英语对于众多考研的学子来说,是一个软肋。考研英语中的作文,分值占到了30%,是相当重要的。可以毫不夸张的说,得作文者得高分。如果在作文这里失了分,那对于不少考985或者热门211的同学来说,可能就会有些悬了。想写一篇好的作文,首先要有一个积累的过程,我称之为三步走:第一、扩大阅读量很多考生在考试时对题目本身非常感兴趣或很熟悉,却苦于找不到合适的表达方式,无法清晰完整地用英语来表达自己的意思。平时阅读量小、积累少是造成这种情况的一个重要原因。我们都知道“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”的道理。只有看得多,记得多,表达才能游刃有余。历年写作考题的内容和主题基本都与当年的热点话题有一定的关系,所以平时多阅读英语报纸杂志有助于掌握更多的话题资源和正确的表达方法。需要注意的是,阅读不能盲目乱读,应该采用“精读与泛读相结合”的学习方法。平时对于社会热点问题、国际国内大事要有所知晓,对于热点、比较重要的主题,可以有目的地进行词汇、句型的搜集整理。第二、适当背诵范文写作水平的总体提高是一个需要不断努力练习和积累的过程,但背诵不能不说是积极备战、快速提高写作成绩的一条捷径。考生可以选择历年真题的范文和一些与真题作文相近的文章进行背诵,要在理解文章内容的基础上有重点、有目的地进行背诵。把结构合理、适用于多种语言环境的句子背下来不但有助于理解文章,更能够增强表达能力。考生也可以选择一些英语原著名篇来阅读背诵,这样可以加强自己的语感,使自己的表达更加地道。第三、加强写作练习阅读和背诵是“输入”的积累,目的是为了更好地输出——只有真正的动笔“写”才能检验出一个人的写作能力是否得到了提高,所以加强实际写作练习至关重要。考生最好能找有范文的题目进行练习,以便写完后能与范文进行对比。写作练习的重点是要检查文章是否切题,行文是否流畅,有无严重语法错误等,同时通过与范文的比较可以及时发现自己的不足。考生还应该注意,每次练习都应当限时完成,将时间控制在考试规定时间内,以提高自己的写作速度。研究生入学考试中,考生需要在规定时间内完成两篇文章,从写作的过程来看,对于每一个给定题目,每个考生都会有自己的想法,但100或200词左右的文章所能容纳的内容是有限的,这就要求考生必须迅速思考,尽量用准确的语言清楚地表达出自己的想法。有些同学以为做到上述就够了,我觉得还远远不够。做到上面的也许你能得个十几分。如果想达到更高的分数,我想你还需要这样做。我们很多考研人都知道啊,每年北京在考研英语作文方面的分数压的是很低的,一般30分的作文,平均分在14分左右。但是,育明教育的学员在这个方面的表现却比较突出,一般都能够达到20分以上。我认为,英语作文复习有三步要走:第一,总结一套自己的答题模板,但是要区别于市面上常见的模板。套用别人的你也只会被套路。第二,把往年的作文答题卡复印20-30份,每次写作文的时候都用这个答题卡,提前进入考试状态。第三,在分析真题完形和阅读的时候要多留心好的句型和单词,尽量避免用一些中学的词汇。例如,a good number of 和 a significant number of(源自:2006年考研英语完形)都可以表示很多。但是在写作文的时候很多同学喜欢用中学的一些词,诸如“many”“much”“lots of”,这样一下子就给阅卷老师暴露了自己的“实力”。以上三点做到了,作文25分以上不成问题。我是育明考研咨询师,希望大家通过这篇经验的学习,在2020年的考研英语中都能取得高分。
今天的考试已经结束啦,考研君给大家整理了2020考研英语的试题及参考答案(网友回忆版),供大家在考试结束之后使用!英语一作文英语一大作文:习惯两幅图:第一幅图:一个小女孩在看书,图里写着 尽早完成才安心第二幅图:一个孩子瘫坐在沙发上,写着 不到最后不动手英语一小作文:通知留学生唱歌比赛The Student Union of your university has assigned you to inform the international students an upcoming singing contest. Write a notice in about 100 words. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. Do not use your name in the notice.英语二作文考研英语二大作文:图表题,然后那个图表题上面写的是某高校,学生手机阅读使用的情况大概是百分之五十七点多,接近58%的同学是用它学习,百分之二十七点儿多多同学是用它查资料,2%,21的同学是用它娱乐,剩下2%的话是未知,然后写出描述图片,并写出个人的,评价。考研英语二小作文:向一群国际学生介绍中国的名胜古迹1、详细介绍一下介绍这个名胜古迹2、游览它的时候注意事项。本账号会持续发布完整版的各科目试题,英语完整的也即将出炉!同学们辛苦了!考后不要着急对答案,不要再去想已经考过的科目,更不要弃考。至于一些答题卡反面没写名字、试题册信息没填、铅笔划线没擦之类的都是小问题,没有什么影响。分析题写错位置加了标注的,按往年经验也影响不大。情绪不要受影响,明天的专业课最重要,加油!
2020年考研英语(一)的大作文的图画种关于作文考察通常来说的就是真题中反复出现的双图对比,通常会是通过对比两幅图画中两个人物对于同样一件事情不同的反应或态度引出话题,常常会与 2012年的大作文"乐观的生活态度"考察形式相同。我们通过对比,其中图一的姑娘说早点写完早安心,图二的男孩说'不到最后一刻不写。然后得出图一反应出的"珍惜时间、采取行动、勤奋"等主题词。图二对应的主题词是"拖延、不付诸行动、懒惰"等,主题词难度并不大。下面就是例文,大家参考一下哦!As is vividly depicted in the drawings, two indivials have completely opposite attitudes towards the same event. The girl in the first picture,who is doing her homework,intends to finish her homework as soon as possible.By contrast, although the boy in the second picture is also sitting in front of the table,he plans to put off his homework until the last minute. Obviously, what the metaphorical and impressive pictures convey is that the good habit is of great significance to personal