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原文+翻译:Few creations of big technology capture the imagination like giant dams.在重大技术所创造的东西中很少能像大型水坝这样激起人们想象力的。Perhaps it is humankind’s long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the idea of forcing the waters to do our bidding so fascinating.可能正是因为人类长期遭受旱涝灾害的摆布才使得人们治理江河、供我驱策的理想如此令人痴迷。But to be fascinated is also, sometimes, to be blind. Several giant dam projects threaten to do more harm than good.但让人着迷有时也就使人盲目。有几个巨型大坝项目就有弊大于利的危险。The lesson from dams is that big is not always beautiful.建造大坝的教训是:大的未必总是美的。It doesn’t help that building a big, powerful dam has become a symbol of achievement for nations and people striving to assert themselves.但这个教训也无法阻止修建高大雄伟的大坝已成为那些力争得到自我肯定的国家和人民的伟大成就的象征。Egypt’s leadership in the Arab world was cemented by the Aswan High Dam.埃及由于建造了阿斯旺大坝而巩固了在阿拉伯世界的领导地位。Turkey’s bid for First World status includes the giant Ataturk Dam.土耳其在力图跻身第一世界的努力中也包括修建阿塔特克大坝。But big dams tend not to work as intended.但大坝不会像预期的那样产生效果。The Aswan Dam, for example, stopped the Nile flooding but deprived Egypt of the fertile silt that floods left -- all in return for a giant reservoir of disease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity.以阿斯旺大坝为例,它阻止了尼罗河洪水泛滥,但也使埃及失去了洪水冲击过后留下的肥沃土壤,换回来的却是一个疾病滋生的水库。现在这个水库积满了淤泥,几乎不能发电了。And yet, the myth of controlling the waters persists.不过,控制水的神话还在继续。This week, in the heart of civilized Europe, Slovaks and Hungarians stopped just short of sending in the troops in their contention over a dam on the Danube.本周,在文明的欧洲腹地,斯洛伐克人和匈牙利人就为了多瑙河上的一处水坝引起争端,差点动用了军队。The huge complex will probably have all the usual problems of big dams. But Slovakia is bidding for independence from the Czechs, and now needs a dam to prove itself.这个大型工程可能会出现大坝所有的常见问题。但斯洛伐克正在要求脱离捷克而独立,现在它们需要建一个大坝来证明自己的实力。Meanwhile, in India, the World Bank has given the go-ahead to the even more wrong-headed Narmada Dam.与此同时,世界银行已经贷款给印度来建造问题更多的纳尔马达大坝。And the bank has done this even though its advisors say the dam will cause hardship for the powerless and environmental destruction. The benefits are for the powerful, but they are far from guaranteed.尽管世界银行的顾问指出,该大坝将给平民带来苦难,而且会破坏那里的环境,但世界银行依然一意孤行。大坝只会给有权有势者带来利益,而且这种利益也远远得不到保障。Proper, scientific study of the impacts of dams and of the cost and benefits of controlling water can help to resolve these conflicts.对于水坝的影响作用、水坝控制水流的成本和收益进行恰当而科学的研究能够有助于解决这些冲突。Hydroelectric power and flood control and irrigation are possible without building monster dams.水力发电,治理洪水以及灌溉即使不建大型水坝也是可能的。But when you are dealing with myths, it is hard to be either proper, or scientific. It is time that the world learned the lessons of Aswan. You don’t need a dam to be saved.但当你相信神话时就很难做到合理或科学。现在是世界吸取阿斯旺大坝教训的时候了。我们未必要通过大坝来拯救自己。试题:51. The third sentence of Paragraph 1 implies that.[A] people would be happy if they shut their eyes to reality[B] the blind could be happier than the sighted[C] over-excited people tend to neglect vital things[D] fascination makes people lose their eyesight52. In Paragraph 5, “the powerless” probably refers to.[A] areas short of electricity[B] dams without power stations[C] poor countries around India[D] common people in the Narmada Dam area53. What is the myth concerning giant dams?[A] They bring in more fertile soil.[B] They help defend the country.[C] They strengthen international ties.[D] They have universal control of the waters.54. What the author tries to suggest may best be interpreted as.[A] “It’s no use crying over spilt milk”[B] “More haste, less speed”[C] “Look before you leap”[D] “He who laughs last laughs best”答案:C D D C



原文+翻译:Scattered around the globe are more than 100 small regions of isolated volcanic activity known to geologists as hot spots. 地球上散落分布着一百多个互不相连的小火山活动区,被地质学家称为热点。Unlike most of the world’s volcanoes, they are not always found at the boundaries of the great drifting plates that make up the earth’s surface; on the contrary, many of them lie deep in the interior of a plate.和世界上大多数火山不同的是,它们并不总是在构成地球表面的巨大漂流板块之间的边界上被发现;相反,许多热点深藏于板块内部。Most of the hot spots move only slowly, and in some cases the movement of the plates past them has left trails of dead volcanoes. The hot spots and their volcanic trails are milestones that mark the passage of the plates.大多数热点只缓慢地移动,有时,经过这些热点的板块运动留下了死火山的痕迹。热点及其火山痕迹是标志板块迁移的里程碑。That the plates are moving is now beyond dispute.板块漂移这一理论现在是毋庸置疑的。Africa and South America, for example, are moving away from each other as new material is injected into the sea floor between them.以非洲和南美洲为例,由于有新的物质注入二者之间的海底,两大洲正在彼此分离。The complementary coastlines and certain geological features that seem to span the ocean are reminders of where the two continents were once joined.但互相吻合的海岸线和某些似乎跨越海洋的地质特征会使人想到这两个大陆曾经是连在一起的。The relative motion of the plates carrying these continents has been constructed in detail,携带这些大陆的板块的相对运动已经能够被详细地阐述出来,but the motion of one plate with respect to another cannot readily be translated into motion with respect to the earth’s interior.但一个板块相对另一板块的运动还不能轻易地解释为相对于地球内部的运动。