【考点考向】柱状图 春节娱乐方式【必备主题词】娱乐 entertainment; amusement; recreation亲朋聚会 family gathering旅行 travel; go off on a trip看电影 watch movies居民 resident; inhabitant社会进步 the advancement of society; the development of society经济繁荣 the prosperity of the national economy【必备论证素材句】造成上述现象的几个主要原因可以总结如下。Several primary causes that contribute to the above-mentioned phenomenon could be summarized as follows.社会的进步与发展丰富了居民的娱乐方式。The progress and development of our society enrich residents’ ways of entertainment.国家经济的繁荣与个人财富的积累为人们选择不同的娱乐方式奠定了坚实的经济基础。The prosperity of the national economy and the accumulation of personal wealth lay a solid financial foundation for people to choose various amusements. 【实战演练】Directions:Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you shouldinterpret the chart, andgive your comments.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)The bar chart clearly demonstrates the changes in residents’ ways of entertainment ring the Spring Festival in a certain city from 2015 to 2019. As is graphically shown in the chart above, there was a graal decline in the proportion of people choosing family gatherings from 69.1% to 60.6% between 2015 and 2019. By contrast, a remarkable growth occurred in the proportion of residents preferring traveling ring Spring Festival from 13.6% to 20.2%. For the proportion of people who would like to watch New Year movies, it increased from 10.4% to 13.2% ring the same period.Several primary causes that contribute to the above-mentioned phenomenon could be summarized as follows. On the one hand, the progress and development of our society enrich residents’ ways of entertainment, and thus a growing number of people tend to go off on a trip or go to the cinema instead of staying at home ring Spring Festival. On the other hand, the prosperity of the national economy and the accumulation of personal wealth lay a solid financial foundation for people to choose various amusements. Thus, an increase was witnessed in the proportion of people who are willing to travel or choose to watch movies ring the Chinese New Year holiday.Taking into account what has been argued, we can come to the conclusion that this established trend is positive and therefore acceptable. And it is certain that this trend will continue in the years to come.【写作思路】本题在图表形式上,与2019年真题某高校本科毕业生就业去向统计类似,审题的方法是相通的。在主题词方面,与2015年真题我国某市居民春节假期花销比例可以相互借鉴。通过阅读图表,我们得知这是一个含有时间变化的柱状图,展现了某市居民娱乐方式近4年所发生的变化。通过观察数据,可以得知春节期间选择旅行度假和看贺岁电影的居民比例有所增长,那么文章也就可以去分析数字增长背后的成因。造成这一现象的原因是多方面的,可以从经济角度,也就是财富的增长来分析;也可以选取社会角度,社会进步,娱乐方式逐渐多样,人们有了更多的选择;还可以从交通便利的角度,高铁的进步,私家车数量的增长,为出行提供方便;另外也可以从人们内心的变化角度,城市居民,尤其是年轻人思想的变化等等。