development and growth.Nowadays, people in mounting numbers put great emphasis on the importance of developing good study habits, such as cherishing time and taking actions. should be recognized that in any field of endeavor,whether itisin medicine engineering or business,itseems necessary to be diligent and set a high value on time before one can finally become successful.Just as an old Chinese saying goes,'the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.In order to achieve our goals of study and life,we must take actions and put the plan into practice just at this moment.The more actionswe take,the closer we get to our destination. On the contrary,ifall things are put off until tomorrow and we always wait for tomorrow,we will never accomplish anything.In conclusion,in this ever-changing world,as the competition in our society becomes increasingly fierce,we should attach more importance to forming good habits.In fact,it is a widely held perception that peoplewho are eager to success have to value time and be diligent.除了范文以外,免不了还会有些背诵的内容,下面是些小技巧喜欢的话收藏吧!提高记忆编码、储存、提取3个过程的效率提高阅读能力,理解了再背,背完后试着多次用不同方式复述,都有利于提高记忆。除此之外,听也是对看的重要补充,是一个重要的输入过程,有计划地听网课和音频,对自己的记忆效率的提高也是有帮助的;写是一个练习提取的过程。将看、读、听、写、说有意识地糅合到一起,整个记忆过程是完整且高效的。
2019公共课,考研平均分以及难度系数公布了!这是教育部考试中心整理的官方数据,而且样本容量大、分析全面,因此具有很高的参考价值。难度系数如何计算如果90%的考生做对这道题,这道题的难度系数就是0.9,难度系数与难度成反比,即难度系数越小,难度越大。英语难度分析一、2019考研英语真题全国平均分 英语一 48.59分 难度系数0.486英语二 52.66分 难度系数0.527二、2019年考研英语难度分析 2019考研英语一抽取了326936名考生的试卷作统计分析,结果如下:从结果看,19考研英语一平均分与18年考研持平,试卷难度不变,标准差与信度也与前两年持平。但是阅读理解A节比18年要难,小作文比18年简单,大作文则更难,整体难度持平。这里我们可以看到考研试卷难度稳定,19年的试题质量很高,难度合理~这也说明考研公共课是很公平的,能够检测大家的真实水平,试题没有投机取巧的余地。英语二的统计数据包含262460位考生的成绩,结果如下:从以上表格可以看出,2017年-2019年英语二的试卷中,阅读理解部分和写作部分难度整体稳定,翻译部分难度较前两年略微提高,但是,A节要稍难于往年,B节比往年稍易。此外,今年英语增加的多事热点部分的词语,相信可能会围绕国际文化交流等出一些问题。数学难度分析2019考研数学真题全国平均分情况如下:数学一65.69 难度系数0.438 难度偏大数学二71.87 难度系数0.479 难度略大数学三76.80 难度系数0.512 难度适中这里将往年平均分一起作了一个对比,结果如下:对于数学来说,大小年的难度很明显:「奇数年较高,偶数年较低」。15年、17年、19年相对简单,16年、18年、20年则会相对难。大家也可发现,19考研数学一和18年持平,数学一二三难度有所分化。从往年数据来看,数学一和数学二在2020考研中难度会有所增大,但不必担心会难出天际,数学三难度应会略有提高,也不应变化太大,不必过于紧张。数学现在不论是二刷强化还是启动真题一刷,做错还是做对,都不要在意得了多少分,一定要将做过的题纳入自己的知识体系和思维结构,不断巩固和加强解题能力。记住:20考研数学是一场硬仗!,必须潜心钻研!政治难度分析首先声明:管理类联考是不考政治的。目前并没有公布平均分及难度系数,但2020政治考研大纲已经公布了,对比去年的考试大纲,只是做了微调。根据往年的数据,政治平均分基本在56~59分之间,人数最多的区间为60~70分。难度系数也是属于中度难度。政治往年的考试题型,16个单选,17个多选,五道分析题。从已发布的大纲来看政治题目也应当依旧稳定,选择题难度可以参考往年。不过,因为每年大题热点都不同的,具体还是要根据自身掌握程度,制定相关复习计划。公共课均分分析由以上列出的平均分以及以往的经验,我们可以简要分析一下各科公共课的特点:政治:政治的均分一般在65分左右,不管是985学校还是211学校,录取生中政治分数差别不大。因此建议大家65保底,往70+冲。当然如果专业是新闻等比较偏文科的专业,大家的政治水平都比较高,建议考到70+。英语:英语是一门你觉得大家都考65,但实际上别人个个70+的科目。因此如果你之前的目标是65的话,就请你再努努力了,65在211学校中属于一般水平,在985学校中甚至有些拖后腿了。数学:数学由于数一、数二、数三难度不同而有所差别;一般来说,985学校数学均分还是在120+的,对于211学校,数学均分也在100+的水平,看下自己有没有达到哦。需要注意的是,以上只是平均分,如果想在复试中有些竞争优势,这些分数可是不够的哦。总而言之,加油努力吧,分数越高越好!希望大家都能好好把握剩下的两个多月,争取一战成硕!
