嗨,这里是小恬的第十一篇文章。今天主要内容是2019完形填空的翻译,大家一起来看看吧。今天我们生活在一个全球定位系统、电子地图和其他导航软件在智能手机上触手可及的时代,没有手机我们中的—1—将径直走到森林里。但是手机依靠电池—2—,并且电池比我们意识到的耗能更快。—3—你迷路没有手机或者指南针,而且你—4—无法找到北方,一些小技巧帮助你—5—现代社会,其中之一就是跟随陆地。当你发现自己—6—一条小路,但不是一个完全—7—区域,你必须回答两个问题:在这一区域里哪个—8—是下坡? 还有最近的水源在哪里?人类清一色地住在山谷中,且依靠淡水补给。—9—如果你往下走,而且跟随你找到的任何水迹前行,你将—10—人类的踪迹。如果你之前探索过这个地方,注意熟悉的标志——你可能—11—如此快速识别一个特殊的岩石或者一棵树能恢复你的方位。另一—12—:登高然后寻找人类居住的迹象。—13—,即便在茂密的森林,你也能在树林之线中—14—空隙,由于道路,铁轨,和其他人类—15—森林开辟的其他小径。向这些—16—前进以寻找出口。夜间,仔细观察地平线寻找光源,例如火和路灯,接着走向光污染的光芒。—18—,假如你在人流倾向于频繁的地方迷路,寻找我们留在环境中的—19—。火焰标志,轮胎印,和其他能够—20—你通往现代社会的特征。1.A某些,B大部分,C很少,D所有2.A放、穿,B拿,C跑、运转,D来、振作3.A从、因为,B如果,C尽管,D直到4.A正式地,B相对地,C渐渐地,D实在地5.A回,B接下来,C围绕,D远离6.A在……上,B离……远,C横穿,D独自7.A不吸引人的,B不拥挤的,C不变的,D不熟的8.A场所,B点,C路,D地方9.A所以,B然而,C反之,D还有10.A立刻,B有意地,C出乎意料地,D最后11.A惊讶,B恼怒,C害怕,D困惑12.A问题,B选择,C观点,D结果13.A总之,B反之,C平均,D例如,14.A跨过,B避免,C认出,D分开15.A来自,B穿过,C超过,D在……下16.A邮件,B链接,C阴影,D突破口17.A人工的,B神秘的,C隐藏的,D有限的18.A最终,B结果,C顺便,D通常19.A记忆,B记号,C笔记,D财产20.A约束,B收养,C引导,D揭露
第一部分:英语运用阅读下面的文本。为每个标有数字的空格选择最合适的单词,并在答题卡上标好A,B,C,或者D。即使家人们并不像从前一样坐在一起吃饭,数百万的英国人仍然惯于共度周末,享受这个国度的最伟大的传统之一:星期天烤肉。( 1 )一个寒冷的冬日,很少烹饪的乐趣能够( 2 )它。然而正如我们现在报道的,食品警察认定这( 3 )应该被呈现,另一有罪的快乐( 4 )伤害我们的健康。户外烤肉食物标准局已经( 5 )一个公开警告,即关于一种( 6 )高温烹饪的食物中产生的名为丙烯酰胺的化合物的风险。这意味着人们应该( 7 )发脆他们的烤土豆,摒弃薄皮披萨并且只( 8 )烘烤他们的面包。但是支撑如此危言耸听建议的证据在哪里呢?( 9 )几个研究表示丙烯酰胺会导致老鼠的神经系统损伤,没有( 10 )证据表明它会导致人类癌症。科学家们说,这种化合物是( 11 )致癌的,但是没有确凿的科学证据。( 12 )预防原则,可以说遵循食物标准局的建议是( 13 )。( 14 ),吸烟致癌曾经多年是谣言直到证明那是( 15 )的证据被找到。丙烯酰胺无疑,在周日一片煮牛肉总是可以( 16 )上,与一些清蒸蔬菜一起,没有约克郡布丁和葡萄酒。但是这样的人生值得过吗?( 17 )食物标准局说,这不是让人们把烤食品切出(18 )而是减少他们的终生摄入。然而它的( 19 )风险作为一个讲道词和保姆的杂交出现。持续的健康恐慌只会( 20 )没一个人倾听。A、in在……里 B、towards向…… C、on在……上 D、till直到A、match匹配 B、express表达 C、satisfy满足 D、influence影响A、patience耐心 B、enjoyment享受 C、surprise惊喜 D、concern担忧A、intensified变本加厉地 B、privileged享有特权的C、compelled迫使 D、guaranted保证的,肯定的5. A、 issued 发布 B、received收到 C、ignored忽略 D、canceled删除6. A、under在……下 B、at在……方面 C、for为了 D、by用,被7. A、forget忘记 