It is not possible to determine whether both continents are moving in opposite directions or whether one continent is stationary and the other is drifting away from it. Hot spots, anchored in the deeper layers of the earth, provide the measuring instruments needed to resolve the question. From an analysis of the hot-spot population it appears that the African plate is stationary and that it has not moved ring the past 30 million years.人们不能确定两个大陆是在朝相反的方向运动,还是一个大陆停止不动而另一个从它身边漂移开去。位于地球更深层的热点提供了解决该问题所需要的测量仪器。从热点地区的人口情况分析来看,非洲板块似乎是静止不动的,在过去3000万年里都没有移动过。The significance of hot spots is not confined to their role as a frame of reference.热点的重要性不仅限于作为参照体系这一作用。It now appears that they also have an important influence on the geophysical processes that propel the plates across the globe.现在看来,它们还对推动板块在地球表面漂移这一地球物理过程有重要影响。When a continental plate come to rest over a hot spot, the material rising from deeper layers creates a broad dome. As the dome grows, it develops deep fissures (cracks);当大陆板块漂移到热点上方,来自地球深层的物质便形成了巨大的圆顶状隆起物。随着这个圆顶的增长,板块出现深深的裂缝。in at least a few cases the continent may break entirely along some of these fissures, so that the hot spot initiates the formation of a new ocean. Thus just as earlier theories have explained the mobility of the continents, so hot spots may explain their mutability (inconstancy).至少有几次,大陆可能会沿着其中的一些裂缝完全裂开了,因此这个热点就引发了一个新的海洋的形成。这样,正像早期的理论解释了大陆的移动性一样,热点理论或许能解释大陆板块的不稳定性。试题:51. The author believes that.[A] the motion of the plates corresponds to that of the earth’s interior[B] the geological theory about drifting plates has been proved to be true[C] the hot spots and the plates move slowly in opposite directions[D] the movement of hot spots proves the continents are moving apart52. That Africa and South America were once joined can be deced from the fact that.[A] the two continents are still moving in opposite directions[B] they have been found to share certain geological features[C] the African plate has been stable for 30 million years[D] over 100 hot spots are scattered all around the globe53. The hot spot theory may prove useful in explaining. [A] the structure of the African plates[B] the revival of dead volcanoes[C] the mobility of the continents[D] the formation of new oceans54. The passage is mainly about.[A] the features of volcanic activities[B] the importance of the theory about drifting plates[C] the significance of hot spots in geophysical studies[D] the process of the formation of volcanoes答案:BBDC



原文+翻译:Science has long had an uneasy relationship with other aspects of culture. Think of Gallileo’s 17th-century trial for his rebelling belief before the Catholic Church or poet William Blake’s harsh remarks against the mechanistic worldview of Isaac Newton. 科学与文化其他方面的关系一直都很紧张。想想看,17世纪伽利略为他叛逆性的信仰而遭受天主教会的审判,还有诗人威廉·布莱克对艾萨克·牛顿的机械论世界观所发表的尖锐批判。The schismbetween science and the humanities has, if anything, deepened in this century.本世纪,(自然)科学与人文科学之间如果说有什么的话,那就是分裂更深了。Until recently, the scientific community was so powerful that it could afford to ignore its critics -- but no longer.以前,科学界如此之强大以至于可以对批评者置之不理--但现在不同了。As funding for science has declined, scientists have attacked “anti-science” in several books, notably Higher Superstition, by Paul R. Gross, a biologist at the University of Virginia, and Norman Levitt, a mathematician at Rutgers University; and The Demon-Haunted World, by Carl Sagan of Cornell University.由于科研基金减少,科学家开始在几本著作中抨击"反科学"势力,特别是弗吉尼亚大学生物学家保罗·R·格罗斯和拉特格斯大学的数学家诺曼·莱维特合著的《高级迷信》及康奈尔大学的卡尔·萨根著的《鬼怪出没的世界》。Defenders of science have also voiced their concerns at meetings such as “The Flight from Science and Reason,” held in New York City in 1995, and “Science in the Age of (Mis) information,” which assembled last June near Buffalo.科学的捍卫者们也在一些会议上表示了他们的担忧。比如,1995年在纽约举行的"远离科学和理性"会议,以及去年6月在布法罗附近召开的"(伪)信息时代的科学"会议。Anti-science clearly means different things to different people. Gross and Levitt find fault primarily with sociologists, philosophers and other academics who have questioned science’s objectivity. Sagan is more concerned with those who believe in ghosts, creationism and other phenomena that contradict the scientific worldview.显然,反科学对不同的人有不同的含义。格罗斯和莱维特主要挑那些质疑科学客观性的社会学家、哲学家和其他学者的毛病。而萨根则更关注那些相信鬼怪、上帝造物论和其他违背科学世界观的现象的人。A survey of news stories in 1996 reveals that the anti-science tag has been attached to many other groups as well, from authorities who advocated the elimination of the last remaining stocks of smallpox virus to Republicans who advocated decreased funding for basic research.1996年对新闻报道的调查表明,反科学的标签也贴在了许多其他群体上,从提倡消灭最后残存的天花病毒库的官方人士到倡议削减基础研究基金的共和党人。Few would dispute that the term applies to the Unabomber, whose manifesto, published in 1995, scorns science and longs for return to a pre-technological utopia. But surely that does not mean environmentalists concerned about uncontrolled instrial growth are anti-science, as an essay in US News & World Report last May seemed to suggest.将该词用在在美国制造一连串类似炸弹爆炸事件的人身上,也不会引起多大争议,他在1995年公开发表蔑视科学、渴望回到前技术时代的理想社会的声明。当然,这并不意味着,对不加控制的工业发展表示担忧的环保主义者也是反科学的,而去年5月份刊登在《美国新闻和世界报导》的一篇文章却似乎暗示是这么回事。The environmentalists, inevitably, respond to such critics. The true enemies of science, argues Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University, a pioneer of environmental studies, are those who question the evidence supporting global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer and other consequences of instrial growth.