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导语:2019年英语一、二考研作文真题和完整版答案,赶快来对答案喽!2019考研英语(一)图画作文是让考生写出坚持的重要性,题目描述的是两个人在爬山,一个人太累想停下来,另外一个人给他递了一瓶水,告诉他要坚持下去。针对本题,文都考研教学研究院提供2019考研英语(一)真题答案大作文参考范文一篇如下:【题目】52. Directions:Write an essay of 160-180 words based on the following picture.In your essay, you should1) describe the picture briefly.2) interpret its intended meaning, and3) give your comments.【参考范文】The cartoon provides us with a thought-provoking scene: two men are climbing a hill, but one of them desires to give up e to tiredness, while the other one encourages him to keep going.Undoubtedly, the cartoonist aims at reminding us of the significance of persistence. At the top of the list, we should attach importance to perseverance mainly e to that it can enable us to ameliorate ourselves so we can be qualified for future career promotion, and be ready for meeting the forthcoming challenges.What’s more, we ought to place a high value on the role played by persistence in personal growth. Put it another way, in this ever-changing world, perseverance is to personal growth what water is to fish. To sum up, if persistence misses our attention in any possible way, we will suffer a great loss beyond imagination.Hence, it is vital for us to derive positive implications from the above cartoon. For one thing, we should frequently use it to enlighten the young. For another, we should cultivate the awareness of teenagers that it is very vital to keep going toward our goals. Only by doing so, can we become winner in the face of difficulties.【参考范文译文】这个漫画给我们呈现了一个发人深思的情景:两人正在爬山,但是其中一个人因为疲劳想要放弃,而另一个人鼓励他继续下去。毫无疑问,图画的作者旨在提醒我们坚持重要性。首先,我们应该重视坚持,主要是因为坚持可以让我们完善自身,这样我们未来才有资格得到职业生涯的进步,才能做好准备迎接以后的挑战。另外,我们也应该重视坚持在个人成长方面的作用。在这个多变的时代,坚持对于个人成长就像水对于鱼一样重要。 换言之,如果我们以任何可能的形式忽视坚持,我们将遭受非常巨大的损失。因此,从以上图画中得出积极的含义非常重要。一方面,我们应该经常用它来启迪年轻人。另外一方面,我们应该培养青少年重视坚持的意识。只有这样,我们才能成为困难面前的赢家。各位考研学子,明天继续加油,祝考出好成绩!考研必胜!



小编在第一时间更新考研英语的作文试题题目,现在是粗糙的版本,后续会更新完整的英语一和英语二的试题答案解析内容。下面给大家整理英语一、英语二大小作文的真题内容。英语一大小作文真题题目(网友回忆版)题目是大概的内容,具体文字等内容后续更新。小作文:我为" Aiding Rural Primary School"工作,一个国际志愿者有 require,我 answer。要求写出我那个 project 的细节,署名 Li Ming大作文:俩人爬山,一个人坐下说太累了不爬了,另一个人边爬边递水给另一个人瓶水,说休息一下接着爬英语二大小作文真题题目(不完整版,可参考)Part ADirections: Suppose professor Smith ask you to plan a debate on the theme of city traffic, write an email to him1)Suggest a topic and with your reasons,2) And your arangementYou should write about 700 words on the ANSWER SHEETDon' t use your own name, use"Zhang Wei instead. Don t write your address. (10 points)Part BDirections Write an essay based on the following chart. In your essay, you should interpret the chart, and give yourcommentsYou should write about I50 wordsneatly on the ANSWER SHEET(15 points)另附上网友发出来的部分英语一的部分参考答案:据网友回忆,考研英语一阅读排序题参考答案为DABGE;据网友回忆,英语一阅读参考答案如下:21 A enhance banker's sense of responsibility22 D "short-termism" in economic activities23 B adverse24 C the approaches to promoting "long-termism"25 B patience as a corporate virture26 D The change of