B、regret后悔 C、finish完成 D、avoid避免8. A、partially部分地 B、regularly规律地 C、easily容易地 D、initially最初9. A、Unless除非 B、Since因为 C、If如果 D、While然而10. A、secondary其次 B、external外部的C、conclusive最后的 D、negative消极的11. A、insufficient不够的 B、bound必定的C、likely可能的 D、slow缓慢的12. A、On the basis of 基于 B、At the cost of 以……成本C、 In addition to 另外 D、 In contrast to 与……相反13. A、interesting有趣的 B、advisable明智的C、urgent紧迫的 D、fortunate幸运的14. A、As usual如往常一样 B、In particular尤其C、By definition显然地 D、After all毕竟15. A、resemblance相似 B、combination组合C、connection联系 D、pattern模式16. A、made做 B、served服务 C、saved储存 D、used使用17. A、To be fair公平地说 B、For instance比如说C、To be brief简单来说 D、In general一般来说18. A、reluctantly勉强地 B、entirely完全地C、graally逐渐地 D、carefully小心地19. A、promise承诺 B、experience经验C、campaign运动 D、competition比赛20. A、follow up追踪 B、pick up捡起 C、open up打开 D、end up结束
2020年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语考试部分已经结束,对于许多参加考试的学子而言有人欢喜有人忧,然而更多的还是源源不断地抱怨吐槽声。为何会出现这样的情况呢?根据考生透露,主要是今年英语考试中出现了许多新单词,还有许多自己从未接触过的翻译,考完之后感觉自己的英语水平受到了“羞辱”。那么究竟是怎样的题能让众多考生纷纷摇头呢?我们来看几道。第一种:自己挖坑型网友在完成英语小作文时,介绍到了岳飞,此时就想将岳母在在岳飞背上刺上“精忠报国”的故事介绍一下,然而呢,无奈实力有限,实在不知道如何翻译精忠报国,于是急中生智,写了一个“I love China”,真不知道该夸这位网友聪明还是该说他没有提前做好规划。第二种:才疏学浅型在考研英语翻译题中出现了这样一个词“Renaissance”,不得不承认这是一个并不怎么常见的单词,对于考生而言,自然没见过的概率很大。于是就不知道这个单词该怎么翻译了。不过网友可不笨,一看这个单词放在句中还大写,不是人名就是专有名词啊。专有名词肯定猜不出具体什么意思,但是人名还是可以猜一下的嘛。于是呢,他就巧妙地将”文艺复兴“给翻译成了”瑞娜萨莎“,是不是毫无违和感?不过这个分数只能说与你无缘了。第三种:怀疑人生型参加考研的学子英语水平不一,难免就有一些确实英语基础较差,再加上此次英语考试题目难度较大。于是呢就会出现一问三不知的情况。就像上图中的网友就很生动形象地描述了当时自己的心理状态。”看到英语试卷,我对它说:hello,nice to meet you!“"英语试卷说:你好,题目是各种繁体生僻字,请答题。"风趣幽默的比喻将当时考场中众多英语基础较差的学子的心理状态描述得淋漓尽致。第四种:当场崩溃型不得不说这一次考研英语的难度让众多考生对自己的认识更加深刻,终于明白以前引起为傲的英语与别人之间还是存在着不少的差距。这不,这次考试由于生词较多,不少考生甚至没有答完题。就像上图中的考生一样,小作文、翻译都没有做完。之前提到的文艺复兴也没有翻译出来。考完直言:”英语一是我受到过最大的屈辱!“当然英语要想考高分离不开一定的词汇量。此次英语之所以成为众多考研考生最大的阻碍,莫过于不认识的单词太多,也从侧面反应考生的词汇量仍存在不足。所以当务之急还是利用空余时间多提升下自己的词汇量。英语和语文类似,需要大量的记忆和使用。今年的考研接近尾声,明年或者将来参加考试的你们,准备好了吗?
