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The Economist 经济学人英国著名财经杂志,是考研英语阅读真题来源最多的杂志,以财经类文章为主,其它方面也有涉及2.Nature 自然英国权威科学杂志,考研英语科普类文章的主要来源3.Scientific American 科学美国人美国著名科普杂志,考研英语科普类文章的主要来源4.Business Week 商业周刊全球最大的商业杂志,考研英语财经类文章主要来源5.Newsweek 新闻周刊美国主流杂志,综合类6.Time 时代周刊美国主流杂志,综合类7.The New York Times 纽约时报美国主流报纸,综合类8.The Guardian 卫报英国主流报纸,综合类



关注,分享更多法考、考研资料一、原文赏析Well, no gain without pain, they say. But what about pain without gain? Everywhere you go in America, you hear tales of corporate revival. What is harder to establish is whether the proctivity revolution that businessmen assume they are presiding over is for real.The official statistics are mildly discouraging. They show that, if you lump manufacturing and services together, proctivity has grown on average by 1.2% since 1987. That is somewhat faster than the average ring the previous decade. And since 1991, proctivity has increased by about 2% a year, which is more than twice the 1978-1987 average. The trouble is that part of the recent acceleration is e to the usual rebound that occurs at this point in a business cycle, and so is not conclusive evidence of a revival in the underlying trend. There is, as Robert Rubin, the treasury secretary, says, a "disjunction" between the mass of business anecdote that points to a leap in proctivity and the picture reflected by the statistics.Some of this can be easily explained. New ways of organizing the workplace — all that re-engineering and downsizing — are only one contribution to the overall proctivity of an economy, which is driven by many other factors such as joint investment in equipment and machinery, new technology, and investment in ecation and training. Moreover, most of the changes that companies make are intended to keep them profitable, and this need not always mean increasing proctivity: switching to new markets or improving quality can matter just as much.Two other explanations are more speculative. First, some of the business restructuring of recent years may have been ineptly done. Second, even if it was well done, it may have spread much less widely than people suppose.Leonard Schlesinger, a Harvard academic and former chief executive of Au Bong Pain, a rapidly growing chain of bakery cafes, says that much "re-engineering" has been crude. In many cases, he believes, the loss of revenue has been greater than the rections in cost. His colleague, Michael Beer, says that far too many companies have applied re-engineering in a mechanistic fashion, chopping out costs without giving sufficient thought to long-term profitability. BBDO's Al Rosenshine is blunter. He dismisses a lot of the work of re-engineering consultants as mere rubbish — "the worst sort of ambulance-chasing".二、译文赏析人们说,不劳就无获。但是,如果有劳却无获又会怎样呢?在美国,无论你走到哪里都会听到企业复苏的故事。商人们自认为的他们所领导的生产力革命是否确有其事,这一点更加难以确定。官方的统计数字却有点不让人乐观。这些数据表明,如果把制造业和服务业合起来算,1987年以来生产力平均增长1.2%。这比前10年的平均增长速度略快。自1991年来,生产力每年约增长2%。这比1978年—1987年的平均增长速度高两倍以上。问题在于,近年发生的生产力快速增长部分是由于商业周期通常到了这时候就会出现的反弹造成的,因而它不是经济复苏已经是潜在趋势的结论性证据。