环保主义者必定会对这些批评做出反应。作为环境研究的先驱者,斯坦福大学的保罗·埃利希认为,科学的真正的敌人是那些对全球变暖、臭氧层稀薄和其他由于工业增长带来的后果的证据提出质疑的人。Indeed, some observers fear that the anti-science epithet is in danger of becoming meaningless. “The term ‘anti-science’ can lump together too many, quite different things,” notes Harvard University philosopher Gerald Holton in his 1993 work Science and Anti-Science.“They have in common only one thing that they tend to annoy or threaten those who regard themselves as more enlightened.”的确,一些观察者担心反科学这个称号面临失去意义的危险。"'反科学'一词可以涵盖很多截然不同的东西",哈佛大学的哲学家杰拉尔德·霍尔顿在其1993年的著作《科学与反科学》中写道:"它们惟一的共同之处就是会激怒或威胁那些自以为比别人更有见识的人。"试题:51. The word “schism” (Line 4, Paragraph 1) in the context probably means.[A] confrontation[B] dissatisfaction[C] separation[D] contempt52. Paragraphs 2 and 3 are written to.[A] discuss the cause of the decline of science’s power[B] show the author’s sympathy with scientists[C] explain the way in which science develops[D] exemplify the division of science and the humanities53. Which of the following is true according to the passage?[A] Environmentalists were blamed for anti-science in an essay.[B] Politicians are not subject to the labeling of anti-science.[C] The “more enlightened” tend to tag others as anti-science.[D] Tagging environmentalists as “anti-science” is justifiable.54. The author’s attitude toward the issue of “science vs. anti-science” is.[A] impartial[B] subjective[C] biased[D] puzzling答案:C D A A



原文+翻译:Emerging from the 1980 census is the picture of a nation developing more and more regional competition, as population growth in the Northeast and Midwest reaches a near standstill.1980年美国人口普查显示出这样一幅图像:随着东北部和中西部人口增长近乎停止,地区间的竞争越来越激烈了。This development -- and its strong implications for US politics and economy in years ahead-- has enthroned the South as America’s most densely populated region for the first time in the history of the nation’s head counting.这一发展--以及它对今后美国政治和经济的强大影响--使南部地区在美国人口普查史上首次成为人口最密集的地区。Altogether, the US population rose in the 1970s by 23.2 million people -- numerically the third-largest growth ever recorded in a single decade.20世纪70年代,美国人口总共增长了2 320万--从数字上看,这是有历史记载以来10年期间内人口增长的第三高。Even so, that gain adds up to only 11.4 percent, lowest in American annual records except for the Depression years.即使如此,人口总数也只增加了11.4%,除了大萧条时期,这是美国年度记录中最低的增长率。Americans have been migrating south and west in larger numbers since World War II, and the pattern still prevails.第二次世界大战以来,美国人口大量向南部和西部地区迁移,而且这种趋势如今仍然盛行。Three sun-belt states -- Florida, Texas and California -- together had nearly 10 million more people in 1980 than a decade earlier. Among large cities, San Diego moved from 14th to 8th and San Antonio from 15th to 10th -- with Cleveland and Washington. D. C., dropping out of the top 10.佛罗里达、得克萨斯和加利福尼亚这三个阳光地带的州,1980年的人口比前10年增加了近1 000万。在大城市排行榜上,圣地亚哥从第14位上升到第8位,圣安东尼奥从第15位升到第10位,而克利夫兰和华盛顿特区则被挤出了前10位。Not all that shift can be attributed to the movement out of the snow belt, census officials say.人口普查官员说,并非所有这些人口迁移都是为了离开寒冷地带。Nonstop waves of immigrants played a role, too -- and so did bigger crops of babies as yesterday’s “baby boom” generation reached its child-bearing years.不断涌入的移民,还有往昔"生育高峰"时期出生的一代也已到了生育年龄,生育了大批婴儿,这些都发挥着作用。Moreover, demographers see the continuing shift south and west as joined by a related but newer phenomenon: More and more, Americans apparently are looking not just for places with more jobs but with fewer people, too. Some instances—而且,人口学家发现,向南部和西部地区的不断迁移还伴随着一种相关却又较新的现象:显然,越来越多的美国人不再只是寻找提供更多工作机会的地方,而是人口密度较小的地方。例证如下:■Regionally, the Rocky Mountain states reported the most rapid growth rate -- 37.1 percent since 1970 in a vast area with only 5 percent of the US population.·从区域上看,洛基山脉各州上报了自1970年以来最高的人口增长率--37.1%,而以前这片广阔的土地上的人口仅占美国总人口的5%。■Among states, Nevada and Arizona grew fastest of all: 63.5 and 53.1 percent respectively. Except for Florida and Texas, the top 10 in rate of growth is composed of Western states with7.5 million people -- about 9 per square mile.·从各州情况看,内华达和亚利桑那是增长最快的两个州:其增长率分别为63.5%和53.1%。除了佛罗里达州和得克萨斯州外,处于人口增长率前10位的都是西部各州,共有750万人--每平方英里约9个人。The flight from overcrowdedness affects the migration from snow belt to more bearable climates.从人口过度稠密地区的逃离,影响了以前那种从寒冷地带到气候宜人地区的迁徙趋势。Nowhere do 1980 census statistics dramatize more the American search for spacious living than in the Far West.1980年美国人口统计更能显示出,美国人迁往最西部(而不是其他地方)是为了寻找更广阔的生活空间。There, California added 3.7 million to its population in the 1970s, more than any other state.最西部的加利福尼亚州在70年代人口增加了370万,比其他任何州都多。In that decade, however, large numbers also migrated from California, mostly to other parts of the West. Often they chose -- and still are choosing -- somewhat colder climates such as Oregon, Idaho and Alaska in order to escape smog, crime and other plagues of urbanization in the Golden State.同时,70年代也有大量的人从加利福尼亚迁出,大多数去了西部其他的地方。他们常常选择--现在依然这样选择--气候较冷的地区,如俄勒冈、爱达荷和阿拉斯加,为的是躲开"黄金州"(加利福尼亚)的烟雾、犯罪和城市化带来的其他问题。As a result, California’s growth rate dropped ring the 1970s, to 18.5 percent -- little more than two thirds the 1960s’ growth figure and considerably below that of other Western states.结果,加利福尼亚的人口增长率在70年代降到了18.5%--略高于60年代增长率的2/3,但大大低于西部其他各州。