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1, We don't have to learn how to be mentally healthy, it is built into us in the same way that our bodies know how to heal a cut or mend a broken bone.1,我们不必学习如何保持心理健康,它植入在我们身上,就像我们的身体知道如何治愈伤口或修复骨折一样。2, Our mental health doesn't go anywhere; like the sun behind a cloud, it can be temporarily hidden from view, but it is fully capable of being restored in an instant.2,我们的心理健康不会去任何地方;像云后面的太阳一样,它可以暂时隐藏起来,但它完全能够瞬间恢复。3, Mental health allows us to view others with sympathy if they are having troubles, with kindness if they are in pain, and with unconditional love no matter who they are.3,心理健康让我们能够待遭遇困难之人以同情,待痛苦之人以善意,无论是谁,都以无条件的爱待之。4, Although mental health is the cure-all for living our lives, it is perfecting ordinary as you will see that it has been there to direct you through all your difficult decisions.4,尽管心理健康是治愈我们生活的良药,它让我们平凡的生活变得完美,正如你所见,它一直在指引你度过所有艰难的决定。5, As you will come to see, knowing that mental health is always available and knowing to trust it allow us to slow down to the moment and live life happily.5,正如你将明白,知道心理健康是永远触手可及并值得信任,会让我们放慢脚步,活在当下,过得幸福。



原文+译文:Science, in practice, depends far less on the experiments it prepares than on the preparedness of the minds of the men who watch the experiments.实际上,科学的进步依赖于做实验,但更依赖于实验的观察者(即做实验的人)有所准备的头脑。Sir Isaac Newton supposedly discovered gravity through the fall of an apple.据说艾萨克·牛顿爵士是从苹果落地现象中发现了万有引力。Apples had been falling in many places for centuries and thousands of people had seen them fall. But Newton for years had been curious about the cause of the orbital motion of the moon and planets.多少个世纪以来,许多地方一直都有苹果落到地面,成千上万的人也都看过苹果落地。但多年来只有牛顿一直对月球和行星沿轨道运行的起因感到好奇。What kept them in place? Why didn’t they fall out of the sky? The fact that the apple fell down toward the earth and not up into the tree answered the question he had been asking himself about those larger fruits of the heavens, the moon and the planets.是什么使它们保持在现在的位置?它们为什么不从天上掉下来?苹果向下落到地面而不向上飞到树上,这一事实回答了他长期以来一直对天空中更大的“果实”——月球和行星所存有的疑问。How many men would have considered the possibility of an apple falling up into the tree?多少人会考虑过苹果向上飞到树上的可能性呢?Newton did because he was not trying to predict anything. He was just wondering. His mind was ready for the unpredictable. Unpredictability is part of the essential nature of research.牛顿这样做了,因为他不想对任何事情进行预测。他只是怀有好奇心。他的头脑在准备思考不可预测的事。不可预测性是科学研究的一个基本特征。If you don’t have unpredictable things, you don’t have research. Scientists tend to forget this when writing their cut and dried reports for the technical journals, but history is filled with examples of it.如果没有不可预测现象的产生就无所谓科学研究了。科学家们在为学术刊物撰写呆板的例行报告时往往会忘记这一点,而历史上这样的例子却比比皆是。In talking to some scientists, particularly younger ones, you might gather the impression that they find the “scientific method” a substitute for imaginative thought.在和一些科学家,特别是年轻科学家交谈时,你可能会有这样一种印象:他们认为“科学方法”可以代替创造性思维。I’ve attended research conferences where a scientist has been asked what he thinks about the advisability of continuing a certain experiment.我出席过一些科研会议,会上有人问一位科学家继续某项实验是否是明智之举。The scientist has frowned, looked at the graphs, and said “the data are still inconclusive.”那位科学家皱了皱眉,又看了看图表,然后说:“数据还是不够确定。”“We know that,” the men from the budget office have said, “but what do you think? Is it worthwhile going on? What do you think we might expect?” The scientist has been shocked at having even been asked to speculate.预算部门的人说:“这点我们知道,但你的意见如何?你觉得值得做下去吗?你觉得我们可以期待什么呢?”这位科学家感到很震惊,他没有料到人们会让他做出预测。What this amounts to, of course, is that the scientist has become the victim of his own writings.当然,这几乎等于说:这位科学家成了自己所写报告的受害者。He has put forward unquestioned claims so consistently that he not only believes them himself, but has convinced instrial and business management that they are true.他所提出的种种论断是如此不容置疑、如此一致,以至于不仅他自己相信了,而且也说服了工商界的管理者相信其正确性。If experiments are planned and carried out according to plan as faithfully as the reports in the science journals indicate, then it is perfectly logical for management to expect research to proce results measurable in dollars and cents.假如科学实验像科学杂志报告显示的那样完全按事先的计划去规划和实施,那么,对管理层来说,期待研究能够产生可用美元、美分衡量的结果是完全合理的。It is entirely reasonable for auditors to believe that scientists who know exactly where they are going and how they will get there should not be distracted by the necessity of keeping one eye on the cash register while the other eye is on the microscope.审计人员也完全有理由相信,确切知道自己的目标并知道如何实现这一目标的科学家们根本没必要分心:用一只眼盯着现金计数器的同时,用另一只眼睛盯着显微镜。Nor, if regularity and conformity to a standard pattern are as desirable to the scientist as the writing of his papers would appear to reflect, is management to be blamed for discriminating against the “odd balls” among researchers in favor of more conventional thinkers who “work well with the team.”如果像他们的论文所反映的那样,科学家渴望规律性和与某种标准模式的一致性,那么管理人员歧视研究人员中的“标新立异者”,而赞赏“善于合作”的具有传统思维模式的人,也就是无可指摘的。试题:51. The author wants to prove with the example of Isaac Newton that.[A] inquiring minds are more important than scientific experiments[B] science advances when fruitful researches are concted[C] scientists seldom forget the essential nature of research[D] unpredictability weighs less than prediction in scientific research52. The author asserts that scientists.[A] shouldn’t replace “scientific method” with imaginative thought[B] shouldn’t neglect to speculate on unpredictable things[C] should write more concise reports for technical journals[D] should be confident about their research findings53. It seems that some young scientists.[A] have a keen interest in prediction[B] often speculate on the future[C] think highly of creative thinking[D] stick to “scientific method”54. The author implies that the results of scientific research.[A] may not be as profitable as they are expected[B] can be measured in dollars and cents[C] rely on conformity to a standard pattern[D] are mostly underestimated by management答案:A B D A



