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考研英语真题Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text.Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)In Cambodia, the choice of a spouse is a complex one for the young male. It may involve not only his parents and his friends,1 those of the young woman, but also a matchmaker. A young man can 2 a likely spouse on his own and then ask his parents to 3 the marriage negotiations, or the young man’s parents may make the choice of a spouse, giving the child little to say in the selection. 4 , a girl may veto the spouse her parents have chosen.5 a spouse has been selected, each family investigates the other to make sure its child is marrying 6 a good family.The traditional wedding is a long and colorful affair. Formerly it lasted three days, 7 by the 1980s it more commonly lasted a day and a half. Buddhist priests offer a short sermon and 8 prayers of blessing. Parts of the ceremony involve ritual hair cutting, 9 cotton threads soaked in holy water around the bride’s and groom’s wrists, and 10 a candle around a circle of happily married and respected couples to bless the 11 .Newlyweds traditionally move in with the wife’s parents and may 12 with them up to a year, 13 they can build a new house nearby.Divorce is legal and easy to 14 , but not common. Divorced persons are 15 with some disapproval. Each spouse retains 16 property he or she 17 into the marriage, and jointly-acquired property is 18 equally. Divorced persons may remarry, but a gender prejudice 19 up: The divorced male doesn’t have a waiting period before he can remarry 20 the woman must wait ten months.1.[A]by way of [B]on behalf of [C]as well as [D]with regard to2. [A]adapt to [B]provide for [C]compete with [D]decide on3. [A]close [B]renew [C]arrange [D]postpone4. [A]Above all [B]In theory [C]In time [D]For example5. [A]Although [B]Lest [C]After [D]Unless6. [A]into [B]within [C]from [D]through7. [A]since [B]but [C]or [D]so8. [A]copy [B]test [C]recite [D]create9. [A]folding [B]piling [C]wrapping [D]tying10. [A]passing [B]lighting [C]hiding [D]serving11. [A]meeting [B]collection [C]association [D]union12. [A]grow [B]part [C]deal [D]live13. [A]whereas [B]until [C]if [D]for14. [A]obtain [B]follow [C]challenge [D]avoid15. [A]isolated [B]persuaded [C]viewed [D]exposed16. [A]whatever [B]however [C]whenever [D]wherever17. [A]changed [B]brought [C]shaped [D]pushed18. [A]withdrawn [B]invested [C]donated [D]divided19. [A]breaks [B]warms [C]shows [D]clears20. [A]so that [B]while [C]once [D]in thatSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A,B,C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(40 points)Text 1France,which prides itself as the global innovator of fashion, has decided its fashion instry has lost an absolute right to define physical beauty for women. Its lawmakers gave preliminary approval last week to a law that would make it a crime to employ ultra-thin models on runways.The parliament also agreed to ban websites that “incite excessive thinness” by promoting extreme dieting.Such measures have a couple of uplifting motives. They suggest beauty should not be defined by looks that end up impinging on health. That’s a start. And the ban on ultra-thin models seems to go beyond protecting models from starving themselves to death—as some have done. It tells the fashion instry that it must take responsibility for the signal it sends women, especially teenage girls, about the social tape-measure they must use to determine their indivial worth.The bans, if fully enforced, would suggest to women (and many men) that they should not let others be arbiters of their beauty. And perhaps faintly, they hint that people should look to intangible qualities like character and intellect rather than dieting their way to size zero or wasp-waist physiques.The French measures, however, rely too much on severe punishment to change a culture that still regards beauty as skin-deep—and bone-showing. Under the law, using a fashion model that does not meet a government-defined index of body mass could result in a $85,000 fine and six months in prison.The fashion instry knows it has an inherent problem in focusing on material adornment and idealized body types. In Denmark, the United States, and a few other countries, it is trying to set voluntary standards for models and fashion images that rely more on peer pressure for enforcement.In contrast to France’s actions, Denmark’s fashion instry agreed last month on rules and sanctions regarding the age, health, and other characteristics of models. The newly revised Danish Fashion Ethical Charter clearly states: “We are aware of and take responsibility for the impact the fashion instry has on body ideals, especially on young people.” The charter’s main tool of enforcement is to deny access for designers and modeling agencies to Copenhagen Fashion Week, which is run by the Danish Fashion Institute. But in general it relies on a name-and-shame method of compliance.Relying on ethical persuasion rather than law to address the misuse of body ideals may be the best step. Even better would be to help elevate notions of beauty beyond the material standards of a particular instry.21.According to the first paragraph, what would happen in France?[A] Physical beauty would be redefined.[B] New runways would be constructed.[C] Websites about dieting would thrive.[D] The fashion instry would decline.22.The phrase “impinging on” (Line 2,Para 2) is closest in meaning to[A] heightening the value of.[B] indicating the state of.[C] losing faith in.[D] doing harm to.23.Which of the following is true of the fashion instry?[A] The French measures have already failed.[B] New standards are being set in Denmark.[C] Model are no longer under peer pressure.[D] Its inherent problems are getting worse.24. A designer is most likely to be rejected by CFW for[A] setting a high age threshold for models.[B] caring too much about models’ character.[C] showing little concern for health factors.[D] pursuing perfect physical conditions.25.Which of the following may be the best title of the text?[A] The Great Threats to the Fashion Instry.[B] Just Another Round of Struggle for Beauty.[C] A Dilemma for the Starving Models in France.[D] A Challenge to the Fashion Instry’s Body Ideals.Text 2For the first time in history more people live in towns than in the country. In Britain this has had a curious result. While polls show Britons rate “the countryside” alongside the royal family, Shakespeare and the National Health Service (NHS) as what makes them proudest of their country, this has limited political support.A century ago Octavia Hill launched the National Trust not to rescue stylish houses but to save “the beauty of natural places for everyone forever.” It was specifically to provide city dwellers with spaces for leisure where they could experience “a refreshing air.” Hill’s pressure later led to the creation of national parks and green belts. They don’t make countryside any more, and every year concrete consumes more of it. It needs constant guardianship.At the next election none of the big parties seem likely to endorse this sentiment. The Conservatives’ planning reform explicitly gives rural development priority over conservation, even authorizing “off-plan” building where local people might object. The concept of sustainable development has been defined as profitable. Labour likewise wants to discontinue local planning where councils oppose development. The Liberal Democrats are silent. Only Ukip, sensing its chance, has sided with those pleading for a more considered approach to using green land. Its Campaign to Protect Rural England struck terror into many local Consecutive parties.The sensible place to build new houses, factories and offices is where people are, in cities and towns where infrastructure is in place. The London agents Stirling Ackroyd recently identified enough sites for half a million houses in the London are alone, with no intrusion on green bet. What is true of London is even truer of the provinces.The idea that “housing crisis” equals “concreted meadows” is pure lobby talk. The issue is not the need for more houses but, as always, where to put them. Under lobby pressure, George Osborne favours rural new-build against urban renovation and renewal. He favours out-of-town shopping sites against high streets. This is not a free market but a biased one. Rural towns and villages have grown and will always grow. They do so best where building sticks to their edges and respects their character. We do not ruin urban conservation areas. Why ruin rural ones?Development should be planned, not let rip. After the Netherlands, Britain is Europe’s most crowded country. Half a century of town and country planning has enabled it to retain an enviable rural coherence, while still permitting low-density urban living. There is no doubt of the alternative—the corrupted landscapes of southern Portugal, Spain or Ireland. Avoiding this rather than promoting it should unite the left and right of the political spectrum.26.Britain’s public sentiment about the countryside[A] didn’t start till the Shakespearean age.[B] has brought much benefit to the NHS.[C] is fully backed by the royal family.[D] is not well reflected in politics.27.According to Paragraph 2, the achievements of the National Trust are now be[A] graally destroyed.[B] effectively reinforced.[C] largely overshadowed.[D] properly protected.28.Which of the following can be inferred from Paragraph 3?[A] Labour is under attack for opposing development.[B] The Conservatives may abandon “off-plan” building.[C] The Liberal Democrats are losing political influence.[D] Ukip may gain from its support for rural conservation.29.The author holds that George Osborne’s preference[A] highlights his firm stand against lobby pressure.[B] shows his disregard for the character of rural areas.[C] stresses the necessity f easing the housing crisis.