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今天2020考研英语二考试已经结束了,小编正在发布2020考研英语二真题及答案,现在已经整理出2020考研英语二真题及答案:阅读理解第一篇和第二篇、以及翻译部分,并公布出来,希望有助于大家。2020考研英语二真题及答案:完型答案1.tricky2.for example3.fortunately4.descirbe5.while6.task7.tolerant8.push9.inevitable10.harsh11.turn back12.however13.regret14.affect15.bond16.important17.confronted18.hard19.changing20.escape2020考研英语二真题及答案:阅读理解第一篇21.Copper and her colleague argue that a "town of culture" award would ___.A. consolidate the town city ties in BritainB. promote cooperation among Brain's townsC. increase the economic strength of Brain's townsD. focus Brain's limited resources on cultural events.22.According to paragraph 2, the proposal might be regarded by some as ______..A.a sensible compromiseB.a self-deceiving attemptC.an eye-catching bonusD.an inaccessible target23. The author suggests that a title holder is successful only if it ______A. endeavor to maintain its imageB. meets the aspiration of its peopleC. brings its local arts to prominenceD. commits to its long-term growth24. “Glasgow” is mentioned in Paragraph 3 to present ______A. a contrasting caseB. a supporting exampleC. a background storyD. a related topic25. What is the author's attitude towards the proposal?A. Skeptical B. Objective C. Favorable D. Critical2020考研英语二真题及答案:阅读第二篇26. which of the following has contributed to CEO pay rise?A. The growth in the number of cooperationsB. The general pay rise with a better economyC. Increased business opportunities for top firmsD. Close cooperation among leading economics27.Compared with their predecessors, today's CEOs are required to ___.A. foster a stronger sense of teamworkB. finance more reaserach and developmentC.establish closer ties with tech companiesD.operate more globalized companies28. CEO pay has been rising since the 1970s despite ____.A.continual internal oppositionB. strict corporate governanceC.conservative business strategiesD.repeated governance warnings29.High CEO pay can be justified by the fact that it helps ___.A.confirm the status of CEOsB.motive inside candidatesC.boost the efficiency of CEOsD.increase corporate value30.The most suitable title for this text would be ___.A.CEOs Are Not OverpaidB. CEO Pay : Past and PresentC.CEOs' Challenges of TodayD.CEO Traits: Not Easy to Define2020考研英语二真题及答案:翻译部分