一、社会热点类相关表述1.“共享”类话题It can be clearly seen from the drawing that there are several kinds of shared activities(共享活动) that urban citizens are enjoying much. On a closer look, a boy is using his mobile phone to unlock a shared bike that is parked in right order.Moreover, there is a traveler-looking young man recharging his mobile phone at a shared charging station, and there are several readers focusing on books in a shared library. Commercial and non-profitable shared activities make the metropolitan life more convenient. Furthermore, the limited resources(有限的资源) in highly populated areas(人口密集的地区) can be reallocated (重新分配) and then utilized more efficiently. In effect, with human society evolving, the proportion of private property may graally decrease to escape the heavy dependence on environment.2、“低头族““手机病”As is ironically shown in the picture..., Undoubtedly, the picture satirized an epidemic prevailing among youngsters, namely, phubber(低头族) or the smart phone syndrome.(手机病) As for me, it is a problem that deserves grave concern.(值得深切关注) Two reasons, as far as I'm concerned(在我看来), can be easily found to account for (解释)the phenomenon. As a result, the smart phone has attained enormous popularity and graally become an indispensable part of our life.(我们生活中不可或缺的一部分) Eventually, the charm of the cell phone outshines the pleasure with friends and even makes parents forget their obligations. Besides the damage to the friendship, mobile phone syndrome can be disastrous in other ways. Thus it is most urgent for us to realize the harm of the syndrome and adopt every measure possible to reverse the condition.3、"年轻人熬夜"问题We, specially the teenagers, should develop good living habits.(养成良好的生活习惯) Having a good rest is the fundamental need, which ensures us a strong healthy body and a good mood. We should go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late(熬夜) is bad for our health. Besides, healthy eating habits(健康的饮食习惯)are of great importance, which leads to both physical and mental health. We should eat more fruits and vegetables instead of (代替,而不是)biscuit,hamburgers and meat. Junk food (垃圾食品)is a fatal killer of our health, so we should stay away from it.4、“信任危机”In the set of pictures above, suspecting the vegetables for sale aren't green food, a woman turns her back on(转身离开) the seller; doubting the credibility of advice from a self claimed expert dressed as a doctor, an old man turns away; a young man casts doubt on(产生怀疑)an officer who takes an oath of integrity(许下廉政诺言).The underlying meaning of the drawings can be elaborated in terms of loss of trust(信任缺失) among people. There was a time when doors were left unlocked at night (曾几何时,夜不闭户)and no one pocketed anything found on. However, with the development of the society, people increasingly distrust each other. This crisis of trust in our society will bring many unfavorable consequences. Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It s the fundamental principle that holds all relationships。(信任是生活的粘合剂。