“Intelligence” at best is an assumptive construct -- the meaning of the word has never been clear. 智力充其量只是一个假设性的概念,因为智力的含义从来就是模糊的。There is more agreement on the kinds of behavior referred to by the term thanthere is on how to interpret or classify them.人们对智力这个词所指的各种表现意见比较一致,而对这些表现的解释或分类则有不同的看法。But it is generally agreed that a person of high intelligence is one who can grasp ideas readily, make distinctions, reason logically, and make use of verbal and mathematical symbols in solving problems.但普遍认为,智力高的人是能指那些够迅速领会思想、区分事物、进行逻辑推理并运用文字和数字符号来解决问题的人。An intelligence test is a rough measure of a child’s capacity for learning, particularly for learning the kinds of things required in school.智力测验只是粗略衡量一个儿童学习的能力,尤其是学习学校所要求的各种知识的能力。It does not measure character, social adjustment, physical enrance, manual skills, or artistic abilities. It is not supposed to -- it was not designed for such purposes.智力测验并不测定人的个性、社会适应能力、身体耐力、手工技能或艺术才能。其设计初衷也并非为了测定这些方面。To criticize it for such failure is roughly comparable to criticizing a thermometer for not measuring wind velocity.批评智力测试不反映上述情况,就犹如批评温度计不测风速一样。The other thing we have to notice is that the assessment of the intelligence of any subject is essentially a comparative affair.我们要注意的另一件事是,对任何测试对象的智力评估都是比较而言的。Now since the assessment of intelligence is a comparative matter we must be sure that the scale with which we are comparing our subjects provides a “valid” or “fair” comparison.既然对智力的评估是比较而言的,那么我们必须确保,在对我们的对象进行比较时,我们所使用的尺度能提供有效的或公平的比较。It is here that some of the difficulties which interest us begin. Any test performed involves at least three factors: the intention to do one’s best, the knowledge required for understanding what you have to do, and the intellectual ability to do it.正是基于这一点,产生了一些让我们关注的问题。进行任何测试至少要包含三个因素:尽力考好的意向,理解考试要求所需要的知识,以及做这件事情所需的智能。The first two must be equalfor all who are being compared, if any comparison in terms of intelligence is to be made.如果从智力方面进行任何比较的话,那么对所有的被比较者来说,前两个因素必须是一样的。In school populations in our culture these assumptions can be made fair and reasonable, and the value of intelligence testing has been proved thoroughly.在我们的文化培养的学生中,上述设想可以公平合理。这就完全证明了智力测试的价值。Its value lies, of course, in its providing a satisfactory basis for prediction.它的价值当然就在它对预测提供了令人满意的依据。No one is in the least interested in the marks a little child gets on his test;没有人会对一个儿童在测试中所取得的分数感兴趣。what we are interested in is whether we can conclude from his mark on the test that the child will do better or worse than other children of his age at tasks which we think require “general intelligence.”我们感兴趣的是,我们能否从他测试的成绩中得出结论:与同龄人相比,这个儿童在完成我们认为需要“一般智力”的任务时,他会做的更好还是更差。On the whole such a conclusion can be drawn with a certain degree of confidence, but only if the child can be assumed to have had the same attitude towards the test as the others with whom he is being compared, and only if he was not punished by lack of relevant information which they possessed.总的来说,得出这种结论是有一定把握的,但前提是必须两个假定成立:这个孩子对测试的态度和与他相比较的孩子对测试的态度相同;他没有因为缺乏别的孩子已掌握的有关知识而被扣分。