考研英语翻译的关键在于理解原文,把原文的主旨意义理解清楚,那么翻译起来也就更通顺连贯了。可是,往往,要做到这一点却甚为困难。下面就从10个方面和大家谈谈如何更好地把握翻译原文。(1)搞清句子结构,辨别主语和谓语。抓住了句子的主干,各部分之间的从属关系也就看得比较清楚,有益于从整体把握句子。(2)理解虚拟语气。虚拟语气是英语特有的一种表达方式。它包括对现在、未来、过去的假设,在英语中有多种表现,译成汉语时一定要弄清它的对象和范围,尽量把虚拟的意思传达出来。(3)搞清楚关系。句中如果有代词,应根据上下文找出其所指代的内容,并将其准确地翻译出来。(4)明白否定的方式。英语思维的特点也表现在它对否定式的用法上,中国读者往往容易在这里产生错误。例如 All that glitters is not gold.(发光的未必都是金子)在这里是以全部否定的形式来表达部分否定的事实。英语也用双重否定表示肯定,这种现象英语中常见,汉语中并不常见,翻译时需要多加注意。(5)一词多义。一词多义是很常见的现象。判断词义一定要根据上下文确定其具体的义,不能因为是过去认识的词便不加深究,便草率地按以前的理解翻译而产生错误。如Don’t worry about preparations for this year’s July Fourth parade. Everything is in apple pie order。(别担心今年国庆日游行的准备事宜,样样东西都弄妥当了)如按通常的理解以为apple是“苹果”的意思,就出错了。(6)注意英国英语和美国英语的不同。英美语言之间有很多差异,比如英国英语中continent指欧洲大陆,而在美语中,continent却指美洲大陆又如英语中homely是“家常的、朴素的”的意思,并无贬义,在美语中却是“不漂亮的”。所以翻译时一定要搞清文章是英语作者还是美国作者写的。(7)成语。成语具有约定俗成的特点,属于语言中较难理解的部分。英语的某些成语具有形象思维的特点,可以和汉语相吻合,比如Strike the iron as it is hot.(趁热打铁)但有一个成语的含义与我们的理解大相径庭,如Claw me and I will claw thee.(互相吹捧)所以翻译时一定要小心。(8)语意的褒贬与轻重。翻译时还要注意词语的感情色彩,即它是褒、是贬,还是中性。这种感情色彩往往表明了作者的主观态度,好恶与爱憎。把握住它对于正确、传神的翻译是非常必要的。有时单凭个别词是难以判断的,还要根据上下文来判断,因为未达到讽刺的目的,作者可能正话反说或反话正说。(9)注意文章的语体色彩。如果是专业文章,那么术语一定很多,叙述也较客观,少有个人色彩,翻译时应多选用正式的词语。如果是一般的叙述,则可能日常用语较多,小词和短语较多。翻译时也要注意这一点,以此来确定词语的选择。(10)留心文化背景。中西文化的差异非常明显。比如,中国的亲戚划分非常仔细,而英文中的cousin一词对应的中文可以是表(堂)兄弟(姐妹),可以有八个词义之多。只要同学们肯坚信自己的努力,遵循这些方法,耐心认真地复习,就会守得云开见月明,深切体会到考研这部大戏的圆满结局了。