它是有效沟通的必备因素,也是维持所有关系的基本准则)高分热文DirectionsWrite an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should 1) describe the picture briefly, 2) interpret its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)As is ironically shown in the picture, a little boy's parents are both deeply addicted to the cell phone, while he is siting on the ground, crying alone. Undoubtedly, the picture satirized an epidemic prevailing among youngsters, namely, phubber,(低头族) or the smart phone syndrome.(手机病) As for me, it is a problem that deserves grave concern.(值得深切关注) Two reasons, as far as l'm concerned(在我看来), can be easily found to account for(解释)the phenomenon. First of all, the unprecedented boom in telecommunications technology has made it possible for us to get access to every conceivable piece of information and service. As a result, the smart phone has attained enormous popularity and graally become an indispensable part of our life.(我们生活中不可或缺的一部分) Plus, the springing up of countless powerful socializing and game applications has also deteriorated the issue. It is quite common to see young people focusing on their phones under all circumstances, playing games and posting status.Eventually, the charm of the cell phone outshines the pleasure with friends and even makes parents forget their obligations. Besides the damage to the friendship, mobile phone syndrome can be disastrous in other ways. A student addicted to mobile phone may be distracted from his or her study ; parents playing mobile phone may neglect their child and cause serious results. Thus it is most urgent for us to realize the harm of the syndrome and adopt every measure possible to reverse the condition。译参考译文如图所示,一个小男孩的父母深深地沉迷于手机,留他独自坐在地上哭泣。毫无疑问,此图讽刺了如今年轻人中非常普遍的一种流行病,即低头族或手机病。我认为,这个问题值得我们深切关注。 我认为,可以很容易地找到两个原因来解释这个现象。首先,通信技术前所未有的迅猛发展让我们能够轻易地接触到任何能够想象得到的信息和服务。因此,智能手机迅速得到普及,逐渐成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。其次,无数功能强大的社交和游戏应用也恶化了这一问题。现在在任何场合都可以经常看到年轻人专注地玩手机游戏或者发状态。最终,手机的魅力胜过了交友的乐趣,甚至使父母忘记了自己的责任。 除了对友谊有害,手机病带来的危害还体现在其他地方。学生沉迷于手机游戏便会影响学习;父母玩手机可能会忽视他们的孩子,从而造成严重的后果。所以当务之急是要意识到手机病的危害,并采取一切可能的措施来扭转局面。二、哲理类1、“没有行动,梦想只是空想”The picture aims at revealing a simple truth: without action, any goal is just a fantasy.(没有行动,梦想只是空想) No one can deny the fact that taking action is extremely essential to achieving your goals. Only by turning your dream into action, can you really realize it. “The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. "(千里之行,始于足下) The more action we take, the more likely we are to accumulate experience, master skills and get close to our destination.2、“逆境造人才”As is shown in the picture, a sailor is steering a ship in a calm sea, which definitely would not arouse his faculties and fortitude.(平静的水面练就不出强悍的水手) That is why the caption reads“A smooth sea never makes a skilled sailor.”There is no denying the fact that it is rough times that make us grow faster. The home is their comfort zone, and the longer they stay there, the less likely they would be able to deal with life's storms. Just as a saying goes, greenhouse flowers cannot survive the unpleasant weather outdoors. (温室的花朵经不起外面的风雨) We should not be content with a life of ease.