试题:51. Discerned from the perplexing picture of population growth the 1980 census provided, America in 1970s.[A] enjoyed the lowest net growth of population in history[B] witnessed a southwestern shift of population[C] underwent an unparalleled period of population growth[D] brought to a standstill its pattern of migration since World War II52. The census distinguished itself from previous studies on population movement in that.[A] it stresses the climatic influence on population distribution[B] it highlights the contribution of continuous waves of immigrants[C] it reveals the Americans’ new pursuit of spacious living[D] it elaborates the delayed effects of yesterday’s “baby boom”53. We can see from the available statistics that.[A] California was once the most thinly populated area in the whole US[B] the top 10 states in growth rate of population were all located in the West[C] cities with better climates benefited unanimously from migration[D] Arizona ranked second of all states in its growth rate of population54. The word “demographers” (Line 1, Paragraph 8) most probably means.[A] people in favor of the trend of democracy[B] advocates of migration between states[C] scientists engaged in the study of population[D] conservatives clinging to old patterns of life答案:DCDC



原题:Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Instrial Revolution. They 1 that in the long run instrialization greatly raised the standard of living for the 2 man. But they insisted that its 3 results ring the period from 1750 to 1850 were widespread poverty and misery for the 4 of the English population.5 contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1650 to 1750, whenwas still a 6 agricultural country, a period of great abundance and prosperity.This view, 7 , is generally thought to be wrong. Specialists 8 history and economics, have 9 two things: that the period from 1650 to 1750 was 10 by great poverty, and that instrialization certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the conditions for the majority of the populace.1. [A] admitted [B] believed [C] claimed [D] predicted2. [A] plain [B] average [C] mean [D] normal3. [A] momentary [B] prompt [C] instant [D] immediate4. [A] bulk [B] host [C] gross [D] magnitude5. [A] On [B] With [C] For [D] By6. [A] broadly [B] thoroughly [C] generally [D] completely7. [A] however [B] meanwhile [C] therefore [D] moreover8. [A] at [B] in [C] about [D] for9. [A] manifested [B] approved [C] shown [D] speculated10. [A] noted [B] impressed [C] labeled[D] marked全文翻译直到最近,大多数的历史学家对工业革命仍然颇有微词。尽管他们承认从长远角度讲,工业革命已大大地提高了一般人的生活水平。然而他们坚持认为,工业革命在1750和1850年间引起的直接结果是给英国大多数人民带来了普遍的贫穷和苦难。相比之下,他们把在此之前从1650到1750的一百年看成是一个繁荣富足的时期。尽管那个时候英国还是一个完全意义上的农业国家。然而,人们通常认为这种观点是错误的。历史和经济学专家已指出两件事情:一是1650至1750年间以显著的贫困为特征;二是工业革命不但没有加重这种贫困,反而使绝大多数人的生活得到了改善。答案:ABDAD DABCD



The American economic system is organized around a basically private-enterprise, market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be proced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most. 美国的经济体制是在基本上由私营企业组成并以市场为导向的经济基础上建立起来的。在这个经济体制里,需要生产什么主要是由消费者在市场上花钱购买他们最需要的商品和服务决定的。Private businessmen, striving to make profits, proce these goods and services in competition with other businessmen; and the profit motive, operating under competitive pressures, largely determines how these goods and services are proced.为了获取利润,私有企业主之间互相竞争,来生产这些产品和提供这些服务。在竞争的压力下运作,追求利润的动机很大程度上决定了生产商品和提供服务的方式。Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of indivial consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of indivials to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be proced and how resources are used to proce it.因此,在美国的经济体制中,消费者个人的需求、商人对获取最大利润的追求以及消费者渴望最大化自己的收入,所有这些共同决定了应该生产什么和如何利用资源去生产这些产品。An important factor in a market-oriented economy is the mechanism by which consumer demands can be expressed and responded to by procers.在以市场为导向的经济中的一个重要因素是反映消费者需求以及生产者对消费者需求作出反应的机制。In the American economy, this mechanism is provided by a price system, a process in which prices rise and fall in response to relative demands of consumers and supplies offered by seller-procers.在美国经济中,这一机制是由价格体制提供,在价格体系中,价格随消费者的相对需求和出售者及生产者的供应情况而上下浮动。If the proct is in short supply relative to the demand, the price will be bid up and some consumers will be eliminated from the market.如果产品相对供不应求,价格就会抬升,从而使一些消费者从市场上消失。If, on the other hand, procing more of a commodity results in recing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-procers, which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the proct.另一方面,如果商品的大量生产导致成本的降低,这会促使销售商和生产商供给的增加,从而反过来导致价格下降,致使更多的消费者购买产品。Thus, price is the regulating mechanism in the American economic system.因此,价格是美国经济体制中的调节机制。The important factor in a private-enterprise economy is that indivials are allowed to own proctive resources (private property), and they are permitted to hire labor, gain control over natural resources, and proce goods and services for sale at a profit.私有企业经济的一个重要因素是允许个人拥有生产资料(私有财产),允许他们雇用劳动力,控制自然资源,以及生产产品、提供服务以获取利润。In the American economy, the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of proctive resources but also certain rights, including the right to determine the price of a proct or to make a free contract with another private indivial.