正如财政部长罗伯特鲁宾所说的,生产力发生飞跃的商业传奇与统计数字所反映的情况之间存在着一种“脱节”。这其中的一些原因很容易解释。企业重组的新方法——所有那些重新设计和缩小规模的做法——只是对一个经济的整体生产力做出了一方面的贡献,而这种经济的发展还收到许多其他因素的驱动,如设备、机械上的联合投资,新技术,以及教育和培训上的投资。另外,公司的大部分改革是为了赢利,而达到赢利的目的不一定非要提高生产力:转入新的市场或改善产品质量也会有同样的功效。其他两种解释带有很大的猜测性。一种解释是近年来所进行的公司重组也许并未奏效。另一种则说,即使有所成效,效果也不像人们所设想的那样广泛。哈佛学者,快速增长的面包连锁店Au Bon Pain的前任总裁莱昂纳多施莱辛格说,许多“重组”是粗糙的。他认为很多情况下,企业收益的损失超出了成本的降低。他的同事迈克比尔说,太多的公司已用机械的方式进行重组,在没有充分考虑到长期赢利能力的情况下降低了成本。BBDO的艾尔罗森夏恩更加直率。他把许多重组咨询专家所做的工作视为垃圾——“典型的劳而无获”。三、题目赏析1. According to the author, the American economic situation is ________.[A] not as good as it seems[B] at its turning point[C] much better than it seems[D] near to complete recovery正确答案为: [A] 意为:并不像表面看上去那样好。第一段第三、四句指出,美国到处都在谈论所谓公司的振兴(tales of corporate revival),但是,商界自认为正在进行的所谓生产率革命究竟是否名符其实(for real),这一点却很难确定。该句实际上是全文的主旨,从反面提出了下文旨在回答的问题,所谓生产率革命根本不存在,官方的统计数字也并不怎么乐观;该段第四句指出,问题是;最近显示出的增长部分是由商业领域里此时出现的正常的反弹(rebound)造成的,因此,不能将它看作是更深层的(当指生产率)振兴的证据。由题目能够定位到第一段的这一句:What is harder to establish is whether the proctivity revolution that businessmen assume they are presiding over is for real.其意思是:商人们自认为的他们所领导的生产力革命是否确有其事,这一点更加难以确定。因此可以看出作者觉得美国经济形式并不像商人们说的那样好,因此联系到了A选项。最后一段引用了几个专家的评价,对目前进行的促进生产率发展的措施进行了否定,特别是罗森伯格的评价,在他看来,目前负责调整经济的顾问们所做的工作,多数都是垃圾(没有成效),是典型的“于事无补”(ambulance-chasing)。B意为:处于转折阶段。文章中只是说经济发展并不乐观,但是还没有达到转折的地步,因此该选项属于夸张类干扰项。C意为:比现状要好得多。这个和原文意思恰恰相反,同作者的中心思想相违背。换句话说,这个是作者要批驳的观点。D意为;几乎要实现全面复苏了。此选项同C选项,都是与作者思想相违背的,更何况,复苏这个词根本无从谈起。2. The official statistics on proctivity growth ________.[A] exclude the usual rebound in a business cycle[B] fall short of businessmen's anticipation[C] meet the expectation of business people[D] fail to reflect the true state of economy正确答案为:[B] 意为:与商人的预想不符。或:不像商人预想的那样好。第二段指出,官方的统计数字也并不怎么乐观,如果将制造业和服务业算在一起(lump... together),1989年以来生产率平均增长了1.2%,比前十年的平均指数略有增长;1991年后,生产率每年增长约2%,是1978年至1987年这十年平均指数的一倍多。然而问题是:最近显示出的增长部分是由商业领域里此时出现的正常的反弹造成的,因此,不能将它看作是更深层的(当指生产率)振兴的证据。正如财政部长鲁宾所说的那样,一方面,大量的商业神话似乎表明生产率的激增(leap),另一方面,(官方的)统计数字又是另一番景象,二者之间存在着一个“差距”(disjunction)。定位到第二段的这几句:There is, as Robert Rubin, the treasury secretary, says, a "disjunction" between the mass of business anecdote that points to a leap in proctivity and the picture reflected by the statistics.其意思是:正如财政部长罗伯特鲁宾所说的,生产力发生飞跃的商业传奇与统计数字所反映的情况之间存在着一种“脱节”。商业传奇即是说大量的商业神话似乎表明生产率的激增(leap)。因此,可以得出结论,经济发展的实际情况和商人们所塑造的神话有脱节,即联系到了B选项。A意为:排除了商业领域里出现的正常的反弹。此选项定位到了原文第二段中的The trouble is that part of the recent acceleration is e to the usual rebound that occurs at this point in a business cycle,意思是:近年发生的生产力快速增长部分是由于商业周期通常到了这时候就会出现的反弹造成的。但是官方统计时并未排除此反弹,在原文中没有根据。原文只是说这个反弹是个trouble,但是并未说找个trouble被排除了。C意为:与商人预想的一致。这个与B选项正好矛盾,参考B选项的解释。D意为:没有准确地反映经济的状况。该选项的说法太笼统了,虽然由原文得出了“脱节”的结论,但是请注意,是生产力发生飞跃的商业传奇与统计数字所反映的情况之间存在着一种“脱节”,而不是该官方统计与经济情况存在脱节。至少,原文并未说该统计不准确,而只是说该统计与商人们预料的不符。3. The author raises the question "what about pain without gain?" because ________.[A] he questions the truth of "no gain without pain"[B] he does not think the proctivity revolution works[C] he wonders if the official statistics are misleading[D] he has conclusive evidence for the revival of businesses正确答案为:[B] 意为:他认为所谓的生产率革命并未奏效。