course catologs27 C To help freshmen adapt to college learning28 D obtain more financial support29 B To complement each other30 C analyzing the causes behind it31 D involves some concerns raised by AI today32 A is too limited for us to reproce it33 C is still beyond our capacity34 B affirmation35 B Frankenstein, the Novel predicting the Age of AI36 C make more online shopper pay sale tax37 B were considered unfavorable by states38 harmed fiar market competition39 Big chain owners40 gives a factual account of it and discuss its consequences好了,还是那一句,别急着对答案,考后的休息是十分重要的,小编在这里预祝大家第二天的考试顺利~



2020考研英语于今日下午正式结束。不管各位同学发挥得如何,都请不要在所有考试结束前对答案,以免影响心情,进而影响到接下来的考试。文都教育考研英语辅导老师现将2020考研英语(一)大作文的参考范文及译文分享给大家,方便各位在考试结束后了解自己的写作情况。【参考范文】Portrayed distinctively by the two cartoons above is an impressive scene: a girl in the left picture is doing homework and saying that early completion is better. Nevertheless, the boy in the right picture is sitting in front of the desk and saying that he will not finish the homework until the last minute. Undoubtedly, the symbolic implication of the pictures is to show us that importance should be attached to the formation of good habits, especially the good habit of time management. On the one hand, efficient time management is critical to personal development. As the old saying goes, “Time is money,” and in the fast-paced modern life, it seems that we always have a lot of things to do and we are very busy. In the face of such a situation, we have to realize that efficiency holds the key to saving time and time management skills hold the key to personal success. On the other hand, good time management habits play a vital role in the development of the whole society. There is no doubt that, to a large extent, social progress is closely related to the efforts of each indivial. If we can develop the good habit of time management, we are much more likely to improve efficiency and have a better performance in the learning and working process, which is an integral part of social advances and prosperity.From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that the sense of efficient time management skills is of equal importance in personal and social progress. Therefore, we ought to take advantage of the phenomenon to enlighten the public and the press is expected to take a lead in advertising the value of developing good time management habits. Only in this way can we have a bright future. 【参考范文译文】上面两幅漫画所描绘的是一个令人印象深刻的画面:左图中的一个女孩正在做作业,她说早完成比较好。然而,右图中的男孩正坐在书桌前,说他要到最后一分钟才会完成。毫无疑问,这两幅图的象征意义是:我们应该重视好习惯的养成,尤其是时间管理方面的好习惯。一方面,高效的时间管理对个人发展至关重要。俗话说,“时间就是金钱”,在快节奏的现代生活中,我们似乎总是有很多事情要做,很忙。面对这种情况,我们必须认识到,效率是节省时间的关键,而且时间管理技能是个人成功的关键。另一方面,良好的时间管理习惯对整个社会的发展起着至关重要的作用。毋庸置疑,社会进步在很大程度上与每个人的努力密切相关。如果我们能养成良好的时间管理习惯,我们就更有可能提高效率,在学习和工作过程中有更好的表现,这是社会进步和繁荣发展不可分割的一部分。综上所述,可得出如下结论:高效的时间管理对于个人和社会的进步同等重要。因此,我们应该利用这一现象来启发公众,而媒体应该带头宣传养成良好的时间管理习惯的价值。只有这样,我们才能拥有一个光明的未来。以上就是文都教育考研英语辅导老师提供的2020考研英语(一)真题大作文的参考范文和相应译文,希望对大家的写作有所帮助,最后,祝大家取得理想的成绩!