2020考研英语二翻译【真题原题】It's almost impossible to go through life without experiencing some kind of failure. People who do so probably live so cautiously that they go nowhere. Put simply, they are not really living at all But, the wonderful thing about failure is that it's entirely up t0 us to decide how to look at it.We can choose to see failure as "the end of the world," or as proof of just how inadequate we are. Or, we can look at failure as the incredible learning experience that it often is. Every time we fail at something; we can choose to look for the lesson were meant to learn. These lessons are very important; they are how we grow, and how we keep form making that same mistake again Failures stop us only if we let them.Failure can also teach us things about ourselves that we would never have learned otherwise. For instance, failure can help you discover how strong a person you are. Failing at something can help you discover your truest friends, or help you find unexpected motivation to succeed.【参考译文】人生中不经历一些失败几乎是不可能的。但是,失败的美妙之处在于,如何看待失败完全取决于我们。我们可以选择把失败看作是 ”世界末日 ”,或者我们可以把失败看作是常有的的极好的学习机会。每当我们在某件事上失败的时候,我们可以选择寻找我们应该吸取的教训。这些教训非常重要,它们是我们成长的方式,也是我们避免再犯同样的错误的方法。只有我们选择放弃的时候失败才能够阻止我们。失败也可以让我们更好地认识自己,如果没有失败我们决不可能认识到这样的自己。比如,失败可以让你发现你有多么强大。在某些事情上的失败可以帮助你发现你最真诚的朋友,或者帮助你找到意想不到的通往成功的动力。-----------------------------------分割线-----------------------------------------------------对完答案,不论结果是好是坏,希望你能放松心态。人生时时都在面对考试,所谓考研,也不过是人生考试的一部分,所以,一定要坚强面对,加油!20考研已经完了,21考研的小伙伴也该准备起来了,这里给大家推荐一些考研英语专用书单:单词书:闪过英语《考研词汇闪过》(按考频划了频考词、基础词、偶考词和超纲词4类单词,重点记频考词和基础词,挺省时间的。)真题书:英一只推荐《考研真相》,英语二就用《考研圣经》(真题文章都是逐句图示细讲的,重点词汇和每个句子都有详细讲解,不怕你看不懂文章,还有就是排除干扰项,提高做题的正确率,适合基础弱的人用。)写作书:英一《写作160篇》,英二《写作宝中宝》(很适合英语基础不太好的同学,里面有总结高分词汇、基础句型,还有经典模板之类的,可以先从词、句、段、篇开始学会写作文,然后再学习书里话题、句式、模板、思路,写一些有亮点的高分作文。)



英语一 翻译2019英语一翻译讲述医疗杂志文章质量下降这样一个现象,并分析了原因及危害,以及呼吁我们应该做什么。这和考研英语作文一样的结构——提出问题、分析问题、解决问题。我们来聊聊考察语言点的变化。首先,49题考查对虚拟语气的正确理解和翻译。这是英语一1997年以来首次考查复杂虚拟语气的翻译!这表明,不能因为历年真题没有考查过就认定不会考。考生需要掌握英语所有常见语法知识点,方可应对英译汉。其次,47题考查比较结构,这是历史上第一次考查带有倍数的比较结构,并且第二比较项中的"would have done"这种带推测的动词形式在翻译中几乎没有考查过,而且也不作为阅读理解的考点。所以考生并没有予以重视,预计得分率很低。然后是词汇方面。英译汉每年都考查大量的多义词、派生词和固定用法,今年也不例外。比如46题中的多义词"lay"、复合形容词"short-lived";49题中的多义词"associates"以及固定用法"in return for";还有,50题中的派生词"reprocible"和"incentivize"。以上都会给考场中紧张的考生造句困难。杨凡达老师预计今年的英译汉难度系数会在0.35-0.4之间,与去年持平或略简单。46)There is a great deal of this kind of nonsense in the medical journals which, when taken up by broadcasters and the lay press, generates both health scares and short-lived dietary enthusiasms.参考译文:这些医学杂志中包含大量这种无稽之谈,如果广播电台和非专业媒体对此信以为真并加以报道,这将引发人们的健康恐慌以及短期的饮食热潮。难点1:"nonsense"。直接翻译成“废话”扣分,因为在这句中不是那层意思。原文前面说每周吃超过多少克的西兰花会导致年纪大了后更容易贫血。其实我们平常在新闻中看到类似的言论有很多。作者的意思是这些都是扯淡,没有严谨的科学依据。所以这里的"nonsense"译为“无稽之谈”要好一些。难点2:短语"take up"的意思是“接受并开始做/从事某事”。意思是这些广播电台听信了这样的说法就会如何如何。难点3:"the lay press"中的"lay"是难点,不是我们熟知的“放置、铺设”等的意思。"lay"在这里做形容词,表示“非专业的,外行的”,所以"layman"这个词表示“门外汉”。这里的"the lay press"指的是非专业媒体,大概就是那种野鸡媒体。难点4:"short-lived"可根据其本身和上下文来猜测其大概含义。"short"表示短,"lived"表示活着,所以"short-lived"大概意思是“短命的”,在这里引申为“短暂的,为期不长的”。