[D] reveals a strong prejudice against urban areas.30.In the last paragraph, the author shows his appreciation of[A] the size of population in Britain.[B] the political life in today’s Britain.[C] the enviable urban lifestyle in Britain.[D] the town-and-country planning in Britain.Text 3“There is one and only one social responsibility of businesses,” Wrote Milton Friedman, a Nobel prize-winning economist, “That is,to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profit”. But even if you accept Firedman’s premise and regard corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies as waste of shareholders’ money, things may not be absolutely clear-cut. New research suggest the CSR may create monetary value for companies-at least when they are prosecuted for corruption.The largest firms in America and Britain together spend more than $15 billion a year on CSR,according to an estimate by EPG, a consulting firm.This could add value to their businesses in three ways. First, consumers may take CSR spending as a “signal” that a company’s procts are of high quality. Second, customers may be willing to buy a company’s procts as an indirect way to donate to the good causes it helps.And third, through a more diffuse “halo effect,” whereby its good deeds earn it greater consideration from consumers and others.Previous studies on CSR have had trouble differentiating these effects because consumers can be affected by all three. A recent study attempts to separate them by looking at bribery prosecutions under America’s Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). It argues that since prosecutors do not consume a company’s procts as part of their investigations, they could be influenced only by the halo effect.The study found that, among prosecuted firms, those with the most comprehensive CSR programmes tended to get more lenient penalties. Their analysis ruled out the possibility that it was firms’ political influence, rather than their CSR stand, that accounted for the leniency: Companies that contributed more to political campaigns did not receive lower fines.In all, the study concludes that whereas prosecutors should only evaluate a case based on its merits, they do seem to be influenced by a company’s record in CSR. “We estimate that either eliminating a substantial labour-rights concern, such as child labour, or increasing corporate giving by about 20% results in fines that generally are 40% lower than the typical punishment for briding foreign officials,” says one researcher.Researchers admit that their study does not answer the question of how much businesses ought to spend on CSR. Nor does it reveal how much companies are banking on the halo effect, rather than the other possible benefits, when they decide their do-gooding policies. But at least they have demonstrated that when companies get into trouble with the law, evidence of good character can win them a less costly punishment.31. The author views Milton Friedman’s statement about CSR with[A] tolerance[B] skepticism[C] uncertainty[D] approval32.According to Paragraph 2, CSR helps a company by[A] winning trust from consumers.[B] guarding it against malpractices.[C] protecting it from being defamed.[D] raising the quality of its procts.33. The expression “more lenient” (Line 2, Para. 4) is closest in meaning to[A] more effective[B] less controversial[C] less severe[D] more lasting34.When prosecutors evaluate a case, a company’s CSR record[A] has an impact on their decision.[B] comes across as reliable evidence.[C] increases the chance of being penalized.[D] constitutes part of the investigation.35.Which of the following is true of CSR, according to the last paragraph?[A] Its negative effects on businesses are often overlooked.[B] The necessary amount of companies’ spending on it is unknown.[C] Companies’ financial capacity for it has been overestimated.[D] It has brought much benefit to the banking instry.Text 4There will eventually come a day when The New York Timesceases to publish stories on newsprint. Exactly when that day will be is a matter of debate. “Sometime in the future,”the paper’s publisher said back in 2010.Nostalgia for ink on paper and the rustle of pages aside,there’s plenty of incentive to ditch print. The infrastructure required to make a physical newspaper-printing presses, delivery trucks—isn’t just expensive; it’s excessive at a time when online-only competitors don’t have the same set of financial constraints. Readers are migrating away from print anyway. And though print ad sales still dwarf their online and mobile counterparts, revenue from print is still declining.Overhead may be high and circulation lower, but rushing to eliminate its print edition would be a mistake, says BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti.Peretti says the Timesshould’t waste time getting out of the print business, but only if they go about doing it the right way. “Figuring out a way to accelerate that transition would make sense for them,” he said, “but if you discontinue it, you’re going to have your most loyal customers really upset with you.”Sometimes that’s worth making a change anyway. Peretti gives the example of Netflix discontinuing its DVD-mailing service to focus on streaming. “It was seen as a blunder,” he said. The move turned out to be foresighted. And if Peretti were in charge at the Times?“I wouldn’t pick a year to end print,” he said. “I would raise prices and make it into more of a legacy proct.”The most loyal customers would still get the proct they favor, the idea goes, and they’d feel like they were helping sustain the quality of something they believe in. “So if you’re overpaying for print, you could feel like you were helping,” Peretti said. “Then increase it at a higher rate each year and essentially try to generate additional revenue.” In other words, if you’re going to make a print proct, make it for the people who are already obsessed with it. Which may be what the Timesis doing already. Getting the print edition seven days a week costs nearly $500 a year—more than twice as mush as a digital-only subscription.“It’s a really hard thing to do and it’s a tremendous luxury that BuzzFeed doesn’t have a legacy business,” Peretti remarked. “But we’re going to have questions like that where we have things we’re doing that don’t make sense when the market changes and the world changes. In those situations, it’s better to be more aggressive than less aggressive.”36.The New York Times is considering ending its print edition partly e[A] the high cost of operation.[B] the pressure from its investors.[C] the complaints from its readers.[D] the increasing online ad sales.37. Peretti suggests that, in face of the present situation, the Times should[A] seek new sources of readership.[B] end the print edition for good.[C] aim for efficient management.[D] make strategic adjustments.38.It can be inferred from Paragraphs 5 and 6 that a “legacy proct”[A] helps restore the glory of former times.[B] is meant for the most loyal customers.[C] will have the cost of printing reced.[D] expands the popularity of the paper.39.Peretti believes that, in a changing world.[A] legacy businesses are becoming outdated.[B] cautiousness facilitates problem-solving.[C] aggressiveness better meets challenges.[D] traditional luxuries can stay unaffected.40.Which of the following would be the best title of the text?[A] Shift to Online Newspapers All at Once[B] Cherish the Newspaper Still in Your Hand[C] Make Your Print Newspaper a Luxury Good[D] Keep Your Newspapers Forever in FashionPart BDirections: Read the following text and answer the questions by choosing the most suitable subheading from the A-G for each of the numbered paragraph (41-45). There are two extra subheadings. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)[A] Create a new image of yourself[B] Have confidence in yourself[C] Decide if the time is right[D] Understood the context[E] Work with professionals[F] Make it efficient[G] Know your goalsNo matter how formal or informal the work environment, the way you present yourself has an impact. This is especially true in first impressions. According to research from Princeton University, people assess your competence, trustworthiness, and like ability in just a tenth of a second, solely based on the way you look.The difference between today’s workplace and the “dress for success” era is that the range of options is so much broader, Norms have evolved and fragmented. In some settings, red sneakers or dress T-shirts can convey status; in others not so much. Plus, whatever image we present is magnified by social-media services like decade or two ago. Millennials, it seems, face the paradox of being the least formal generation yet the most conscious of style and personal branding. It can be confusing.So how do we navigate this? How do we know when to invest in an upgrade? And what’s the best way to pull off one that enhances our goals? Here are some tips:As an executive coach, I’ve seen image upgrades be particularly helpful ring transitions-- when looking for a new job, stepping into a new or more public role, or changing work environments. If you’re in a period of change or just feeling stuck and in a rut, now may be a good time. If you’re not sure, ask for honest feedback from trusted friends, colleagues, and professionals. Look for cues about how others perceive you. Maybe there’s no need for an upgrade and that’s OK.Get clear on what impact you’re hoping to have . Are you looking to refresh your image or pivot it?For one person, the goal may be to be taken more seriously and enhance their professional image. For another, it may be to be perceived as more approachable, or more modern and stylish. For someone moving from finance to advertising, maybe they want to look more “SoHo.” (It’s OK to use characterizations like that.)Look at your work environment like an anthropologist. What are the norms of your environment? What convey status? Who are your most important audiences? How do the people you respect and look up to present themselves? The better you understand