原文+译文:When a Scottish research team startled the world by revealing 3 months ago that it had cloned an alt sheep, President Clinton moved swiftly. 三个月前,当一个苏格兰研究小组宣布他们克隆了一只成年绵羊时,世界为之震惊,克林顿总统迅速做出反应。Declaring that he was opposed to using this unusual animal husbandry technique to clone humans, he ordered that federal funds not be used for such an experiment -- although no one had proposed to do so -- and asked an independent panel of experts chaired by Princeton President Harold Shapiro to report back to the White House in 90 days with recommendations for a national policy on human cloning.他宣称反对利用这种非同寻常的畜牧业技术去克隆人,并下令禁止联邦资金用于此类实验——尽管还没有人提议要那样做——并要求一个由普林斯顿大学校长哈罗德·夏皮罗为首的独立专家小组,在九十天内拿出有关克隆人的国家政策的建议,向白宫汇报。That group -- the National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC) -- has been working feverishly to put its wisdom on paper, and at a meeting on 17 May, members agreed on a near-final draft of their recommendations.这个名为“全国生物伦理道德顾问委员会”(NBAC)的小组一直在非常积极地工作,集思广益,并诉诸笔端;在5月17日的一次会议上,委员们就接近定稿的意见书取得了一致意见。NBAC will ask that Clinton’s 90-day ban on federal funds for human cloning be extended indefinitely, and possibly that it be made law.NBAC将要求克林顿总统禁止联邦资金用于克隆人的九十天禁令无限期地延长,并且还可能要求将之立法。But NBAC members are planning to word the recommendation narrowly to avoid new restrictions on research that involves the cloning of human DNA or cells -- routine in molecular biology.但是,NBAC成员们正计划在建议的措辞上更为严谨,以避免给克隆人体DNA或细胞等研究带来更多的限制——(这属于)分子生物研究中的常规课题。The panel has not yet reached agreement on a crucial question, however, whether to recommend legislation that would make it a crime for private funding to be used for human cloning.然而,该小组尚未在一个关键问题上达成一致,即是否建议立法机关将私人资金用于克隆人的行为法定为犯罪。In a draft preface to the recommendations, discussed at the 17 May meeting, Shapiro suggested that the panel had found a broad consensus that it would be “morally unacceptable to attempt to create a human child by alt nuclear cloning.”在5月17日会议上讨论的建议序言草案中,夏皮罗表示,专家组已取得广泛的共识,认为“试图利用成人细胞核去克隆婴儿将是违背道德伦理的”。Shapiro explained ring the meeting that the moral doubt stems mainly from fears about the risk to the health of the child. The panel then informally accepted several general conclusions, although some details have not been settled.夏皮罗解释说在与会期间,道德上的怀疑主要源于对婴儿健康的担忧。随后,该小组非正式地接受了几项概括性的结论,尽管有些细节尚无定论。NBAC plans to call for a continued ban on federal government funding for any attempt to clone body cell nuclei to create a child. Because current federal law already forbids the use of federal funds to create embryos (the earliest stage of human offspring before birth) for research or to knowingly endanger an embryo’s life, NBAC will remain silent on embryo research.NBAC计划呼吁继续禁止为任何企图利用人体细胞核去制造婴孩的做法提供联邦政府基金资助。因为现行的联邦法律已经禁止联邦基金用于制造研究用的胚胎(人类后代出生前的最早阶段)或有意识地危及胚胎的生命,所以NBAC在胚胎研究这一问题上将保持沉默。NBAC members also indicated that they will appeal to privately funded researchers and clinics not to try to clone humans by body cell nuclear transfer. NBAC的成员明确表示,他们将呼吁受私人基金资助的研究人员和诊所不要尝试通过人体细胞核转移来克隆人。But they were divided on whether to go further by calling for a federal law that would impose a complete ban on human cloning. Shapiro and most members favored an appeal for such legislation, but in a phone interview, he said this issue was still “up in the air.”但他们在是否进一步要求联邦立法强令完全禁止克隆人这一问题上存在分歧。夏皮罗和大多数委员赞成将此立法,但在电话采访中,他透露这一议题仍“悬而未决”。