble is, no one knows which half.老话说的好,广告费的一半是浪费了的——问题是,没人知道哪一半浪费掉的。In the internet age, at least in theory, this fraction can be much reced.在互联网时代,至少在理论上,这一浪费的部分能够减少。By watching what people search for, click on and say online, companies can aim “behavioural” ads at those most likely to buy.通过观察人们搜索什么,点击什么,在网络上说什么,公司能够瞄准那些更容易购买的客户投放“行为”广告。26. It is suggested in paragraph 1 that “behavioural” ads help advertisers to:第一段表明,“行为”广告帮助广告商:[A] ease competition among themselves缓和他们之间的竞争[B] lower their operational costs降低运营成本[C] avoid complaints from consumers避免消费者的抱怨[D] provide better online services提供更好的网络服务答案:B。解析:第一句就指出了,广告费花费了有一半被浪费掉了。后面指出互联网时代广告费用大幅减少,因为公司(广告商)能够将“行为”广告投放给最有可能购买的人群。由此可知,“行为广告”能帮助广告商“降低运营成本”这句话最符合题意。In the past couple of weeks a quarrel has illustrated the value to advertisers of such fine-grained information: Should advertisers assume that people are happy to be tracked and sent behavioural ads? Or should they have explicit permission?在过去几周,一场争论表明这些精准信息对于广告商的价值:广告商应该假定用户乐于被追踪并且收到这些广告吗?或者应该获得用户明确的准许?In December 2010 America's Federal Trade Cornmission (FTC) proposed adding a "do not track "(DNT) option to internet browsers ,so that users could tell advertisers that they did not want to be followed .在2010年12月,美国联邦贸易委员会建议提出一个“禁止追踪”的选项加入到网络浏览器中,以便用户能告诉广告商他们不想被“追踪”。Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Apple's Safari both offer DNT ;Google's Chrome is e to do so this year. In February the FTC and Digltal Advertising Alliance (DAA) agreed that the instry would get cracking on responding to DNT requests.微软的IE浏览器和苹果的Safari浏览器提供了“禁止追踪”选项;谷歌的Chrome浏览器在今年准备提供这样的功能。2月,联邦贸易委员会和数字广告联盟同意该行业尽快对“禁止追踪”这一请求作出回应。27. “The instry” (Line 6, Para.3) refers to:“该行业”指的是:[A] online advertisers在线广告商[B] e-commerce conctors电子商务运营[C] digital information analysis数字信息分析者[D] internet browser developers网络浏览器开发商答案:D。解析:FTC和DAA一致认为the instry会对DNT要求迅速做出回应。前面又指出FTC提议在浏览器上添加DNT选项,可见这个提议的动作执行者在浏览器开发商。可见FTC和DAA提议的the instry就是浏览器开发商。On May 31st Microsoft set off the row: It said that Internet Explorer 10, the version e to appear windows 8, would have DNT as a default.微软在五月31日率先发起讨论,它表明随windows8一起发布的IE 10,将把“禁止追踪”选项设为默认状态。Advertisers are horrified .广告商慌神了。Human nature being what it is,most people stick with default settings.人性本质上是,大多数人还是坚持默认设置的。Few switch DNT on now,but if tracking is off it will stay off.很少人会打开DNT选项,但是如果“追踪”是关闭的那么它就一直关闭了。Bob Liodice,the chief executive of the Association of National Advertisers,says consumers will be worse off if the instry cannot collect information about their preferences.国家广告协会会长Bob Liodice 表示,如果这个行业不能收集消费者们的偏好信息,消费者的情况将会更糟。People will not get fewer ads,he says.“They’ll get less meaningful,less targeted ads.人们看到的广告不会更少,他们会得到更多的“无意义的”、更不精确的目标广告。28. Bob Liodice holds that setting DNT as a defaultBob Liodice坚称设置“禁止追踪”为默认选项[A] may cut the number of junk ads可能减少垃圾广告[B] fails to affect the ad instry对这个行业没有影响[C] will not benefit consumers对消费者不利[D] goes against human nature违反人性答案:C。解析:Bob Liodice指出了消费者的情况会更糟糕,收到的广告不会变少,反而会出现更多无意义的广告。所以C正确。It is not yet clear how advertisers will respond.还不清楚广告商怎么回应。Getting a DNT signal does not oblige anyone to stop tracking, although some companies have promised to do so.收到“DNT”信号并不能迫使企业去停止追踪,尽管一些企业承诺会这么做。Unable to tell whether someone really objects to behavioural ads or whether they are sticking with Microsoft’s default, some may ignore a DNT signal and press on anyway.