在美国经济中,私人财产的概念不仅仅包含对生产资料的所有权,还包含某些其他权利,其中包括确定产品的价格或与另一私营者签订自由合同。11.[答案]D[解析]本题考核的知识点是:句题题。先定位到第一段末句。解题的关键是看对maximize的理解。原文所在句“coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of indivials to maximize their incomes”将生产者和消费者的愿望对照来说。句中的两个maximize平衡并列,作用、意义完全相同。因此知道maximize在第一处的意义即可知道第二处之意。众所周知,商人总是想用最少的投入取得最大的利润,这就是maximize的意义。由此可知,消费者希望使一定的收入取得最大限度的效益,即用现有收入买到更多更好的商品。而[D]选项恰是此意。[A]和[B]选项未在原文提及。[C]选项反映的是劳资双方的关系,而不是生产者与消费者之间的关系。12.[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:事实细节题。[D]选项就是该段第二句“prices rise and fall in response to relative demands of consumers and supplies offered by seller-procers”的概括,为正确答案。[A]选项在这两句中并未涉及。注意文中第一句的mechanism意为“机制”,而该选项中的mechanized意为“机械化”,二者含义不同。误选[B]选项的考生是对该段首句的语法成分分析错误。它是一个省略句,补全后应该是“An important factor in a market-oriented economy is the mechanism by which consumer demands can be expressed and (by which consumer demands can be) responded to by procers”。由此可知,消费者通过这一机制表达他们的需求,而生产者则通过这一机制对他们的需求作出反应。[B]选项理解成consumer demands can be expressed…by procers。[C]选项与第二句“供求关系决定价格”不符,也应该排除。此题亦可通过经济常识解答。注意:干扰选项经常使用原文中出现的词语或类似的结构伪造,所以对那些出现了原词的选项一定要仔细辨认真伪。13.[答案]A[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:段落主旨题。题干要求考生回答私营企业经济的特点,即第三段的主题。该段只有两句。第一句强调的是私营企业最重要的因素是个人拥有生产资料(私人财产)、允许个人雇用劳动力和控制自然资源。第二句是指私人财产的概念还包含某些其他权利,如:产品价格的决定权或与其他私有个体的自由签约权。尤其第二句的not only… but also…更表明了此段主旨。[A]选项是对上述内容的概括,为正确答案。而[B]、[C]和[D]选项虽然都在第三段述及,但是都是[A]选项下的具体内容,缺乏概括性,不应该入选。命题意图要求考生区分段落细节与段落中心是局部与整体的关系。14.[答案]C[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:文章主旨题。解此题需要了解文章各段的主旨。第一段论述美国经济体制的构成;第二段介绍市场经济的运行方式;第三段介绍私营经济的特点。后两段是对第一段的进一步论述。由此可见,美国经济体制的构成和运作是本文论述的中心。[C]选项正反映了这一主题。[A]、[B]和[D]选项都在文中有所涉及,但都是具体细节,比较片面,应该排除。此题还可以通过直接对选项进行比较排除来解题。[A]、[B]和[D]都在文中述及,分属于三个独立的、不同的概念。其中任意一个可代表其他两个,而[C]选项概括性强,可以包括[A]、[B]和[D],故[C]为正确答案。



原文+译文:Science, in practice, depends far less on the experiments it prepares than on the preparedness of the minds of the men who watch the experiments.实际上,科学的进步依赖于做实验,但更依赖于实验的观察者(即做实验的人)有所准备的头脑。Sir Isaac Newton supposedly discovered gravity through the fall of an apple.据说艾萨克·牛顿爵士是从苹果落地现象中发现了万有引力。Apples had been falling in many places for centuries and thousands of people had seen them fall. But Newton for years had been curious about the cause of the orbital motion of the moon and planets.多少个世纪以来,许多地方一直都有苹果落到地面,成千上万的人也都看过苹果落地。但多年来只有牛顿一直对月球和行星沿轨道运行的起因感到好奇。What kept them in place? Why didn’t they fall out of the sky? The fact that the apple fell down toward the earth and not up into the tree answered the question he had been asking himself about those larger fruits of the heavens, the moon and the planets.是什么使它们保持在现在的位置?它们为什么不从天上掉下来?苹果向下落到地面而不向上飞到树上,这一事实回答了他长期以来一直对天空中更大的“果实”——月球和行星所存有的疑问。How many men would have considered the possibility of an apple falling up into the tree?多少人会考虑过苹果向上飞到树上的可能性呢?Newton did because he was not trying to predict anything. He was just wondering. His mind was ready for the unpredictable. Unpredictability is part of the essential nature of research.牛顿这样做了,因为他不想对任何事情进行预测。他只是怀有好奇心。他的头脑在准备思考不可预测的事。不可预测性是科学研究的一个基本特征。If you don’t have unpredictable things, you don’t have research. Scientists tend to forget this when writing their cut and dried reports for the technical journals, but history is filled with examples of it.如果没有不可预测现象的产生就无所谓科学研究了。科学家们在为学术刊物撰写呆板的例行报告时往往会忘记这一点,而历史上这样的例子却比比皆是。In talking to some scientists, particularly younger ones, you might gather the impression that they find the “scientific method” a substitute for imaginative thought.在和一些科学家,特别是年轻科学家交谈时,你可能会有这样一种印象:他们认为“科学方法”可以代替创造性思维。I’ve attended research conferences where a scientist has been asked what he thinks about the advisability of continuing a certain experiment.我出席过一些科研会议,会上有人问一位科学家继续某项实验是否是明智之举。The scientist has frowned, looked at the graphs, and said “the data are still inconclusive.”那位科学家皱了皱眉,又看了看图表,然后说:“数据还是不够确定。”“We know that,” the men from the budget office have said, “but what do you think? Is it worthwhile going on? What do you think we might expect?” The scientist has been shocked at having even been asked to speculate.预算部门的人说:“这点我们知道,但你的意见如何?你觉得值得做下去吗?你觉得我们可以期待什么呢?”这位科学家感到很震惊,他没有料到人们会让他做出预测。What this amounts to, of course, is that the scientist has become the victim of his own writings.当然,这几乎等于说:这位科学家成了自己所写报告的受害者。He has put forward unquestioned claims so consistently that he not only believes them himself, but has convinced instrial and business management that they are true.他所提出的种种论断是如此不容置疑、如此一致,以至于不仅他自己相信了,而且也说服了工商界的管理者相信其正确性。If experiments are planned and carried out according to plan as faithfully as the reports in the science journals indicate, then it is perfectly logical for management to expect research to proce results measurable in dollars and cents.假如科学实验像科学杂志报告显示的那样完全按事先的计划去规划和实施,那么,对管理层来说,期待研究能够产生可用美元、美分衡量的结果是完全合理的。It is entirely reasonable for auditors to believe that scientists who know exactly where they are going and how they will get there should not be distracted by the necessity of keeping one eye on the cash register while the other eye is on the microscope.审计人员也完全有理由相信,确切知道自己的目标并知道如何实现这一目标的科学家们根本没必要分心:用一只眼盯着现金计数器的同时,用另一只眼睛盯着显微镜。