试题:51. We can learn from the first paragraph that.[A] federal funds have been used in a project to clone humans[B] the White House responded strongly to the news of cloning[C] NBAC was authorized to control the misuse of cloning technique[D] the White House has got the panel’s recommendations on cloning52. The panel agreed on all of the following except that.[A] the ban on federal funds for human cloning should be made a law[B] the cloning of human DNA is not to be put under more control[C] it is criminal to use private funding for human cloning[D] it would be against ethical values to clone a human being53. NBAC will leave the issue of embryo research undiscussed because_.[A] embryo research is just a current development of cloning[B] the health of the child is not the main concern of embryo research[C] an embryo’s life will not be endangered in embryo research[D] the issue is explicitly stated and settled in the law54. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that.[A] some NBAC members hesitate to ban human cloning completely[B] a law banning human cloning is to be passed in no time[C] privately funded researchers will respond positively to NBAC’s appeal[D] the issue of human cloning will soon be settled答案:B C D A
考研五大题型中,翻译对语法和词汇的依赖度最高,那么在这里我们就一起分析,想要拿下翻译题,至少需要掌握哪些方面的词汇知识。考研词汇基本可以分为两大类:基础词汇,大约2000词;核心词汇,3500左右。基础词汇,指考生在初高中就已经学过的词语,比如“support”、“claim”等等,基础词汇在翻译中也很常见,主要考察其生僻意思,其难度令大多数考生望而生畏。比如,2010年考研试题翻译中出现了这样的搭配“health of game”,很多同学觉得很简单直接翻译成“游戏的健康”。“游戏”不是生物谈何“健康”,这种译文毫无疑问是错误的。在这里就是考察“game”的生僻意思——“猎物”,所以正确翻译应该是“猎物的健康”。再比如,考研考研试题中还出现过这样的搭配“common run of men”,很多同学看到“run”就想到了它的第一意义——“跑步”,甚至有考生翻译成“普通跑男”,这种翻译无疑也是错误的。在这里也是考查“run”的生僻含义,表示“种类”。所以考生在备考翻译词汇时,要多积累一些基础词汇的生僻意思。那有同学会问,考研2000多个基础词汇都需要掌握才能做好翻译吗?答案当然是否定的,2000多个基础词汇未必都会在翻译题中考察,翻译中的基础词汇有一个非常明显的特点——在翻译题中复现率极高,比如“business”一词在2005年考过“行业”(television business)的含义,2006年考过“商业”(conct in business)的含义,2009年考过“业务”的含义(chief business)。大家在备考翻译中的基础词汇时,只需关注历届考研翻译考研试题中出现的那一部分即可,大概有500词左右。核心词汇,指初高中未学过、较长较难的词汇。这部分词虽然难,但是词义比较固定,相对没有那么灵活,所以同学想办法记住词义就可,无需掌握多个意思。当然,备考翻译也不需要将3500个核心词汇都背全,考研翻译中核心词汇考察有一个很显著的特征——这部分词在考研阅读和完形填空中复现率极高。所以大家应该主要去掌握这两大题型中常出现的核心词汇,总计1000词左右。翻译题型只是纸老虎,只要大家根据出题特点相应进行备考,拿下6分或9分的及格分并不困难。
While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians, modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past.几乎每个历史学家对史学都有自己的界定,但是现代史学家的实践最趋于认为历史学试图重现过去的重大史实并对其做出解释。Caught in the web of its own time and place, each generation of historians determines anew what is significant for it in the past.由于受其所处时间和地点的限制,每一代史学家都要重新判断过去哪些史料对他们具有重要价值。In this search the evidence found is always incomplete and scattered; it is also frequently partial or partisan.在这种探索中,所发现的证据总是不完全的、零散的,而且常常是不全面的或带有派别色彩的。The irony of the historian’s craft is that its practitioners always know that their efforts are but contributions to an unending process.历史研究这个行当的讽刺意味在于,从事研究的人一直知道,他们的努力只不过是为永无止境的过程添砖加瓦而已。Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.人们之所以关注历史研究的方法论,主要是因为史学界内部意见不一,其次是因为外界并不认为历史是一门学问。While history once revered its affinity to literature and philosophy, the emerging social sciences seemed to afford greater opportunities for asking new questions and providing rewarding approaches to an understanding of the past.