47)nowadays anyone applying for a research post has to have published twice the number of papers that would otherwise have been required for the same post only 10 years ago.参考译文:现如今,任何一个申请研究岗位的人事先必须发表论文的数量,是10年前申请同一岗位所需论文数量的两倍。难点1:处理这句话中的比较结构。通读句子,我们大概得到的信息是“A是B的两倍”,只是如何把这句话翻的通顺是需要思考的。难点2:"would otherwise have been"是后半句的难点,"otherwise"字面意思是“否则”,但如果润色到位可以不用翻译出来。但"would have done"这种特殊的谓语形式,其实很多同学会觉得比较难。这个结构表示“合理推测”,在虚拟语气中经常出现,比如"I would have been a programmer but end up being an English teacher."(我本可以成为一名程序员,结果却当了英语老师)。在这句话中,用"would have been"表示如果是十年前,本可以怎么样怎样。48)Attempts have been made to curb this kind of tendency to incorporate some measure of quality as well as quantity into the assessment of an applicant's published papers.参考译文:人们已经尝试扭转这种趋势,比如除发表数量外,在评估申请人已发表论文时引入与质量挂钩的衡量标准。难点1:被动语态"have been made"如何处理。我在翻译课反复强调被动语态的处理方法,主要手段有将“被”字转译为其它汉子或将被动语态转为主动语态亦或者总体换一个说法。考生在考场上需要做的是用这几种方法去尝试,合理通顺即可。这一句的"Attempts have been made to …"可译为“人们已经尝试…”。难点2:"as well as"。很多人以为这是“而且”的意思,可以代替"and",但这只是它的其中一种用法。我记得我在某课中讲解过"as well as"的另一种用法——表示“除…之外还有…”,在句子中充当定语。在48题中,如果我们将"as well as"理解为第一种情况,"some measure of quality as well as quantity"的意思是“某种质量和数量的衡量标准”。好像没太明白是什么意思,对不对?上下文告诉我们,因为只看论文数量导致大家拼命写论文而导致质量下降,所以我们已经采取了一些搜段来改变这种状况,那不就是应该在数量之外引入新的衡量标准,比如论文质量。所以"as well as"在这里符合第二种情况,表示“除…之外还有…”。考生在考场上需要迅速做出这样的判断,难度比较大,所以杨老师认为这0.5分很多考生拿不到。难点3:"an applicant's published papers"。这个语言点考得很细,考查过去分词的语义。过去分词可以表“完成”或“被动”,考生需要根据语境判断。这里所说的“申请者的论文”指什么?第47句告诉我们申请者需要在申请之前发表一定数量的论文。根据这一点,我们可以断定"published"在这里表示完成,那么"an applicant's published papers"指“申请者已经发表的论文”。49)This would be reasonable enough if it were not for the fact that scientists can easily arrange to cite themselves in their future publications, or get associates to do so for them in return for similar favors.参考译文:这种做法本应该是合理的,但事实上,科学家可以轻易在未来发表文章中引用自己写的文章,或者和同行约定引用对方的文章。难点1:如何翻译虚拟语气(非真实条件句)?简单的诸如"If I were you, I would buy the car"(如果我是你,我会买这辆车。)很好处理。但49这一题比较复杂,其核心结构是"This would be reasonable if it were not for the fact that …",大致可以翻译为“如果不是因为这样一个事实,这会是合理的”。不过,因为“事实”对应的内容非常长,而且“如果…这会是…”也不太符合汉语表达习惯,所以杨凡达老师将其润色为“这种做法本应该是合理的,但事实上,…”难点2:"associates"为多义词,通常做动词表示“联系”,在这里做名词用表示“同事”。难点3:"similar favors"。这个短语的字面意思是“相类似的好处”。如果不结合上下文,很难明白这个短语真正想表达什么。前文说“开始引入论文质量衡量体系”,这本是件好事。但所谓道高一尺魔高一丈,研究者会利用机制漏洞继续发表低质量作文,也就是"the fact that …"之后的内容。比如,他们会在新文章中引用自己发表的文章已增加影响因子,或者和同事约定好互相引用,也就对应到原文"get associates to do so for them in return for similar favors"(让同事写论文时引用自己的文章,好处就是自己也去引用对方的文章)。50)If we are serious about ensuring that our science is both meaningful and reprocible, we must ensure that our institutions incentivize that kind of science.参考译文:如果我们认真地想确保我们的科学研究是有意义的,并且可以被后人反复利用,我们就必须保证我们的制度鼓励大家做这样的研究。