the cultural context, the more control you can have over your impact.Enlist the support of professionals and share with them your goals and context. Hire a personal stylist, or use the free styling service of a store like J.Crew. Try a hair stylist instead of a barber. Work with a professional photographer instead of your spouse or friend. It’s not as expensive as you might think.The point of a style upgrade isn’t to become more vain or to spend more time fussing over what to wear. Instead, use it as an opportunity to rece decision fatigue . Pick a standard work uniform or a few go-to options. Buy all your clothes at once with a stylist instead of shopping alone, one article of clothing at a time.Part CDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)Mental health is our birthright. (46)We don’t have to learn how to be mentally healthy; it is built into us in the same way that our bodies know how to heal a cut or mend a broken bone.Mental health can’t be learned, only reawakened. It is like the immune system of the body, which under stress or through lack of nutrition of exercise can be weakened, but which never leaves us. When we don’t understand the value of mental health and we don’t know how to gain access to it, mental health will remain hidden from us, (47)Our mental health doesn’t really go anywhere; like the sun behind a cloud, it can be temporarily hidden from view, but it is fully capable of being restored in an instant.Mental health is the seed that contains self-esteem—confidence in ourselves and an ability to trust in our common sense. It allows us to have perspective on our lives—the ability to not take ourselves too seriously, to laugh at ourselves, to see the bigger picture, and to see that things will work out. It’s a from of innate or unlearned optimism. (48)Mental health allows us to view others with sympathy if they are having troubles, with kindness of they are in pain, and with unconditional love no matter who they are. Mental health is the source of creativity for solving problems, resolving conflict, making our surroundings more beautiful, managing our home life, or coming up with a creative business idea or invention to make our lives easier. It gives us patience for ourselves and toward others as well as patience while driving, catching a fish, working on our car, or raising a child. It allows us to see the beauty that surrounds us each moment in nature, in culture, in the flow of our daily lives.(49)Although mental health is the cure-all for living our lives, it is perfectly ordinary as you will see that it has been there to direct you through all your difficult decisions.It has been available even in the most mundane of life situations to show you right from wrong, good from bad, friend from foe. Mental health has commonly been called conscience, instinct, wisdom, common sense, or the inner voice. We think of it simply as a healthy and helpful flow of intelligent thought. (50)As you will come to see, knowing that mental health is always available and knowing to trust it allow us to slow down to the moment and live life happily.Section III WritingDirections:Write an essay of 160~200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) give your comments.You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)2016年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)试题答案详解(完整版)Section I Use of English1、【答案】B as well as【解析】根据空格所在句子的内容可以判断,"择偶涉及男方的亲朋好友,_____女方的亲朋好友"显然前后是并列关系,选项中只有B选项as well as 表示并列关系。其他选项意思与原文内容不符。2、【答案】D decide on【解析】根据选项得知空格处需要填谓语动词,空格后面的宾语是"…配偶",所以根据动宾搭配的原则,D选项 decide on可以与后面的宾语,构成通顺语义:选择配偶。所以D项正确。3、【答案】C arrange【解析】此题考查的仍是动宾搭配,空格处后面的内容the marriage negotiation,只能与选项C arrange构成通顺语义,"安排…磋商",故选C。4、【答案】A In theory【解析】根据空格后面的内容,得知女孩可能会否定她的父母为其所选的配偶;句中的may 表示的是一种可能性。所以,与原文句子内容表达一致的,只有A选项 in theory。5、【答案】C after【解析】空格处所在的句子是现在完成时,逗号后面的内容是一般现在时,所以根据时态判断,前后内容存在时间上的先后性,所以C选项after正确。6、【答案】A into【解析】原文:each family investigates the other to make sure its child is marrying _______ a good family. 每个家庭调查另一个家庭,确保孩子娶或嫁到一个好家庭。此处需要填入一个介词,嫁入另一个家庭,介词选择into最合适。故选A。7、【答案】C but【解析】若要判断此空的答案,需要看到前后文的具体含义和逻辑关系。空格上半句说:原来传统婚礼持续三天,后半句说:到20世纪80年代婚礼通常持续1天半,显然前后文形成了对比,故选C。8、【答案】C recite【解析】原文:Buddhist priests offer a short sermon and______ prayers of blessing.佛教神职人员提供一个简短的布道和__________祈祷祝福。四个选项中只有recite prayers为其固定搭配,意为"诵经"。故选C。9、【答案】D tying【解析】原文:________ cotton threads soaked in holy water around the bride's and groom's wrists, 把浸泡在圣水中的棉线______在新娘和新郎的手腕。A folding 折叠; B piling 堆积;C wrapping 包裹;以上三项均不符合文意,故选D项tying,绑,系。10、【答案】B passing【解析】原文: around a circle of happily married and respected couples to bless the union.在一圈婚姻幸福美满和德高望重的情侣中_________一根蜡烛来祝福他们。根据语境,A lighting,点亮,C hiding隐藏,D serving 服务;均不合适,只能选B passing 传递。故选B。11、【答案】D union【解析】该句讲到:围坐在新婚夫妇身边祝福他们的____. 根据语境可知应填入团聚的含义,四个选项中union可以表示团聚之意, 为正确答案meeting会议、会面,association联合、联盟,collection收集、集合,均不符合语境。12、【答案】 D live【解析】该句意思是:传统意义上讲新婚夫妇搬去新娘的父母家,并和他们______长达一年之久。前文讲到新婚夫妇搬去新娘的父母家,后文应保持一致性,"和他们生活在一起"故为答案live (with) 与……生活在一起,grow成长,part (with)表分离,反向干扰,deal (with) 处理、应对,不符合题意,故live为正确答案13、【答案】 B until【解析】该句意思是:新婚夫妇搬去新娘的父母家,并和他们______长达一年之久,______他们能够在附近建造新房。空格需要填入逻辑连接词,前后为时间先后关系,故代入until,语义合理,"直到他们造新房之前都住在新娘父母家"。前后文无转折,可排除whereas然而。for表原因,if表条件,代入均不合理。因此答案为until。14、【答案】 A obtain【解析】该句意思是:离婚是合法的并容易______,但并不普遍。填入词应与legal感情色彩一致,故排除avoid(避免)及challenge(挑战,质疑),而follow(跟随)一词通常不与divorce搭配。选项obtain代入语境中,obtain a divorce可以表示获得离婚,搭配合理,语义通顺,为正确答案。15、【答案】C viewed【解析】该句意思是:人们______离婚的人是反对的。此处需填入动作,isolated隔离,persuaded劝说,viewed看待、视为,exposed暴露、揭露。代入文中viewed是最合理的,人们看待离婚的人持反对态度的。因此答案为viewed。16、【答案】D whatever【解析】此处空前有动词retain, 因此需要填入一个连词引导宾语从句, 并且与property搭配,共同充当从句中的宾语。因此排除A选项wherever"无论何地"和C选项whenever"无论何时"。B 选项"however",作"但是"解,与句意不服, 作"无论多么"理解, 后面常跟形容词,而非名词。 而whatever 与property搭配,可以充当宾语从句的宾语,表示"一切财产",因此选项D为正确答案。17、【答案】B brought【解析】此处需要填入一个动词,能和property 形成动宾搭配。A选项changed意为"改变", B选项brought意为"带来",C选项shaped意为"形成",D选项pushed意为"推搡"。因此符合文意,能够和财产搭配的只能是选项B。18、【答案】A divided【解析】空格处是一个被动语态, 此处仍然需要填入一个与jointly-acquired property(共同获得的财产)形成动宾搭配的动词。A 选项divided"分割",不B选项invested"投资",C选项donated"捐赠",D选项withdrawn"取钱;撤走资金",均能和jointly-acquired property构成动宾搭配,但是此处的情境是讨论离婚时的行为, 因此A选项为正确选项。19、【答案】C shows【解析】此处考察固定词组。 A选项clear up意为"(天空)放晴;治疗;处理;解释",B选项warm up意为"使变热;(使)更活跃",C选项show up意为"显现,出现",D选项break up意为"结束;使破碎"。后文提到离婚后,男士可以立即重婚, 而女士必须要等十个月,可知符合文意,并且能够和"性别歧视"搭配的只能是选项C。20、【答案】A while【解析】此处考察上下文的逻辑关系。上文指出,离婚男士在他再婚前没有一个等候期,空格后提到"女性必须要等待10个月",显然,这二者之间不是因果关系,因此排除B选项 so that"所以"和D选项in that"因为",也不是C选项once"一旦"所表达的条件关系,因此正确答案为A选项。Section II Reading ComprehensionPart AText 121、【答案】[A] physical beauty would be redefined【解析】推断题。根据题干first paragraph定位第一段,其中第一句France ,which prides itself as the global innovator of fashion, has decided its fashion instry has lost an absolute right to define physical beauty for woman.以作为全球时尚创新者为荣的法国承认已经失去定义女性形体美的绝对权利,说明法国以前制定的形体美的标准已不再适用,现在需要做出改变,故A选项为正确答案。22、【答案】[D] doing harm to【解析】词义题。根据题干关键词"impinging on"(line2, para2),定位到第二段的第二句"They suggest beauty should not be defined by looks that end up with impinging on health."(他们认为美女不应该以…健康的外表来界定)。该句承接本段第一句"Such measures have a couple of uplifting motives."其中,Such measures指代的正是第一段中阐述的"雇佣过瘦(excessive thinness)的模特会犯罪的法律规定",且excessive一词表明了情感色彩是贬义的。因此,推断出impinging on对health是"有害的、不利的",故选[D] doing harm to。23、【答案】[B] New standards are being set in Danmark【解析】细节题。根据题干关键词定位在原文第五段。由该段第二句可知,丹麦等国正在制定模特的标准。与选项[B]丹麦正在制定新的标准相符合,故正确。24、【答案】[C] showing little concern for health factors【解析】推理题。题干问的是"设计师似乎被CFW拒绝的原因"。根据题干关键词,回文定位到倒数第二段,其中指出"…enforcement is to deny access for designers…",意思是"法案拒绝设计师进入CFW,它是由丹麦时装学院创办的。",再根据该段前两句可知,丹麦时尚界同意关于模特的年纪,健康以及其他特点的法规和制裁,也就是说,丹麦时装学院不再只关注身材,也关注健康。而设计师一般都是以瘦为美,而忽视健康。综上所述,设计师被拒绝的原因是不考虑健康因素,故选[C] showing little concern for health factors。25、【答案】[A] A challenge to the Fashion Instry's Body Ideals【解析】主旨题。首段指出法律要求时尚界不能用过瘦的模特,接下来的段落重点说明时尚界的模特同时还需考虑年纪,健康以及其他方面的因素等。因此这篇文章的中心是围绕对时尚界理想体型观点的挑战,故[A] A challenge to the Fashion Instry's Body Ideals正确。Text 226、【答案】A is not reflected in politics【解析】事实细节题。根据题干"英国大众对于乡村的观点",可定位于文章的第一段。从文章第一段的后半段能得出:英国人民在民意调查中将"乡村"和王室、莎士比亚以及英国国民保健制度并列选为英国让他们最为自豪的四个方面,但是这种观点得到的政治支持却极为有限。A选项"is not well reflected in politics"在政治中没有得到很好的体现是对原文意思的同义替换,故选A。27、【答案】D graally destroyed【解析】事实细节题。根据题干很明确能回文定位到文章第二段。该段通过第一句的"a century ago"和后面的"later"可知是在做古今对比。题干中问的是"now",所以重点锁定在对比中的后半部分,而这部分中"They don't make countryside any more, and every year concrete consumes more of it."一句表明现在的National Trust已背离了它原始的初衷,它之前的那些成就已经消失了。D选项 graally destroyed正是对这一意思的表述,故选D。28、【答案】C Ukip may gain from its support for rural conservation【解析】推理判断题。回文定位到第三段,该段主要讲了各大党派对于这个观点(及第一段中提到的观点)的态度:基本都不赞同。最后一部分"only Ukip, sensing its chance, has sided with those pledging for a considered approach to using green land"该句说明只有Ukip这个党派是赞同这个观点,要保护乡村的。C选项正是对原文的同义置换,故选C。29、【答案】D reveals a strong prejudice against urban areas【解析】本题属于观点态度题,根据George Osborne 可以定位到文中第五段。文中提到George Osborne favours rural new-build against urban renovation and renewal. 后面一句还提到He favours out-of-town shopping sites against high streets. 通过这两句话可以看出GO是比较喜欢rural的,而通过两个against 则可以看出对urban areas的prejudice. 故选择D reveals a strong prejudice against urban areas30、【答案】C the town-and-country planning Britain【解析】本题属于观点态度题,根据最后一段第一句话可以确定本段的中心是第一句Development should be planned, not let trip, 说明发展是要有计划的,不能任其自由发展。然后再具体讲Britain经过半个世纪the town-and-country planning有计划的发展,取得了很好的成效。故选择C the town-and-country planning Britain.Text 331、【答案】A uncertainty【解析】态度题。根据题干中的关键词Milton Friedman, CSR 可以定位到第一段开头处,米尔顿·弗里德曼认为:"企业有且只有一种责任,为增加利润而运用资源,开展活动"。紧接着文章转折并提出"things may not be absolutely clear-cut". 情况并不明确。由此推知,作者对此的态度是uncertainty. A选项是clear-cut的同意置换。选项B skepticism怀疑和选项C. tolerance宽容,都无从得知,选项D. approval 支持,属反项干扰,故答案选A.32、【答案】D. winning trust from consumers.【解析】细节题。根据第二段,以及题干中的关键词CSR,定位文章二段内容,公司花大笔资金在CSR上面,其结果就是"this could add value to their business in three ways", "以三种方式分别给公司带来价值"。紧接着文章分别阐述三种方式,得出正确答案为D. CSR是通过赢得顾客的信任从而帮助公司获益。33、【答案】D less severe【解析】词义题。根据题干回文定位到第四段第一句。通过该段第二句的描述可以得知CSR和政治影响是对立的两个因素。而第二句冒号后面交代,参与政治活动较多的公司不会受到较低的罚款。这就意味着,反而具有全面的CSR项目的公司受到的罚款比较低。因此,结合选项可以推出第一句话中的more lenient penalties指less severe,即不那么严重的(宽大)的惩罚。因此正确答案为D。34、【答案】B has an impact on their decision【解析】细节题。