尽管历史学一度崇尚它与文学和哲学的相似之处,但新兴的社会科学似乎提供了更多机会,以便人们能够提出新问题,有了解过去的有效途径。Social science methodologies had to be adapted to a discipline governed by the primacy of historical sources rather than the imperatives of the contemporary world.社会科学研究的方法论必须进行改变以适应这样一个学科,其基础是史料,而不是当代社会的需要。During this transfer, traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study.在这种转变中,历史学家研究历史时,那些解释新史料的新方法充实了传统的历史研究方法。Methodology is a term that remains inherently ambiguous in the historical profession.在历史学界,方法论这个词从来都是模棱两可的。There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical workin general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historicalinquiry.所谓方法论是指一般的历史研究中的特有概念,还是指历史探究中各个具体领域适用的研究手段,人们对此意见不一。Historians, especially those so blinded by their research interests that they have been accused of “tunnel method,” frequently fall victim to the “technicist fallacy.”史学家,尤其是那些单纯局限于他们研究兴趣的史学家,被指责为使用“单方向研究法”,他们常常成为“纯技术方法论”的牺牲品。Also common in the natural sciences, the technicist fallacy mistakenly identifies the discipline as a whole with certain parts of its technical implementation.纯技术方法论错误地把整个学科与学科研究的某些操作方法等同起来,这种情况在自然科学领域里也屡见不鲜。It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources, and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques.这种谬误同样存在于历史传统派和历史社科派;前者认为历史就是史学界内部和外部人士对各种史料来源的评论,后者则认为历史的研究是具体方法的研究。
According to the new school of scientists, technology is an overlooked force in expanding the horizons of scientific knowledge. 新学派的科学家认为,技术是扩大科学知识的范围中被忽视的力量。Science moves forward, they say, not so much throughthe insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniquesand tools.他们说,科学的进步与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼见,不如说源于改进了的技术和工具等等更为普通的东西。“In short,” a leader of the new school contends, “the scientific revolution,as we call it, was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instrumentsthat expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions.”“简言之”,新学派的一位领袖人物主张:“我们所称的科学革命,主要是指一系列工具的改进、发明和应用,这些改进、发明和应用扩大了科学在各个方向上的发展”。Over the years, tools and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science.工具和技术本身作为根本性创新的源泉多年来在很大程度上被史学家和哲学家忽视了。The modern school that hails technology argues that such masters as Galileo, Newton, Maxwell, Einstein, and inventors such as Edison attached great importance to, and derived great benefit from, craft information and technological devices of different kinds that were usable in scientific experiments.为技术而欢呼的现代学派争辩说,像伽利略、牛顿、麦克斯威尔、爱因斯坦这样的科学大师和像爱迪生这样的发明家十分重视科学实验中能使用的各种不同的工艺信息和技术装置并从中受益匪浅。The centerpiece of the argument of a technology-yes, genius-no advocate was an analysis of Galileo’s role at the start of the scientific revolution. The wisdom of the day was derived from Ptolemy, an astronomer of the second century, whose elaborate system of the sky put Earth at the center of all heavenly motions.鼓吹技术、否认天才的支持者的论据核心是分析了科学革命初期伽利略的作用。那时的聪明才智来源于第二世纪的天文学家托勒密,他创立了详尽的太空体系,该体系把地球置于所有天体运动的中心。Galileo’s greatest glory was that in 1609 he wasthe first person to turn the newly invented telescope on the heavens to prove that the planetsrevolve around the sun rather than around the Earth.