难点1:如何翻译"reprocible"?这是一个超纲词,但并不“犯规”。意思是,这个单词由常见词根词缀构成——"re = again + proce = make + ible = be able to"。因此,这个单词的字面含义是“可再生的,可复制的,可繁殖的”,也就是“能够再次生产”。不过我们若将"our science is reprocible"翻译为“我们的科学是可再生/复制/繁殖的”显然不妥。那么,作者到底想表达什么?我们还需要借助上下文。整篇文章说医学界论文质量大幅下降,发表的都是“垃圾”,说明这些论文一文不值,对于社会进步没有任何帮助。而好的论文应该可被利用的,比如利用论文成果开发产品改善生活质量、或者给后续科研提供理论基础等等。所以,我将其翻译为“可被后人反复利用”难点2:超纲词"incentivize"。熟悉的配方,熟悉的味道,这依然是由常见词根词缀构成的单词。"incentive"是考研大纲收入的名词,意思是“鼓励、激励”,而"ize"是常见动词后缀,那么"incentivize"理论上可理解为“鼓励、激励”这个动作,而且这也符合原文语境。总结:英语一英译汉板块依然是整张试卷最难的板块,但在这部分上拿到不错分数也并非不可能。我们需要的是方法和态度。方法指的是了解英译汉命题规律和考点,比如一直重点考查的多义词、派生词和固定用法,以及今年首次考查的虚拟语气等。那么我们在背单词阶段的态度应该有所转变。比如,我们需要积累常见词根、词缀以便结合上下文猜测出超纲词的含义,我们还需要积累常见单词的生僻含义以及单词组合起来构成的固定用法(成语)。而且我们在做这些训练的同时,提升的绝对不只是英译汉能力,同时提高的还有阅读理解能力和写作能力。英语二 翻译It is easy to underestimate English writer James Herriot. He has such a pleasant, readable style that one might think that anyone could imitate it. How many times have I heard people say “I could write a book. I just haven’t the time.” Easily said. Not so easily done. James Herriot, contrary to popular opinion, did not find it easy in his early days of, as he put it, “having a go at the writing game.”While he obviously had an abundance of natural talent, the final, polished work that he gave to the world was the result of years of practicing, re-writing and reading. Like the majority of authors, he had to suffer many disappointments and rejections along the way, but these made him all the more determined to succeed. Everything he achieved in life was earned the hard way and his success in the literary field was no exception.参考译文:英国作家吉米哈利的实力容易被低估。他的作品讨喜且通俗易懂以致大家觉得任何人都可以模仿。“我可以写书,我只是没时间。”这种话我听过无数次。说起来容易,做起来却没那么简单。按照吉米哈利自己的说法,他在“尝试写作这种游戏”的初期并不顺利,这与大众对他的看法刚好相反。虽然大家都知道他才华横溢,但他带个世人的精彩作品都是多年阅读、练习以及不断重写的成果。和绝大数作家一样,他这一路必然有很多次被拒稿的失望经历,但这些使他对成功更加坚定。哈利一生中每一次成功都来之不易,在文学界的成就也不例外。【详细解析】和2018年真题类似,这一年翻译文章是对知名人物的介绍,文字难度低,通俗易懂,难度基本与2018持平。英语二翻译总体难度比英语一低,但每年得分率也不超过60%,这是因为字里行间中有一些细小的单词、短语、结构较难理解或润色,而这些点是阅卷者阅卷时的重点关注对象,也是得分或扣分的关键。从2010-2019这十年翻译真题,我们不断得出一个结论:重视英语基本功。这指的是对英语单词在特定语境中的理解、掌握常见的固定用法、以及了解英语和汉语在表达时的区别等等。英语二翻译价值15分,不容小觑,希望2020考研考生认真对待。1. It is easy to underestimate English writer James Herriot.这句话中包含的句型"It is easy to do something"通常译为“做某事很简单”,所以这句可直译为“低谷英国作家"James Herriot"很简单”。但这不够通顺,所以我们要对其润色,比如“英国作家"James Herriot"很容易被低估”,这就好比我们会把"It is easy to learn English"译为“英语很容易学”的原理是一样的。另外"James Herriot"这个名字可以不译,也可以根据读音译为詹姆斯哈里亚特(请参考007"James Bond"的译名)。尽管这个作家在国内早已约定翻译为吉米哈利,但译为“詹姆斯哈里亚特”不扣分。2. He has such a pleasant, readable style that one might think that anyone could imitate it.前半句直译成“他有如此的令人愉悦的、可读的风格”显然不妥。首先,我们在这里讨论他的作品风格,而不是他本人性格,所以"pleasant, readable"描述他的作品而非作者,因此我们可以将pleasant润色为“讨喜”,并将"readable"译为“通俗易懂”。