根据题干中的prosecutors evaluate a case回文定位到第五段第二句。该句指出虽然检察官在评估一个案件时,应该基于其功绩,实际上还是受到了公司CSR记录的影响。故正确答案为选项B。题干中的a company's CSR record是原文信息的复现,选项中的has an impact是原文be influenced的同义替换,their decision具体指检察官的评估决定。35、【答案】A The necessary amount of companies spending on it is unknown【解析】细节题。根据题干回文定位到最后一段。该段首句指出,研究者们承认他们的研究没有解决的问题是:针对CSR各大企业到底该支出多少费用。故正确答案为选项A,其中the necessary amount of companies spending on it(it指代CRS)是原文how much businesses ought to spend on CRS的同义替换,表达的核心都是"公司到底该支出多少费用";unknown对应原文中的does not answer the question,对这个问题并没有做出回答。Text 436、【答案】[D] the high cost of operation【解析】从题干提取关键词ending和e to 定位到第二段主题句中的 incentive to ditch the print (放弃印刷的原因)。随后解释了infrastructure isn't just expensive (设备不仅仅是昂贵)。此外,该段还对比对手电子图书:don't have the same set of financial constraints(经济限制)。因此可以确定答案D: the high cost of operation 高昂的运营费用。选项A. The increasing online ad sales网络广告收入日益增加。该选项与该段 "And though print ad sales continue to dwarf their online and mobile counterparts"相违背。选项B. the pressure from its investors来自投资者的压力。该选项属于无中生有;选项C. the complaints from its readers读者的抱怨。同样是无中生有选项。37、【答案】[A] make strategic adjustments【解析】首先根据Peretti suggests定位到阐述Peretti观点的第四段第一句:Peretti says the Times shouldn't waste time getting out of the print business, but only if they go about doing it the right way.可以确定答案A. make strategic adjustments进行战略调整。选项B. end the print edition for good永远结束印刷版本。该选项和shouldn't不符。选项C. seek new sources of readership挖掘更多读者。文章中未提到。选项D. aim for efficient management提高管理效率。文章中未提到。38、【答案】[B] is meant for the most loyal customers【解析】本题答案定位到第6段第1句"The most loyal customers would still get the proct they favor"以及"make it for the people who are already obsessed with it"。其他选项"会降低报纸成本""有助于恢复报纸以前的辉煌""有助于报纸的流行和普及"这些信息文中均未提及。39、【答案】[C] aggressiveness better meets challenges【解析】根据题干中的"in a changing world"定位到文章最后一段最后一句. 原文说当市场和世界形势发生变化时,我们所做的事情就毫无意义了。在这种情形下,"more aggressive(积极进取)is better", 和答案中的关键信息"aggressiveness better"相呼应。其他选项意思原文中均未提及。40、【答案】[D] Make Your Print Newspaper a Luxury Good【解析】本文主要是讲述报纸行业为防止被淘汰的而需要做出的应对之策。根据文中第5段最后一句的"raise prices, and make it into more of a legacy proct"以及第6段中"increase it at a higher rate each year..."可得知,应该不应该立即取消或淘汰报纸行业,而应该把它变成一种更像文化遗产的一种产品,并且要不断提高报纸的价格,变成一种奢侈品。Part B41、【答案】B (Decide if the time is right)【解析】该段中出现了表示时间的词汇和短语:ring transitions; in a period of , time。在不同的时间段,作者给出了不同的策略。浏览小标题发现,只有选项B出现了表示时间的词汇。再次回看原文,本段第二句中的good与小标题中的right也恰好对应,因此确定正确答案为B选项。42、【答案】G (Know your goals)【解析】该段首句提到"弄清楚你希望达到的效果",然后以问句形式提出段落主题,接着分两个方面来阐述:目标不同,要求不同。本段第一句话中的"get clear"与小标题中的"know"属于同义表达,并且本段第三句话中the goal 与小标题中的goal完全对应,因此正确答案为G选项。43、【答案】D (Understand the context)【解析】该段第一句话提到"要像人类学家一样来考虑你的工作环境",接着给出了几个排比的问句,都是针对工作环境的具体细节的发问。最重要的是在结尾部分,作者总结评论道,"The better you …, the more control you …",意为"对文化背景理解得越好,对自己的影响力就有越好的控制"。很明显,这句话凸显了context的重要性,而且出现了关键词的复现understand和context。因此,答案选D选项。44、【答案】E (Work with professionals)【解析】本段按照总分的形式安排,并且在首句给出两处关键词professionals 和 share with,即"支持专家的意见,并且与其分享个人的目标"。下文是举例论述,例如去找私人造型师而不是理发师等。紧接着下文就给出 "work with a professional photographer"让专业人士拍照片而不是自己的朋友或者是配偶。因此可以得出结论本段是围绕专业人士professionals 的重要性来展开的。故选择 Work with professionals.45、【答案】F (Make it efficient)【解析】该段落主题句出现在转折之后,即"Instead, use it as an opportunity to rece decision fatigue.",其中it指代上一句中style upgrade。通过前后两句话对比指出目的是利用style upgrade作为机会来rece decision fatigue(减少决定疲乏),从而来提高办事效率。后两句话作为论据进一步论证这一观点,因此答案选F选项。Section III Translation46、【题目考点】宾语从句,被动语态【句子结构】分号连接两个句子:第一个句子主干为we don't have to learn,how引导宾语从句作learn的宾语,其中how表示方式;第二个句子主干为it is built into us,其中代词it指代前句提及的mental health;in the same way表示方式,that引导定语从句,其中又嵌套了how引导的宾语从句,作know的宾语。【重点词汇】build sth. into sth.:使成为……的组成部分;heal:治愈;mend:修理,痊愈,愈合。【参考译文】我们不必一定去学习如何做到心理健康,这种能力植根于我们自身,就像我们的身体知道如何愈合伤口,如何修复断骨。47、【题目考点】被动语态,并列结构【句子结构】分号连接两个句子:第一个句子为主谓结构的简单句;第二个句子为but连接的两个并列分句,表达转折关系,主干为it can be hidden, but it is capable of being restored,其中介词短语like the sun behind a cloud表示比喻。【重点词汇】temporarily:暂时地;hide:隐藏,藏匿;be capable of:能够;restore:复原,恢复;in an instant:立刻,立即。【参考译文】心理健康不会去往他方。如同乌云可能蔽日,心理健康可能会暂时隐藏于视线之外,但它完全可以在须臾之间复原如初。48、【题目考点】条件状语从句,并列结构,让步状语从句,介词短语【句子结构】本句主干为:mental health allows us to view others…,三个并列的介词短语with..表示伴随。其中分别嵌套了if引导的两个条件状语从句和no matter who引导的让步状语从句。【重点词汇】sympathy:同情;unconditional:无条件的,绝对的,无限制的。【参考译文】心理健康使我们在他人陷入危难之时给予同情,痛苦不已时给予善意,无论对谁,都能给予无条件的爱。49、【题目考点】让步状语从句,原因状语从句,宾语从句【句子结构】 句子主干是it is perfectly ordinary。it指代前文提及的mental health;although引导让步状语从句,其主干为mental health is the cure-all。as引导原因状语从句,其主干为you will see;that引导从句做see的宾语,其主干为it has been there to direct you【重点词汇】cure-all:合成名词,万灵药;perfectly:完全地,指程度;see:领会,理解。【参考译文】尽管心理健康是人们度过一生的一剂万能良药,但它又普通不已,因为当你需要做出艰难决定时,都可感受到它的存在。50、【题目考点】非限定性定语从句,动名词结构,宾语从句【句子结构】句子主干是knowing that…and knowing to trust it allow us to slow down to the moment and live life happily。两个动名词结构knowing…并列作主句的主语,其中that引导的宾语从句作knowing的宾语。句首的as引导非限制性定语从句,修饰整个主句,翻译时可以处理为"就像…,正如…"。【重点词汇】available:可获得的,可用的。【参考译文】就像你会渐渐明白,深悉心理健康一直触手可得并且值得信任,使我们能放慢生活脚步,活在当下,幸福生活。Section IV Writing51、【参考范文】NoticeFor better serving the international students, a notice is released here to provide the necessary information about the library.The university library opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 10 p.m. from Monday to Friday, but from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on weekends. If you need to borrow books, please follow the following steps. First, bring your student card and register first at the librarian's office. At most six books can be borrowed once from the library. You should keep in mind the days that you can keep the book(s) you borrow. Three months is the longest period. If you exceed the limited time, some fines should be paid.If you have any questions or suggestions about borrowing or returning books, telephone 010-8248119 or send an email to university@163.com. We sincerely hope you all enjoy the study and life in our university.University LibraryDecember 26, 201552、【参考范文】The above two pictures reveal two father's different teaching methods. In the first picture, the father is urging his son to study hard while he is smoking and watching TV idly. In the second picture, the father and his son are both concentrating on the study. The caption under the cartoon reads: "It is better to set an example than to make demands".Apparently, the author of the cartoon focuses on a fact that many parents when ecating their children tend to neglect the impact of their own acts upon their children. It is without any doubt that all parents hope that their children could have a bright future. Therefore, they tend to count on schools and the society to provide their kids with a good ecation. However, what they don't realize is that parents are the first teachers of children. Parents failing to set a role model for their children will only result in an unhealthy family atmosphere, which is definitely harmful to the future development of their children.From my perspective, ecation from parents is of vital importance to a child's healthy growth. Therefore, parents should provide their children with a favorable growing environment by being a positive role model. Only through persistent efforts and proper guidance can children enjoy a bright future.



No.1、语文写作写作技巧如果你以前的写作练习量不够的话,最后10天,记住中鼎下面说的话。论证有效性分析就是无论题干说什么你都要否定它。比如题干用二三线城市物价低房价低,所以可以获得差不多的收入(段落主要内容,也是支持总结论的主要论据)来支持总结论蚁族要撤退到二三线城市。你就要说二三线城市房价低物价低,但还是不能获得差不多的收入。因为蚁族可能在二三线城市找不到合适的工作,而且二三线城市工资相对一线城市很可能也比较低,这样即使房价低物价低,也不能获得差不多的收入。论说文审题方法是圈画而非归纳。如果能找到反复出现的动词、形容词、名词就圈画出来,并就此展开论证。如果找不到反复出现的关键词,就圈画结论句,并以结论句为你的中心论点写作文章。还有最最重要的一句话,写作时间一定控制在50分钟至1个小时之内。No.2、英语传统阅读1. 单词是永远的基石。现阶段:背诵2010-2018年真题阅读的选项单词和文章中的动词,尤其是13年开始的考试年份。英语作为一种语言学科,学会该国“文字”是第一步。试想一下,如果一个外国人连问的中文问题都不知道,该如何做题?!2. 英语基本的语言结构,找出句子的“骨架”。大部分题目定位的句子无不意外是长难句,剔除修饰成分,才能更清楚地看出句子意思。3. 分清各阅读题目的类型(较简单:态度题,例证题,主旨题;较难:细节题;语义理解题;最难:推理题—需要理解+推理)4. 最后过一遍英语的真题阅读(不要认为已记住答案就不去看真题,大家现在需要重点精读,分析文章的结构,最好找出每一段的分论点,会破解文章里的长难句。)5. 不到最后一刻决不放弃,背单词,分析真题,保持做阅读的感觉。新题型阅读1. 多项对应题:文章很难,题目相对简单。不需要看文章,利用定位关键词,找出句子,答案就在“附近”—上下两行的范围。关键词对应的大多是长难句,学会找出句子的主题结构。人名定位的情况下,要更谨慎,小心文章用该人的姓氏或者性别(he or she)替换全名,以及一个人可能出现2-3次哦。2. 小标题:小标题对应横线下一段,文章不难,但是要求提炼信息的能力。注:大家应该注意到,从2013年开始,阅读题材越来越多样化。技巧可以作为检验,切不可作为唯一的依赖。翻译1.忠实于原文,简单的句子按照字面翻译即可。2. 先通读大语言环境,再研究小细节。3. 对于长难句,要分析句子结构(熟记英语语法:五大基本句型),按照意群翻译。在忠实于原文的基础上,调整语序以及个别单词的意思,选择合适搭配,达到语言通顺,即母语化。4. 对于不会的单词,要按照理解内容进行猜蒙,不能空卷。5. 大多数班级上课已经讲过,但是落在笔头上,可没有那么容易,请同学们一定下笔完成2010-2020年翻译真题。小作文1. 格式(三种)普通信件(申请,邀请,辞职没有考过)备忘录(没考过)通知(2015年考过)每一种小作文格式是什么样的,同学们用一张白纸默写一遍,格式不要丢分!2. 每一种信件明确表达写作目的(背诵信件的关键词,如:apply for,apologize,regret,congratulate,invite,suggest,complain,recommend,resign等)3. 每种信件的写作内容以及适当结尾。大作文背诵模板(两种大类型)1. 变化类 2. 占比类注:1. 两种模板第一段不一样,二、三段相似。第一段及后两段的关键句子要写好,背诵好的句架。2. 为保持手感,大小作文要继续写,特别是大作文的模板一定熟背(大部分同学课下的作文比考场上写得要好)。3. 提纲类还没有考过,但是大纲要求,想要全面备考的同学可参考课上所讲的思路,结合范文进行备考。但重点是图表作文。



近期闲来无事,突然结束了自己以为无比重要的一场考试,没有想象中的如释重负,反而有些失落,我决定回忆一下这一年是如何走过的。12010年的疫情扰乱了所有人的生活,我是黄冈人,我家距离武汉只有150公里,那段时间封存封路封小区,更不要说快递了,所以我的复习在三月份之前一直是模模糊糊的,因为我没有课本,而且一直在等开学,抱有一丝侥幸心理,以为自己不学别人肯定也不怎么学,因为所有人都没开学。但是不知道是不是心里有预测会出事,我把上一届学姐的朱伟恋练有词带回家了,专业课课本很早之前买了二手的也带回了一本,就这样到四月,我看完了第一遍英语单词视频和专业课。专业课看第二遍我就懵了,什么也没记住,课本上画了记号但还是完全没有印象,我找学姐交流后又继续硬着头皮看,反正文科嘛,看了就背总能学会。这段时间真是非常不美好,因为在家学习,我要对抗小学的弟弟以及疫情缓解后随时会来家里找我父母的亲戚,幸运的是我们学校五月份开学了,我头一回觉得开学这么幸福!2五月份我就开始看专业课的第二本书,我考的语言学,这是一本纯理论的书,我看了三遍左右,非常崩溃,各种外国人的名字读都读不清楚,所以就硬刚了,上午下午晚上分别背一点,两天才能背一小节,第一轮结束我花了32天。开学后疯狂补课,之后六月又期末考试耽误了一些进程,整个人很焦虑。我们宿舍四个人都考研,所以就在宿舍学习了也互不影响,有严格的作息安排,但是我不喜欢在宿舍默背,所以我上午会在楼下的停车场、图书馆后门楼梯、网球场等等,反正哪里能背就在哪里,中午给室友带饭回去,四个人在宿舍学习的日子还挺愉快的。3暑假大家都回去了 ,我一个人留校,说实话真的很孤独,所以我就去教室学习了,至少能看到人,政治我就听徐涛的强化班,中午听非常下饭,看完一章后我就刷小白考研的对应题目和肖大爷的1000题,英语单词雷打不动的背,阅读每篇手写翻译再看唐迟的视频课。每天六点半出门十点回去,一个人熬过来了,我知道如果我不努力,我的理想就没有了,看见天上的星星月亮我就会想到远方的家,那是我努力的动力。4海南的夏天非常热,我在各种楼梯角背过书,暑假专业课背了五六遍才感觉好一点,开学后有两个室友放弃了,我和另一个还坚持着,后来十月份学校开运动会又军训太吵了,我就转战图书馆了。每天起早占座日复一日地过着,专业课真题研究了三四遍,基本上不会的我都摘出来背一下,背书很痛苦,专业课还会混淆,我也不敢玩手机,每天就是看看公众号,浏览一下小白的后台推文,到十二月份我清楚的记得专业一背了15轮,专业二背了19轮。12月27号最后一场考试时答题卡不够用,幸好老师给了我一张,一边写一边叹气,监考老师鼓励我多一分就多一份希望,可是今年题目变了,很少课本上能找到答案的题目,大部分都是开放型的,所以我虽然背了书,但基本上不可能得高分,英语也很伤心,对了答案,及格都难吧。5政治后期疯狂刷题还跟了小白的八次模拟,最后选择44分不好不坏,我甚至梦见专业课名词解释我都只有2分,可是事情的结果不是我能控制的,我已经决定不会调剂,明年我还会再来,我不信386的分数线我两次都达不到,因为考研我还长胖了,不考上都对不起我吃的零食!我的坚持是因为身处疫情重灾区突然让我意识到如果自己没能力,该拿什么照顾逐渐老去的父母,当生活出现变故时,全家人靠什么吃饭,我希望现在靠爸爸,未来靠我,如果可以,我愿意研究生单身三年换上岸一次!