Nor, if regularity and conformity to a standard pattern are as desirable to the scientist as the writing of his papers would appear to reflect, is management to be blamed for discriminating against the “odd balls” among researchers in favor of more conventional thinkers who “work well with the team.”如果像他们的论文所反映的那样,科学家渴望规律性和与某种标准模式的一致性,那么管理人员歧视研究人员中的“标新立异者”,而赞赏“善于合作”的具有传统思维模式的人,也就是无可指摘的。试题:51. The author wants to prove with the example of Isaac Newton that.[A] inquiring minds are more important than scientific experiments[B] science advances when fruitful researches are concted[C] scientists seldom forget the essential nature of research[D] unpredictability weighs less than prediction in scientific research52. The author asserts that scientists.[A] shouldn’t replace “scientific method” with imaginative thought[B] shouldn’t neglect to speculate on unpredictable things[C] should write more concise reports for technical journals[D] should be confident about their research findings53. It seems that some young scientists.[A] have a keen interest in prediction[B] often speculate on the future[C] think highly of creative thinking[D] stick to “scientific method”54. The author implies that the results of scientific research.[A] may not be as profitable as they are expected[B] can be measured in dollars and cents[C] rely on conformity to a standard pattern[D] are mostly underestimated by management答案:A B D A



Tight-lipped elders used to say, “It’s not what you want in this world, but what you get.”出言谨慎的年长者过去总说:“重要的不是在这个世界上你想要什么,而是你得到了什么。”Psychology teaches that you do get what you want if you know what you want and want the right things.心理学教导人们,如果你知道自己需要什么、并且要求合理,你就能得到它。You can make a mental blueprint of a desire as you would make a blueprint of a house, and each of us is continually making these blueprints in the general routine of everyday living. If we intend to have friends to dinner, we plan the menu, make a shopping list, decide which food to cook first, and such planning is an essential for any type of meal to be served.你可以在头脑里勾画出愿望的蓝图,如同设计房屋的蓝图一样。而我们每个人在日常生活中都在不停地勾画着这样的愿望蓝图。比方说,想请朋友吃晚餐,我们就会筹划菜谱、列购物单、决定先煮什么菜等,这样的筹划对于举行任何形式的宴请都是必不可少的。Likewise, if you want to find a job, take a sheet of paper, and write a brief account of yourself. In making a blueprint for a job, begin with yourself, for when you know exactly what you have to offer, you can intelligently plan where to sell your services.同样,如果你想找一份工作,那就拿一张纸,写一份对自我的简单描述吧。为找工作制订计划蓝图时,要从你自己开始,因为只有当确切知道你可以提供什么服务时,你才能明智地筹划到哪儿去推销它们。This account of yourself is actually a sketch of your working life and should include ecation, experience and references.对自我的描述实际上是对你的职业生涯的简介,它应包括教育背景、经验和证明材料。Such an account is valuable. It can be referred to in filling out standard application blanks and is extremely helpful in personal interviews.这样的描述是很有价值的,在填写标准的申请表格时可作为参照,在面试时更是尤为有用。While talking to you, your could-be employer is deciding whether your ecation, your experience, and other qualifications, will pay him to employ you and your “wares” and abilities must be displayed in an orderly and reasonably connected manner.在与你面谈时,你未来的雇主将根据你的教育背景、经验和其他的资历来确定雇用你是否值得,因此你必须把你“待售的物品”和能力以有序而合理连贯的方式呈现出来。When you have carefully prepared a blueprint of your abilities and desires, you have something tangible to sell.当你为自己的能力和愿望仔细地筹划了一幅蓝图后,你就有实在的东西可以推销了。Then you are ready to hunt for a job. Get all the possible information about your could-be job. Make inquiries as to the details regarding the job and the firm. Keep your eyes and ears open, and use your own judgment.那时你就准备去找工作,先搜集所有与你可能选择的工作相关的信息,对工作和公司的详情进行调查,留心看,留意听,使用你的判断力。Spend a certain amount of time each day seeking the employment you wish for, and keep in mind: Securing a job is your job now.每天花一定的时间寻找你想要的工作,请记住:找工作就是你现在的工作。[精解] 本题考核的知识点是:句意题。原句it’s not...but...结构否定的是“你所想”,肯定的是“你所得”。即,得到什么比想要什么重要。B选项较好地概括了原文意思,为正确答案。A选项强调“所想就一定所得”,其中certainly一词过于绝对,而且第二段提到,得到“所想”的条件是:知道自己需要什么、并且要求合理。C选项中“不满足”是文中没有的内容。D选项强调“所想”的重要性,与原句意思相反。技巧:本题属于句子理解题,考生需反复琢磨句意,并注意选项中将what you want 和what you get具体化后的含义。[精解] 本题考核的知识点是:作者意图题。题干的内容是第三段中的举例,举例是为了说明论点,上文即该段第一句中作者表述的观点是:在日常生活中我们每个人都在不停地勾画这样的(愿望)蓝图。因此,“请人吃饭前制定计划”是说明人们勾画“愿望的蓝图”的一个例子。第四段首的逻辑词likewise (同样地,照样地)表明,后面提到的内容和“请朋友吃饭前制定计划”一样,也是在勾画“愿望的蓝图”。整个第四段主要介绍了找工作前应写简历,故A选项是举例所要说明的内容。B、C和D选项中分别出现good job、job description、job evaluation这些原文未有的内容。技巧:对于涉及举例的题,上下文的阅读甚为重要。考生关键要通过句子间的逻辑关系准确把握作者的写作意图。此外,要熟悉段落关联词和短语的用法,如:likewise表并列,暗示不同成分间的平等和相似。例句:This place is pretty beautiful, likewise the people here. 这地方美,人也美。[精解] 本题考核的知识点是:事实细节题。根据题干关键词before starting to find a job定位到第四段第二句。该句中for引导的原因状语从句对该题作了回答:当确切知道你自己能够提供什么服务时,你才能明智地筹划到哪里去推销它们。D选项是对此句的改写,其中exactly与clearly相对应,know what you have to offer与become aware of himself 一致。C选项偷梁换柱,将该原因从句中的where换成了when。文章第五段第四句提到写明个人情况只是利于雇主做出选择,并非取悦,因此A选项不正确。B选项属常识项,但文中未提及。技巧:细节的因果关系处是常考点。本题的考点是第四段第二句。题干加正确选项就是它的改写。[精解] 本题考核的知识点是:词义题。本题题干和文章最后一段第一句几乎一模一样,除了sell在四个选项中分别换成了同义词offer、provide、supply和present。故本题考点是对文中tangible一词的理解。可联系上文第五段中提到的“简历中的教育背景、工作经历、证明材料”这些求职硬件,来推测tangible的含义。tangible意为clear and definite(明确的,确实的),因此A选项为正确答案。B容易排除,Practical意为workable, useful(可行的,有用的),计划蓝图中的东西不一定就可行或令人满意,排除C和D。