2020年考研英语(一)的大作文的图画种关于作文考察通常来说的就是真题中反复出现的双图对比,通常会是通过对比两幅图画中两个人物对于同样一件事情不同的反应或态度引出话题,常常会与 2012年的大作文"乐观的生活态度"考察形式相同。我们通过对比,其中图一的姑娘说早点写完早安心,图二的男孩说'不到最后一刻不写。然后得出图一反应出的"珍惜时间、采取行动、勤奋"等主题词。图二对应的主题词是"拖延、不付诸行动、懒惰"等,主题词难度并不大。下面就是例文,大家参考一下哦!As is vividly depicted in the drawings, two indivials have completely opposite attitudes towards the same event. The girl in the first picture,who is doing her homework,intends to finish her homework as soon as possible.By contrast, although the boy in the second picture is also sitting in front of the table,he plans to put off his homework until the last minute. Obviously, what the metaphorical and impressive pictures convey is that the good habit is of great significance to personal development and growth.Nowadays, people in mounting numbers put great emphasis on the importance of developing good study habits, such as cherishing time and taking actions. should be recognized that in any field of endeavor,whether itisin medicine engineering or business,itseems necessary to be diligent and set a high value on time before one can finally become successful.Just as an old Chinese saying goes,'the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.In order to achieve our goals of study and life,we must take actions and put the plan into practice just at this moment.The more actionswe take,the closer we get to our destination. On the contrary,ifall things are put off until tomorrow and we always wait for tomorrow,we will never accomplish anything.In conclusion,in this ever-changing world,as the competition in our society becomes increasingly fierce,we should attach more importance to forming good habits.In fact,it is a widely held perception that peoplewho are eager to success have to value time and be diligent.除了范文以外,免不了还会有些背诵的内容,下面是些小技巧喜欢的话收藏吧!提高记忆编码、储存、提取3个过程的效率提高阅读能力,理解了再背,背完后试着多次用不同方式复述,都有利于提高记忆。除此之外,听也是对看的重要补充,是一个重要的输入过程,有计划地听网课和音频,对自己的记忆效率的提高也是有帮助的;写是一个练习提取的过程。将看、读、听、写、说有意识地糅合到一起,整个记忆过程是完整且高效的。



2019年12月21日下午17时,2020届考生结束了备受关注的英语学科考研,为过去一年甚或更久的辛苦“备战”画上了圆满的句号,着实令人振奋。众所周知,作文作为考研英语五大题型的核心题型之一,一直是考生备考的重点难点,也是议论的热点,那么笔者就以刚刚结束的考研英语一大作文为例,共同揭开大作文的“神秘面纱”,同时也为2021届考生的备考提供方向指南,以期有的放矢,斩获高分。2020考研英语一真题如下:Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the pictures below. In your essay, you should1) describe the picture briefly,2) interpret the implied meaning, and3) give your comments.Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)写作分析1. 考题形式:图画作文图画作文在形式上延续过去十余年,范围上属于大纲明确范围,一直是英语一大作文考生备考的重点,具体而言,考查形式为双图题,虽然和2018,2019的不同,但考研的历史上,最早可以追溯到2003,近几年比如2016,2017出的也是双图题,因此就形式而言难度不大;2. 话题范围: 习惯,自律,时间管理,效率,防范拖延,行动等相关主题就话题范围而言,依然考的是历年真题考频最高的个人修养类,相关话题在历届考研真题中可以说屡见不鲜,如2008 “合作”;2012 “乐观”;2014“孝顺”,2017—“实践”等。同时,北京文都在考前押题班等多次课程中反复强调个人品质类为热点话题,需重点关注。话题内容并不生疏,难度偏易;3. 具体撰写:宏观角度---布局谋篇首段为图画描述段,可用两到三个长句子具体描述图画内容,注意双图题必须两幅图都要描述到位,不能有遗漏,但可以在具体写作时就其中某一幅图有所侧重;主体段为围绕主题的具体论述,可从意义分析或原因分析等多维角度进行论述;尾段为总结段,正面话题可从:总结上文、回应主题、提出希望三个方面作结。微观角度---遣词造句1)词汇、句法:考研英语作为英语阶段的高级测试,对词和句的要求要远远高于四六级等等级测试。从词汇角度来说,要注意少用或不用被历届学生用俗套的词,而多用一些熟词的生僻含义或“高大上”的词汇,于细微处彰显写作功底;从句法角度来说,句子结构的丰富多样性直接与得分正相关,因而要多运用句式解构复杂的句子,比如复合句(名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句)、特殊句型(倒装句、强调句、there be句型)、独立主格、非谓语动词等,以体现自己在句意表达上的优势所在。2)避免常见错误:具体用词上,注意基本语法错误,如名词单复数:动词的时态语态:被动语态的-ed形式,形近词混用等问题;构句上,英语与汉语不同,为形合语言,这就要求考生在写作时不仅要关注内容的契合,也要对前后句形式上的相合,也就是,如前后句语义关系密切,要有意识地使用关联词、分词等形式把二者紧密结合起来,以使行文鲜活生动,助力高分作文。