来源百度《精研学习网》在首页输入关键词即可查看相关资料提供下载/在线阅读2010年西安外国语大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解Task One: Vocabulary and Grammatical StructureSection ADirections: This section is designed to test your ability to interpret the meanings of words in different contexts. Read each of the following sentences carefully and select one word or phrase from the four choices that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in each sentence, and then write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (20 %)1.The invention of the thermometer is attributed to Galileo.A. chargedB. givenC. toldD. credited【答案】D查看答案【解析】句意:温度计的发明归功于伽利略。be credited to把……归功于。2.When an aircraft travels at subsonic speeds, the sounds that it generates extend in all directions.A. createsB. manufacturesC. powersD. spawns【答案】A查看答案【解析】句意:当一架飞机以亚音速飞行时,它发出的声音会传向各个方向。generate使形成;发生。spawn使大量出现;产卵。3.It is disputable how far down in the animal series lymphoid tissue is found.A. uncertainB. scandalousC. disagreeableD. surprising【答案】A查看答案【解析】句意:关于淋巴组织发现于多久以前的动物这一问题存在争议。disputable有争议的。scandalous可耻的;诽谤性的。disagreeable不愉快的;厌恶的。4.Project Head Start, which was inaugurated in the United States in 1965, is a federally funded preschool program for economically and culturally disadvantaged children.A. installedB. initiatedC. conceivedD. crafted【答案】B查看答案【解析】句意:“先行计划”1965年发起于美国,是一个学前教育项目,联邦资助经济和文化方面的弱势儿童。inaugurate创新;开辟。initiate开始;发起。install安装;任命。conceive构思。craft精巧地制作。5.During the 300 years between its introction into medicine and World War I, quinine was the only effective remedy for malaria.A. solutionB. planC. bacteriaD. treatment【答案】D查看答案【解析】句意:在初次用于药物到第一次世界大战的300年间,奎宁是治疗疟疾的唯一有效药物。remedy补救;治疗。6.Castor oil and its derivatives are used in cosmetics, hair oils, and medicines.A. proctsB. elementsC. relativesD. sources【答案】A查看答案【解析】句意:蓖麻油及其衍生物可用于制作化妆品、发油和药物。derivative衍生物,派生物。7.Grand Teton National Park embraces the most scenic portion of the glaciated, snow-covered Teton Range.A. excludesB. containsC. dominatesD. fulfills【答案】B查看答案【解析】句意:大提顿国家公园包含覆盖着冰川和白雪的特顿山脉风景最美的部分。embrace拥抱;包含。8.Scientists generally hold that language has been so long in use that the length of time writing is known to cover is trifling in comparison.A. overwhelmingB. insignificantC. astoundingD. uninspiring【答案】B查看答案【解析】句意:科学家们普遍认为,人们使用语言的时间如此长,以至于使用书写的时间与之相比也微不足道了。trifling不重要的,微不足道的。insignificant无关紧要的。overwhelming压倒性的;势不可挡的。astounding令人震惊的。uninspiring不令人振奋的。9.Malaria is an infectious parasitic disease that can be either acute or chronic and is frequently recurrent.A. repeatingB. terminalC. debilitatingD. unhealthy【答案】A查看答案【解析】句意:疟疾是一种传染性寄生虫病,可能是急性也可能是慢性,而且经常复发。recurrent复发的;周期性的



“把青春献给身后那座辉煌的都市,为了这个美梦我们付出着代价。”每当耳边回响起这段歌词的时候,我总会不禁感慨考研路上有多少人正在为着自己的美梦付出着青春与代价。在茫茫的黑夜里,梦想就像那颗夜空中最亮的星,一直都在照亮我们前行。既然选择了考研,选择了梦想,那么就请义无反顾的坚持下去吧!如果你正在面临着考研初试的困惑,或许下面这篇能源与动力工程学院的初试经验贴能够帮助你解开心中的疑惑。个人信息 本科院校:某一本院校报考院校:能源与动力工程学院报考专业:能源动力(专硕)初试成绩:政治72、英语一71、数学一80、专业课121(温馨提示:以下内容为2020级考生初试经验整理所得,仅供参考。)关于选择华中大,在“卷首语”我想说 关于我为什么报考华中大这个问题,可能四年前就有了答案。校园里绿树成荫,地方很大,国外留学生很多,路上的老师和同学匆匆忙忙,四处弥漫着浓厚的学术氛围。这是我第一次来到华中大时的感受。也就是从那时候开始我的心里第一次出现了来华中大读研的想法。整个本科期间,这个想法一直伴随着我,伴我度过每一节课堂,每一次竞赛和每一个在图书馆奋战的夜晚。所以如果你要问起我考研准备了多长时间,我的答案一定是:从你有考研的这个想法的时候,就要开始用心准备了。在考研过程中我们可能会遇到各种困难,但是请务必坚持到底。老实说,从小到大我并不是那种数学思维很强的学生。但也正是因为如此,我才想看看自己拼尽全力之后的数学成绩。相信大家对去年数学一的考试难度都有所耳闻了。如果可以的话,当时我真的很想冲出考场。整个人的状态像一只跌入井底的麋鹿,绝望且无助。在这三个小时的考试中,我反复说服自己尽力去完成试卷中的每一道题目。尽管数学并未发挥好,但是我依旧还是去完成了下午的专业课考试。至今我都记得下午走出考场那一瞬间的感受,那是一种很奇妙的感觉,包含着满足与失落。不管考研的过程如何曲折,我希望大家一定不要弃考。坚持下去,说不定你就是华中大选中的那个人。政治 复习教材(配套徐涛视频课): 《肖秀荣知识点精讲精练》、《肖秀荣1000题》、《知识点提要》、《考点预测》、《肖秀荣形势与政策》、《肖四》、《肖八》、《徐涛考前预测必备20题》、《徐涛考研政治预测八套题》政治的复习可分为三个阶段:第一阶段(6月至9月中下旬)政治科目的学习顺序依次可分为马原、毛中特、史纲和思修。从6月下旬开始就可以试着在学习计划中穿插马原的学习了,一来可以在7月之前尽快适应政治的学习方式,二来也可提前巩固政治中最难理解的科目——马原。从7月开始就可以通过《精讲精练》配套徐涛视频课的讲解,正式步入马原的学习,需要强调的一点是视频课一定要看。政治科目本身的特点就是理解远大于死记硬背。复习马原期间,可以配套1000题适当练习。八月我就开始步入毛中特的学习了,差不多用了20天左右。之后依次就是史纲和思修了,与马原的学习方法一样——《精讲精练》配套徐涛视频,并配合1000题。总体上讲,从6月至9月中下旬,应当侧重对于基本概念的理解,并且通过徐涛老师的讲解形成知识网络。第二阶段(9月下旬至10月下旬)9月下旬1000题未完成的可以接着完成,在这个阶段1000题的重点章节也可以二刷,无需全部二刷。这个阶段的早上可以用10到20 min的时间,熟读《精讲精练》的各个章节,也可配合《知识点提要》,但以精讲精练为主。期间,一定要重复阅读,并时常复习,为11月份的背诵打下基础。第三阶段(11月初至初试前)从11月初开始,政治的学习就要开始“背诵模式”了。每天早上建议花30 min左右对政治的各知识点进行复习和有重点的背诵,依旧要注重理解而非死记硬背。另外,也可以试着做做历年选择题真题。11月中旬开始就要对大题进行背诵,复习资料有肖秀荣的《考点预测》。大概在这段时间肖八应该可以出来,这时应当注重肖八的选择题的训练,并看看大题的答题思路,熟读肖八的大题。12月初,肖四一出便可以拼命背诵大题,可以结合徐涛的考前预测20题,每天多做做整套卷子的选择题,保持题感,如徐涛的八套卷。期间,一直保持政治的冲刺背诵状态至考前。英语一 复习教材(配套唐迟真题视频):《新东方考研英语词汇》、《丁晓钟外刊超精读》、《张剑英语历年真题》、《田静语法及长难句》、《王江涛考研作文》英语复习的开始时间:第一阶段(3月中旬至5月中旬)这个阶段应当注重单词的积累和外刊的阅读,建议使用《丁晓钟外刊超精读》完成对外刊的阅读,时间不够可以选看,但一定要保证每天精读一篇。单词的背诵应当为早上和晚上,重复记忆,进度可慢,但一天下来总要记点东西。第二阶段(5月中旬至8月下旬)这个阶段可以进一步巩固单词,我在这段时间把单词书逆来顺去背了四五遍,扫清所有单词障碍。从6月初开始,便可以接触真题了,每天做两篇阅读。一开始英语基础不好的同学会觉得很吃力,但后面会好很多。期间,可以偶尔穿插唐迟的视频讲解。就英语一的话,2010年是一个分水岭。在此之前的年份,英语感觉难度一般,偶尔偏难。之后的年份,应当说英语的考察完全上了一个台阶。因此,初次遇到2010年的题目之后觉得难,是正常现象。一定要继续坚持!在此期间,要把真题上不会的单词圈出,早读时安排时间记忆。第三阶段(9月初至12月)在此期间,可以继续做英语真题或者对真题重复做第二遍或者第三遍,加深理解。早读的时候,可以适当穿插作文的背诵了,单词偶尔仍然需要复习一下(建议第二阶段扫清单词障碍时把仍然不会的单词记录在笔记本上以便复习,提高效率)。如果这个时间段,英语阅读仍错的较多,建议把唐迟的10年至12年的真题讲解视频反复看两遍,吸收做题的思想和思路。这个阶段应当注重真题的反复练习和理解,并配合王江涛作文进行作文背诵。在10月初的时候,可以把新题型的训练加入其中,可以选择一到两天做一篇,题型可以不断轮换的做。因为前期暑假英语阅读训练和单词记忆已经打下了基础,所以新题型的训练会相对比阅读容易。保持背诵作文、适当回顾单词、反复练习真题和新题型的训练的状态直至考前。数学一 复习教材(配套“汤李王武”视频):《高等数学教材(同济版)》、《线代教材》、《概率论教材》、《复习全书(李永乐)》、《张宇1000题》、《李林高频考点透析108题》、《张宇历年真题》、《李林终极预测四套卷》数学复习可分为三阶段:第一阶段(3月中旬至6月初)数学的学习贯穿整个考研复习时间,复习期间你会发现自己的时间几乎都被数学占据。虽然我的数学只有80分,但仍可以给大家一些经验和教训。3月初至6月初这段时间,我把同济版数学教材的概念和公式全部重新推导了一遍,并将课本习题全部完成。但由于前期是完全自学,导致许多知识点并没有完全理解。这里提醒大家一定要配套视频讲解(高数基础汤家凤、高数冲刺武钟祥、线代基础李永乐、概率论基础王式安)。我在这段时间里几乎没看视频讲解,因此走了许多弯路。这个阶段应当注重基础知识的理解和基础题目的联系,不要求做难题。第二阶段(6月上旬至9月末)从6月上旬开始,我开始使用复习全书进行复习。刚开始做前两章的时候进度较慢和感觉题目偏难是正常现象,一定要继续坚持!每做完一章一定要总结:本章出现了哪些题型;运用了哪些知识点;使用了哪些方法;做每一道题的时候多想想这道题考的是什么知识点;只有多思考做题之外的这些问题,才会不断取得进步。不要一味为了做题而做题,这样很可能导致做完复习全书之后什么感觉都没有。在这个阶段,应当形成知识和题型网络,脑海中要对每一章的习题形成知识网络。每做完一章节,可以配合1000题的内容进行检验,并且回顾练习过程中哪些题型在全书中出现过,多加思考。第三阶段(10月初至12月)10月份就可以开始真题的训练了。按照复习进度,每三天左右做一张数学真题。每做完一张,检查出来的漏洞一定要在复习全书中多加练习或者在1000题中间找到相似的题型进行针对性的练习。不要盲目使用题海战术,多做针对性的训练。我在12月份之前并没有买模拟卷进行练习,这段时间完全做真题查漏补缺。真题如果感觉没问题之后,就可以开始模拟卷的练习了。模拟卷的特点是可以用较少的8套试卷将所有重点章节的重要知识点都复习一遍。如果刚开始做真题的时候(10月初)感觉无法回想起以前的知识点,先用十天的时间做做往年模拟卷进行回顾或者使用《李林108题》进行回顾,但一定要注意时间的安排(10月初必须进入真题练习,回顾练习可以提前安排时间)。12月份之后,就可以做各个老师的四套卷或者六套卷了。在这段时间,可以时常回顾自己在真题中的错题。传热学 复习教材(配套传热学教学视频):《传热学教材》、《传热学要点与解题(三一丛书)》、《传热学同步辅导及全解》、《传热学历年真题》传热学复习分为三阶段:第一阶段(7月至9月初)虽然这里传热学写的是7月份开始,但建议大家可以提前加入传热学,与马原一样可以首先适应科目复习的一个状态并且了解学习特点。如果现在时间非常紧的话,最迟7月中旬也要开始传热学的学习了,不然后期进度会非常赶。传热学的复习为“每章3天到4天”一个周期,第一天教材配合考试点视频讲解把握章节的基础知识点;第二天开始对教材上的内容进行总结,把一章的知识点全部罗列到笔记本上,并配合公式推导加深理解;第三天开始习题训练,尽量做到不看课本,习题集推荐《传热学(三一丛书)》,可以先把例题部分完成,课后习题部分可以等到9月再做强化训练。第二阶段(9月上旬至10月初)9月上旬,传热学的复习进入到一个强化阶段。这个阶段,可以复习第二遍教材配合三一丛书课后题的练习。《三一丛书》的课后习题没有详细讲解,但这样可以独立完成。当你对例题理解较深时,其实课后习题并不会觉得很难。有强迫症的同学建议克服没有详细讲解的恐惧,会慢慢适应的。第三阶段(10上旬至12月)10月初开始,如果基础较为扎实的话可以步入真题的训练了。真题比平时训练的题目要简单点,但一定要注重基础。真题过程中有些同学可能觉得较为简单,实际上有些高校扣分点极为严格。一定要在平时的训练中严格对待每一份试卷,切莫轻敌。考研专业课的学习过程中应当注重基础知识的理解,以课本为基础,多推导课本的相关公式。另外,配合适当的习题练习。真题一定要重视,历年真题一定要重复练习。寄语在困难重重的考研路上,我们既要有“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”的决心,也要有“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”的信心;既要做好“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”中勤奋好学的觉悟,也要养成“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”的勤于思考的习惯。祝大家考研顺利,一战成硕!来源:华中科技大学研究生


考研英语在 4 月份除了记单词还应该怎么复习?