第一段指出,人们常说:不劳则无所获,但是,要是劳而无获呢?美国到处都在谈论所谓公司的振兴,但是,商界自认为正在进行的所谓生产率革命究竟是否名符其实,这一点却很难确定。作者的观点在此其实已表达得很清楚。另外,从第三段来看,所谓的生产率革命包括了改组企业(business restructuring, reengineering)等一系列措施,正如第四段所指出的,近年所进行的一些重组措施也许并未奏效,而且,即使有所成效,效果也没有人们想像的那样广泛。在最后一段,作者引用了几个专家的评价,这几位专家对目前进行的促进生产率发展的措施更是持否定态度。作者的引用当然带有很大的倾向性,用以支持自己的观点。第一段指出,人们常说:不劳则无所获,但是,要是劳而无获呢?美国到处都在谈论所谓公司的振兴,但是,商界自认为正在进行的所谓生产率革命究竟是否名符其实,这一点却很难确定。作者的观点在此其实已表达得很清楚,就是说所谓的生产率革命并没起多大作用。而且由其他段也可看出,现实的数据与商人们所想的存在脱节,因此他们所鼓吹的革命并不奏效。因此联系到了B选项另请参考第55、56题题解。A意为:他对“不劳则无所获”的真实性提出质疑。该选择项过于局限于字面意思。该选择项过于局限于字面意思,而与作者的真正用意无关。这是一个用字面意思来迷惑考生的干扰项。C意为:他认为官方的统计数宁可能有错。正好相反,他们认为所谓的商业振兴仅仅是假象。联系上一道题,作者并未说官方的统计数据不符合实际。如果上道题明白的话,就会第一个排除此选项的。D意为:他获得了商业振兴的确凿证据。这个选项有两个大错误。首先作者压根没说商业振兴,反而在说经济情况不如想象中的好。第二个错误是所谓的确凿证据无从说起。文章中所有的例证都是在说明“脱节”这个问题,而不是在说什么商业振兴。4. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?[A] Radical reforms are essential for the increase of proctivity.[B] New ways of organizing workplaces may help to increase proctivity.[C] The rection of costs is not a sure way to gain long-term profitability.[D] The consultants are a bunch of good-for-nothings.正确答案为:[A] 意为:激进的改革对生产率的提高极其重要。首先要看清楚题目,是说文章未提到的,大家一定不要犯这种低级错误,选了文章提到过的选项。,作者只指出促进生产率革命的措施并未奏效,未达到人们想象的效果,而并末提到应该如何才对。这属于过度引申的干扰项。B意为:用新方法改变工作场所可以提高生产率。第三段第二句指出,重新改变工作场所仅是加快一个国家的国民经济综合生产率水平(overall proctivity of an economy)的一种措施,促进生产率发展的因素还有许多,如:设备和机器投资、新技术、教育和培训投资等都会带来生产率的提高。C意为:降低成本并不能保证带来长期利润。根据第五段第三句,在比尔看来,许多公司机械地(in a mechanistic fashion)应用改革措施,降低了成本,但对长期盈利却考虑不够。可见,降低成本和长期盈利并非总是成正比。D意为:顾问们是一伙饭桶。不要以为这种骂人句肯定不会出现在原文中,那你就犯了主观主义错误了。文章最后一段指出,在罗森伯格看来,目前负责经济调整的顾问们所做的工作,多数都是垃圾(没有成效),是典型的“于事无补”。欢迎在下方评论区留言分享。


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考研英语非常重要的一部分就是阅读,大家在掌握英语阅读技巧的情况下, 还要从历年来的考点来看看其规律性,下面带着大家盘点下近六年的考题。2018年考研阅读如下内容:第一篇:人工智能  第二篇:媒体技能  第三篇:数据利用  第四篇:美国邮政2017考研阅读如下内容:第一篇:安检措施  第二篇:选址之争  第三篇:GDP缺陷  第四篇:美国法律2016年阅读:第一篇:时尚立法  第二篇:英国乡村  第三篇:社会责任  第四篇:媒体变革2015年阅读:第一篇:欧洲王室  第二篇:美国法律  第三篇:科学期刊  第四篇:媒体道德2014年阅读:第一篇:英国福利  第二篇:美国律师  第三篇:科学奖励  第四篇:自由教育2013年阅读:第一篇:快时尚业  第二篇:数据保护  第三篇:人类未来  第四篇:美国法律从近六年出的内容来看, 话题考查重复率很高,相似度也很高。建议各位小伙伴把这几年的真题反复研读,大部分考点可能会重复的。



题材标签:教育难度等级: ★★★☆☆出题思路: 模拟2017年考研阅读Text 1短文出处:www.washingtonpost.com/opinions, 2018/5/16Text 11 When you are a writer who learns a beloved author has a dark side, you experience waves of disillusionment. When you teach that author’s work, you feel an additional stab of concern: What about my syllabus? As intellectual property goes, a great syllabus is a gold mine. Or perhaps a better metaphor would be a Jenga Game. Take away too many supporting pieces and the whole thing will topple.2 Do we continue to teach the work of people we now suspect of behaving unethically or abusively? News stories have suggested prominent writer Díaz may have acted in predatory ways. The Pulitzer Prize Board has launched an investigation of past Pulitzer winner Díaz regarding allegations that include forcibly kissing one author and verbally bullying another. As a reader, I’m devastated. As a