2020考研英语二真题及答案【作文】!真题:一个饼图:60%用来学习知识,21%用来消磨时间,4%是其它,17%是获取信息。高校学生手机阅读目的调查【参考范文-网络版】As is vividly depicted in the chart, it provides the information concerning the reading purpose of college students by mobile phones in a certain university.To be specific, the percentage of learning is 58%, which is biggest among the four categories. Meanwhile, acquiring information, entertaining and others account for 28%, 12% and 2% respectively.Without a doubt, the real purpose of the chart is to tell us that a majority of college students read their phones for study rather than have fun. On one hand, with the rapid development of science and technology, our smart phones become increasingly convenient for students to study. Instead of taking numerous books in their bags, they prefer to put significant learning materials into their phone and then they can read them at any place they want. On the other hand, the present college students are under huge competitive stress. As a result, they are aware of the significance of learning in college,where they should enhance their knowledge and skills to cope with the challenges and obstacles in the years to come.Taking above reasons into consideration, we could firmly believe that the tendency will continue in the forthcoming years.小作文:真题Directions:Suppose you are panning a tour of historical site for a group of international students1) Say something about the site2) give some tips for the tourYou should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name at the end of the email. Use“Li Ming" instead.Do not write the address (10 points)[参考范文--网络版]Dear international students,Welcome to China! Knowing that you have a keen interest in Chinese historical sites, I am writing to recommend you to visit the Forbidden City, one of the prestigioushistoric relics in China.Here are the brief introctions . Firstly, The Forbidden city is the imperial palace of the two dynasties in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Secondly, located in the capital of China, the Forbidden City showcases many collections of ancient arts and antiques, which offer a glimpse of China's extensive and sophisticated culture.Finally, what needs to pay special attention to is that you had better book tickets online ahead of time though any digital devices. Before visiting, to take a panorama of the palace would be a sensible to guild your trip and save much time.I hope my suggestions would be of benefit for you. Please feel free to contact me. I am looking forward to your reply.Enjoy your tour!关于作文的真题和参考答案就到这里啦,今年参加考研的小伙伴可以好好休息一下啦。2020考研已经结束,话说2021考研还会远吗?备考2021考研的宝宝们,不用害怕,考研一般在大三第二学期2月份开始,考研的话,大半年时间够用了,现在你可以搜集了解目标院校的招生简章、专业目录、参考书目、报录比这些信息,尽量找一些已考上的学姐学长,了解参考书目、真题等信息。有机会的话去目标院校多转转,没准儿会有意想不到的收获。现阶段,你应该学好英语和专业课,打好基础,为你的正式备考打好基础。说到资料,数学的话,一般来说汤神讲的细、基础,适合基础不好的,李大帝综合性强。英语的话,真题安利英语一的《考研真相》/英语二的《考研圣经》,逐词逐句精解,一句一句解析每一篇真题,完形填空和阅读理解都是一句话一句话给你分析讲解的,补基础很不错。



大作文全文写作逻辑:第一段:第一句写主体(人)信息或者场景信息或两幅图的第一幅图画;第二句写细节信息或者主体外信息(物)或第二幅图;第三句写图画中的文字;第四句点题。第二段(6句话):第一句写现状(第二段的中心句)插入例子说明现状;正面:第二部分写这样做的好处(2句话);插入例子论述“好处”;第三部分写不这样做的坏处(1句话)。负面:第二部分写成因(2-3句);第三部分写后果。争议:正反论证的引导句;支持者观点(2-3句);反对者观点。第三段:第一句写总结;第二句写建议;第三句写展望。第一段写法第一句(总体描图,主要对图画中的主体进行描述,或者描述多图的第一幅图)第一句:图画总体描述,或者主体动作描述;如果是多图,第一句话用于描述第一幅图。 As is shown in this enlighteningcartoon,+描图句子 As canbe clearly seen from the cartoon,+描图句子 Thecartoon humorouslypresents呈现 that+描图句子描图句子:Sb is doing sth,doing sth或者There be sb (doingsth)/sth+地点+时间第二句(细节描述,对图画中的主体外信息进行描述,也就是补充描述;或者描述第二幅图): 1. whatimpresses me most is that+简单句替换词:Impresses:attracts/shocks/surprises/amuses(四选一:注意语境) 2. what is extremely interesting is that+简单句Interesting:shocking; impressive; attractive; amusing;(四选一:注意语境)练习As is shown inthis enlightening cartoon, many people, joyfully and excitedly, are surfing theinternet.What impresses memost is that the people are divided and connected by a large spider net.