本文分为三个环节:第一部分:考研考研前期怎么规划英语复习?第二部分:我的复习进程第一部分:考研考研前期怎么规划英语复习?不知道你的英语基础怎么样,也不知道你考的是英语一还是英语二,如果你英语基础比较好,英语六级已经过了,那么4月份确实是只要背单词就够了。如果你的英语基础一般,4月份还可以学习一下语法,学单词和语法都是让我们把基础打好一点。因为我发现我身边的考研小伙伴,那些最终英语成绩只有五六十分的人,一般都有两个问题:一个是很多单词不认识,一篇阅读有单词不认识是正常的,但是有一大半的单词不认识一定会影响我们理解这个文章。一个就是语法不通,这个在做翻译题的时候最为明显。有同学问过我为什么英语原句的单词都认识,但是就是翻译不通。很无奈,一个英语原句中,如果你分不清定语从句、状语从句,甚至连谓语是哪个也不知道,这个的确是没有办法成功翻译的。同理,语法不通也会影响阅读和写作。所以建议根据自己的英语基础和自身复习情况决定一下英语复习计划,在开始练真题之前,把单词和语法的基础打好。考研过程中我没有专门复习过语法,你可以再去知乎上问问需要如何复习语法,抱歉抱歉。但是关于如何背单词,我是比较有经验,一下结合我的英语复习进程来谈谈。第二部分:我的复习进程3月-6月 用《恋练有词》背单词,每天大概2小时7月-8月 写英语一2005年到2015年的阅读真题9月-11月 写英语二2010年到2017年的真题,开始作文练习12月-考研前夕 背单词保持语感,2018年到2020年的英语二进行全真模拟我在复习期间用过两种背单词的方法:一种是硬背法,一种是真题检验法(老起名废了哈哈)硬背法就是直接用单词书或APP背,考研单词有五千个,一个个的背。我在3月到6月就是都是这样背单词的。3月-6月 背单词我当时用的是《恋练有词》背的单词,因为我觉得用书背比较背得进,当然你可以用别的书或APP,用自己适应的方式。但是有一点要注意,一定要尽量把一个单词的多个意思都记一下,特别是一些比较生僻的意思要特别注意一下。比如说will有“愿意”这个意思,但是它还有“意志、心愿”的意思;succeed有“成功”的意思,但是“继承”这个意思大多部分人都想不到。这些熟词僻义是考研英语经常考的,一定要注意。硬背法有一个好处,就是地毯式扫盲,只要认真背了就一定会有提高;但是它有一个缺点是:背了容易忘,得时不时去回过头来复习,所以特别费时间。所以这个方法适合那些开始的早,或者英语基础不好,或者专业课没有那么繁重的同学。如果你英语开始的比较晚,或者是专业课比较难,建议你不要用这个办法,有这个时间多做做数学题和专业课吧。可以尝试我的第二种办法。7月-8月 写英语一2005年到2015年的阅读真题,调整背单词方法这个时间段我就做了背单词和写阅读两件事。2)首先说说背单词的方法:真题检验法是我从7月开始做真题后开始用的背单词的方法。具体操作就是每做完一篇阅读后,就把不会的单词和它的意思抄在一个专门的本子上,然后定期去背。同时,这一点也要注意,不要只抄文中出现的那一个意思,要尽量注意一词多义。这个方法的最大好处就是:可以代入具体的语境去背单词,因此就记得更牢。而且考研单词虽说有5000多个,但是高频考词还是只有那么多。多总结几篇你就会发现英语一和英语二各自喜欢考什么词。所以这个方法对于时间不够的同学来说,简直就是高效。就算你现在没有打算开始做真题,你也可以把先直接把真题中不认识的单词抄下来背诵。这样,到写真题的时间会排除掉很多麻烦。关于英语阅读:得阅读者得天下,请大家一定要重视阅读方法的复习。再来说说我这个阶段写的真题,我考的是英语二,但是英语二的真题毕竟太少了,资料珍贵有效,所以我暑假决定用英语一的真题练习。建议大家写英语一,从2005年开始,因为2005年前是改革前,和现在的出题风格完全不一样,起不到太大的练习作用。而考英语二的同学练英语一的话,建议能写多少就写多少,不一定要求全部写完,因为英语一阅读和英语二的出题风格还是不一样的。我暑假只写了一共11年的英语一,到了9月开学就开始有必要写英语二了。这个阶段写阅读不必求快,可以不记时,每天只需要写1到2篇,视能力而定。因为这个阶段写阅读是为了学习单词、长难句以及解题思路这些,可以慢,但是一定要有效果。我当时不仅仅是写题,还用了唐静老师的七步翻译法配合我的阅读学习。意思就是在你写完一篇阅读分析了答案后,你还需要做:准备一个本子或者直接电子文档开始做,原则是逐句翻译,遵循以下七步(1)抄:抄写英语句子。就是把英语阅读的原句抄下来,只抄一句。(2)译:在不借助词典和参考译文的情况下自主翻译,有不会的单词或句子就空着。(3)查:查自己不会的单词,分析英语句子的语法结构,适当笔记,在这个阶段还是不要直接看译文。(4)改:修改自己的第一版译文,这一步是真正提高翻译能力的重要环节。(5)对:对照参考译文,分析自己对错,如果错,要分析为什么,是什么导致了错误。(6)记:记住这句话中的单词词组、句子结构、翻译方法。(7)回译:随时复习,并思考这个句子可以用在作文吗?如果用这个句子的中文来做汉译英要怎么做?这七步一定要一句一句来,做完了一句,才可以进行下一句的练习!用这个方法还是很耗时间的,我最开始做的时候,一个下午最多只能做两篇阅读,但是这个方法对提高阅读水平还是很有效的,特别是对之后做翻译也很有利。所以大家做题一定不要贪快,两天做一篇阅读都是可以的,关键是要掌握。待更新,哈哈我又懒了



20考研,本科普通二本预防医学专业,报考天津医科大学的营养与食品卫生专业。考研初试总分392分,英语82分,政治75分,353卫生综合235分。我是从三月底开始准备考研的。英 语我复习的时候是按五个部分也就是题型来进行复习的,分别是:阅读理解,写作,完型填空,翻译和新题型。阅读理解推荐书目:考研英语词汇红宝书、张剑英语真题黄皮书、王继辉英语真题学霸狂练。单词我是从一开始准备考研就开始背的,朱伟老师的《恋恋有词》很有名,我也看了大概十个单元的视频课,很轻松有趣,会讲词根词缀,但是....不适合我,单词量太少了,性价比不高,所以我又买了《考研英语词汇红宝书》,加上张剑黄皮书里的那本单词册。我还用了“不背单词”这个APP,这个APP是免费的!(来自贫民窟女孩的呐喊hhh)而且自动规划复习,界面很简洁,我是一直用到了考研结束(到后期的时候单词复习时间太长了,而且单词也背的差不多了,就只有坐车这样的小段时间会拿出来背背)。红宝书单词很详细,厚厚的一大本,不便携,到后期也不方便查阅,所以相比之下更喜欢张剑黄皮书里面的单词册,真的太好用了!薄薄的一本,没有任何冗余成分,目标明确,就是背单词!这本小册子我背了大概有五遍,背单词的方法是艾宾浩斯记忆曲线,每天任务量不多,就一页这样,一定要复习!!!每一遍复习不会的单词我都分别用不一样颜色的笔标出来,后期没时间背单词的时候就只看那些被画的重重叠叠的单词就好了。真题我做了三遍,第一遍张剑黄皮书+唐迟老师的阅读课,从05年开始做,熟悉考研阅读出题思路以及常用解题手法。一般做个几年的题就会比较熟悉考研英语阅读的思路了,做题正确率也会大幅上升(2010年的题是真难啊...如果做到这里错的一塌糊涂不要担心...)第一遍做题的时候我每一篇都手译了,费时间,但是有用,时间充裕的可以参考。我没有预留模拟题,如果有想模拟的同学可以预留一两年的题模拟,做到18、19年的题的时候我一套大概可以错到2个以内了,后面就开始用《考研英语真题学霸狂练》二、三刷,并且和第一遍做的对比,看看是不是有之前没错的题错了,或者是换了一种错法...作 文推荐书目:王江涛考研英语高分写作。大作文我用的是很多人都用的王江涛老师的书,听刘晓艳老师的作文课,这两个结合我觉得是最好用的,我背了王江涛写作里的范文,不过没有全背,王江涛老师的写作句子有些时候不够百搭,不好形成自己的模板。刘晓艳老师的课会教你一点点形成自己的模板,不过我觉得完全按这样的模板写下来会超字数,并且模板痕迹会重。所以我会把那些很百搭的句子写在笔记本上重点背,然后摘抄一部分跟着刘晓艳老师写出来的模板。这样就可以形成你自己独有的模板啦~我写了四个模板:人生哲理,社会现象(正面),社会现象(负面),文化教育。然后再反复练习用这些模板去练习真题的作文,越写越顺,一定要坚持练习!我到考前都是每天写一篇的,写的越熟练,上考场越不慌!小作文我看的刘晓艳老师的课,刚开始写小作文的时候看网上的经验贴,大家都说,哎呀小作文不慌不慌,随便背几个句子就好啦!根本不是这样的好吗(T-T)...我甚至觉得小作文比大作文难的多....所以我还是去背了王江涛...不过不是全背,和大作文一个道理,找百搭的句子背!然后要注意notice的格式,还是要多练...完型&新题型&翻译这三个放在一起说吧,网上有人会说完型可以直接放弃,不!可!以!!完型可能会错很多,不过近几年的完型简单很多了,多做一做,记一记固定搭配,还是可以拿到分的,不过我没咋练,就把真题做了两遍,我这次考试的完型大概错了四五个吧好像,还算没拖后腿。新题型不难!真的!还是刘晓艳老师!听课听完了做真题,拿分多多的~翻译我一开始还打算看唐静老师的课,不过时间真的不够了,就没看,但是我第一遍做真题的时候每篇文章我都手译了...虽然费时间,但是翻译基本就直接上手做了没问题。政 治政治我个人觉得大概十月开始就OK,紧跟肖秀荣老师和徐涛老师的步伐,我是用肖秀荣老师的书,听徐涛的课,不过我有的同学是直接用徐涛的书,两者都可,不过我觉得不要花太多时间在记笔记上,因为到后面根本不会看的,听一遍课就开始做题,肖秀荣的1000题,我看我的同学有的刷了两遍三遍的,我是个渣渣...我两遍没刷完。不过错的题对应的知识点一定要好好看,反复看。等肖四肖八出来了就开始做,肖八我只做了选择题,做了两遍,肖四是选择+大题疯狂背背背。专业课3月底报了公卫研习社,在这之前基本没好好看书,报了班之后就开始系统的看书了,我先开始的流行病和统计这两本,自己看了两遍之后就开始看研习社的视频课,到5、6月份开始慢慢加进来了营养和职卫,这两本书看了一遍的时候才加环卫(因为我们在实习之前专业课就已经上完了,如果是这个时候学校还没上完专业课的同学一定要早开始看书哦~)到了8月份就开始背书了,和背单词一样,我还是用的艾宾浩斯记忆曲线,每个名词解释、简答题我都像右边这样列出来了,每复习一遍就把忘记的做标记。关于艾宾浩斯记忆曲线,感兴趣的同学可以去知乎了解一下,背书大杀器,不过背到中间的时候会很痛苦.....过完一遍书的时间也长,不过记得牢呀,不会有那种背完一遍书,蓦然回首,惊觉脑袋空空如也的感觉,后期背第二、三轮的书也会方便许多。我报考的学校不考计算题,只考名词解释、简答和论述题,所以计算方面我就没练过。我的统计真的很差...每次学到统计我都觉得自己像个傻子(T-T)这时候就要夸一夸研习社的红宝书了,我觉得最有用的就是九月份发的厚厚的考点汇编,几乎涵盖了全部会考的知识点,如果说自己背书觉得背的不系统,那这本考点汇编简直就是救命稻草!我对着自己背的知识点表格(就是上边右边的那张)把考点汇编按自己的情况完善了一下(也就是相当于过一遍书)然后就抱着它背背背!!!(我真的太爱它了!!!)我开始刷真题比较晚......十一月份才刷,不过是因为我报考的学校考的基本都是在书上可以找到答案的,所以背书就相当于背真题了,真题背了三遍吧......都是用A4纸单面打印,不会的题都写在背面,这样订起来就是属于你自己的复习参考书啦,我在考场外面也是一直翻看的这沓真题。背书真的很痛苦,有的时候一个知识点怎么也背不下来,越背越烦,甚至想离开这个美丽的世界......不过一定要坚持下去书真的越背越熟,越背越爽。比如职业卫生与职业医学,背到刺激性气体中毒啊,重金属中毒那里,我真的背十遍都背不下来(没有夸张,我真的背了超级多遍)后来也是请教了我的班班涛涛老师,他帮我总结了一下不同气体中毒症状的套路,我也按这种方法去背其他的部分,就会好背很多。背书的时候要带着脑子背,这个真的很重要,我记得我听别的学姐说“背书不是用喉咙,而是用脑袋”,可以按自己的习惯,总结一些顺口溜啊什么的,可以给背书带来很多乐趣。关于心态考研真的很辛苦,中期觉得熬不下来,后期觉得考不上,这是正常的,每位考研er都有各自的心酸,不过一定要走好自己的路,不要看别人:哇,他做题怎么这么快,哇,他怎么都看到第十章了我怎么才看第五章,等等等等。自己的情况只有自己知道,觉得自己进度慢了不要慌,觉得自己比别人快了也千万不要骄傲。看书累了的时候就别逼自己了,和小伙伴一起去吃顿好的,短暂休息再出发,头昏脑涨的时候看书效率是极低的。也不要和别人比时长,一定要找到适合自己的作息时间。其实心态真的就一个字:稳。做好自己的时间规划,按部就班,相信自己,一定会走到终点的。我写的经验贴真的好长好长,也感谢你能看到这里,这里的每字每句都是我一点点经历过来的,希望对你有所帮助!(未经同意,不接受转载)


阅读理解真题解析:The Genetic Material遗传物质的鉴定

托福【TOEFL】阅读理解真题解析:The Identification of the Genetic MaterialThe history of biology is filled with incidents in which research on one specific topic has contributed richly to another, apparently unrelated area. Such a case is the work of Frederick Griffith, an English physician whose attempts to prevent the disease pneumonia led to the identification of the material in cells that contains genetic information the information that determines an organism's characteristic structure. In the 1920s, Griffith was studying the bacterium Streptococcus pneumonia, or pneumococcus, one of the organisms that cause pneumonia in humans. He was trying to develop a vaccine against this devastating illness. He was working with two strains of the bacteria pneumococcus. A bacterial strain is a population of cells descended from a single parent cell; strains differ in one or more inherited characteristics. Griffith's strains were designated S and R because, when grown in the laboratory, one proced shiny, smooth (S) colonies or groups of bacteria, and the other proced colonies that look rough (R).When the S strain was injected into mice, the mice became diseased. When the R strain was injected, the mice did not become diseased. Bacteria of the S strain are virulent (able to cause disease) because they are surrounded by a protective jelly-like coating that prevents the mouse's immune defense mechanisms