teacher, I’ve got decisions to make.3 “Writers in Print and Person,” my class at American University, where I often adjunct, invites undergraates to alternate sustained analysis of a book with the opportunity to meet and question the author. Most of our craft learning is subsequently channeled through eight to 10 books assigned for annotation, a selection tailored to students indivially. Because of the particular scope of my responsibilities, and these modes of student learning, I have always emphasized the writer as a fully dimensioned being. What do I do when those dimensional flaws are revealed?4 Here’s what I can’t do: pretend that this is not happening. Much of the economy surrounding a contemporary writing career rests not just in what that author does on the page but what the person says at the microphone and in the classroom. I’ve never been a full-time academic. Yet I’ve served as a writer-in-residence four times. In other words, I cross paths with thousands of students, many of whom tell me about theiraspirations of becoming writers.5 These are students who wait in line afterward, sometimes for hours, so that the author can sign their copy of the book we put on the syllabus. These are the students who nervously apply for a faraway workshop, and then hustle to cover the expenses, so that they can work with a celebrated writer. These are the students who trust in both that writer’s aesthetic expertise and best intentions.6 I look back with deep regret at times I’ve recommended someone as a mentor, editor or visiting writer, unaware of a history of abusive attitudes.1. The well-known writer Díaz is mentioned to _____.A. stress he is a Pulitzer winnerB. reveal he fought an authorC. illustrate some writers have unethical behaviorsD. explain why I moved his works out of my syllabus.2. Which of the following is “my teaching method”?A. I ask my students to meet the writer to analyze his book.B. I want my students to understand the writer from different dimensions.C. Students are required to read eight to 10 books to find indivial taste.D. One of my responsibilities is to help students find the writer’s flaws.3. The word “aspiration” (Para. 4) is closest in meaning to _____.A. hateB. cheatingC. sadnessD. ambition4. What kind of students is mentioned here?A. The students who are eager to get the writer’s signature whose book on the syllabus.B. The students who want to join in a workshop.C. The students who have the same aesthetic expertise as the writer.D. The students who can publish an expensive book.5. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?A. Teach an Abusive Writer’s Work?B. Writer in Print and PersonC. How to Prepare a SyllabusD. My Regret答案:CBDAA出题思路:【1】The well-known writer Díaz is mentioned to .A. stress he is a Pulitzer winnerB. reveal he fought an authorC. illustrate some writers have unethical behaviorsD. explain why I moved his works out of my syllabus.这里想出一道 “论证型推理题”,也就是“论据A是为了说明论点B”这样的题目。该题的论据是由题干“the well-known writer Díaz”指向文中所述“Diaz是一个行为有问题的人”,论点则是四个选项。