2020考研英语二真题及答案【作文】!真题:一个饼图:60%用来学习知识,21%用来消磨时间,4%是其它,17%是获取信息。高校学生手机阅读目的调查【参考范文-网络版】As is vividly depicted in the chart, it provides the information concerning the reading purpose of college students by mobile phones in a certain university.To be specific, the percentage of learning is 58%, which is biggest among the four categories. Meanwhile, acquiring information, entertaining and others account for 28%, 12% and 2% respectively.Without a doubt, the real purpose of the chart is to tell us that a majority of college students read their phones for study rather than have fun. On one hand, with the rapid development of science and technology, our smart phones become increasingly convenient for students to study. Instead of taking numerous books in their bags, they prefer to put significant learning materials into their phone and then they can read them at any place they want. On the other hand, the present college students are under huge competitive stress. As a result, they are aware of the significance of learning in college,where they should enhance their knowledge and skills to cope with the challenges and obstacles in the years to come.Taking above reasons into consideration, we could firmly believe that the tendency will continue in the forthcoming years.小作文:真题Directions:Suppose you are panning a tour of historical site for a group of international students1) Say something about the site2) give some tips for the tourYou should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name at the end of the email. Use“Li Ming" instead.Do not write the address (10 points)[参考范文--网络版]Dear international students,Welcome to China! Knowing that you have a keen interest in Chinese historical sites, I am writing to recommend you to visit the Forbidden City, one of the prestigioushistoric relics in China.Here are the brief introctions . Firstly, The Forbidden city is the imperial palace of the two dynasties in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Secondly, located in the capital of China, the Forbidden City showcases many collections of ancient arts and antiques, which offer a glimpse of China's extensive and sophisticated culture.Finally, what needs to pay special attention to is that you had better book tickets online ahead of time though any digital devices. Before visiting, to take a panorama of the palace would be a sensible to guild your trip and save much time.I hope my suggestions would be of benefit for you. Please feel free to contact me. I am looking forward to your reply.Enjoy your tour!关于作文的真题和参考答案就到这里啦,今年参加考研的小伙伴可以好好休息一下啦。2020考研已经结束,话说2021考研还会远吗?备考2021考研的宝宝们,不用害怕,考研一般在大三第二学期2月份开始,考研的话,大半年时间够用了,现在你可以搜集了解目标院校的招生简章、专业目录、参考书目、报录比这些信息,尽量找一些已考上的学姐学长,了解参考书目、真题等信息。有机会的话去目标院校多转转,没准儿会有意想不到的收获。现阶段,你应该学好英语和专业课,打好基础,为你的正式备考打好基础。说到资料,数学的话,一般来说汤神讲的细、基础,适合基础不好的,李大帝综合性强。英语的话,真题安利英语一的《考研真相》/英语二的《考研圣经》,逐词逐句精解,一句一句解析每一篇真题,完形填空和阅读理解都是一句话一句话给你分析讲解的,补基础很不错。