3. How many times have I heard people say “I could write a book. I just haven't the time.”词句包含直接引语,这部分独立不可分割,我们可以先译出来——我可以写书,我只是没有时间。前半句的意思是多次听人们说这样一句话,所以整句话可译为:我听过多少次人们说“我可以写书,我只是没有时间”。也可以先翻译直接引语,再总结式地翻译前半句:“我可以写书,只是没时间。”这种话我听过无数次。4. Easily said. Not so easily done.省略句,源自成句"easily said than done"(说起来比做起来容易),原句为"It is easily said. It is not so easily done." 因为在这篇文章中,原本的成语一分为二,翻译时也可以如此断句——说起来容易,但做起来没那么简单。5. James Herriot, contrary to popular opinion, did not find it easy in his early days of, as he put it, “having a go at the writing game.”这句话包含两个插入成分。首先是"contrary to popular opinion"(与大众观点相反的是),这是一个句子状语,通常放在句首,偶尔像这句话一样,放在主语和谓语之间。在翻译的时候,放在句首符合汉语表达习惯。后面的"as he put it"(就像他所说的)是一个状语从句,但插入在of和后面的直接引语之间,造句理解困难。将这个成分剥离,我们可以看到剩下部分in his early days of “having a go at the writing game”其实是一个时间状语,修饰主干成分。在翻译"as he put it"时,要考虑放在整句话哪个位置。放在原句那个位置显然不妥;其实我们根据汉语的语感,这种表达要么放句首起引领作用,要么放句尾起总结作用,但句首已经有了“与大众观点相反的是”,所以两者都放句首造成冲突。那么我们考虑将"as he put it"放句尾,但这样一来无论怎么润色都不通顺,所以我们考虑将它放句首并将"contrary to popular opinion"从而润色为“这与大众观点相反”。如此一来,整句话就通顺了。6. While he obviously had an abundance of natural talent, the final, polished work that he gave to the world was the result of years of practicing, re-writing and reading.连词"while"放置于句首,多半情况下表示“虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句。从句中"natural talent"字面含义为“自然的才能”,也就是“天赋”的意思。另外,"an abundance of"的字面意思是“丰富的,大量的”,但搭配“天赋”不够通顺。冷静下来想一想,所谓的“丰富大量的天赋”不就是“才华横溢”嘛。主干部分都主语说的是他的作品。"Polished"一词原本指“经过打磨的”,但修饰作品时则表示“精彩的”。7. Like the majority of authors, he had to suffer many disappointments and rejections along the way, but these made him all the more determined to succeed.连词"but"之前的句子不太好润色。"Many disappointments and rejections"直译的结果是“多次失望和拒绝”。我们需要结合文章背景来做进一步理解:这位作家并非年少成名,而偏向大器晚成。那么一个这样的作家在早期必然经历很多挫折,比如像J.K.罗琳那样写的很多稿件被出版社拒之门外,从而无比失望了,这不就对应到"many disappointments和rejections"嘛。那么我们可以将这部分润色为“他这一路必然有很多次被拒稿/稿件被拒的失望经历”8. Everything he achieved in life was earned the hard way and his success in the literary field was no exception.前半句考查固定用法"earn … the hard way",意思是“做到某事来之不易”。同学们可能没见过这种用法,但根据"the hard way"和全文大意也能猜测出大概含义。后半句也包含一个固定句子结构"X be no exception",意思是“X也不例外”,这个短语在阅读真题中出现过,做过相应文章的同学应该不陌生,可以轻松翻译出来。最后,祝大家圣诞节快乐。



It’s almost impossible to go through life without experiencing some kind of failure. People who do so probably live so cautiously that they go nowhere. Put simply, they're not really living at all. But, the wonderful thing about failure is that it's entirely up to us to decide how to look at it.We can choose to see failure as “the end of the world,” or as proof of just how inadequate we are. Or, we can look at failure as the incredible