由于不能分辨出用户是拒绝“行为”广告还是他们只是坚持微软的默认选项,一些企业可能忽略“禁止追踪”的信号并且继续追踪。29. which of the following is true according to Paragraph.6?根据第六段,下面哪一个是正确的?[A] DNT may not serve its intended purpose“禁止追踪”可能不能取得预期目标[B] Advertisers are willing to implement DNT广告商更希望执行“禁止追踪”选项[C] DNT is losing its popularity among consumers“禁止追踪”在消费者之中并不流行[D] Advertisers are obliged to offer behavioural ads广告商有责任提供“行为”广告答案:A。解析:公司收到DNT信号并不意味着一定要求停止追踪,而且由于他们不清楚消费者心理,可能也会对DNT默认信号加以忽略。由此,DNT并不能达到限制公司获取用户在线行为信息的目的。所以A合适。Also unclear is why Microsoft has gone it alone.并且也不清楚为什么微软一意孤行的发起行动。After all, it has an ad business too, which it says will comply with DNT requests, though it is still working out how.毕竟,它也有商业广告业务。据称这些业务也遵守“禁止追踪”选项设定。不过还在具体怎样实施还在研究当中。If it is trying to upset Google, which relies almost wholly on advertising,it has chosen an indirect method: there is no guarantee that DNT by default will become the norm.如果它是想让谷歌不高兴,谷歌的业务几乎全靠广告支持。它选择了一个不太直接的方式,没有保证说能将“‘禁止追踪’设为默认状态”成为行业规范。DNT does not seem an obviously huge selling point for windows 8-though the firm has compared some of its other procts favorably with Google's on that count before.“禁止追踪”看起来也不能成为Windows 8的巨大卖点,尽管此前这个公司将旗下一些产品与谷歌的进行了有利对比。Brendon Lynch, Microsoft's chief privacy officer, blogged:" we believe consumers should have more control." Could it really be that simple?Brendon Lynch,微软首席隐私官,在博客中写道:我们相信消费者将有更多的控制权。真的那么简单吗?30. The author's attitude towards what Brendon Lynch said in his blog is one of:作者对Brendon Lynch在博客中所说的态度是:[A] inlgence纵容[B] understanding理解[C] appreciation欣赏[D] skepticism怀疑答案:D。解析:Brendon Lynch说消费者应该拥有更多控制权,但是作者后面又反问:真的那么简单吗?可见,作者对Brendon Lynch的观点是怀疑的。
Instrial safety does not just happen.Company (with) low accident rates plan their safety programs,work hard to organize them,and continue working to keep them (alive) and active.When the work is well done ,a (climate) of accident- free operations is established (where) time lost e to injures is kept at a minimum.Successful safety programs may (differ) greatly in the amphasis on certain aspects of the program .Some place great emphasis on mechanical guarding .Others stress safe work practices by (observing) rules or regulations .(Still) others depends on an emotional appeal to the worker.But,there are certain ideas that must be used in every program if maximum results are to be obtained .There can be no question about the value of a safety program .From a financial standpoint alone ,safety (pays off) .The fewer the injury (claims) ,the better the workman’s insurance rate .This may mean the difference between operating at a (profit )or at a loss.这是1999年考研英语一的完型填空题,括号标出的是答案。如果把答案放到文章里,那么这篇文章的意思还是比较浅显的。但是,工作时间已久,当初本来不好的英语底子消失殆尽,即使是这么一篇简单的完形填空题,鄙人仍是错误百出。鉴于水平有限,该题的翻译我就不写了。再有四个多月,就要面临2020年考研了,我知道自己考上的几率不高,但是,每天还是会坚持学习。不为别的,大好的时光,大好的年华,不能整天过混吃等死的日子。人总得有点儿盼头儿。图示是选项,如下:
2007年首都师范大学824英语专业知识(英语语言学、英美文学、英美概况等)考研真题及详解英美文学部分(50分)Ⅰ. Give a brief explanation to each of the following literary terms. (15 points)1. Free verse【答案】Free verse is a term describing various styles of poetry that are written without using a strict rhyme scheme, but still recognizable as poetry by virtue of complex patterns of one sort or another that readers will perceive to be part of a coherent whole. Walt Whitman is a representative who employed free verse successfully.