这一篇小文,小编就给大家解析一下1994~1999年考研英语的六篇作文,帮助大家更好地把握考研英语的写作思路和选题走向。#考研英语#1994年真题作文部分1994年这一年考察的是提纲作文。不仅给出了文章的题目、时间要求(40分钟)、字数要求(120~150词),还给出了首段(As a human being,one can hardly do without a friend.)和内容提纲,所以从这个角度来看,难度不是特别大。文章的话题是:“友情”;标题是“On Making Friends”;主题词是“friendship”。文章结构大体可以分为三段:其一是“朋友的重要性”,其二是“真正的友谊”,其三是“我交朋友的原则”。作文分值15分。Ture friendship lies in sincerity of both parts,and only sincere friends will give us a hand when we need help.真正的友谊是建立在相互真诚的基础上,也只有真诚的朋友才会在我们需要帮助的时候伸出援助之手。 1995年真题作文部分1995年这一年考察的也是提纲作文。同样给出了文章的题目、时间要求(40分钟)、字数要求(120~150词),也给出了文章的第一句话(ecational plays a very important role in the modernization of our country.)和内容提纲。文章的话题是“希望工程”;标题和主题词都是“Project Hope”。文章的结构可以分为三段:其一是“教育的现状”,其二是“希望工程的必要性”,其三是“我的看法和建议”。作文分值15分。The government should take effective measures and people should give more support to ensure that every child can receive elementary ecation.政府应该采取有效的措施,人们也应该给予更多的支持,从未让每一个孩子都能接受到基础教育。 1996年真题作文部分1996年这一年考察的是提纲作文。给出了作文的标题、时间要求(40分钟)、字数要求(120~150词),文章的首句(The desire for good health is universal.)和内容提纲。文章的话题是“保持健康”;标题是“Good Health”,主题词是“keep healthy”。文章的结构可以分为三段:其一是“保持健康的重要性”,其二是“保持健康的方法”,其三是“我的保持健康的建议”。作文分值15分。In a way,keeping healthy is not very hard.从某种程度上说,保持健康并不是非常困难的事情。 1997年真题作文部分1997年这一年考察的是图表作文。题目除了图表和漫画外,还给出了写作的思路。不过没有了时间的要求,字数要求是不得少于120词。文章的话题是“吸烟”;标题自拟,主题词是“smoking、cigarette”。图表作文的结构一般也是固定的,以这篇文章为例,一般分为三段:第一段是图表的内容进行简单描述,第二段是对图表反映的现象或情况进行说明,阐明重要性或者危害性,第三段是给出看法和建议。作文分值15分。Smoking is responsible for many fatal diseases such as lung cancer,heart disease and so on.吸烟会导致诸如肺癌、心脏病等很多致命性的疾病。1998年真题作文部分1998年这一年考察的是漫画作文。值得一提的是要求中字数由之前的不少于120词变成了不少于150词。除了漫画,照样给出了写作的思路。这篇文章的话题是“虚假广告”;标题自拟,主题词是“misleading and cheating advertisements”。文章的结构可以分为三段:第一段对漫画的内容进行描述,第二段指出这一问题的现状,即当今存在很多这样“虚假广告”的问题,一直在欺骗和误导消费者,第三段指出自己的建议,可以从政府、社会、个人三个角度简单地说一说。作文分值15分。Doing more is better than promising more.做比承诺更为重要。1999年真题作文部分1999年这一年考察的是图表作文。写作的相关要求和去年是一致的,即不少于150词的字数要求。文章的话题是“人口数量和物种灭绝数量的关系”;标题自拟,主题词图表中已经给出,分别是“the ups and downs of population growth”和“species extinction over time”。文章的结构可以分为三段:第一段通过表格指出人口数量和物种灭绝数量的关系,即如图所示,美国人口数量的增长导致了物种数量的急剧下降,一些物种已经灭绝;第二段说一说造成这种现象的可能原因,比如全球变暖、人类的猎杀等等;第三段提出自己的一些建议,也可以从国家、社会、个人三个角度来谈。作文分值15分。what is worse,with the development of instrialization,the natural balance and the ecologic environment are destroyed,which will make some of the wildlife become homeless and extinct.更严重的是,伴随着工业化的发展,自然的平衡和生态环境被破坏,从而导致许多的野生动物无家可归,甚至走向灭亡。考研英语是很难的早期的真题其实没必要太抠细节,但是出题者的思路和技法还是可以了解了解的,这毕竟是真题,肯定比市面上任何一位老师的模拟题要好,所以建议同学们可以在复习的初期做一做,或者在最后无题可做的时候做一做。(推荐陈正康老师的《真题超精读》,讲得很细致,不过买的时候一定要看清楚自己考的是英语一还是英语二,2004年是不分一二的。)“满大街都是本科生!”你凭什么这么说?考研政治,“反对外国侵略的斗争”专项选择题易错考点汇总
原文+翻译:It’s a rough world out there.外面是一个危险的世界。Step outside and you could break a leg slipping on your doormat.迈出家门时,你可能会滑倒在门垫上,而摔伤一条腿。Light up the stove and you could burn down the house.点燃炉灶时,你可能会把房子烧掉。Luckily, if the doormat or stove failed to warn of coming disaster, a successful lawsuit might compensate you for your troubles.不过还算幸运的是,如果门垫或炉灶上没有警示语提醒你可能发生的危险,那么一场成功的诉讼或许可以补偿你所受的伤害。Or so the thinking has gone since the early 1980s, when juries began holding more companies liable for their customers’ misfortunes.这种想法大约自20世纪80年代初开始传播,那时陪审团开始认为更多的公司应对其客户所遭受的不幸负责。