小编最近整理了有关考研英语一大作文的模板,马上就有小伙伴在后台留言急需英语二的作文模板,在只剩下一个月的时间里,大家已经纷纷开始背作文了。这也说明考生的复习已经到了最后的阶段,小编为大家感到开心。今天,就为大家再整理一下英语二之对立观点型的模板,大家来自提呀。(主题词) and(主题词)are nothing strange for us, because increasingly more argumentations about them can be found in TV programs, newspapers, university classes and many aspects of our everyday life. Before rendering my opinion, I think it is necessary to take a glance at the arguments on both sides.It is undeniable that BBB has its own merits.The most extreme manifestation of this idea is the fact that例子. Even so, we have no complete evidence to suggest that BBB is always better than AAA. There are numerous reasons for my preference for AAA, and I shall here explore only a few of the most important ones. What is also worth noticing fact is that原因一. The above is only part of the important aspects, and another one with equal significance with respect to choosing between the two lies in the development of the proposition that原因二.All in all, taking into account all these merits that AAA boasts of, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that the advantages of AAA outweigh any benefit we can get from BBB and choosing AAA is a rather wise decision.以上就是考研英语二其中一个类型的模板,后续小编还会整理其他的类型,各位小伙伴有什么需求也可以后台留言。
2020考研英语考试已经落下帷幕,作为考研英语的最后一个模块,作文是众多考生关注和畏惧的。可以说,“得阅读者得天下,得作文者得永生”。在此,笔者通过精细英语二小作文,希望能够为备考的你们提供一些受用的框架和思路,为大家的考研旅程尽点绵薄之力。2020考研英语一真题如下:Directions:46. Directions:Suppose you are planning a tour of a historical site for a group of international students. Write an email to1) tell them about the site, and2) give them some tips for the tourPlease write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name, use “Li Ming”instead. (10 points)写作分析1. 考题形式根据大纲规定,小作文考查形式包含书信、通知、报告、备忘录,而今年的考题也同样考查了考频最高的文体—书信,这与平时授课和作文点睛课上反复强调的以书信复习备考为主的授课重点也不谋而合。具体而言,今年考查的书信为说明类和建议类的结合,即首先要明确说明历史景点的具体名称,其次还要说清楚观光游览时的建议事项。两方面都要写到,切不可有偏废。2. 写作内容小作文又叫应用文,相对于大作文来说内容更为简短,题材都集中在日常生活中使用频率较大的实用性文体。就今年所考查的内容而言,认真练习过真题的同学会发现,“年年岁岁人不同,岁岁年年题不变”,事实上,2017年英语一的小作文中曾考察过景点的介绍信,所以其中对于景点介绍的部分表达可以借鉴到这次的作文中。而对于景点的介绍和参观建议这两个部分的写作,孰轻孰重,题干中并没有具体的规定,同学们可根据自己实际的写作能力和对试题的理解进行有效把握。3. 注意事项对于小作文而言,大纲要求颇为详实,概括起来,主要涉及:格式正确,语域恰当,语言准确,内容完整。格式方面,务必包含称呼、正文、落款和署名;语域方面,因收信人和写信人之间的陌生关系,故为正式信件;语言准确,包含词汇和句法两个方面的准确完整;内容完整,即必须说明景点名称和建议两个部分。以上即为2020英语二应用文的整体分析和梳理,希望对刚刚结束考试的考生有所启发。同时,2021的学生也已经开始进入紧张备考状态,在此提醒各位以考点为指向,打好词汇和语法基本功,为厚积薄发打下坚实基础。
最近总是有一些同学私信小编,让小编写一篇关于2020年考研英语二的预测作文以及一些写作模板的分享。作为参加过考研的我来说非常理解同学们的想法的,每个同学都想在考研的时候能够考出一个非常不错的成绩,而在考研英语这一科目中,作文是非常重要的一部分,所以今天励志学生就结合近些年考研英语二的出题规律和大家一起分享一下小编对于2020年考研英语二作文的预测,当然仅仅是预测,仅供同学们参考。考研英语二是从2010年开始的,所以我们依旧拿出从2010年到2019年作文的题型来看,从2010年作文考的都是柱状图,2015年和2016年考的是饼状图,2017年考的是折线图,这也是小编参加考研的那一年,2018年考的又是饼状图,而小编也是在2019考研前夕预测要考柱状图,去年也确实是考了柱状图,因此很多同学又让我预测今年考研英语二的作文。首先,我们可以排除柱状图,因为去年刚刚考,然后饼状图也已经考过几次了,可能性不太大,所以小编认为今年考试折线图的可能性会比较大一些。当然折线图是大家重点复习的,柱状图和饼状图也需要看看,万一考到了也不至于什么都不会。虽然可能不如折线图句子漂亮,但也能说得过去。有的同学会问,英语二的作文就仅仅考柱状图、饼状图和折线图吗?我可以回答是的,如果不是明确的这三类图,也可以间接的归到这三类。接下来小编就和大家分享一下,我对于折线图的模板,希望能够给同学们一个参考,让大家有更大的发挥空间。2017考研英语二折线图作文真题第一段:对于折线图作文,首先要做到的就是把折线的趋势表示出来,一般为三句话。