(不应该满足于安逸的生活) Instead we should be brave enough to take on new challenges to bring out the best in us(勇于接受挑战,成就最好的自己)热高分热文DirectionsWrite an essay of 160 200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should 1) describe the pictures briefly, 2) interpret the intended meaning,and then 3) give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)As is vividly shown in the picture above, both young men want to be a famous singer. One man is sitting on the chair is daydreaming about the day when he gives a perfect concert to all his fans, while the other practices the guitar and his singing skill all day long. The picture aims at revealing a simple truth: without action, any goal is just a fantasy.(没有行动,梦想只是空想) No one can deny the fact that taking action is extremely essential to achieving your goals. Only by turning your dream into action, can you really realize it. If you never take action, you will never have a chance to win, Just as an old Chinese saying goes, "The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. "(千里之行,始于足下) The more action we take, the more likely we are to accumulate experience, master skills and get close to our destination.To further demonstrate the importance of taking action, I would like to take a famous fable as a case in point: the Foolish Old Man who dreamed of removing the mountain in front of his gate began with carrying away small stones and finally realized his dream. Consequently, I believe, on the one hand, government and the media should lose no opportunity to publicize the importance of taking action.(宣传行动的重要性) On the other hand, in our daily life, more than just thinking of something, we have to put it into action(付诸于行动中). Only by doing so, can we achieve our objective sand realize our dreams.译参考译文正如上图所生动展示的,两个年轻人都想成为歌星。一个坐在椅子上做白日梦,想着自己在举办一次完美的演唱会给粉丝听;而另一人整日苦练吉他和唱功。图画旨在揭示一个简单的道理:没有行动,任何目标都只是空想。 采取行动对实现目标非常重要,没有人能够否认这一事实。只有把梦想付诸行动,梦想才能实现。如果从不采取行动,就永远没有成功的机会。正如中国的古语所说:“千里之行,始于足下”。我们采取的行动越多,就越有可能积累经验、掌握技能,并靠近自己的目标。为了进一步说明行动的重要性,我想列举一个著名的寓言故事-愚公移山作为例子。愚公想把自己家门口的大山移走,他从搬小石子开始,最终实现了梦想。 因此,我认为,一方面,政府和媒体应该不失时机地宣扬行动的重要性。另一方面,在日常生活中,我们要付诸行动,而不只是空想。只有如此,我们才能达成目标并实现梦想。三、教育专题1、师德Unfolded before us is a cartoon simply drawn yet profoundly meaningful. teachers' ethics is essential(至关重要的) in the ecational process. We can identify the significance of teachers' ethics from the following perspectives. To begin with, it will help students to acquire the basic personal qualities for their future life. Furthermore, teachers' ethics is a code of conct that must be followed in the teaching process. Last but not least, teachers' ethics is also critical for a progressive and healthy development.2、大学替课现象The picture depicts... For many students, after years of preparation for the gruelling Gaokao, life gets much easier once they are at college where nearly everyone can graate without having to be instrious.