Feeling threatened, companies responded by writing ever-longer warning labels, trying to anticipate every possible accident.由于感到了威胁,公司方面做出了反应:写出越来越长的警示语,力图预先标明种种可能发生的事故。Today, stepladders carry labels several inches long that warn, among other things, that you might -- surprise! -- fall off. The label on a child’s Batman cape cautions that the toy “does not enable user to fly.”如今,活梯上贴着几英寸长的警告标签,除了其他警告事项外,还警告你可能会摔下来,简直是莫名其妙!贴在儿童的蝙蝠侠披风上的标签也告诫说,本玩具“无法让用户飞行”。While warnings are often appropriate and necessary -- the dangers of drug interactions, for example -- and many are required by state or federal regulations, it isn’t clear that they actually protect the manufacturers and sellers from liability if a customer is injured. About 50 percent of the companies lose when injured customers take them to court.虽然警示语常常是合理而必要的(如警告药物有相互作用的危险),并且很多是州或联邦法规所要求的,但是当消费者受伤时,这些警示语能否真正保护制造商和销售商使之免于承担责任,却还很难说,被受伤的消费者告上法庭的公司中,大约一半会败诉。Now the tide appears to be turning.现在这种趋势似乎正在转变。As personal injury claims continue as before, some courts are beginning to side with defendants, especially in cases where a warning label probably wouldn’t have changed anything.尽管个人伤害索赔案件如以往一样不断发生,但有些法庭已开始站到被告一方,特别是在处理那些有警告标签也可能无法避免伤害的案件时。In May, Julie Nimmons, president of Schutt Sports in Illinois, successfully fought a lawsuit involving a football player who was paralyzed in a game while wearing a Schutt helmet.五月份,伊利诺斯州的Schutt体育公司总裁朱利·尼蒙斯就成功地打赢了这样一场官司。一名橄榄球队员戴着该公司的头盔在一场比赛中受伤瘫痪,遂将该公司告上法庭。“We’re really sorry he has become paralyzed, but helmets aren’t designed to prevent those kinds of injuries,” says Nimmons. The jury agreed that the nature of the game, not the helmet, was the reason for the athlete’s injury.尼蒙斯说:“他成了瘫痪,我们非常难过,但我们设计头盔不是为了预防这类伤害的。”陪审团也认为造成该运动员受伤的是这项运动本身的危险性,而不是头盔。At the same time, the American Law Institute -- a group of judges, lawyers, and academics whose recommendations carry substantial weight -- issued new guidelines for tort law stating that companies need not warn customers of obvious dangers or bombard them with a lengthy list of possible ones.与此同时,美国法学会——一群说话举足轻重的法官、律师、学者——发布了新的侵权法指导原则,宣布公司不必警示顾客那些显而易见的危险,或者给顾客列出一份冗长的可能遇到的危险的清单。“Important information can get buried in a sea of trivialities,” says a law professor at Cornell law School who helped draft the new guidelines. If the moderate end of the legal community has its way, the information on procts might actually be provided for the benefit of customers and not as protection against legal liability.康奈尔大学法学院一位参与起草新指导原则的教授说,“重要的信息会淹没在细枝末节的汪洋之中”。如果该法律团体的这一适中的目标能够实现,产品上提供的警示信息就不再是为回避法律责任而设,而是为保护消费者利益而提供了。试题:51. What were things like in 1980s when accidents happened?[A] Customers might be relieved of their disasters through lawsuits.[B] Injured customers could expect protection from the legal system.[C] Companies would avoid being sued by providing new warnings.[D] Juries tended to find fault with the compensations companies promised.52. Manufacturers as mentioned in the passage tend to.[A] satisfy customers by writing long warnings on procts[B] become honest in describing the inadequacies of their procts[C] make the best use of labels to avoid legal liability[D] feel obliged to view customers’ safety as their first concern53. The case of Schutt helmet demonstrated that.[A] some injury claims were no longer supported by law[B] helmets were not designed to prevent injuries[C] proct labels would eventually be discarded[D] some sports games might lose popularity with athletes54. The author’s attitude towards the issue seems to be.[A] biased[B] indifferent[C] puzzling[D] objective答案:B C A D