from destroying the bacteria before they can multiply. The R strain lacks this coating.With the hope of developing a vaccine against pneumonia, Griffith injected some mice with heat-killed S pneumococci. These heat-killed bacteria did not proce infection. Griffith assumed the mice would proce antibodies to the bacteria that would allow them to fight the virulent form if they were exposed to it. However, when Griffith inoculated other mice with a mixture of living R bacteria and heat-killed S bacteria, to his astonishment, the mice became ill with pneumonia. When he examined blood from these mice, he found it full of living bacteria many with characteristics of the virulent S strain. Griffith concluded that, in the presence of the dead S pneumococci, some of the living R pneumococci had been transformed into virulent S-strain organisms.Did this transformation of the bacteria depend on something the mouse did to the bacteria? No. It was shown that simply putting living R and heat-killed S bacteria together in a test tube yielded the same transformation. Next it was discovered that a cell-free extract of heat-killed S cells also transformed R cells. (A cell-free extract contains all the contents of cells, but no intact cells.) This result demonstrated that some substance called at the time a chemical transforming principle from the extract of S pneumococci could cause a heritable change (a change that could be passed on to future generations) in the affected R cells.From these observations, some scientists concluded that this transforming material carried heritable information, and thus was the genetic material that scientists had been searching for. The identification of the transforming material was a crucial step in the history of biology, accomplished over a period of several years by Oswald Avery and his colleagues at what is now Rockefeller University. They treated samples of the transforming extract in a variety of ways to destroy different types of substances proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids and tested the treated samples to see if they had retained transforming activity. The answer was always the same: If the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) in the extract was destroyed, transforming activity was lost; everything else could be eliminated without removing the transforming ability of the extract. As a final step, Avery, with Colin MacLeod and Maclyn McCarty, isolated virtually pure DNA from a sample of pneumococcal transforming extract and showed that it caused bacterial transformation.In retrospect, the work of Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty, published in 1944, was a milestone in establishing that DNA is the genetic material. However, at the time, it had little impact on scientists' view about the physical basis of inheritance. The genetic material had to encode all the information needed to specify an organism, and the chemical complexity and diversity of proteins were known to be impressive. So ring the first half of the twentieth century, the hereditary material was generally assumed to be a protein. Nucleic acids, by contrast, were known to have only a few components and seemed too simple to carry such complex information.1.The word “apparently” in the passage is closest in meaning toA.seeminglyB.surprisinglyC.relativelyD.previously2.According to paragraph 1, Griffith experimented with strains of the pneumococcus bacteria because he wanted to discover which of the followingA.A strain of bacteria that could be used to develop a vaccineB.How bacterial strains developed under laboratory conditionsC.Why the strains of bacteria differed in appearanceD.Which bacterial strains were most infectious in humans3.Why does the author provide the information that The R strain lacks this coatingA.To provide an example of variations within strains of pneumococcus bacteriaB.To explain why the R strain is not able to cause diseaseC.To suggest that the R strain has other ways to defend itself from immune defense mechanismsD.To explain why mice became diseased when injected with the R strain4.According to paragraph 3, why did Griffith conclude from his experiment injecting both R and S strains pneumococci into mice that some of the R strain bacteria transformed into disease-causing S strain pneumococciA.All the living bacteria he found in the blood of the injected mice were S strain bacteria.B.He already knew from earlier experiments that R strain pneumococci sometimes transform into S strain pneumococci.C.He could tell from examining the bacteria under a microscope that some indivial pneumococci cells had characteristics of both the S and R strains.D.He observed living cells in the mice's blood with S strain characteristics, but the only living cells injected were R strain pneumococci.5.According to paragraph 4, why was Griffith's experiment repeated in a test tubeA.To provide additional support for the transformation of R-strain into S-strain pneumococciB.To establish whether or not the transformation of R cells was caused by something the mouse's body didC.To determine why the S-strain pneumococci somehow survived if they were in the presence of the R-strainD.To test the results of adding a cell-free extract to the mixture6.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.A.This result showed that the chemical transforming principle in S pneumococci was passed on to future generations of S pneumococci.B.After exposure to the cell-free extract from the S pneumococci, R pneumococci strain cells acquired the ability to transform themselves into S pneumococci.C.The transformation of R cells by a cell-free extract of S pneumococci demonstrated the existence of a chemical transforming principle that brought about heritable change.D.This transformation showed that the characteristics that the S pneumococci possess are superior to the characteristics of R pneumococci.7.According to paragraph 5, why did Oswald Avery and his colleagues treat the transforming extract in a variety of destructive waysA.They hoped to destroy the virulent part of the transforming extract.B.They wanted to identify the substance responsible for the transforming activity.C.They wanted to identify which methods would destroy particular substances in the transforming extract.D.They needed to determine which treatments were most successful in destroying DNA.8.According to paragraph 6, why did scientists continue to believe that the hereditary material was a proteinA.Scientists thought that the research of Avery and his colleagues provided insufficient information about the nature of DNA.B.Scientists believed that only proteins were complex enough to carry genetic information.C.Scientists thought Avery and his colleagues had little understanding of the physical basis of inheritance.D.Scientists ignored important milestones that indicated the chemical complexity of DNA.9.