2019年郑州轻工业大学朝鲜语口译专业 百科知识 自主命题作文孔子曰:学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?自选角度,题目自拟,800字以上说明论述。学而时习学而时习、学而习成。论语里记载孔子曾说:学而时习之,不亦说乎?说的是学习后时常练习和实践,不是一件令人开心的事情吗?所谓学习“学”和“习”的关系就像马克思主义唯物辩证法中“认识”和“实践”的关系,从认识到实践再从时间到认识,两者相互依存、相辅相成。因此“学”和“习”也需要分开来讲。“学”的过程。“学”是对未知的探索。是发现和掌握未知事物的缘由和规律的过程。“学”需要广度。中国有句话叫“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”,“破万卷”指的就是学的广度。孔子曾经周游列国不仅在“破万卷”上达到了广度,在空间上也达到了相应的“广度”。孔子周游列国对各国的风土人情、政治、经济、文化都有了进行了系统广泛而深入的了解,才为儒家思想的建立打下了坚实的基础。“学”需要深度。我国的学生经过九年义务教育、三年高中、四年大学、研究生、博士生的。学习科目越来越少,学习的内容越来越深,越来越专业。目前我国国民专业素质达到历史上空前的程度,这就是对“学”深度追求的结果。学是一个需要从“广度”到“深度”再由“深度”拓宽到“广度”的过程。“习”的过程。“习”是对学到知识的实践。是把学到的知识反复练习和实践的过程。“习”需要方法。孔子在完成周游列国一系列积累后进入“习”的状态。最早他试图从政,在各种尝试却并没到达到理想的效果后,孔子选择通过“讲学”的方式对自己的“学”进行了输出,并最终把自己的学识和见解发展成为“儒家思想”,孔子的学生们记录孔子的言行编出来儒家巨作《论语》。几千年来儒家思想都深深地影响着我国人们的思维,甚至对整个亚洲都产生了深刻的影响。所以选对方法很重要。“习”需要有结果。“读书破万卷”的结果是“下笔如有神”。学生上学的时候学习需要考试,考试会计分。学生毕业后走入社会就更需要对自己的“学”进行结果呈现。学语言的同学需要把自己学习的语言作为沟通工具说出来,学习财务的同学需要把自己学习的公式变成一张一张的报表,学习市场营销的同学需要把学习的营销模式变成一场一场的促销活动。这就是越来越多公司提倡“结果导向”的原原因,没有结果呈现出来,“习”就是不合格的。习是一个需要不断寻找合适的方法最终呈现结果的一个过程。奋斗到这里的我学而时习、学而习成。学习中“学”在“习”的前面,通过有广度有深度的“学”达到方法合适结果明确的“习”。但是对于个人来讲一次的“学习”是远远不够的。一定需要反复“学习”,这个时候就要把“习”放到“学”的前面,通过“习”发现新的问题和漏洞,进行新一轮的“学”,如此反复才是真正的“学习”,也只有这样才能取得最后的成果。所以“学而时习之,不亦乐乎?”完工祝各位早日上岸






Topic 1成语新说Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and3) give your comments.审题谋篇本题为提纲图画式作文。因此,图画、文字和提供的提纲都是不可忽视的审题要素。从题目要求看,需要写一篇160词~200词的短文。漫画中同一个成语竟然有两种写法,电视广告中是“歪门斜倒”,而成语词典中则是“歪门邪道”。所以,孩子挠着头不知哪个是正确的写法。从图画中可以看出,成语词典中给出的是规范的用词和书写,电视广告中的“斜倒”二字是篡改成语以达到吸引眼球、宣传其产品的目的。近年来,许多广告为了增强宣传效果、吸引注意,频频使用同音字、谐音字更改成语。广告传媒也许认为这是一种创新,但这种所谓的“创新”其实是对成语的恣意篡改,制造宣传“噱头”。这不但是对中华民族语言文化的亵渎,更严重影响到学龄儿童对文字的认知,造成误导。因此,我们必须正视不规范字带来的危害,积极行动起来,杜绝广告中的不规范用词现象。按照题目给出的提纲,第一段需要对图画内容进行简要描述,以描写为主;第二段需要揭示图画反映的深刻内涵:广告中出现的成语篡改现象,并简述其危害;第三段给出个人的建议,对全文进行总结。范文与译文On the Words in CommercialsThis cartoon depicts a not uncommon yet thought-provoking scene in which a boy, trying to pin down the accurate spelling of a Chinese idiom, is puzzled by the two dissimilar versions presented by the television commercial and the idiom dictionary. In the commercial, the last two characters have been replaced by two homophones so as to distinguish itself from other commercials and grab audience's attention.Undoubtedly, this cartoon arouses our deep concern over the issue of the intended misspelling in commercials, labels as well as brands. The commercial makers may argue that it is an innovative way for propaganda. Yet the majority of people maintain that the arbitrary misspelling is a disrespect for Chinese language and culture boasting a history of 5 000 years. What's worse, it is quite easy for children of school age who just begin to accumulate their vocabulary to be misled by these incorrect spellings.To arouse the general awareness of the importance of language integrity is the first step to solve the problem. Secondly, a ban should be put on this kind of commercials or other misspellings appearing on such media as TVs, newspapers or magazines. Language symbolizes culture, identifies nationality and fosters unity. Therefore, only when the integrity of its language is kept can the nation's image and dignity be safeguarded.