#考研英语#图片来源:网络考研英语翻译练习8:By the date of his birth, Europe was witnessing the passing of the religious drama, and the creation of new forms under the incentive of classical tragedy and comedy.句子结构分析-在他出生的年代,欧洲正经历着宗教戏剧的消亡,以及在古典悲剧和喜剧刺激下新形式创作的产生。在翻译的时候,要注意:1.under 后面的部分修饰 forms,翻译时往往放在其前面。图片来源:网络单词、短语:by —— 在……之前;在……期间;由于;经过;靠近;通过date —— 日期;年代witnessing —— 目睹;经历passing —— (事物的)结束,消亡incentive —— 刺激[原创作品,欢迎关注、分享、点赞、评论,请勿转载]



#考研英语#图片来源:网络考研英语翻译练习5:Despite attempts by the Church to suppress this new generation of logicians and rationalists, more explorations for how the universe functioned were being made at a rate that people could no longer ingnore.句子结构分析-尽管教会试图去阻止新一代的逻辑学家和理性主义者,但是却涌现出更多对于宇宙是如何运转的探索及发现,其速度之快,不得不引起人们的注意。-尽管教会试图去阻止新一代的逻辑学家和理性主义者,但是更多对于宇宙是如何运转的探索及发现正在以人们无法忽视的速度进行着。在翻译的时候,有几点要注意:1.介词短语作后置定语,翻译时放到名词前面。即 by the Church 放在 attempts 的前面。2.修饰 rate 的定语从句,翻译时可放到 rate 前面。图片来源:网络单词、短语:suppress —— 抑制;压制;阻止;控制logicians —— 逻辑学家rationalists —— 理性主义者at a rate —— 一阵风的;以……的速度[原创作品,欢迎分享、点赞、评论,请勿转载]



#考研#图片来源:网络考研英语翻译练习13:The changes identified by David Graddol all present clear and major challenges to the UK's providers of English language teaching to people of other countries and to broader ecation business sectors.句子结构分析-大卫格拉多尔所发现的这些变化,都给教授他国人士英语的英国机构,以及广大教育行业带来了一些明确而巨大的挑战。在翻译的时候,要注意:1.identified by David Graddol 修饰前面的changes,翻译时放在changes 前面。图片来源:网络单词、短语:identify —— 鉴定;确认;发现;找到*define —— 界定;明确;阐明;下定义present —— 出现;提出;显示;提交major —— 严重;主要的;重要的;大的broad —— 广大;宽阔的;普遍的[原创作品,欢迎关注、分享、点赞、评论,请勿转载]