四、环境类1、污染Mobile phone usage in public places like hospitals can easily interfere(打扰) with the medical equipment, which can be harmful to the patient. 在医院等公共场所使用手机很容易干扰医疗设备,这对病人有害。 In my opinion, cell phones should be allowed in public places with some restrictions. What's more, in public places, quiet zones where phone use is banned should be set up. 在我看来,应该允许在公共场所使用手机,并设有一此限制。此外,在公共场所,应该建立禁止使用手机的安静区域。2、城市病The unprecedented (空前的)expansion of cities undoubtedly leads to the excessive concentration of population, which in turn brings about a series of problems, such as environmental pollution, traffic jam, increased crimes and high housing prices. 城市空前的扩张无疑造成人口的过度集中,这反过来又会产生一系列问题,如环境污染、交通堵塞、犯罪增多及高房价等。 Therefore, the focus of urban authorities(市政部门) should be on consolidation and upgrading of urban infrastructure. Great attention should also be paid to develop a mechanism to monitor the carrying capacity(承受能力) of both resources and environment of cities to achieve urban layout optimization(布局优化). 因此,市政部门应关注城市基础设施的整合和升级。还应该重点建立一种机制来监督城市资源和环境的承受能力,以达到城市布局最优化。3、垃圾分类Worse still, in many places, waste is disposed of(被处理) by burning, and burning the recyclable waste(可回收垃圾) like plastics will give off toxic(有毒的) smoke which pollutes the air. 更糟糕的是,在很多地方,垃圾是通过焚烧来处理的,而焚烧诸如塑料之类的可回收垃圾会释放有毒气体,污染空气。五、经济类1、春节期间的旅游As is graphically illustrated(阐明,举例说明) in the bar chart, the number of tourists traveling ring the Spring Festival in China increased ... At the very beginning, there is no denying that the ever-accelerating pace of our life(生活节奏加快) and the improvement of our living standards (生活质量的提高)have come to characterize our living habit, which in turn contributed to the marked change of traveling ring the Spring Festival. What's more, that numerous indivials have been blessed with(享有...的)both physical and mental benefits from traveling also conced to the trend. Still, the governmental incentives serve as a momentous driving force(驱动力)of it.2、中美学生收入来源There are probably two reasons contributing to(促成) the differences. First, in China, students without sustainable income(没有可持续收入) are still considered dependent on parents. Therefore, it is natural for them to ask their parents for money. By contrast,(相比之下) American students over 18 years have developed more senses of financial independence.(经济独立意识) Second, since America is more developed than China, it is relatively easier for American students to find part-time jobs(兼职). Therefore, a larger proportion of income comes from part-time jobs in America.3、新能源汽车销量增长的原因The rapid growth of the sales of the new energy vehicles can be attributed to several factors. First of all, in big cities like Beijing, according to the vehicle restriction rule(车辆限行规则), private cars in urban areas must be off the road one workday a week while new energy vehicles are allowed to be on the road throughout the week., Moreover, purchase tax exemption(免征车辆购置税) has boosted new energy vehicle sales,especially in the year 2015. Last but not least, the improvement of new energy vehicles has attracted more and more customers.