learning experience that it often is. Every time we fail at something,we can choose to look for the lesson we’re meant to learn. These lessons are very important, they’re how we grow, and how we keep from making that same mistake again. Failures stop us only if we let them.Failure can also teach us things about ourselves that we would never have learned otherwise. For instance, failure can help you discover how strong a person you are. Failing at something can help you discover your truest friends, or help you find unexpected motivation to succeed.人生几乎不可能不经历某种失败。没有经历失败的人可能生活得过于谨慎,以至于也不会有什么成就。简单地说,他们根本就没有真正地生活。然而,失败的美妙之处在于,如何看待失败完全取决于我们自己。我们可以选择把失败看作是“世界末日”,或者是我们能力不足的证明。或者,我们可以把它看作是难以置信的学习经验,它经常是如此。每当我们在某件事上失败时,我们可以选择寻找我们应该学到的教训。这些教训非常重要,它们是我们成长以及避免再次犯同样错误的方式。失败只有在我们允许的情况下才能阻止我们。失败也可以教会我们一些关于我们自己的东西,如果没有失败,我们永远也学不到这些东西。例如,失败可以帮助你发现你是多么强大。某些事情上的失败可以帮助你发现最真诚的朋友,或者帮助你找到通向成功意想不到的动力。









Section III TranslationDirections:Translate the following text into Chinese. Write your translation neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points)It's almost impossible to go through life without experiencing some kind of failure. People who do so probably live so cautiously that they go nowhere. Put simply, they're not really living at all. But, the wonderful thing about failure is that it's entirely up to us to decide how to look at it.We can choose to see failure as“the end of the world," or as proof of just how inadequate we are. Or, we can look at failure as the incredible 1earning experience that it often is. Every time we fail at something. we can choose to 1ook for the lesson we re meant to learn. These lessons are very important, they're how we grow, and how we keep from making that same mistake again.Failures stop us only if we let them.Failure can also teach us things about ourselves that we would never have 1earned otherwise. For instance, failure can help you discover how strong a person you are. Failing at something can help you discover your truest friends, or help you find unexpected motivation to succeed .[参考译文]人的一生总要经历一些失败。有些人生活极其小心翼翼(谨慎)以至于他们那儿也没过。简言之,他们根本没生活过。但是,失败的美妙之处在于,这完全取决于我们看待方式。我们可以选择视失败为“世界末日”,或仅是我们能力不足的证明,亦或可以将其看学习经验,尽管有点让人难以置信。每次的失败,我们都能选择把它看作本要掌握的经验。这些经验十分重要,它们关乎我们如何成长以及如何避免再次犯错。只有我们允许失败阻拦我们时,它才会阻止我们前行。失败也让我们更加了解自己,而这些是我们之前从未意识到的。例如,失败让我们自己是多么强大,失败也能帮你发现真正的朋友,或者帮你发现通往成功的出乎意料的动力。真题出来了,答案对完了,心情还好吗?考研英语还是有难度的,加上考研人数年年增加,今年已经突破400万,后面的形势会越来越严峻。21考研的小伙伴要好好准备,尤其英语,每年放倒多少英雄好汉(捂脸哭)。不过还是相信人艰不拆,上岸书单送给大家:单词书《考研词汇闪过》,按照考频划重点,频考词、基础词、偶考词、超纲词,一目了然,清晰好记。真题书:英一《考研真相》,英二《考研圣经》,逐词逐句图解文章超详细,不用再翻工具书,英语渣的神助攻。作文书:英一《写作160篇》,英二《写作宝中宝》,高分词汇,基础句型,经典模板应有尽有,好背又好用。关注微信公众号“巨微考研英语”,获取更多备考资料!