伽利略最光辉的业绩在于他在1609年第一个把新发明的望远镜对准天空,旨在证实行星围绕太阳旋转而不是围绕地球旋转。But the real hero of the story, according to the new school of scientists, was the long evolution in the improvement of machinery for making eye-glasses.但是,在新学派科学家看来,这件事件真正成功的因素是镜片制造机械长期以来不断的改进和发展。Federal policy is necessarily involved in the technology vs. genius dispute.联邦政府的政策必然要卷入到技术与天才之争中去。Whetherthe Government’s should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technologyor vice versa (反之) often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force.政府究竟是以减少对技术经费的投入来增加对纯理论科学的经费投入,还是相反,这往往取决于把哪一方看作是驱动力量。试题分析31.[解析]本题考核的知识点是:not so much…的译法。这个句子的主干是Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of… as because of…。 这个句子的难点在于not so much… as 的译法。实际上它是对两种事物做比较,否定前者,肯定后者,这里是否定through the insights of great men of genius,肯定because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools,一般译为“与其……不如”,相类似的表达还有:more… than…, less… than…, not…but rather…等等。它们都是对一个事物的肯定和对另一个事物的否定。like在这里表示举例或列举的意思,译为“像”或“比如”。译文:他们(新学派科学家们)说,科学的发展与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼见,不如说源于改进了的技术和工具等等更为普通的东西。32. [解析]本题考核的知识点是:定语从句先行词的判断和翻译时的前置和后置。句中的主句是a leader…contends; in short 至句末是contends的宾语从句。在这个从句中,主语是the scientific revolution, was是系动词,the improvement and invention and use of instruments是表语。as we call it意为“我们称之的”,it指revolution。表语the improvement and invention and use由介词词组of instruments和一个that引导的定语从句修饰。of短语一般译作前置定语。虽然离that 引导的定语从句最近的名词是instruments,但是此定语从句从意思上看并不是修饰instruments,而是修饰the improvement and invention and use。类似的这种情况经常可见,再例如:In fact a basic amount of movement occurs ring sleep which is specifically concerned with preventing muscle inactivity.事实上,在睡眠期间仍然有一个基本的活动量,这种活动量特别与防止肌肉活动中断有关。which 引导的定语从句不修饰靠它最近的sleep,而是修饰a basic amount of movement.如果一个词有多重定语,很难按中文的习惯把它们都译作前置定语。在这个情况下,可以根据通顺的原则将其简短地译作前置定语,而其他的则灵活处理。一般用“这”来代替先行词,或用重复先行词的方法。词汇方面:school 在这里意为“学派”;in short意为“简单地说,简而言之”。译文:“简言之”,新学派的一位领袖人物主张:“我们所称的科学革命,主要是指一系列器具的改进、发明和使用,这些改进、发明和应用使科学向各个方向发展发展。”33. [解析]本题考核的知识点是:as的用法和被动语态。这个句子是主干是tools and technology… have largely been ignored by…。被动句的完成时态,强调被动意义,可以译成汉语的被动语态。as的用法灵活,意思多样,出现频率也很高。它可以做连词、介词和副词,还有一系列的含as的短语。as在本题中后面带一个名词性的结构,因此是介词,意为“作为”。词汇方面:over the year意为“多年来”。themselves意为“本身”。译文:工具和技术本身作为根本性创新的源泉多年来在很大程度上被史学家和哲学家忽视了。34.[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:抽象名词、目的状语从句和rather than的译法。这是一个简单复合句。句子的主语是glory,谓语是was,表语由that引导的表语从句构成,基本符合中文的语序,可以顺译。表语从句中he是主语,was是系动词,the first person是表语。to turn the newly invented是不定式做定语修饰the first person。to prove that… 是目的状语,可以前置译作“为了……”,亦可以后置译作“以……”;prove后的that从句做动词prove的宾语。rather than 一般译作“而不是”。主语glory是一个抽象名词。翻译某些抽象名词时,在符合含义的情况下可以增词把它具体化,glory可译作“光辉的业绩”。译文:伽利略最光辉的业绩在于他在1609年第一个把新发明的望远镜对准天空,旨在证实行星围绕太阳旋转而不是围绕地球旋转。35.[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:at the expense of 和whether… or…的含义。这是一个简单复合句。句子的主干是Whether… or… often depends on…。主语是whether… or vice versa“是……还是相反”。Whether…or…一般译成“是……还是”,表示两者选择,因此or后头的vice versa表达的即是“以减少对纯科学的投入来增加对技术的投入”。谓语是depend on…。 宾语部分the issue意为“问题”,它表达的事情就是后面of加which从句的内容,即“把哪一方看做是驱动力量的问题”。词汇方面:financing显然是由动词finance变过来的动名词,其意思可以由动词或名词的意思猜出来。at the expense of 意为“以……为代价”。“以技术为代价去资助科学”的意思是“以减少对技术的投入来增加对科学的资助”。译文:政府究竟是以减少对技术的经费投入而增加对纯理论科学的经费投入,还是相反,这往往取决于把哪一方看做是驱动力量。