热高分热文DirectionsWrite an essay based on the following table. In your writing, you should 1) interpret the table, and 2) give your comments You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)The table shows that the income sources of Chine students are quite different from (与...不同)those of American students In China,85% of students' money is from their parents while in America only 40% of students money is provided by their parents. Chinese students earn only 5% from part-time jobs and 5% from student loan(学生贷款). However, American students get 20% and 25% of their money from these two sources respectively. In addition, fellowship or scholarship takes up 15% of American students' income while income from this source for Chinese students occupies only 5%. There are probably two reasons contributing to (促成)the differences. First, in China, students without sustainable income (没有可持续收入)are still considered dependent on (依赖)parents. Therefore, it is natural for them to ask their parents for money. By contrast,(相比之下) American students over 18 years have developed more senses of financial independence.(独立的经济意识)Second, since America is more developed than China, it is relatively easier for American students to find part-time jobs. Therefore, a larger proportion of income comes from part-time jobs(兼职) in America. I believe in future, more Chinese students will realize the necessity of self-dependence and try to make their own living through part-time jobs and other ways.译精彩翻译如图所示,关于大学生心理问题方面,显著的变化已然发生。根据图表所提供的数据我们可以看到,有心理问题的大学生比例这些年在快速上升。2006 年,面临这种问题的大学生比例是20.23%,然而不到7年的时间,比例上升到33.47%。 表格显示中美两国学生的收人来源有很大的不同。在中国,学生85%的钱是他们父母给的。而在美国,学生只有40%的钱是由父母提供的。中国学生的收人当中只有5%从兼职获得,5%从学生贷款中获得。然而,美国学生从这两个来源获得的收入分别占了20%和25%。此外,奖学金占美国学生收人的15%,而仅占中国学生收人的5%。 造成这些差异的原因可能有两个。首先,在中国,没有可持续收人的学生仍然被认为是要依靠父母的。因此,他们向父母要钱是自然而然的事。相比之下,美国18岁以上的学生养成了更多的经济独立意识。其次,由于美国比中国更发达,美国学生相对更容易找到兼职工作。因此,在美国,来自兼职工作的收人占比更大。 我相信在未来,更多的中国学生将认识到自我独立的必要性,并试着通过兼职和其他方式来谋生。
2019年12月21日下午17时,2020届考生结束了备受关注的英语学科考研,为过去一年甚或更久的辛苦“备战”画上了圆满的句号,着实令人振奋。众所周知,作文作为考研英语五大题型的核心题型之一,一直是考生备考的重点难点,也是议论的热点,那么笔者就以刚刚结束的考研英语一大作文为例,共同揭开大作文的“神秘面纱”,同时也为2021届考生的备考提供方向指南,以期有的放矢,斩获高分。2020考研英语一真题如下:Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the pictures below. In your essay, you should1) describe the picture briefly,2) interpret the implied meaning, and3) give your comments.Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)写作分析1. 考题形式:图画作文图画作文在形式上延续过去十余年,范围上属于大纲明确范围,一直是英语一大作文考生备考的重点,具体而言,考查形式为双图题,虽然和2018,2019的不同,但考研的历史上,最早可以追溯到2003,近几年比如2016,2017出的也是双图题,因此就形式而言难度不大;2. 话题范围: 习惯,自律,时间管理,效率,防范拖延,行动等相关主题就话题范围而言,依然考的是历年真题考频最高的个人修养类,相关话题在历届考研真题中可以说屡见不鲜,如2008 “合作”;2012 “乐观”;2014“孝顺”,2017—“实践”等。同时,北京文都在考前押题班等多次课程中反复强调个人品质类为热点话题,需重点关注。话题内容并不生疏,难度偏易;3. 