While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians, modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past.几乎每个历史学家对史学都有自己的界定,但是现代史学家的实践最趋于认为历史学试图重现过去的重大史实并对其做出解释。Caught in the web of its own time and place, each generation of historians determines anew what is significant for it in the past.由于受其所处时间和地点的限制,每一代史学家都要重新判断过去哪些史料对他们具有重要价值。In this search the evidence found is always incomplete and scattered; it is also frequently partial or partisan.在这种探索中,所发现的证据总是不完全的、零散的,而且常常是不全面的或带有派别色彩的。The irony of the historian’s craft is that its practitioners always know that their efforts are but contributions to an unending process.历史研究这个行当的讽刺意味在于,从事研究的人一直知道,他们的努力只不过是为永无止境的过程添砖加瓦而已。Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.人们之所以关注历史研究的方法论,主要是因为史学界内部意见不一,其次是因为外界并不认为历史是一门学问。While history once revered its affinity to literature and philosophy, the emerging social sciences seemed to afford greater opportunities for asking new questions and providing rewarding approaches to an understanding of the past.尽管历史学一度崇尚它与文学和哲学的相似之处,但新兴的社会科学似乎提供了更多机会,以便人们能够提出新问题,有了解过去的有效途径。Social science methodologies had to be adapted to a discipline governed by the primacy of historical sources rather than the imperatives of the contemporary world.社会科学研究的方法论必须进行改变以适应这样一个学科,其基础是史料,而不是当代社会的需要。During this transfer, traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study.在这种转变中,历史学家研究历史时,那些解释新史料的新方法充实了传统的历史研究方法。Methodology is a term that remains inherently ambiguous in the historical profession.在历史学界,方法论这个词从来都是模棱两可的。There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical workin general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historicalinquiry.所谓方法论是指一般的历史研究中的特有概念,还是指历史探究中各个具体领域适用的研究手段,人们对此意见不一。Historians, especially those so blinded by their research interests that they have been accused of “tunnel method,” frequently fall victim to the “technicist fallacy.”史学家,尤其是那些单纯局限于他们研究兴趣的史学家,被指责为使用“单方向研究法”,他们常常成为“纯技术方法论”的牺牲品。Also common in the natural sciences, the technicist fallacy mistakenly identifies the discipline as a whole with certain parts of its technical implementation.纯技术方法论错误地把整个学科与学科研究的某些操作方法等同起来,这种情况在自然科学领域里也屡见不鲜。It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources, and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques.这种谬误同样存在于历史传统派和历史社科派;前者认为历史就是史学界内部和外部人士对各种史料来源的评论,后者则认为历史的研究是具体方法的研究。
Instrial safety does not just happen.Company (with) low accident rates plan their safety programs,work hard to organize them,and continue working to keep them (alive) and active.When the work is well done ,a (climate) of accident- free operations is established (where) time lost e to injures is kept at a minimum.Successful safety programs may (differ) greatly in the amphasis on certain aspects of the program .Some place great emphasis on mechanical guarding .Others stress safe work practices by (observing) rules or regulations .