论广告用语漫画描绘了一个并不鲜见却值得深思的情景:一个小男孩想要确定一个中国成语的正确写法,但被电视广告和成语词典上两种不同的写法困扰了。广告中,成语的最后两个字被同音字替换,以达到有别于其他广告、吸引观众眼球的目的。毫无疑问,这幅漫画唤起了我们对广告、商标和品牌中出现的刻意误写这一问题的深刻关注。广告制作者可能认为这是一种创新的宣传手段。然而,大多数人认为任意篡改书写是对拥有五千年历史的中国语言和文化的不尊重。更严重的是,刚刚开始积累词汇的学龄儿童很容易受到这种不正确书写的误导。解决该问题的第一步是要唤起公众对语言统一性的重要性的认识。然后,应该禁止此类广告和其他错误书写出现在电视、报纸或杂志等媒体上。语言象征着文化、彰显着民族身份、促进团结统一。因此,只有维护语言的统一性才能保证国家的形象和尊严。拓展语料库1. What the cartoon is trying to express is very conspicuous. 漫画要表达的内容十分明显。2. Whether a person forms a good habit of accurate spelling at his early age exerts a decisive influence upon his attitude toward spelling throughout his entire life. 一个人在小时候是否养成了良好的正确拼写的习惯对其今后一生能否正确对待书写起着决定性的作用。3. Therefore, it is prime time that we put emphasis on the issue of misspelling in commercials. 因此,是时候重视广告中错误书写的问题了。Topic 2自学成才Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and3) give your comments.审题谋篇本题为提纲图画式作文。审题时我们需要注意图画、文字和提供的提纲。从题目要求看,需要写一篇160词~200词的短文。图画中有两个年轻人,一个书包上插着“科班”旗子的年轻人在爬梯子,一步步地爬到塔顶,拿到了自己想要的“文凭”,成材了;另外一个书包上插着“自学”旗子的年轻人没有梯子,只能靠绳子一步步地往上爬,最后也到达了塔顶,成材了。图画深层次的内涵是:自学完全可以成才。需要注意的是,并不能因为自学可以成才就完全否认大学的作用,所以可以适当地提一下大学教育的好处,然后再将话题转回到自学上,指出自学也是成才的途径之一。最好的论证方式就是举出实例来,这方面的实例很多,文字中提到的比尔·盖茨就是最好的例子之一。按照题目给出的提纲,第一段需要对图画和文字内容进行简要描述;第二段揭示图画深层次的内涵:大学教育并非成功的唯一途径,通过自学也可以成功,并实例论证;第三段重申观点,对全文进行总结。范文与译文Be a Self-Taught TalentThe college called the ivory tower is a place full of dream and hope, but climbing this tower is not an easy job, as there is only one ladder. What if one didn't get the chance to touch the ladder? Would he be deprived of the chance to realize his dream? We can see from the picture that in addition to the ladder, rope can also help the climber fulfill his dream.College ecation is thought to be crucial in the path to success, so the famous universities with top teachers and research resources are more admired by applicants. Though important, college ecation is not indispensable to success. I believe that one can also be well-learned outside the college. Bill Gates didn't finish his ecation in Harvard, but nobody would now judge him by his lack of college diploma. Edison also told us that without the assistance of college, life itself can also become an advanced institution of learning. We can become professional through self-ecation.I'm sure the college ecation is not the only way to success and most of the useful knowledge comes from the great source outside the college. The key to success lies in whether you want to improve yourself through continuous learning.自学成才被称作象牙塔的大学是一个充满着梦想和希望的地方,但是要爬上这座塔并不简单,因为梯子只有一个。如果一个人连接近梯子的机会都没有将会怎样?他是否就被剥夺了实现梦想的机会?从图片我们可以看出,除了梯子,绳子也能助攀爬者实现梦想。人们认为大学教育是走向成功的重要因素,所以拥有优秀师资和研究资源的名牌大学更受申请者的青睐。尽管大学教育很重要,但并不意味着没有它就不能成功。我认为不上大学也能成为博学的人。比尔·盖茨不曾完成他在哈佛的学业,但是现在绝不会有人用没有大学文凭来评价他。爱迪生也告诉我们,就算没有大学的帮助,生活自身也能成为一所学习的高等院校。我们可以通过自学成为专业的人才。我确信,大学教育不是通往成功的唯一途径,大多数有用的知识来源于大学之外的丰富资源。