#考研英语#图片来源:网络考研英语翻译练习10:But the professional companies prospered in their permanent theaters, and university men with literature ambitions were quick to turn to these theaters as offering a means of livelihood.句子结构分析-但是,专业戏剧公司在他们的固定剧场里兴旺发达起来,而有着文学抱负的大学生迅速转向这些剧场,作为他们维持生计的手段。在翻译的时候,要注意:1.状语前置,即翻译时 in their permanent theaters 放到前面。图片来源:网络单词、短语:prosper —— 繁荣;成功;发达;兴旺permanent —— 永久的;持久的;固定的livelihood —— 赚钱谋生的手段;生计[原创作品,欢迎关注、分享、点赞、评论,请勿转载]



#考研英语#图片来源:网络考研英语翻译练习12:To realize how great was the dramatic activity, we must remember further that hosts of plays have been lost, and that probably there is no author of note whose entire work has survived.句子结构分析-要了解戏剧活动有多繁荣,我们还必须记得,大量的剧本已经遗失,而且可能没有哪位著名作家的全部作品都被保留下来的。在翻译的时候,要注意:1.定语从句 whose 的部分,修饰前面的 author。图片来源:网络单词、短语:dramatic —— 戏剧的;戏剧性的;突然的;令人吃惊的further —— 进一步;此外;更远;而且hosts of —— 许多;一大群of note —— 有名望的;著名的;值得注意的是[原创作品,欢迎关注、分享、点赞、评论,请勿转载]



#考研英语#图片来源:网络考研英语翻译练习9:No boy who went a grammar school could be ignorant that the drama was a form of literature which gave glory to Greece and Rome and might yet bring honor to England.句子结构分析-上过文法学校的男孩儿都知道戏剧是文学的一种形式。文学曾带给希腊和罗马辉煌,并且也可能给英格兰带来荣耀。-在文法学校上学的男孩儿没有人不了解戏剧是文学的一种形式。文学曾带给希腊和罗马辉煌,并且也可能给英格兰带来荣耀。在翻译的时候,有几点要注意:1.定语从句比较短的,翻译时,放在名词前面去修饰名词。即 who 这部分放在前面。2.定语从句比较长的,翻译时,可以单独成句。即 which 这部分单独成句。图片来源:网络单词、短语:grammar school —— (尤指旧时英国的) 文法学校ignorant —— (对某事物) 不了解的;无知的literature —— 文学;文学作品glory —— 荣誉;辉煌;赞美[原创作品,欢迎关注、分享、点赞、评论,请勿转载]