(Still) others depends on an emotional appeal to the worker.But,there are certain ideas that must be used in every program if maximum results are to be obtained .There can be no question about the value of a safety program .From a financial standpoint alone ,safety (pays off) .The fewer the injury (claims) ,the better the workman’s insurance rate .This may mean the difference between operating at a (profit )or at a loss.这是1999年考研英语一的完型填空题,括号标出的是答案。如果把答案放到文章里,那么这篇文章的意思还是比较浅显的。但是,工作时间已久,当初本来不好的英语底子消失殆尽,即使是这么一篇简单的完形填空题,鄙人仍是错误百出。鉴于水平有限,该题的翻译我就不写了。再有四个多月,就要面临2020年考研了,我知道自己考上的几率不高,但是,每天还是会坚持学习。不为别的,大好的时光,大好的年华,不能整天过混吃等死的日子。人总得有点儿盼头儿。图示是选项,如下:
考研英语一真题及答案【完型填空】Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Even if families don't sit down to eat together as frequently as before, millions of Britons will nonetheless have got a share this weekend of one of that nation's great traditions: the Sunday roast.1 a cold winter's day, few culinary pleasures can 2 it. Yet as we report now. The food police are determined our health. That this 3 should be rendered yet another quilty pleasure 4 to damage our health.The Food Standards Authority (FSA) has5 a public worming about the risks of a compound called acrylamide that forms in some foods cooked 6 high temperatures. This means that people should 7 crisping their roast potatoes, reject thin -crust pizzas and only 8 toast their bread. But where is the evidence to support such adarmlist advice? 9 studies have shown that acrylamide can cause neurological damage in mice, there is no 10 evidence that it causes cancer in humans.Scientists say the compound is11 to cause cancer but have no hard scientific proof 12 the precautionary principle it could be argued that it is 13 to follow the FSA advice. 14 it was rumourded that smoking caused cancer for years before the evidence was found to prove a 15 Doubtless a piece of boiled feef can always be16 up on Sunday alongside some steamed vegetables, without the York shire pudding and no wine. But would life be worth living? 17 ,the FSA says it is not telling people to cut out roast foods 18 , but rece their lifetime intake.However its 19 risks coming a cross as being pushy and overprotective. Constant health scares just 20 with no one listening.1. [A]In [B]Towards [C]on [D]Till2. [A ]match [B]express [C]satisfy [D]influence3.[A]patience [B]enjoyment [C]surprise [D]concem4.[A]intensified [B]privileged [C] compelled [D]guaranteed5. [A]issued [B]received [C]ignored [D]cancelled6. [A] under [B]at [C]for [D]by7. [A]forget [B]regret [C]finish [D] avoid8. [A]partially [B]regularly [C] easily [D]initially9. [A]Unless [B]Since [C]If [D]While10.[A] secondary [B]extermal [C] conclusive [D] negative11.[A]insufficient [B]bound [C]likely [D]slow12.[A]On the basis of [B]At the cost of [C] In addition to [D]In contrast to13.[A]interesting [B]advisable [C]urgent [D]fortunate14.[A]As usual [B]In particular [C]By definition [D]After all15.[A]resemblance [B]combination [C] connection [D]pattern16.[A]made [B]served [C]saved [D]used17.[A]To be fair [B]For instance [C]To be brief [D]In general18.[A]reluctantly [B]entirely [C] graally [D] carefully19.[A] promise [B] experience [C]campaign [D] competition20.