Is language, like food, a basic human need without which a child at a critical period of life can be starved and damaged? Judging from the drastic experiment of Frederick II in the thirteenth century, it may be. Hoping to discover what language a child would speak if he heard no mother tongue, he told the nurses to keep silent.All the infants died before the first year. But clearly there was more than lack of language here. What was missing was good mothering. Without good mothering, in the first year of life especially, the capacity to survive is seriously affected.Today no such severe lack exists as that ordered by Frederick. Nevertheless, some children are still backward in speaking. Most often the reason for this is that the mother is insensitive to the signals of the infant, whose brain is programmed to learn language rapidly. If these sensitive periods are neglected, the ideal time for acquiring skills passes and they might never be learned so easily again. A bird learns to sing and to fly rapidly at the right time, but the process is slow and hard once the critical stage has passed.Experts suggest that speech stages are reached in a fixed sequence and at a constant age, but there are cases where speech has started late in a child who eventually turns out to be of high IQ. At twelve weeks a baby smiles and makes vowel-like sounds; at twelve months he can speak simple words and understand simple commands; at eighteen months he has a vocabulary of three to fifty words. At three he knows about 1,000 words which he can put into sentences, and at four his language differs from that of his parents in style rather than grammar.Recent evidence suggests that an infant is born with the capacity to speak. What is special about man’s brain, compared with that of the monkey, is the complex system which enables a child to connect the sight and feel of, say, a toy-bear with the sound pattern “toy-bear.” And even more incredible is the young brain’s ability to pick out an order in language from the mixture of sound around him, to analyze, to combine and recombine the parts of a language in new ways.But speech has to be inced, and this depends on interaction between the mother and the child, where the mother recognizes the signals in the child’s babbling (咿呀学语), grasping and smiling, and responds to them. Insensitivity of the mother to these signals lls the interaction because the child gets discouraged and sends out only the obvious signals. Sensitivity to the child’s non-verbal signals is essential to the growth and development of language.16.[答案]B[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:事实细节中的目的。文章在第一段论述了Frederick I 的实验,并在该段最后一句话的前半句用分词形式引导的目的状语,直接说明该实验的目的:Hoping to discover what language a child would speak if he heard no mother tongue, he…。由此可见他要求保育员保持沉默,其目的就是为了发现婴儿在听不到母语的情况下会讲什么语言。[B]选项是原文的合理改写,为正确答案。[A]选项与本段内容不符,况且文章第五段第一句Recent evidence suggests that an infant is born with the capacity to speak说明[A]选项的内容是现代人的发现,并非十三世纪的这个实验的目的。[C]选项与实验毫不相干,尽管文中第二段提到此实验中孩子的死亡并不仅仅是因为缺乏语言,还因为缺少细心护理,但这不是Frederick I 实验的目的,而是实验后人们的分析。[D]选项只是实验的结果,是人们在实验后得到的结论,并不是Frederick I 做这个实验的最初目的。17.[答案] C[解析]本题考核的知识点是:细节中的原因。第三段第二句提到“一些孩子在说话上迟钝”,随后指出原因:Most often the reason for this is that the mother is insensitive to the signals of the infant…。[C]选项是原文的改写。respond inadequately与Insensitive相应,their attempts to speak与the signals of the infant一致。因此[C]选项为正确答案。[A]选项与第三段第三句whose brain is programmed to learn language rapidly含义相反。 [B]、[D]这两个选项都是文中没有涉及的内容。注意at once在这里为“同时”之意。18.[解析]本题考核的知识点是:细节归纳。作者在第五段第一句和第二句都分别提到[A]选项和[B]选项。这两个选项都是儿童的普通能力特征,[B]选项更是所有人,包括成人的共有特征,因此都应排除。第五段是后一句话中的even more incredible 表明后述内容比前述内容重要,即:the young brain’s ability to pick out an order in language…, to analyze, to combine and recombine the parts of a language in new ways为儿童最不可思议的方面。而[C]选项为原文的确切改写,为正确答案。[D]选项与文章内容不符,文章第六段指出说话能力的引导有赖于母亲对孩子的交流,与“照顾”的概念不同。此外作者也没说它是最难以置信的能力。owe…to意思是“归功于,得感谢。”19.[解析]本题考核的知识点是:推理引申的是非判断。本题可对选项直接进行排除。[A]选项与第五段第一句话… an infant is born with the capacity to speak 相一致。faculty意为“能力”。[B]选项与最后一段提出的“母亲应对孩子的信号给予回应、进行鼓励”不符。因此[B]为答案。Anything but 意思是“根本不”。[C]选项中“儿童大脑的高度选择性”在第五段第三句the young brain’s ability to pick out an order in language from the mixture of sound around him得以说明。第三段最后一句话以鸟为例说明儿童学习语言有关键期,此外,第四段首句… speech stages are reached in a fixed sequence and at a constant age也说明了这一点,与[D]选项一致。20.[答案]D[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:推理引申。文章第四段第一句话举出例子:speech started late in a child who eventually turns out to be of high IQ,这说明说话晚的孩子后来也可能具有高智商,也就是说,说话晚并不一定低智商。因此[B]选项不正确,而[D]选项正确。但这并不能说明凡是说话晚的孩子将来智商都高。因此[A]选项也不正确。文章并未涉及[C]选项的内容。全文翻译语言是否如同食物这种人们的基本需求一样,没有了它,在关键期的儿童会饿死和受到损害?从十三世纪弗雷德里克一世的极端实验来看,语言可能会是这样。弗雷德里克一世期望发现如果没有母语,儿童将说什么语言,他叫护士保持沉默。所有的婴儿在第一年就夭折了。但是,显然这不仅仅是缺少语言的问题。(长难句①)真正缺乏的是良好的哺育。没有良好的哺育,尤其是在生命的第一年,人的生存能力会受到严重的影响。当今不会再存在如同弗雷德里克那样欠缺的安排了。然而,一些儿童仍然在说话方面滞后。通常是母亲对婴儿发出的信号不敏感,而婴儿的大脑已经对快速学习语言做好了安排。(长难句③)如果这些敏感的阶段被忽略的话,那么学习技能的最佳时间将被错过,同时人可能再也不会那么容易地学习这些技能了。小鸟在合适的时候能够很快地学会唱歌和飞翔,但一旦关键期错过了,那么学起来就会既慢又难。专家指出人按照固定的顺序并在一定的年龄进入说话阶段,但也有开始说话晚,最后成为高智商者的例子。(长难句②)十二周的时候,婴儿会笑并且发出类似元音的声音;在十二个月的时候,他会说简单的单词并且听懂简单的指令;在十八个月的时候他有三到五十个词汇量。在三岁的时候,他知道大约一千个能够用来造句的单词,到了四岁的时候,他的语言在风格而不是语法方面与他父母的语言迥异。最近的研究结果表明,婴儿生来就有说话的能力。与猴子大脑相比,婴儿大脑之所以特殊在于其复杂的系统能使儿童把对玩具熊这样具体事物的视觉及感觉与“玩具熊”这个词语的声音模式连接起来。更让人难以置信的是这个小脑袋从周围混杂的声音里挑选出语言的顺序,对其对进行分析,再以新的方式对语言的各部分进行组合、再组合的能力。但是说话需要引导,这依赖于儿童与母亲的交流,在此过程中,母亲识别儿童咿呀学语,抓东西和微笑等的信号并对这些信号做出反应。母亲对这些信号的不敏感性会削弱交流,因为儿童受挫,同时他们仅仅会发出明显的信号。对儿童非语言信号的敏感对语言的产生和发展是必要的。