成功的关键就在于你是否愿意通过不断学习来提升自己。拓展语料库1. It is very important for us to ecate ourselves in order to project a positive outlook today. 当今,通过自我学习来培养乐观的态度对我们是很重要的。2. We should make full use of every opportunity to learn by ourselves throughout our lifetime and keep up with the times. 我们应该充分利用各种机会终生自我学习,跟上时代的脚步。3. Self-teaching will boost your unlimited potential. This naturalistic method is the backbone of gaining success in life. 自学可以发掘你无限的潜力,这种自然的学习方式是生活中获得成功的中坚力量。Topic 3现代科技与传统Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and3) give your comments.审题谋篇本题是提纲图画式作文。因此,图画、文字和提供的提纲都是不可忽视的审题要素。从题目要求看,需要写一篇160词~200词的短文。图画中,一个人的面前铺开了一张纸,上面有一支笔,两只手却变成了鼠标,面对着纸和笔的他面红耳赤地不知道怎么写了。图画的含义很明显:由于过多地使用键盘打字,我们都不知道该怎么写字了。根据题目给出的提纲,第一段需要对图画内容进行简要描述;第二段揭示图画内涵:对电脑的过度依赖导致了我们提笔忘字,并对这种现象进行具体分析;第三段给出解决之道并总结全文。范文与译文Modern Technology and TraditionIn the picture, a man is supposed to write something on the paper with a pen. But because he has got used to typing with fingers, he is so embarrassed that he does not know how to write with traditional writing tools.The picture mainly tells us that it is the overdependence on computer that leads to the forgetting of words. In fact, this phenomenon is not uncommon among young people. Nowadays, it is really not difficult for young people to design a delicate resume or edit a document with a computer. However, when they are asked to write something with a pen, they may either write poorly or even forget how to write. Moreover, many young people consider that handwriting is no longer practical. They believe that with the help of a computer, it does not matter whether your handwriting is good or not. Actually, people today rarely pick up a pen to write anything.To solve this problem, we should open handwriting courses of all levels at school firstly, for handwriting is a required skill for every student. Secondly, the significance of handwriting cannot be overemphasized. Handwriting is the essence of the culture. The culture of a nation can be passed down completely only by its handwriting.现代科技与传统图中,一个人想用笔在纸上写点什么。但是,由于他已经习惯了使用手指打字,而不知道如何用传统工具写字,他因此感到非常尴尬。这幅图画告诉我们,对电脑的过度依赖导致了我们提笔忘字。事实上,这种现象在年轻人中很普遍。现在,让他们用电脑设计一份精美的简历或是编辑一个文档并不是什么难事。但是,如果让他们用笔写的话,不是字写得难看就是提笔忘字。而且,很多年轻人认为书写已不再实用。他们认为,有了计算机,字写得好坏就没那么重要了。实际上,现在人们很少拿起笔来写东西。要解决这个问题,我们首先要在学校的各年级开设书写课,因为书写是每个学生必备的技能;其次,书写的意义再强调也不为过。书写是文化的精髓。一个国家的文化只有通过书写才能完整地传承下去。拓展语料库1. As is clearly demonstrated in the picture, the development of technology is a double-edged sword. 正如图画中清晰展示的,科技的发展是一把双刃剑。2. Therefore, to live a healthy life, people should make full use of the benefits brought by the technological advances and preserve the essence of the previous lifestyles. 因此,为了健康的生活,人们应该充分利用科技进步带来的好处,保持原有生活的精华。Topic 4勿被表象所欺骗Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and3) give your comments.审题谋篇本题为提纲图画式作文。因此,题目要求中给出的图画和提纲是审题的关键。根据题目要求,需要写一篇160词~200词的短文。图中有两只兔子在拔胡萝卜,其中一只大一点的兔子选中了那个叶子比较多的胡萝卜,显得得意扬扬。而那只小兔子则只能沮丧地抓着自己的那一点萝卜叶子。然而,埋在地下的萝卜大小却与叶子的外形刚好相反。图片主要揭示了两个道理:一个是不能只看事物的表面现象,另一个是只要坚持不懈就会有意外的收获。