[A]follow up [B]pick up [C] open up [D]end up答案(1-20)1. on2. match3. enjoyment4. intensified5. issued6. at7. avoid8. easily9. while10. conclusive11. bound12. on the basis of13. advisable14. after all15. connection16. served17. to be fair18. entirely19. campaign20. end up关于2020考研英语一完型填空的真题及答案就分享到这里啦。回过头来看,考研是一场孤独的战斗,可能这一年都是自己一个去图书馆,一个人去食堂,一个人回宿舍……虽然过程很辛苦,但你全心全意为自己拼的样子真的很棒,不负梦想,不负自己,加油!现在2021考研的小伙伴也开始准备了,作为考研过来人,学姐给你分享一些考研英语专用书单。单词书:闪过英语《考研词汇闪过》,里面单词很全,还有重点,按考频划分了频考词、基础词、偶考词和超纲词,你可以根据自己的情况记,先背频考词,再背基础词和其它词,记起来很省时间。真题书:英一真题推荐《考研真相》,英二真题推荐《考研圣经》,里面真题都是逐句图示分析,重点单词和句子语法都有分析,很适合英语基础弱的考研er用,完全不用担心看不懂真题~~作文书:英语一《写作160篇》英语二《写作宝中宝》,你要是英语底子比较弱,不会写作文的话,真的建议你用这个。从常用的词汇、句型、模板都给你总结了,不会写那就直接背!再用思路定律和句式方法,让你从会写作文到会写高分作文。
The Economist 经济学人英国著名财经杂志,是考研英语阅读真题来源最多的杂志,以财经类文章为主,其它方面也有涉及2.Nature 自然英国权威科学杂志,考研英语科普类文章的主要来源3.Scientific American 科学美国人美国著名科普杂志,考研英语科普类文章的主要来源4.Business Week 商业周刊全球最大的商业杂志,考研英语财经类文章主要来源5.Newsweek 新闻周刊美国主流杂志,综合类6.Time 时代周刊美国主流杂志,综合类7.The New York Times 纽约时报美国主流报纸,综合类8.The Guardian 卫报英国主流报纸,综合类
这一篇小文,小编就给大家解析一下2000年~2004年考研英语的五篇作文,帮助大家更好地把握考研英语的写作思路和选题走向。#考研英语#2000年真题作文部分2000年这一年考察的是图画作文。自图画作文登场,考研英语作文从形式上看的几大类型文章基本都出现了。这一年的作文给出了两张图片,图片下面有一句话,指明了方向。作文的字数要求是不少于150词。除此以外,题目中还给出了文章的内容提纲。文章的话题是:“过度捕捞”;标题自拟;主题词是“over-fishing”。文章结构大体可以分为三段:其一是“描述图画”,阐明两幅图的不同即变化,其二是“总结图画所反映的现象”,其三是“给出合理的解决建议”。作文分值15分。So it is high time we took effective measures to solve this problem.所以,我们是时候采取一些有效的措施去解决这一问题了。2001年真题作文部分2001年这一年考察的也是图画作文。有的老师也称之为“漫画作文”,其实都是可以的。这篇文章从题干来看,和之前的漫画作文有了很大的变化,这些变化体现为:其一,作文的分值从15分变成了20分;其二,在题干的开头给出了一段描述,显然是在提示文章的主题;其三,字数要求由原来的的150词变成了200词。当然,文章给出了写作的思路:第一段是对漫画的描述,解释考生对漫画后文章象征意义的了解;第二段是给出一个具体的例子,来论证观点;第三段是给出相关的献爱心的建议。文章的话题是“爱心”;主题词是“love”。There is probably no other feeling that is nobler than love. Everybody not only needs love ,but also should give others love.大概没有一种感觉比爱更高贵了。每个人都不仅需要爱,更应该把爱传递给别人。2002年真题作文部分2002年这一年考察的是图画作文。但是和以前不同,不是漫画,而是一张穿着中国传统服装的美国女孩的照片。从题干来看,和去年漫画作文的要求是一致的。首先是给出了一段描述,但是这里的描述意义不大;其次是交代考生文章的内容要求;接下来是作文的字数要求和分值:作文的分值为20分,字数要求为200词。这篇文章可以分成三部分来写:第一段是对照片的描述,这题相对简单,因为题干和照片下方已经给出了相应的语料;第二段是解释图片背后的含义,要注意,服装只是表现,其“里”指的应该是“文化”的内容;第三段是给出考生自己的观点、评论或者是建议,当然指的应该是文化输出的建议,因为这毕竟是一个美国女孩。文章的话题是“文化交流”;主题词是“cultural exchange”;分值是20分。All in all,cultural exchange is an effective way to achieve efficient cross-cultural communication and promote world peace and prosperity.总之,文化交流是一种有效的实现跨文化交流和促进世界和平和繁荣的方式。2003年真题作文部分2003年这一年考察的是漫画作文。题干可以说是越来越精简,可以说题干中有效的信息就是思路和词数、分值的说明。字数要求是200词左右;分值是20分;文章的话题可以理解为“儿童教育”,也可以理解为“挫折的重要性”;主题词是“hardship/difficulties”。行文的结构应该是三段:第一段是对图表的内容进行简单描述,重点揭示前后的变化;第二段是揭示漫画在现实中的含义,也可以写一写“温室”对于“花朵”究竟会有怎样的危害;第三段是给出看法和建议,或者是呼吁也可。Thus,it is high time that parents,ecatiors and the government made joint efforts put an end to this situation.因此,家长、教育者、政府是时候共同努力来结束这样的情况了。2004年真题作文部分2004年这一年考察的是漫画作文。题干中的有效信息是思路,其余和去年没有任何变化。字数要求是200词左右;分值是20分;文章的话题是“终点和起点”;主题词是“final spur and starting point”。文章的写作思路是:第一段对漫画的内容进行描述,第二段指出这图画含义的社会现状,第三段提出支撑自己观点的例子,比如大学生毕业,既是一个阶段的结束,有时一个新阶段的开始。Only when we are well-prepared for it can we meet the challenge in the future.我们只有做好准备才能迎接未来的挑战。考研英语是很难的好了,这就是2000年~2004年考研英语作文的全部解析,很是很走心的喽,如果帮助到了你,感谢点赞关注哈~(真题图书推荐陈正康老师的《真题超精读》,很详细,也很走心~不过要注意自己考得究竟是一还是二,千万不要买错了喽)政治:“对国家出路的早期探索”专题易错考点考研英语:1994~1999年真题作文全解析