2021年考研英语二考试已经圆满举行了,那么今天环球青藤小编就来给大家说一说2021年考研英语二小作文解析的内容,希望能给各位考生带来帮助,祝愿各位考生都能取得满意的成绩。考研英语二小作文:邀请信,邀请国外专家参加线上会议Section III WritingPart A51.Directions:Suppose you are organising an online meeting . Write anemail to Jack,an international student .(l) invite him to participate , and(2)tellhim the details.You should write neatly on ANSWERS HEET2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the e-mail.Use“LiMing”instead .Do not write the address .(10points)作文范文Dear Jack,My name is Li Ming.chairman of the Students' Union in our university. It is my honor to organize the forthcoming online meeting on Chinese-European culure exchange,andIam wring this email o cordilly ivite ou to participate in this meting.Due to the widespread impact of the curent COVID-19 pandemic,i is been decided that this meing wil be hold online at 10 am this Saturday, via the sofware called Tencent Online. We are hoping that you could give us a 15-minute alk about the culture in your motherland,or any culture shock you haveexperienced after coming to China.I doesn'thaveto be a formal one,but Ibelieve i will definiely become meaningful infommation for us al.We truely hope youcould give me a favorable reply,and lave us a wonderful memory in this metingSincerely yours,Li Ming亲爱的杰克,我叫李明,我们大学学生会主席。我很荣幸组织即将召开的中欧文化交流在线会议,我写这封邮件是为了诚挚地邀请您参加这次会议。由于目前的COVID-19疫情影响广泛,会议决定于本周六上午10点通过名为腾讯在线的软件在线举行。我们希望您能准备15分钟的演讲,谈谈您祖国的文化,或者您来中国后所经历的任何文化冲击。它不必是一个正式的演说,但我相信它一定会成为对所有人有意义的信息。我们真诚地希望您能给我一个正面的答复,并在这次会议上给我们留下美好的回忆。作文点评首先,从形式来讲,2021考研英语(二)小作文的出题形式基本和历年真题保持一致,给出一个简要的指导,且依旧延续了历年小作文两点提纲的风格。其次,从难易程度上来看,2021考研英语(二)基本也和历年真题持平。题目属于邀请信,围绕一个在线会议展开话题,具体来说就是邀请一位留学生"Jack"来参加"你"所筹办的一次在线会议。题目中要求除了在信中表达邀请之外,还要给出会议的一些细节信息。因此,考生在写信件主体段内容时,注意需要给出会议的主题、时间、方式、希望对方参与的活动等。最后,有关会议的安排,仔细分析,跟2015年考研英语(二)小作文有相似之处,该年题目是关于大学运动会的通知,涉及活动必然要求写明活动起止时间、持续时间以及活动地点,所以,认真备考过的考生在写第二点提纲时可以借鉴2015 年背过的句式及表达进行写作。2021年考研英语二小作文解析的内容小编就说到这里了, 更多关于考研备考技巧,报名入口,考研报名时间,考研成绩查询,考研报名费用,准考证打印入口及时间等问题,小编会及时更新。希望各位考生都能进入自己的理想考研院校。希望大家能好好复习。取得佳绩。
2020考研英语二真题及答案【作文】!真题:一个饼图:60%用来学习知识,21%用来消磨时间,4%是其它,17%是获取信息。高校学生手机阅读目的调查【参考范文-网络版】As is vividly depicted in the chart, it provides the information concerning the reading purpose of college students by mobile phones in a certain university.To be specific, the percentage of learning is 58%, which is biggest among the four categories. Meanwhile, acquiring information, entertaining and others account for 28%, 12% and 2% respectively.Without a doubt, the real purpose of the chart is to tell us that a majority of college students read their phones for study rather than have fun. On one hand, with the rapid development of science and technology, our smart phones become increasingly convenient for students to study. Instead of taking numerous books in their bags, they prefer to put significant learning materials into their phone and then they can read them at any place they want. On the other hand, the present college students are under huge competitive stress. As a result, they are aware of the significance of learning in college,where they should enhance their knowledge and skills to cope with the challenges and obstacles in the years to come.Taking above reasons into consideration, we could firmly believe that the tendency will continue in the forthcoming years.