考生可以重点分析这两个层面,并发表自己的看法,提出自己的建议。按照题目给出的提纲,第一段需要对图画进行简单描述,尤其是要描绘出图片中两只小白兔的行为和心理活动;第二段分析图画隐含的两个道理,一个是不能只看事物的表面现象,另一个是只要坚持不懈就会有意外的收获;第三段总结全文,重申自己的观点。范文与译文Don't Be Fooled by the SuperficiesIn the picture, there are two rabbits harvesting carrots. The big rabbit chooses a big bundle of flourishing leaves with exultation while the small rabbit holds a small bundle of wretched leaves, totally frustrated. Actually the sizes of the carrots under the ground are contrary to the sizes of the leaves seen above the ground.The picture mainly tells us two morals. For one thing, one should not be fooled by the surface of things. Instead, he should investigate the whole thing before a conclusion is drawn finally. If the small rabbit digs its carrot out, it would not feel discouraged any more. For another, if the small rabbit finally feels disappointed and gives up the carrot just because of its small leaves, it would never know that its carrot is much bigger than its peer's. One should always hold determination in mind no matter what happens if he wants to achieve his goal. So long as he is persistent, he will finally get his reward.In my opinion, one must not judge anything from its appearance. If one holds an objective attitude and never gives up halfway, he is sure to win in the end despite numerous defeats.Topic 5团结的力量Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and3) give your comments.审题谋篇本题为提纲图画式作文。因此,图画、文字和提供的提纲都是审题时需要注意的。从题目要求看,需要写一篇160词~200词的短文。从图片中我们可以看到,生长中的棵棵小草如千斤顶一样强大有力,顶起了压在它们身上的巨大岩石。图片所揭示的内涵不难理解:小草的力量自然敌不过岩石,但是无数的小草一起不断地向上生长,奇迹也是可以发生的。图片清楚地告诉我们:弱者也是有力量的,它们的力量来自团结与合作。“团结就是力量”是经典的作文话题,我们能举出不少例子对此论点进行论述,因此如何写出新意就是写好这篇作文的关键点。按照题目给出的提纲,第一段应当描述图画内容;第二段提出论点并结合实例进行论述;第三段客观地总结全文。范文与译文Unity Is StrengthThe picture above depicts the strength of the weak. The power of the giant rock is incomparable with that of a grass. But a miracle is taking place in this picture: The growing grasses are as strong as the lifting jack, pushing upward the huge rock above them. One grass is small and weak. How about hundreds of them, or even thousands of them standing together? The weak could even be the strongest if they are united.The power of every single man is limited, but the joint efforts will be infinite. Human is too weak in the presence of natural disaster. We have a better understanding of this when we see the earthquake victims cry for their buried relatives. They couldn't even uplift the collapsed beam only with their hands. But brand new towns and villages are rebuilt quickly in the stricken area. The wreckage is removed and the blocked river is dredged. Suddenly it seems that nothing is invincible. This undefeatable strength consists in the assistance of all over the country. The victims of the earthquake can hold on with the support of billions of compatriots.Ants are small and weak, but they can destroy a firm dam with joint work; one drop of water is strengthless, but constant dripping can wear the stone. United, the weak can be powerful.