The American economic system is organized around a basically private-enterprise, market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be proced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most. 美国的经济体制是在基本上由私营企业组成并以市场为导向的经济基础上建立起来的。在这个经济体制里,需要生产什么主要是由消费者在市场上花钱购买他们最需要的商品和服务决定的。Private businessmen, striving to make profits, proce these goods and services in competition with other businessmen; and the profit motive, operating under competitive pressures, largely determines how these goods and services are proced.为了获取利润,私有企业主之间互相竞争,来生产这些产品和提供这些服务。在竞争的压力下运作,追求利润的动机很大程度上决定了生产商品和提供服务的方式。Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of indivial consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of indivials to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be proced and how resources are used to proce it.因此,在美国的经济体制中,消费者个人的需求、商人对获取最大利润的追求以及消费者渴望最大化自己的收入,所有这些共同决定了应该生产什么和如何利用资源去生产这些产品。An important factor in a market-oriented economy is the mechanism by which consumer demands can be expressed and responded to by procers.在以市场为导向的经济中的一个重要因素是反映消费者需求以及生产者对消费者需求作出反应的机制。In the American economy, this mechanism is provided by a price system, a process in which prices rise and fall in response to relative demands of consumers and supplies offered by seller-procers.在美国经济中,这一机制是由价格体制提供,在价格体系中,价格随消费者的相对需求和出售者及生产者的供应情况而上下浮动。If the proct is in short supply relative to the demand, the price will be bid up and some consumers will be eliminated from the market.如果产品相对供不应求,价格就会抬升,从而使一些消费者从市场上消失。If, on the other hand, procing more of a commodity results in recing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-procers, which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the proct.另一方面,如果商品的大量生产导致成本的降低,这会促使销售商和生产商供给的增加,从而反过来导致价格下降,致使更多的消费者购买产品。Thus, price is the regulating mechanism in the American economic system.因此,价格是美国经济体制中的调节机制。The important factor in a private-enterprise economy is that indivials are allowed to own proctive resources (private property), and they are permitted to hire labor, gain control over natural resources, and proce goods and services for sale at a profit.私有企业经济的一个重要因素是允许个人拥有生产资料(私有财产),允许他们雇用劳动力,控制自然资源,以及生产产品、提供服务以获取利润。In the American economy, the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of proctive resources but also certain rights, including the right to determine the price of a proct or to make a free contract with another private indivial.在美国经济中,私人财产的概念不仅仅包含对生产资料的所有权,还包含某些其他权利,其中包括确定产品的价格或与另一私营者签订自由合同。11.[答案]D[解析]本题考核的知识点是:句题题。先定位到第一段末句。解题的关键是看对maximize的理解。原文所在句“coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of indivials to maximize their incomes”将生产者和消费者的愿望对照来说。句中的两个maximize平衡并列,作用、意义完全相同。因此知道maximize在第一处的意义即可知道第二处之意。众所周知,商人总是想用最少的投入取得最大的利润,这就是maximize的意义。由此可知,消费者希望使一定的收入取得最大限度的效益,即用现有收入买到更多更好的商品。而[D]选项恰是此意。[A]和[B]选项未在原文提及。[C]选项反映的是劳资双方的关系,而不是生产者与消费者之间的关系。12.[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:事实细节题。[D]选项就是该段第二句“prices rise and fall in response to relative demands of consumers and supplies offered by seller-procers”的概括,为正确答案。[A]选项在这两句中并未涉及。注意文中第一句的mechanism意为“机制”,而该选项中的mechanized意为“机械化”,二者含义不同。误选[B]选项的考生是对该段首句的语法成分分析错误。它是一个省略句,补全后应该是“An important factor in a market-oriented economy is the mechanism by which consumer demands can be expressed and (by which consumer demands can be) responded to by procers”。由此可知,消费者通过这一机制表达他们的需求,而生产者则通过这一机制对他们的需求作出反应。[B]选项理解成consumer demands can be expressed…by procers。[C]选项与第二句“供求关系决定价格”不符,也应该排除。此题亦可通过经济常识解答。注意:干扰选项经常使用原文中出现的词语或类似的结构伪造,所以对那些出现了原词的选项一定要仔细辨认真伪。13.[答案]A[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:段落主旨题。题干要求考生回答私营企业经济的特点,即第三段的主题。该段只有两句。第一句强调的是私营企业最重要的因素是个人拥有生产资料(私人财产)、允许个人雇用劳动力和控制自然资源。第二句是指私人财产的概念还包含某些其他权利,如:产品价格的决定权或与其他私有个体的自由签约权。尤其第二句的not only… but also…更表明了此段主旨。[A]选项是对上述内容的概括,为正确答案。而[B]、[C]和[D]选项虽然都在第三段述及,但是都是[A]选项下的具体内容,缺乏概括性,不应该入选。命题意图要求考生区分段落细节与段落中心是局部与整体的关系。14.[答案]C[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:文章主旨题。解此题需要了解文章各段的主旨。第一段论述美国经济体制的构成;第二段介绍市场经济的运行方式;第三段介绍私营经济的特点。后两段是对第一段的进一步论述。由此可见,美国经济体制的构成和运作是本文论述的中心。[C]选项正反映了这一主题。[A]、[B]和[D]选项都在文中有所涉及,但都是具体细节,比较片面,应该排除。此题还可以通过直接对选项进行比较排除来解题。[A]、[B]和[D]都在文中述及,分属于三个独立的、不同的概念。其中任意一个可代表其他两个,而[C]选项概括性强,可以包括[A]、[B]和[D],故[C]为正确答案。