小作文:真题Directions:Suppose you are panning a tour of historical site for a group of international students1) Say something about the site2) give some tips for the tourYou should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name at the end of the email. Use“Li Ming" instead.Do not write the address (10 points)[参考范文--网络版]Dear international students,Welcome to China! Knowing that you have a keen interest in Chinese historical sites, I am writing to recommend you to visit the Forbidden City, one of the prestigioushistoric relics in China.Here are the brief introctions . Firstly, The Forbidden city is the imperial palace of the two dynasties in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Secondly, located in the capital of China, the Forbidden City showcases many collections of ancient arts and antiques, which offer a glimpse of China's extensive and sophisticated culture.Finally, what needs to pay special attention to is that you had better book tickets online ahead of time though any digital devices. Before visiting, to take a panorama of the palace would be a sensible to guild your trip and save much time.I hope my suggestions would be of benefit for you. Please feel free to contact me. I am looking forward to your reply.Enjoy your tour!关于作文的真题和参考答案就到这里啦,今年参加考研的小伙伴可以好好休息一下啦。2020考研已经结束,话说2021考研还会远吗?备考2021考研的宝宝们,不用害怕,考研一般在大三第二学期2月份开始,考研的话,大半年时间够用了,现在你可以搜集了解目标院校的招生简章、专业目录、参考书目、报录比这些信息,尽量找一些已考上的学姐学长,了解参考书目、真题等信息。有机会的话去目标院校多转转,没准儿会有意想不到的收获。现阶段,你应该学好英语和专业课,打好基础,为你的正式备考打好基础。说到资料,数学的话,一般来说汤神讲的细、基础,适合基础不好的,李大帝综合性强。英语的话,真题安利英语一的《考研真相》/英语二的《考研圣经》,逐词逐句精解,一句一句解析每一篇真题,完形填空和阅读理解都是一句话一句话给你分析讲解的,补基础很不错。
英语一的作文包括小作文10分,大作文20分;英语二的小作文10分,大作文 15分。所以,这张试卷除了阅读部分,作文就扛起了半个小江山,望大家认真 对待。我们强调的是提前创作,而不是留到考场进行创作,以免出现错误。小作文整体而言,模板化的东西相对来说比较多一些,所以,大家进行自我创作 和发挥的空间就少一些。对于这些基本固定的句式结构,大家尽量多参看几种句 式,然后敲定自己喜欢的,这样在考场上就可以游刃有余。考研是大事,英语作文需要技巧,在新的一年里,宏博太奇考研希望小伙伴们考试必胜,成功上岸。
星光不负赶路人祝各位拼搏坚持的考研学子们,都能心想事成,来年复试一马当先,顺利加入研究生阵列!对以上答案有疑问者,可在留言区留言。小编将第一时间为您解决~来源:文章 | MBAe
目前正值十一国庆假期,但对于考研人来说,他们没有假期。今天这篇文章,小研来详细谈一下英语作文的复习,希望能够对考研的同学有所帮助。考研英语分为英语一和英语二,其中英语一比英语二难度稍微大一点,作文部分也有些许差别。一、考研英语作文分值考研英语分为英语一和英语二,分值分别为:英语一:小作文(10分)+大作文(20分)=满分30分英语二:小作文(10分)+大作文(15分)=满分25分二、考研英语作文概述1、小作文英语一和英语二的小作文区别不是很大,小作文通常是信函,要求考生回复或给某人(或某机构等)回复一篇信件。可以按照标准的 “三段式”写法:第一段:表达收到信后的心情+交代本篇文章的主题;第二段:根据主题写具体措施或解决方法等;第三段:希望对方及时联系自己。2、大作文2.1:英语一三段式格式(图画为主):第一段:“如图所示”+图片描述+阐述中心思想;第二段:按一定的逻辑顺序展开对中心思想的论述;第三段:升华主题(如“我们应该更加重视……”等)。:2.2:英语二三段式格式(图表为主):第一段:描述图表,可以先描述总体规律,然后叙述突出节点,进而引入文章的论述重点;第二段:分析原因,可以先从宏观的、大的方面来讲,然后细化到我们个人的行为;第三段:进行图表预测或提出解决结果,一定要紧靠主题。注意:不管英语一还是英语二一定不要跑题。三、那么该如何复习作文呢?对于作文这一部分有些人喜欢眼高手低,特别对于那些自认为英语很不错的同学来说,每年出事这类人很多。反而那些英语成绩并不是很好的人,不骄不躁,一步一步踏踏实实的来,最后英语成绩不差。英语作文就类似于考研数学一样,这是需要动手去写的,一定要亲自动手去写,不能只看,看是一回事,做又是一回事。很多同学平常复习的时候不训练,以为自己知道套路就好了,结果到了考场上憋半天憋不出来,这就是练得少的原因。小作文部分:书信结构简单,注意关联词的套用,行文规范即可,一般这部分对于考生来说比较简单。大作文部分:我们要分析图标和图画作文的书写,平时复习过程中要准备几套属于自己的模板,然后训练过程中就按这个结构来。比如第一段落针对图画、图标不同方式的展开主题,第二段落详细说明,第三段落总结的运用。还有就是各段落之间的衔接,语法问题,这点在复习真题阅读理解的过程中要细心。最后想说的有两点:1、书写,一定要保持整洁。2、注意时间的分配使用,考试过程中我建议大家先写作文。考研不易,胜利终点也快到了,同学们加油!