查看答案2. Plot【答案】In literature, a plot is all the events in a story particularly rendered towards the achievement of some particular artistic or emotional effect. In other words, it’s what mostly happened in the story or novel or what the story’s general theme is based on, such as the mood, characters, setting, and conflicts occurring in a story.查看答案3. Tragedy【答案】A tragedy is a story that presents courageous indivials who confront powerful forces within or outside themselves with a dignity that reveals the breadth and depth of the human spirit in the face of failure, defeat, and even death. Tragedies recount an indivial’s downfall; they usually begin high and end low. Shakespeare is known for his tragedies, including Macbeth, King Lear, Othello, and Hamlet.查看答案4. “Stream of Consciousness” novel【答案】A “stream of consciousness” novel attempts to depict the flow of inner experience of the characters. Those novels break through the bounds of time and space, and mingle the thoughts, feelings, and sense impressions of characters at a specific time. Famous “stream of consciousness” novelists include James Joyce, Virginia Woolf and William Faulkner.查看答案5. Imagism【答案】Imagism is a poetic movement that flourished in the U.S. and Britain between 1909 and 1917. The movement was led by the American poets Ezra Pound and, later, Amy Lowell. The imagist poets placed stressed precision in the choice of words, freedom in the choice of subject matter and form and the use of colloquial language. Notable collections of imagist poetry are Des Imagistes: An Anthology, compiled by Pound, and the three anthologies compiled by Amy Lowell, all under the title Some Imagist Poets.查看答案Ⅱ. Choose the right answer to complete each of the statement below. (10 points)1. The King James Bible _____.A. was written by King James ⅠB. was directed by James ⅠC. was translated under the order of James ⅠD. was translated by King James Ⅰ【答案】C查看答案【解析】《钦定本圣经》是在詹姆士一世的命令下翻译的,对英语文学产生了重要的影响,还被认为是现代英语的基石。2. In his novel, Robinson Crusoe, Defoe eulogizes the hero of the _____.A. aristocratic classB. enterprising landlordsC. rising bourgeoisieD. hard-working people【解析】在《鲁宾逊漂流记》中,笛福把鲁宾逊颂扬为一个新兴资产阶级的英雄。3. Best known for his masterpiece The Faerie Queene, _____ is regarded as the “poet’s poet”.A. John DonneB. William ShakespeareC. Edmund SpenserD. Philip Sidney【解析】《仙后》的作者斯宾塞被誉为“诗人中的诗人”以及“诗人之王”。4. Which of the following is not written by John Milton?A. LycidasB. Paradise LostC. AreopagiticaD. The New Atlantis【答案】D查看答案【解析】The New Atlantis(《新亚特兰蒂斯》或《新大西岛》)的作者是Francis Bacon(弗朗西斯·培根),其余选项都是弥尔顿的作品。5. Tess of the D’Urbervilles is a novel written by _____.A. Thomas HardyB. Charles DickensC. D.H. LawrenceD. George Eliot【答案】A查看答案【解析】《德伯家的苔丝》作者是托马斯·哈代。6. Which of the following novels is a good illustration of the “Roaring 20s” and hence serves as a “cultural-history allegory” for the America?A. Farewell to ArmsB. The Great GatsbyC. A Lost LadyD. The Portrait of a Young Lady【答案】B查看答案【解析】《了不起的盖茨比》既反映了20世纪20年代美国的精神面貌,也是关于美国的一种文化——历史性的寓言。7. Among the following writers, _____ is best known for his sensitive depiction of the American small-town life.复习笔记Ⅰ. Historical Background(历史背景)(1) The earliest settlers of the British Isles were the Celts, who migrated to the British Isles about 600 B.C.不列颠群岛最早的定居者是凯尔特人,他们大约在公元前600年移民到不列颠群岛。(2) From 55 B.C. to 407 A.D. the British Isles were under the rule of the Roman Empire.从公元前55年到公元407年,不列颠群岛处于罗马帝国的统治之下。