首先,确定正确选项:C:illustrate some writers have unethical behaviors(举例说明某些作家有不道德行为)。原文第2段开头说Do we continue to teach the work of people we now suspect of behaving unethically or abusively?(那些让我们现在怀疑行为粗暴、不道德的作家,我们是否继续教授他们的作品呢?)第2句话,作者并没有急于回答这个问题,而是举例什么人是那些不道德的作家。就提到News stories have suggested prominent writer Díaz may have acted in predatory ways.(新闻报道已经暗示著名作家迪亚兹可能有强暴式行为。)所以,Diaz就是前文提到的那些unethically or abusively中的一员。作者提到Diaz就是想举例说明的确有作家行为不道德,而不是作者自己的臆测。其次,设计干扰选项:选项A利用原文中Pulitzer winner一词,让那些没读懂文章,想蒙对答案的人上当。选项B的fought an author是对原文中bullying another的近义转写,让那些迷信“同义转述”的人上当。选项D利用第1段的syllabus迷惑考生。【2】Which of the following is “my teaching method”?A. I ask my students to meet the writer to analyze his book.B. I want my students to understand the writer from different dimensions.C. Students are required to read eight to 10 books to find indivial taste.D. One of my responsibilities is to help students find the writer’s flaws.这里想考第3段。发现第3段教学方法讲的很详细,就出一道多细节题,即每个选项对应一个细节,但错误选项在细节描述上不准确。首先,确定正确选项: B: I want my students to understand the writer from different dimensions.(我想让我的学生从不同角度理解作者)对应于原文I have always emphasized the writer as a fully dimensioned being.(我一直强调作者是一个全方位的存在)。出题技巧是paraphrase(同义转述)。其次,设计干扰选项:选项A利用meet来迷惑考生。在选项A中,因为没有上下文语境,所以meet the writer就是真正和writer“面对面”的见面。而原文中invites undergraates to alternate sustained analysis of a book with the opportunityto meet and question the author. (邀请本科生对一本书进行交替持续的分析,让他们有机会去认识和质疑作者)。原文中meet是学生和作者在“书中”见面,学生通过分析作品,了解作者。这种迷惑选项叫“去语境化”,也就是说原文中的词一定是“带语境”的词义,而选项中的词是“去语境”的词义,这两个词义不一样。选项C的设计是考虑到原文中与C对应的是一个难句,考察学生是否真的读懂了这个句子。读懂了,就不会选C。没读懂,因为数字10很醒目,就很可能选C。原文Most of our craft learningissubsequently channeledthrough eight to 10 books assigned for annotation, a selectiontailored to students indivially. 这句话的主要部分是Most of our craft learning is channeled (我们大部分写作技巧的学习被引导)。后面是through…books…, selection…(通过书和选集被引导)。什么样的书和选集呢?由被动的assigned, tailored修饰(被布置作业要求写注释的书引导,被针对学生个性化定制的选集引导)整个句子的翻译是:然后,让学生读八到十本书并做注释。我们大部分写作技巧的学习是通过这八到十本书的引导进行,这些书构成的选集是针对学生个性化定制选择的。选项D是用flaws做干扰,迷惑考生。【3】The word “aspiration” (Para. 4) is closest in meaning to _____.A. hate B. cheating C. sadness D. ambition这里出一道猜词题。对于出题老师来说,出这样的题比较轻松。词的意义一般要从上下文猜。这道题aspiration虽然出现在第4段,但它的意义要从第5段对那些学生的描写得出,知道学生们多么渴望成为作家,才能猜出ambition(雄心)这个含义。干扰项在这里没有太多设计。【4】What kind of students are mentioned here?A. The students who are eager to get the writer’s signature whose book on the syllabus.B. The students who want to join in a workshop.C. The students who have the same aesthetic expertise as the writer.D. The students who can publish an expensive book.这里又是一道多细节题,因为第5段提到学生们的多种经历。首先,确定正确选项:A: The students who are eager to get the writer’ssignature whose book on the syllabus.(学生渴望获得那些大纲上列出的书的作者的签名)因为原文:These are students who wait in line afterward, sometimes for hours, so that the author can sign their copy of the bookwe put on the syllabus. (这些学生是有时排队等候几个小时,只为了让教学大纲上的某本书的作者能够在书上签名。)其次,设计干扰选项:选项B用workshop迷惑考生,原文的重点不是学生参加workshop,而是“想和作者一起”参与workshop。选项C用aesthetic expertise迷惑,但意思和原文无关。