2019年考研初试英语二阅读试题答案及解析text12019考研英语(二)阅读真题Text1是关于内疚的好处的文章,第一篇文章总体不难,文都教育的英语老师就第一篇阅读答案给大家做了解析,为了方便核对,我们将选项也对应给出。阅读理解Text1 答案21. [C] foster a child’s moral development22. [B] burdensome23. [D] an emotion can play opposing roles24. [B] can result from either sympahty or guilt25. [D] wrongdoings解析:21. 根据题干Researchers think that guilt can be a good thing because it may help______.内容定位到第一段最后一句This is why researchers generally regard so-called moral guilt, in the right amount, to be a good thing. 由最后一句的this指代词,可知原因在第一段的前几句,根据第一句Unlike so-called basic emotions such as sadness, fear, and anger, guilt emerges a little later, in conjunction with a child’s growing grasp of social and moral norms. 和第二句Children aren’t born knowing how to say “I’m sorry”; rather, they learn over time that such statements appease parents and friends—and their own consciences. 可知内疚不是天生的,而是和一个孩子的道德规范有关,是通过后天学习获得的。因此答案是C 选项 foster a child’s moral development。22. 根据题干According to paragraph 2, many people still consider guilt to be______.定位到第二段第一句In the popular imagination, of course, guilt still gets a bad rap. 另外第二句It is deeply uncomfortable—it’s the emotional equivalent of wearing a jacket weighted with stones. 也进一步解释了第一句。由这两句可知许多人认为内疚是不好的,令人不舒服的,让人感觉沉重,就像是衣服口袋里有石头一样,因此答案为B选项burdensome。23. 根据题干Vaish hold that the rethinking about guilt comes from an awareness that______.中的关键词Vaish定位到第二段第四句,根据第四句中的adding that this revival is part of a larger recognition that emotions aren’t binary—feelings that may be advantageous in one context may be harmful in another. 可知这种复兴是更大的认识的一部分,即情绪不是二元情感,在一个情境中有利的情绪,在一个情景中可能是有害的。其中第4句中的revival和题干中的rethinking对应,第四句中的recognition和题干中的awareness对应,因此答案是D 选项 an emotion can play opposing roles。24. 根据题干Malti and others have shown that cooperation and sharing _______. 定位到第四段第三句 In a number of studies, Malti and others have shown that guilt and sympathy may represent different pathways to cooperation and sharing. 根据第三句可知内疚和和同情可能代表了通往合作和分享的不同的路径。可以得出,答案是B 选项can result from either sympahty or guilt。25. 根据题干中的关键词transgressions可以定位到第五段第二句Using caregiver assessments and the children’s self-observations, she rated each child’s overall sympathy level and his or her tendency to feel negative emotions after moral transgressions. 根据第二句中的 feel negative emotions after moral transgressions. 可以看到negative emotions 来源于transgressions. 而negative emotions表示负面情绪是贬义的,因此对比4个选项,可以得出答案是D选项wrongdoings.以上就是文都教育考研老师为各位考生带来的2019考研英语二阅读Text 1的答案解析,文都教育考研英语老师预祝大家考上理想的学校。(来源:文都教育)



考研英语二翻译We tend to think that friends and family members are our biggest source of connection, laughter and warmth. While that may well be true, researchers have also recently found that interacting with strangers actually brings a boost in mood and feelings of belonging that we didn’t expect.In one series of studies, researchers instructed Chicago-area commuters using public transportation to strike up a conversation with someone near them. On average, participants who followed this instruction felt better than those who had been told to stand or sit in silence. The researchers also argued that when we shy away from casual interactions with strangers, it is often e to a misplaced anxiety that they might not want to talk to us. Much of the time, however, this belief is false. As it turns out, many people are actually perfectly willing to talk—and may even be flattered to receive your attention.◆【参考译文】我们倾向于认为朋友和家人是我们交往、欢笑和温暖的最大来源。虽然这可能是真的,但研究人员最近也发现,与陌生人互动实际上会带来在情绪和归属感方面的意外提升。在一系列研究中,研究人员让芝加哥地区乘坐公共交通工具的通勤者与旁边的人搭讪。 平均而言,遵循这一指令的参与者比那些被告知安静地站着或坐着的人感觉更好。研究人员还认为,当我们羞于与陌生人进行随意的互动时,往往是因为一种无谓的焦虑,担心他们可能不想和我们说话。然而,很多时候,这种想法是错误的。事实证明,许多人实际上非常愿意交谈,甚至可能因为能得到你的关注而感到荣幸。21考研已经结束,打算22考研的同学,可以先准备啦!搜集复习资料【考研英语】单词:《考研词汇闪过》,按考频划重点,省时间真题:英一《考研真相》(4件套)英二《考研圣经》(4件套)基础打不牢,越学越煎熬英语基础弱(比如六级低分漂过的)直接用这个书,每个句子都图示讲解的(包括每个长难句),重点单词有解释,真的能跟着它看进去书,看懂文章这样才方便下一步做题。其他真题书都个别句子讲的,你能确保你看不懂的书上刚好很巧就能讲到吗专业课资料研招网或目标院校参考书复习方法笔记、历年真题可以联系往届学长学姐或到公众号搜集