(3) About 450 A.D., waves of the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes invaded the British Isles. They settled in England, and drove the Celts into Wales, Scotland, and Ireland.公元450年左右,盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人占领了不列颠群岛。他们在英格兰定居,将凯尔特人驱逐到威尔士、苏格兰和爱尔兰。(4) It was around 500 A.D., in the struggle against Cerdic, the founder of the kingdom of Wessex, that the Celtic King Arthur, a legendary figure, is said to have acquired his fame.大约在公元500年,在与威塞克斯王国创始人塞迪奇的斗争中,传说中的凯尔特王亚瑟获得了他的名声。(5) Beginning from the later part of the 8th century, the Danes, or the Vikings, came to invade England, at first, along the eastern coast, but later they threatened to overrun the whole country.在8世纪50年代初期,丹麦人又叫北欧海盗开始入侵英格兰,开始是东海岸,进而威胁到整个国家的统治。(6) In the second half of the 9th century King Alfred, the Great of Wessex (849~899) led the Anglo-Saxon kings to defeat the invaders by uniting their forces.在9世纪后半期,阿尔弗雷德国王,威塞克斯的统治者领导盎格鲁-撒克逊的国王们团结一致打败了入侵者。(7) In the early 11th century all England was conquered by the Danes for 23 years. Then the Danes were expelled, but in l066 the Normans came from Normandy in northern France to attack England under the leadership of the Duke of Normandy who claimed the English throne.在11世纪早期,整个英格兰已经被丹麦统治23年了。后来丹麦人被驱逐出境,但是1066年,罗马人从法国北部的诺曼底登陆,在诺曼底公爵的领导下袭击英格兰,宣布他对英国的统治。Ⅱ. Northumbrian School and Wessex literature(诺森伯兰流派和西萨克斯文学)There were two highlights in the development of the Anglo-Saxon literature.盎格鲁-撒克逊文学发展史上有两个制高点:(1) The first was the Northumbrian School. Its center was the monasteries and abbeys in the kingdom of Northumbria. Related with this school was Caedmon who lived in the 7th century and who turned the stories in the Bible into verse form.Another well-known figure of the Northumbrian School was the Venerable Bede (673~735), a monk who wrote in Latin and whose work. The Ecclesiastical History of English People earned for him the title of “Father of English History”.第一个制高点是诺森伯兰流派。它的中心是诺森伯兰王国的寺庙和修道院。和这个学派密切相关的是生活在7世纪的凯德蒙,他将圣经中的故事转化成诗歌的形式。另外一位代表人物是可敬的圣彼得(673~735),一个用拉丁文写作的和尚,他凭借《英吉利教会史》一书,被誉为“英国历史之父”。(2) In 871 Alfred became king of Wessex. His contributions to English literature are threefold. First, a number of Latin books of ecative value were translated into West Saxon dialect. It is said that King Alfred himself translated the history by Bede. Secondly, Alfred was responsible for the launching of The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. It began with the story of Caesar’s conquest and annually recorded important events until 1154. It is an important history book as well as a piece of literary work. Alfred’s third contribution is that he created a style of Anglo-Saxon prose which was not obscure.871年,阿尔弗雷德成了威塞克斯之王,他对英国文学的贡献包括以下三个方面:①一些具有教育价值的拉丁文书籍被翻译成西撒克逊方言。据说阿尔弗雷德本人翻译了彼得写的史书;②他推动了《盎格鲁-撒克逊编年史》的撰写。史书包括从凯撒征战到1154年间发生的重要事件。这是一本重要的史书,同时也是杰出的文学著作;③他发明了一种易于理解的的文体——盎格鲁-撒克逊散文。Ⅲ. Anglo-Saxon poetry(盎格鲁-撒克逊诗歌)Some 30, 000 lines of Anglo-Saxon poetry have survived. There are a long epic poetry Beowulf, a number of religious poems and heroic poem, and some elegies. The earliest is Widsith and the last is Maldon, a poem about the battle of Maldon. The most famous Anglo-Saxon poem is Beowulf.被保存下来的盎格鲁-撒克逊诗句大约有30,000句。其中包括长篇史诗《贝奥武甫》、宗教诗、英雄诗和挽歌。最早的诗是《威德西兹》,最后一首诗歌是《马尔顿》,此诗关于马尔顿战役。最著名的盎格鲁-撒克逊诗歌是《贝奥武甫》。