What accounts for the great outburst of major inventions in early America -- breakthroughs such as the telegraph, the steamboat and the weaving machine?在早期美国,像电报、汽船和织布机这样重大的发明突破纷涌而出,其原因何在?Among the many shaping factors, I would single out the country’s excellent elementary schools: a labor force that welcomed the new technology; the practice of giving premiums to inventors; and above all the American genius for nonverbal, “spatial” thinking about things technological.在诸多形成因素中,我想特别指出如下因素:这个国家优异的小学教育;欢迎新技术的劳动大军;对发明者进行奖励的做法;尤其是美国人在处理技术性事物时所具有的非语言的空间思维才能。Why mention the elementary schools? Because thanks to these schools our early mechanics, especially in the New England and Middle Atlantic states, were generally literate and at home in arithmetic and in some aspects of geometry and trigonometry.为什么要提小学教育?正是因为有了这些学校,我们的早期技工才普遍能读会写,并精通算术及部分几何和三角,这种情况在新英格兰和大西洋中部各州尤为可见。Acute foreign observers related American adaptiveness and inventiveness to this ecational advantage.目光敏锐的外国观察家把美国人的适应能力和创新能力与这种教育优势联系起来。As a member of a British commission visiting here in 1853 reported, “With a mind prepared by thorough school discipline, the American boy develops rapidly into the skilled workman.”正如1853年访美的一个英国访问团成员所报道的那样,“由于有了学校彻底训练过的头脑,美国小伙子迅速地成为技术熟练的工人。”A further stimulus to invention came from the “premium” system, which preceded our patent system and for years ran parallel with it. This approach, originated abroad, offered inventors medals, cash prizes and other incentives.推动发明的另一刺激因素来自“奖赏”制度,它产生于我们的专利制度之前,且多年来与后者一同实施。这种做法起源于国外,做法是为发明者颁发奖章、奖金和其他奖励。In the United States, multitudes of premiums for new devices were awarded at country fairs and at the instrial fairs in major cities.在美国,大量奖励新发明的奖品在乡村集市和大城市的工业博览会上颁发。Americans flocked to these fairs to admire the new machines and thus to renew their faith in the beneficence of technological advance.美国人纷纷涌向这些集市和博览会去欣赏新机器,因而更加坚信技术进步会造福人类。Given this optimistic approach to technological innovation, the American worker took readily to that special kind of nonverbal thinking required in mechanical technology.有了这种对技术革新的乐观态度,美国工人很快便习惯了机械技术需要的那种特别的非语言的思维方式。As Eugene Ferguson has pointed out, “A technologist thinks about objects that cannot be reced to unambiguous verbal descriptions: they are dealt with in his mind by a visual, nonverbal process... The designer and the inventor... are able to assemble and manipulate in their minds devices that as yet do not exist.”正如尤金·弗格森曾指出的:“技术人员思考那些不能被简化为用明确的语言进行描述的物体;这些物体在他的头脑中以视觉性的、非语言性的方式被处理加工…设计者和发明者…能把那些尚不存在的机械在头脑中组装和操作。”This nonverbal “spatial” thinking can be just as creative as painting and writing. Robert Fulton once wrote, “The mechanic should sit down among levers, screws, wedges, wheels, etc., like a poet among the letters of the alphabet, considering them as an exhibition of his thoughts, in which a new arrangement transmits a new idea.”这种非语言的空间思维方式与绘画和写作一样具有创意。罗伯特·法欧曾写道:“技术人员坐在杠杆、螺钉、楔子、轮子等中间,如同一位诗人处在词汇之中,应该把它们看做是自己思想的一种表达,每一个新的组合都能传达一个新的意念。”When all these shaping forces -- schools, open attitudes, the premium system, a genius for spatial thinking -- interacted with one another on the rich U.S. mainland, they proced that American characteristic, emulation. Today that word implies mere imitation. But in earlier times it meant a friendly but competitive striving for fame and excellence.当所有这些成因——学校、开放的态度、奖赏制度及空间思维天赋在富饶的美国大陆上相互作用时,便造就了美国人的特点——竞争。今天这个词仅表示“模仿”(取其仿效之意),而在早期美国,它却意味着为名誉和优秀而进行友好、竞争的拼搏。[精解] 本题考核的知识点是:事实细节题。文章首句是个设问句,题干是对它的改写,其中e to和account for是同义短语。第二段对此设问予以回答,给出的原因有:优秀的初等教育;欢迎新技术的劳动力;给发明者以奖励的制度;而最重要的是美国人对技术性事物进行非语言的、“空间”思维的才能。前面三个原因之间的分号表明一种并列关系,说明分号前后是同等重要的原因,而最后一个分号后的above all(最重要)一词,与题干中的in a large part同义,显示它后面的内容与前面所列原因相比,更具重要性。因此D选项为正确答案。其他选项都是次要原因。技巧:文章首句出现问句一般是设问句,即有问必有答,而且它的回答往往是文章中心句或表明作者态度的句子。[精解] 本题考核的知识点是:推理引申题。根据题干中关键词adaptiveness and inventiveness定位到文章第四段首句,该句指出:敏锐的外国观察家将美国人的适应能力和创新能力与这个教育优势(this ecational advantage)联系在一起。解题的关键在于找到“这个教育优势”指的是什么。This作为代词,一般往回复指前述的最后内容,也就是第三段末句谈到的“早期技工们有文化并且熟知算术(arithmetic),还通晓一些几何学(geometry)和三角学(trigonometry)”,从而可知这种教育优势就是熟练掌握数学。因而A选项为正确答案。B选项的干扰来自第四段末句,该句提到彻底的学校训练(school discipline)让美国小伙子迅速成长为技术人员,这里的学校训练就是指上文中的“数学教育优势”,而非选项中的“学校管理”。C选项中的home training 是对第三段at home in...(熟知)进行断章取义。D选项在文中未提及。技巧:指代关系是常考点。代词指代的位置原则是就近指代,即在上下文中,指代内容可以是一个词或句子。代词指代体现的是句子之间的关系,正确答案从意义(主要指语法搭配)上和逻辑(主要指思想内容)上而言都应该通顺。第七段中引用Eugene Ferguson的话说明技术专家以非语言的方式进行思考。第八段首句指出:这种非语言的“空间”思维在创造力上可以与绘画和写作相比。接着文章又引用Robert Fulton的话说明a mechanic和a poet在使用“空间”思维方面的相通之处。因此,B选项为正确答案。此题还可以通过排除法求答。A选项无中生有,难道所有的技术专家和艺术家都是获奖者吗?C选项过度推断,显然不适用于艺术家。试问放弃语言描述的文字作品会是如何?况且进行非语言的空间思维不等于说放弃语言表达。D选项缺乏比较力度。若以使用多种工具为比较基础,岂不是各行各业的人都可以认为相似?技巧:类比可以看作是特殊的例证,但常使用比喻手法,用熟悉的、具体的、简单的事物来说明陌生的、抽象的、复杂的事物,目的不在比较,而在说明。考生关键要找出它所说明的论点或找出类比双方的相似性。[精解] 本题考核的知识点是:文章主旨题。总结主旨需要通观全文:文章一开始通过设问句点明主题,指出美国初期出现大量发明创造的众多原因。从第三段开始文章就各个原因分别论述。最后一段是全文的总结。可见,本文主要探讨早期美国人的发明创造热及其根源。因此A选项为最佳答案。也可用排除法解题。B、C选项都是部分原因,不能概括全文主旨;D选项太泛,文章只探究了引起发明热的原因。技巧:主旨题旨在考查考生对全篇文章信息综合归纳的能力。首先,文章开头部分对设问的回答往往是文章中心所在。其次,还应注意:(1)片面性、细节性的选项不能作题目。(2)可以假设某选项为题,然后试想在这样的题目下,应该写的内容。若与文章内容相悖,则不能作为题目。