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the transformed R-strain pneumococciA.They had acquired the genetic information for procing a protective coating.B.They were unable to cause transformation in other strains of pneumococci.C.In the presence of heat-killed R-strain bacteria, they lost their virulence.D.They did not multiply as quickly as nontransformed cells did.10.Directions:An introctory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This questions is worth 2 points.Marine and other organisms are classified as homeotherms if they maintain a constant body temperature and as poikilotherms if their body temperature matches that of the environment.A.From the 1920s through 1944, researchers used pneumococcus bacteria to discover the properties of DNA because the bacteria was relatively simple, having only two strains.B.Frederick Griffith discovered that a nonvirulent strain of bacteria could be transformed into a virulent strain by being exposed to dead cells from the virulent strain.C.By selectively destroying various substances in the cells of pneumococci bacteria, Oswald Avery and his colleagues identified DNA as the substance that caused bacterial transformation.D.Oswald Avery injected the combination of heat-killed, virulent cells and nonvirulent cells into mice because he hoped this would lead to a vaccine for pneumonia.E.Avery and his colleagues were able to isolate Griffith’s transforming principle by injecting mice with the extract that contained the transforming principle.F.Scientists did not initially recognize the importance of the discovery that DNA could cause genetic transformation because the hereditary material was assumed to be a protein.文章大意:The Identification of the Genetic Material遗传物质的鉴定生物学史上充斥着许多事件,在这些事件中,对一个特定主题的研究为另一个显然无关的领域做出了丰富的贡献。这种情况是英国医生弗雷德里克·格里菲斯(Frederick Griffith)的工作,他试图预防肺炎疾病,导致鉴定出细胞中含有遗传信息的物质,而遗传信息决定了生物的特征结构。在1920年代,格里菲斯(Griffith)研究了肺炎链球菌(streptococcus pneumonia)或肺炎球菌,这是一种引起人类肺炎的生物。他正在尝试开发一种针对这种破坏性疾病的疫苗。他正在研究两种肺炎球菌细菌。细菌菌株是由单个亲本细胞衍生的细胞群;菌株在一个或多个遗传特征上有所不同。格里菲斯当将S菌株注射到小鼠中时,小鼠患病。当注射R株时,小鼠没有患病。S菌株的细菌具有毒性(可导致疾病),因为它们周围有一层保护性的果冻状涂层,可防止小鼠的免疫防御机制在细菌繁殖之前破坏细菌。R应变缺乏该涂层。为了开发抗肺炎疫苗,格里菲斯(Griffith)向一些小鼠注射了热灭活的肺炎链球菌。这些经热杀死的细菌没有产生感染。格里菲斯(Griffith)认为,小鼠会产生针对细菌的抗体,如果它们暴露于这种毒性形式下,它们将能够对抗这种毒性形式。但是,当格里菲斯给其他小鼠接种活R细菌和热杀死的S细菌的混合物时,令他惊讶的是,这些小鼠患了肺炎。当他检查这些小鼠的血液时,发现其中充满了许多具有强毒S菌株特征的活细菌。格里菲斯得出结论,在死去的肺炎链球菌的存在下,一些活的肺炎链球菌已被转化为有毒力的S菌株。细菌的这种转化是否取决于小鼠对细菌的作用?不能。仅将活的R和热灭活的S细菌放到试管中就能产生相同的转化。接下来,发现无细胞的热杀死的S细胞提取物也转化了R细胞。(无细胞的提取物包含细胞的所有内容,但没有完整的细胞。)该结果表明,某些物质在当时被称为肺炎链球菌提取物的化学转化原理,可能引起遗传性变化(这种变化可能是在受影响的R细胞中传递给子孙后代。从这些观察中,一些科学家得出结论,这种转化材料具有可遗传的信息,因此是科学家一直在寻找的遗传材料。转化材料的鉴定是生物学史上至关重要的一步,由奥斯瓦尔德·埃弗里(Oswald Avery)和他现在的洛克菲勒大学的同事在几年中完成。他们以各种方式处理了转化提取物的样品,以破坏蛋白质,核酸,碳水化合物和脂质等不同类型的物质,并测试了所处理的样品,看它们是否保留了转化活性。答案始终是相同的:如果提取物中的DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)被破坏,转化活性就会丧失;在不去除提取物转化能力的情况下,所有其他一切都可以消除。作为最后一步,Avery与Colin MacLeod和Maclyn McCarty一起从肺炎球菌转化提取物样品中分离了几乎纯净的DNA,并表明它引起了细菌转化。回想起来,1944年出版的Avery,MacLeod和McCarty的工作是确立DNA是遗传物质的里程碑。但是,当时它对科学家关于继承的物理基础的观点影响不大。遗传物质必须编码指定一种生物所需的所有信息,并且已知蛋白质的化学复杂性和多样性令人印象深刻。因此,在二十世纪上半叶,遗传物质通常被认为是一种蛋白质。相比之下,已知核酸仅具有少量成分,似乎太简单而无法携带如此复杂的信息。刘凯老师解析:1.答案:A;答题解析:表示表明上的,似乎的,即A。【题干为:文章中“显然”一词的意思最接近于】选项:A.seemingly /simli/ adv. 看来似乎;表面上看来;B.surprisingly /sprazli/ adv. 惊人地;出人意料地;C.relatively /reltvli/ adv. 相当地;相对地,比较地;D.previously /privisli/adv. 以前;预先;仓促地。2.答案:A;答题解析:He was trying to develop a vaccine against this devastating illness. He was working with two strains of the bacteria pneumococcus.【他试图研发一种疫苗来对抗这种毁灭性的疾病。他研究的是两种肺炎球菌】对应A。这一段讲的就是介绍,此人原本为了解决一种疾病结果发现了基因。3.答案:B;答题解析:第一句话说了S可以导致疾病,而R不可以。后面两句话解释原因,因为S可以抑制免疫系统,故B对。4.答案:D;答题解析:加热的S被杀死应不能致病,R也不能,结果死亡的S和存活的R两者混合却导致了致病,检测下来,发现其血液含S的特征。5.答案:B;答题解析:是不是因为老鼠做了什么事情导致了上一段所说的结果呢?后面的研究就是在排除这种可能性。比如不用老鼠而直接用试管。6.答案:C;答题解析:原句讲的是S的一些物质可以导致R在遗传特性方面的变化,只有C有此意。其余选项均不对,如A说的是S到S,方向就不对。7.答案:B;答题解析:本文的试验到处充满了科学方法,近似控制变量法。本段开头说The identification of the transforming material was a crucial step in the history of biology【转化材料的鉴定是生物史上的一个关键步骤】,此段就是在讲具体确定the transforming material的过程。每种物质去除一下,看是否影响transforming activity,就是看他是否起作用(如去除某物质后transforming activity不影响,则说明其无作用,如去除后transforming activity有影响,则说明其起作用)。8.答案:B;答题解析:细节题。相关原文:The genetic material had to encode all the information needed to specify an organism, and the chemical complexity and diversity of proteins were known to be impressive【遗传物质必须编码指定一种生物所需的所有信息,而且已知的蛋白质的化学复杂性和多样性令人印象深刻】(impressive可以理解为足以引起人重视的). So ring the first half of the twentieth century, the hereditary material was generally assumed to be a protein. Nucleic acids, by contrast, were known to have only a few components and seemed too simple to carry such complex information.【所以在20世纪上半叶,遗传物质通常被认为是一种蛋白质。相比之下,已知的核酸只有很少的成分,而且似乎过于简单,无法携带如此复杂的信息】即Nucleic acids没有chemical complexity and diversity,而protein有chemical complexity and diversity,可以作为遗传物质,B为此说法的概括。9.答案:A答题解析:此题注意题干并非说第几段,所以可能来自任意一段。第二段和第三段讲了原文说S和被杀死的R结合时可以发生遗传效应产生a protective coating,第四段论证了造成遗传的物质是DNA,第五讲论证了DNA中起作用的物种是蛋白质。既然R可以遗传,那它必然有遗传信息,A对。其余选项均得不到支持,如C选项根据原文应该是retain而非lost。10.答案:B C F答题解析:A选项because the bacteria was relatively simple, having only two strains.【因为这种细菌相对简单,只有两种菌株】原文无提及,且当时用pneumococcus bacteria只是在attempts to prevent the disease pneumonia,为了治病,根本不知道遗传物质的存在。之后才知道DNA。所以也不可能在这个阶段就discover the properties of DNA。D选项错在不是Oswald Avery而是Griffth注射入老鼠体类(第三段)希望研发治疗方案,Oswald Avery在第五段才出现,他的研究是为了发现DNA还是其他物质造成了遗传,并非研究治病,也不是注射入老鼠体内。E选项说Avery通过对老鼠注射什么物质可以提取(isolate) transforming principle的这个说法原文无支持。没有说注入老鼠。B为第三段的概括。C为第五段的概括。F对应第六段,Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty提出DNA作为遗传物质时,学者认为主要是蛋白质起作用,Nucleic acids下的DNA没人重视。刘凯老师介绍刘凯,男,蒙古族,黑龙江省齐齐哈尔人。本科为哈尔滨师范大学英语系,硕士为北京理工大学。2010年赴美国宾夕法尼亚大学交流学习;2013年美国亚利桑那大学访问学者;2015年澳大利亚新南威尔士大学ESL研修;2018年加州理工学院语言学双学位获得者;2019年赴澳大利亚麦考瑞大学交流习;GRE托福考试全球高分获得者;荣获长江商学院EMBA。北京市优秀青年教师,北京市级重点高中示范校骨干教师,多年高中一线执教经验,高三年级把关教师,多次参与东城区模拟试题命题工作,教学理念先进,教学成果突出,多篇教学论文获市区级奖项。多篇文章发表在《中国教育报》《中国考试》《北京教育》等报刊上。多次参加高考阅卷工作,参与人民教育出版社、北京教育出版社、外研社等各类高考教学用书的编写工作,有丰富的备考经验,国际核心期刊发表多篇论文。教育部课题研究员,参与国家十二五课题计划,并作出突出贡献,参与初中、高中各年级区级试题的命制,多次承担区级和市级研究课任务。北京市科技英语优秀指导教师,所带学生在各级英语口语、作文竞赛中多次获奖;将扎实的英语基本功和严谨的学术思想作为教学的基础,课堂上善于寓教于乐,信息量大,内容丰富,使学生在和谐的课堂气氛下欣赏英语、享受英语、掌握英语、运用英语。2009-2012年期间,多次受邀在北京广播电台主持英语高考大纲解析及英语新课程改革节目,学术功底深厚,兼具偶像派与实力派特点,教风亲切洒脱,诙谐幽默,思维开阔,屡有奇思妙想,善于引导学生学以致用,对高考动向把握极其准确,深受学生和家长欢迎。尤其擅长英语语法和单词记忆法。海外生活学习十年,社科人文类学科偏爱者;10年雅思教龄,知名教师培训师;指导上万考生快速冲刺雅思写作、阅读,平均分数7.5分;独创“段落清空”、极简化“针对检索式”阅读法等众多高效技法;每年雅思考试均在10次以上;均分8+;真题回忆准确度97%以上;贴近西式思路和语言指导学生写作;善于帮助学生突破学术写作思维瓶颈。讲授科目有长难句、翻译、四六级考试、阅读和写作;在2014、2015、2017、2019四年考研中,接受其培训的所有考生中有近万名考生取得高分。带给学生的不只是考分的提高,更多的是对英语领悟和感知的突破。纯正的英音、独到的见解、睿智的思维和轻松幽默的语言,为其赢得了广大学生的认同和喜爱。资深考研培训讲师;英语四六级考试天团高级讲师;雅思阅读、雅思写作培训主讲名师;六级考试阅卷组成员;深谙命题规律和解题套路,对英语的学习规律和方法见解独特。呼吁国人学习英语的态度:重复是记忆之母。用听,用看,用心去触摸每个单词,你便会有好的记忆。中国人要学好英语就要有一点点变态。上课特点:课堂从不需点名,却无人缺席教学理念:英语教师很幸运也有责任与学生一同叩响世界之门