IV. Beowulf(《贝奥武甫》)(1) About the Poem(关于诗歌)It was probably written down in the 8th century through the manuscript of the poem preserved today dates back to the10th century and was written in the Wessex dialect. The poem contains altogether3, 183 lines and the story in it is based on partly historical and partly legendary materials, brought over by the Anglo-Saxons from their original homes.根据保存到现在的10世纪的手稿显示此书大约完成于公元8世纪,用威塞克斯方言写成。全诗一共3183行,诗歌部分来源于事实,部分来源于神话传说,是盎格鲁-撒克逊人从他们最原始的家园带来的。(2) Synopsis(故事梗概)The epic begins with a brief account of Danish kings down to Hrothgar who builds a splendid hall called Heorot. A monster named Grendel is enraged at the sound of merrymaking which nightly comes from the hall and disturbs his peace. He comes out of the lair at the bottom of the sea and goes to the hall each night and devours warriors. This has been going on for twelve years. Beowulf, nephew to King Hygelac of the Geats, hears of Grendel and sails with fourteen companions to lend help to Hrothgar. The Danish king receives and entertains the visitors and Beowulf boasts of his past exploits and declares his determination to conquer or die.Grendel comes at night and eats up one of Beowulf’s companions. Then a terrible combat follows and Beowulf finally wins by tearing one arm and a shoulder off the monster who flees mortally wounded. Hrothgar rewards the hero with rich gifts.史诗开始简要介绍了丹麦国王荷罗斯加,他建造了一座恢弘的宫殿希奥罗特。宫殿举行宴会的声音扰了一个叫哥伦多的怪兽的宁静。他每天都从海底的巢穴出来,去大殿吞噬士兵。这一现象持续了12年。贝奥武甫,耶阿特国王许基拉克的侄子听说了哥伦多的恶行后,带上十四名同伴坐船来帮助荷罗斯加。丹麦国王款待了他们,贝奥武甫说起自己曾经的功勋,并发誓非生即死。哥伦多深夜来袭,吃掉了贝奥武甫的一个同伴。一场激烈的斗争随之而来,贝奥武甫撕下了怪兽的一条手臂和连着的肩膀,怪兽身受重伤,贝奥武甫取得了胜利。荷罗斯加赏赐他丰厚的礼品。At night Grendel’s mother comes to avenge her son and carries off Hrothgar’s favourite aeschere. Beowulf is sent for and he sets out with his companions to seek for the sea-monster. He plunges into a pool and reaches a cave beneath the sea. There he fights with Grendel’s mother and eventually succeeds in killing her with a magic sword found hanging in the cave. He returns with the heads of two monsters and is welcomed and further rewarded by Hrothgar. Then he returns to the Geats. In the following year King Hygelac dies and his son succeeds as king but is soon killed in battle with the Swedes. Beowulf is chosen king and rules wisely and well for fifty years.晚上,哥伦多的母亲来为他的儿子复仇,他带走了荷罗斯加最心爱的参事。贝奥武甫奉命带领他的同伴去搜索海怪。他跳入一个池中,在海底发现一个洞穴。他在那儿和海怪展开战斗,并最终用挂在洞穴上的一把神奇的宝剑杀死了她。他带着两个怪兽的首级而归,又受到了重赏。后来他回到耶阿特。几年后许基拉克去世,他的儿子继承王位,但没多久就在与瑞典人的交战中牺牲。贝奥武甫当选为国王,持续在位五十年之久。Then a runaway slave robs part of a hoard of hidden treasure guarded by a dragon and the latter is enraged and ravages the land with fiery breath. Beowulf, now an aged king, resolves to fight the dragon himself. He goes there with twelve companions. The old king orders his men to wait outside while he himself goes down to the mound of treasure. There the aged king fights bravely against the dragon but the sword fails him and he is in danger. One of the companions, Wiglaf, rushes down to help and wounds the monster and then Beowulf kills it with a knife but is himself mortally wounded. He gives his last orders about his own funeral as he dies. Wiglaf sends a messenger to announce the king’s death and the people visit the scene of battle and carry away the treasure.They throw the dragon into the sea and build a funeral pyre to bum Beowulf’s body. The poem ends with the people lamenting Beowulf’s death and praising him as a great and good king.麻烦大家关注+点赞,谢谢!!本文由【才聪学习网】原创,关注我了解更多考试资料!#考研#