选项D用expensive和expenses词形相似迷惑,意思和原文也无关。【5】Which of the following would be the best title for the text?A. Teach an Abusive Writer’s Work?B. Writer in Print and PersonC. How to Prepare a SyllabusD. My Regret这里想出一道主旨题。这种题比较难出,主要是错误选项要有迷惑性,但又要与正确答案有区别,还要反映出读者一些错误的主旨总结习惯,所以比较难出。正确选项要出得大家都没有异议也有一定难度。首先,确定正确选项:A:Teach an Abusive Writer’s Work?(要教授行为粗鲁的作者的作品吗?) 因为第1段,第2段作者都提出了这个问题,但后面也没有答案。说明这就是作者文章的中心:提出一个这样的困惑。这篇文章的关键词是“writer”,这个词一定会包含在正确答案中。其次,设计干扰选项:所有干扰项设计采用了同一个策略,就是从段首句找醒目词。选项B是第3段的开头,但Writer in Print and Person只是作者开设的一门课程的名称。选项C利用Syllabus一次将考生目光引向第1段,但第1段作者提出Syllabus(大纲)的问题,只是作为引言,引起大家想象,如果大纲里很多作品的作者都有问题,那么大纲岂不要重写了吗?就像叠叠高游戏一样,很多支撑木块都抽掉后,叠叠高的塔就倒掉了。选项D利用regret一词将考生目光引向最后一段,但这一段只是作者的感慨。英汉对照:1 When you are a writer who learns a beloved author has a dark side, you experience(v.) waves of disillusionment. When you teach that author’s work, you feel an additional stab of concern: What about my syllabus? As intellectual propertygoes, a great syllabus is a gold mine. Or perhaps a better metaphor would be a Jenga Game. Take away too many supporting pieces and the whole thing will topple.当你是一位作家,知道了某位受人爱戴的作家有黑暗的一面,你会经历一波幻灭的浪潮。当你讲授这位作家的作品时,你会感到额外的担忧:我的教学大纲怎么办?随着知识产权的发展,优秀的教学大纲就是金矿。也许更好的暗喻是一种叠叠高游戏。拿走太多的支撑物,整个塔就会倒塌。2 Do we continue to teach the work of people we now suspectof behaving unethically or abusively? News stories have suggested prominent writer Díaz may have acted in predatory ways. The Pulitzer Prize Board has launched an investigation of past Pulitzer winner Díaz regarding allegations that include forcibly kissing one author and verbally bullying another. As a reader, I’m devastated. As a teacher, I’ve got decisions to make.我们继续讲授那些人的作品,那些让我们现在怀疑行为不道德、粗暴的人的作品吗?新闻报道已经暗示著名作家迪亚兹可能有强暴式行为。普利策奖委员会展开了调查对曾经的普利策奖得主迪亚兹,调查关于某些指控,包括强吻一名作者和口头辱骂另一位作者的指控。作为一名读者,我非常震惊。作为一位教师,我必须做出决定。3 “Writers in Print and Person,” my class at American University,where I often adjunct, invites undergraates to alternate sustained analysis of a book with the opportunity to meet and question the author. Most of our craft learning is subsequently channeled through eight to 10 books assigned for annotation, a selection tailored to students indivially. Because of the particular scope of my responsibilities, and these modes of student learning, I have always emphasized the writer as a fully dimensioned being. What do I do when those dimensional flaws are revealed?“作品中的作者和真正的作者”是我在美国大学上的一门课,在那里我经常兼职,并邀请本科生对一本书进行交替持续的分析,让他们有机会去认识和质疑作者。然后,让学生读八到十本书并做注释,我们大部分写作技巧的学习是通过这八到十本书的引导进行,这些书形成的选集是针对学生个性化定制选择的。由于我的职责的特定范围,以及学生学习的这种模式,我一直强调作者是一个全方位的存在。当那些有瑕疵的维度被揭露时,我该做什么?4 Here’s what I can’t do: pretend that this is not happening. Much of the economy surrounding a contemporary writing career rests not just in what that author does on the page but what the person says at the microphone and in the classroom. I’ve never been a full-time academic. Yet I’ve served as a writer-in-residence four times. In other words, I cross paths with thousands of students, many of whom tell me about their aspirations of becoming writers.