考研英语写作时主题词不会写?这件事太头疼了!那就赶紧收藏下面这份资料吧2021考研英语100组必备写作主题词1. 健康环保类keep social distance 保持社交距离wear facial mask 佩戴口罩wash hands frequently 勤洗手climate change 气候变化ocean protection 海洋保护environment protection 环境保护environmental deterioration 环境恶化maintain ecological balance 保持生态平衡a pleasant living environment 宜人的生活环境environment-friendly proct 环保产品low carbon economy 低碳经济save energy and rece emissions 节能减排renewable energy sources 可再生能源enhance environmental protection awareness 提高环保意识white pollution 白色污染disposable chopsticks 一次性筷子garbage classification 垃圾分类electronic auto 电动汽车fossil fuel 矿物燃料instrial waste 工业废弃物sewage treatment 污水处理comprehensive utilization 综合利用bio-degradable plastic bag 可降解塑料袋law enforcement inspection 执法检查1. 教育文化类Online Chatting 在线交流college entrance examination 高考vocational training 职业培训theoretical knowledge 理论知识future one’s study 深造foster one's abilities 培养能力relieve the burden on students 减轻学生负担obtain a degree 获得学位teaching facilities 教学设施tap one’s potential 开发潜能cultural integration 文化融合cultural exchange 文化交流cultural diversity 文化多元化intercultural communication 跨文化交流promote cultural development 促进文化发展mainstream culture 主流文化keep pace with times 与时俱进splendid and glorious cultural heritage 辉煌灿烂的文化遗产great and profound culture 博大精深的文化2. 就业职场类the market economy 市场经济economic globalization 经济全球化sustainable development 可持续发展sluggish economy 经济不景气economic restructuring 经济结构调整stimulate consumer spending 刺激消费economic recovery 经济复苏combat the crisis 应对危机confidence reconstruction 重建信心expand domestic demand 扩大内需tough job market 严峻的就业形势social security system 社会保障体系job satisfaction 工作满意度improve one’s fringe benefits 提高福利待遇generate new employment 创造新的就业career guidance 就业指导downsize/ cut staff 裁员jobless rate 失业率seek employment 找工作working pressure 工作压力3. 人生哲理类strong-minded 坚强的instrious 勤奋的promising and dynamic 有前途和活力的devoted and responsible 忠诚且有责任心的make constant efforts 不断努力perseverance 坚持不懈self-confidence 自信modesty 谦虚keep optimistic 保持乐观cooperative efforts 齐心协力team spirit 团队精神striving spirit 奋斗精神exaggerate difficulties 高估困难underestimate one’s ability 低估能力reap without sowing 不劳而获boomerang kids 啃老族make the right choice 做出正确选择professional ethics 职业道德fraulent activity 欺诈行为outlook on the world 世界观5. 社会科技类cause alarm and attention 引起了警惕和重视ensure implementing activities 确保执行population aging 人口老龄化support one’s parent 赡养父母shoulder one’s responsibility 承担责任psychological health 心理健康short-term financial benefits 短期经济利益traditional virtue 传统美德be morally bankrupt 道德沦丧sacrifice one’s health 牺牲健康surf the web 上网virtual life 虚拟生活internet violence 网络暴力irresponsible remarks 不负责任的言论internet supervision 网络监管social media 社交媒体be occupied with digital device 沉溺电子设备artificial intelligence 人工智能online donation 在线捐款online ecation 在线教育今日内容2015(英语一)- TEXT 4真题词汇【01】unsettling使人不安的,混乱的【02】dearth缺乏,稀少【03】integrity正直,诚实;完整【04】collapse倒塌;崩溃【05】collective 集体的;共同的;集合的【06】absence缺席,缺失;不存在【07】wound 伤及;伤害【08】trial [法]审讯,审批【09】conspire 阴谋策划【10】predecessor 前任,前辈【11】frame 表述,表达;构筑,建造【12】revelation揭发,暴露【13】inquire 打听,询问;查究,查问【14】defence 辩护【15】accountable 负有责任的,应对自己的行为做出说明的;可解释的【16】doctrine 教条;教诲,教导【17】flexibility弹性,机动性,灵活性【18】shareholder股东;股票持有者【19】circulation发行量;流通【20】degrade 降低,贬低;使降级【21】proportionality 比例(性),均衡(性)【22】betray 暴露(不易发觉的东西);流露【23】humanity人性(不可数)【24】quest (历时较久的)寻求,探索,追求【25】suspicion怀疑;嫌疑;疑心【26】traceable可追踪的,可溯源的真题短语【01】the dearth of ……的缺失【02】speak of谈及,论及【03】collective acceptance 共同接受的理念【04】sorting mechanism 分选机制【05】drive one’s point home彻底将观点阐释清楚【06】the absence of ……的匮乏/缺失【07】moral language/purpose 道德语言/目的【08】lose one’s way 迷失方向【09】telephone hacking 电话窃听【10】find sb guilty for doing 判定某人某罪【11】find sb innocent of the charge判定某人就指控无罪【12】up to 高达【13】on an instrial scale 呈现一定行业规模【14】in many respects在许多方面【15】went on 进行,发生【16】the core of ……的核心【17】be accountable for对……负责【18】run an organization管理某一组织【19】collective doctrine 集体信条【20】degraded to the margin被降至边缘【21】promote understanding 促进理解【22】betray common humanity暴露共同的人性【23】in the quest for 追求……【24】have suspicions about 对……存有怀疑