具体撰写:宏观角度---布局谋篇首段为图画描述段,可用两到三个长句子具体描述图画内容,注意双图题必须两幅图都要描述到位,不能有遗漏,但可以在具体写作时就其中某一幅图有所侧重;主体段为围绕主题的具体论述,可从意义分析或原因分析等多维角度进行论述;尾段为总结段,正面话题可从:总结上文、回应主题、提出希望三个方面作结。微观角度---遣词造句1)词汇、句法:考研英语作为英语阶段的高级测试,对词和句的要求要远远高于四六级等等级测试。从词汇角度来说,要注意少用或不用被历届学生用俗套的词,而多用一些熟词的生僻含义或“高大上”的词汇,于细微处彰显写作功底;从句法角度来说,句子结构的丰富多样性直接与得分正相关,因而要多运用句式解构复杂的句子,比如复合句(名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句)、特殊句型(倒装句、强调句、there be句型)、独立主格、非谓语动词等,以体现自己在句意表达上的优势所在。2)避免常见错误:具体用词上,注意基本语法错误,如名词单复数:动词的时态语态:被动语态的-ed形式,形近词混用等问题;构句上,英语与汉语不同,为形合语言,这就要求考生在写作时不仅要关注内容的契合,也要对前后句形式上的相合,也就是,如前后句语义关系密切,要有意识地使用关联词、分词等形式把二者紧密结合起来,以使行文鲜活生动,助力高分作文。
2020考研英语于今日下午正式结束。不管各位同学发挥得如何,都请不要在所有考试结束前对答案,以免影响心情,进而影响到接下来的考试。文都教育考研英语辅导老师现将2020考研英语(一)大作文的参考范文及译文分享给大家,方便各位在考试结束后了解自己的写作情况。【参考范文】Portrayed distinctively by the two cartoons above is an impressive scene: a girl in the left picture is doing homework and saying that early completion is better. Nevertheless, the boy in the right picture is sitting in front of the desk and saying that he will not finish the homework until the last minute. Undoubtedly, the symbolic implication of the pictures is to show us that importance should be attached to the formation of good habits, especially the good habit of time management. On the one hand, efficient time management is critical to personal development. As the old saying goes, “Time is money,” and in the fast-paced modern life, it seems that we always have a lot of things to do and we are very busy. In the face of such a situation, we have to realize that efficiency holds the key to saving time and time management skills hold the key to personal success. On the other hand, good time management habits play a vital role in the development of the whole society. There is no doubt that, to a large extent, social progress is closely related to the efforts of each indivial. If we can develop the good habit of time management, we are much more likely to improve efficiency and have a better performance in the learning and working process, which is an integral part of social advances and prosperity.From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that the sense of efficient time management skills is of equal importance in personal and social progress. Therefore, we ought to take advantage of the phenomenon to enlighten the public and the press is expected to take a lead in advertising the value of developing good time management habits. Only in this way can we have a bright future. 【参考范文译文】上面两幅漫画所描绘的是一个令人印象深刻的画面:左图中的一个女孩正在做作业,她说早完成比较好。然而,右图中的男孩正坐在书桌前,说他要到最后一分钟才会完成。毫无疑问,这两幅图的象征意义是:我们应该重视好习惯的养成,尤其是时间管理方面的好习惯。一方面,高效的时间管理对个人发展至关重要。俗话说,“时间就是金钱”,在快节奏的现代生活中,我们似乎总是有很多事情要做,很忙。面对这种情况,我们必须认识到,效率是节省时间的关键,而且时间管理技能是个人成功的关键。另一方面,良好的时间管理习惯对整个社会的发展起着至关重要的作用。毋庸置疑,社会进步在很大程度上与每个人的努力密切相关。如果我们能养成良好的时间管理习惯,我们就更有可能提高效率,在学习和工作过程中有更好的表现,这是社会进步和繁荣发展不可分割的一部分。综上所述,可得出如下结论:高效的时间管理对于个人和社会的进步同等重要。因此,我们应该利用这一现象来启发公众,而媒体应该带头宣传养成良好的时间管理习惯的价值。只有这样,我们才能拥有一个光明的未来。以上就是文都教育考研英语辅导老师提供的2020考研英语(一)真题大作文的参考范文和相应译文,希望对大家的写作有所帮助,最后,祝大家取得理想的成绩!