我知道我不能做什么:假装这一切都没有发生。围绕着当代写作生涯的许多经济效益不仅仅在于作者在书上写了什么,而且在于他在麦克风和教室里说的话。我从来不是全职的学术型学者。然而,我曾四次作为住校作家。换句话说,我和成千上万的学生不期而遇,他们中的许多人告诉我他们有想成为作家的志向。5 These are students who wait in line afterward, sometimes for hours, so that the author can sign their copy of the book we put on the syllabus. These are the students who nervously apply fora faraway workshop, and then hustle to cover the expenses, so that they can work with a celebrated writer. These are the students who trust in both that writer’s aesthetic expertise and best intentions.这些学生是有时排队等候几个小时,只为了让教学大纲上的某本书的作者能够签上名字。这些学生紧张地申请一个远在外地的工作坊,然后赶紧支付费用,以便能跟一位著名作家学习。这些学生既相信作家的美学知识,又相信他们的最佳意图。6 I look back with deep regretat times I’ve recommended someone as a mentor, editor or visiting writer, unaware of a history of abusive attitudes.我回头想想,深感遗憾的是,有时我推荐某人做导师、编辑或访问作家,并没有意识到他态度粗鲁的过去。



大家早上好考研最后的冲刺,给小伙们做一个能量加油站。接下来的10天分享为大家分享历年考研阅读真题中的经典佳句,今天分享的内容来自于2014年阅读。1. Yet satisfaction with these material purchases wears off fairly quickly what was once exciting and new becomes old-hat; regret creeps in.然而,购买这些物质所带来的满足感常常很快就会消失殆尽,曾经令人兴奋、使人新奇的东西变得陈旧过时。2. In fact those who thought that the images higher up the attractiveness scale were real directly corresponded with those who showed other makers for having higher self-esteem.事实上,认为吸引力超强的照片是真实自己的人,与那些从其他方面表现出更强自尊心的人正好一致。3. When there is rapid improvement in the performance of technology, jobs that were once thought to be immune from automation suddenly become threatened.随着技术性能的快速提升,那些曾经被认为不会受自动化影响的工作也突然受到威胁。4. We need to reframe race against the machine as race with the machine. In other words, we need to look at the ways in which machines can augment human labor rather than replace it.我们需要把“和机器赛跑”的概念换成“与机器同跑”。换句话说,我们需要去关注机器提高人力的方面,而非取代人力。放弃简单,但坚持一定很酷,新的一天,我们一起加油~~












想必很多同学都听过考研英语阅读的文章大都是摘自外国的学术期刊或者报纸那,具体是哪些外刊?应该选择哪些中奖概率比较高呢?来,我们先从20年英语一的文章来源开说↓(20考研英语二的题源我在网上还没搜到,哭唧唧)阅读理解首篇选自:《卫报》2018年12月31日文章《The Guardian view on Yvette Cooper’s ‘town of culture’proposai:a fine idea》第二篇选自:《卫报》2019年3月5日文章《The Guardian view on academic publishing:disastrous capitalism》第三篇选自:《波士顿环球报》2019年8月5日文章《Corporate gender quotas reinforce privilege》第四篇选自:《纽约日报》2019年7月15日文章《Beware.Other Nations Will Follow France With Their Own Digital Tax》由上可见,卫报的出场率很高,但仅从20年的数据我们不能就此下定论下面再来看一份2015-2019年真题文章的来源统计英语一英语二在上面这份英语一、二年15-20考研阅读真题阅读文章来源总结中不难看出《卫报》《经济学人》《基督教箴言》出场率极高像《时代周刊》《自然杂志》、《新闻周刊》、《科学美国人》也有不少分布。其他则包括有:《新科学家》、《社评杂志》、《福布斯》、《哈佛经济评价》、《麦肯锡季刊》、《科学探索》、《科学》、《观察家报》、《哈佛杂志》、《美国学校董事会杂志》、《星报在线》、《Big Think》、《华盛顿邮报》近两年《基督教科学箴言报》上镜率有提高,可以多关注下。我们再就以上数据做个总结1、 经济类文章主要来源:The Economist (经济学人),Business Week (商业周刊),Wall Street Journal(华尔街杂志);2、 科学技术类文章主要来源:Nature (自然),Discovery (探索),Science (科学),National Geographic (国家地理),Scientific American (科学美国人),New Scientists (新科学家);3、 社会生活以及文化类文章主要来源:Newsweek (新闻周刊),Times (时代周刊),U.S News and World Report (美国新闻与世界报道),The Washington Post (华盛顿邮报),USA Today (今日美国),The Times (泰晤士报),The Guardian (卫报);4、 其它来源:Independent (独立日报), International New York Times(国际纽约时报), Telegraph (英国电信日报)。