The given line graph subtly presents___填写折线图作文下面的标题___.In general, the figures reveal that___将折线图是如何变化的描绘出来___.第二段:第二段就是写一下造成折线图发生的原因,一般都是三个原因。下面是小编自己总结出来的万能原因模板,希望对同学们有用。What might account for the phenomenon conveyed by this image? It is no difficult job for us to come up with some possible factors that underlie the above complicated phenomenon. For one thing, _______.For another, _________. Above all, one more important factor worth our concern is that ______.第三段:第三段是小编自己总结的万能模板,几乎任何作文都能用,而且基本上不用添加任何词,希望同学们谨慎使用,但确实是效果不错。Given what has been discussed above, everyone around us should take it seriously and take relevant actions. We would better set up relevant plans or rules to guide all to live a scientific and proper life. (接下一段)Furthermore, the general public should be made aware that any prompt action is of benefit to all. More significantly, our society/future could be far better than ever if realize the true value of____主旨____.2019考研英语二真题其实英语二的作文比较简单,就三种图的考法,希望同学们能够把每一种考法的模板记住,在考试的时候就会事半功倍。同学们如果有什么关于考研的问题,欢迎留言讨论。
备战2020考研英语一,作文是重点,本文为大家整理了2020考研英语一作文话题预测及考研英语写作注意事项。研招网2020考研准考证打印入口已开通 你打印了么?2020考研英语一作文话题预测1、环境保护:雾霾(haze),低碳生活(low-carbon life style),人与自然和谐相处(harmonious relationship between man and nature), 生态平衡(ecological balance),生态友好型社会(eco-friendly society)2、科技与生活:人工智能(artificial intelligence),机器人(robot),互联网的利弊(the pros and cons of internet),汽车与生活(vehicle and life),网络安全(cybersecurity)3、青(少)年成长与发展:梦想或者理想(dream/ideal),创业(build a business或者 the establishment of career),压力(pressure或者stress),奋斗不息(hard struggle without cease),合作(cooperation/collaboration),知识的重要性(the importance of knowledge),实践的重要性(the importance of practice),历练的重要性(the importance of steeling oneself),溺爱(parents’ inlgence of children)4、文化:文化融合(cultural integration),文化传承(cultural inheritance),文化传播(cultural transmission),文化自信(cultural confidence)补充话题1、技术/机器人便利了我们的生活 但也影响了人与人的交流;2、大学生应该从基础工作/基层岗位做起;3、在困境中要坚强地战胜困难。2020考研英语二作文话题预测1、野生动物种群数量变化 Changes about thenumber of wildlife species.2、私家车数量变化Changes about the number of private cars.3、出国回国留学生人数变化Changes about the number of students going abroad and coming home.4、国内创业情况The situation about starting up business domestically.5、课外活动安排The arrangementof extracurricular activities.6、自由职业数量增加The number of freelance work is increasing.7、境外旅游人数增加或者境外旅游考虑的因素The increasingnumber of overseas tourists or factors to be considered in overseas traveling.8、网络购物或在线学习增加Onlineshopping/learning.2020考研最后冲刺 考研政治备考指南考研英语作文预测考研英语作文模版、考研英语万能开头结尾虽然不能决定考生的作文成绩,但是对考场上的写作还是有帮助的,了解了这么多话题预测,赶快去背诵几篇范文吧!
2019年12月21日下午17时,2020届考生结束了备受关注的英语学科考研,为过去一年甚或更久的辛苦“备战”画上了圆满的句号,着实令人振奋。众所周知,作文作为考研英语五大题型的核心题型之一,一直是考生备考的重点难点,也是议论的热点,那么笔者就以刚刚结束的考研英语一大作文为例,共同揭开大作文的“神秘面纱”,同时也为2021届考生的备考提供方向指南,以期有的放矢,斩获高分。2020考研英语一真题如下:Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the pictures below. In your essay, you should1) describe the picture briefly,2) interpret the implied meaning, and3) give your comments.Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)写作分析1. 考题形式:图画作文图画作文在形式上延续过去十余年,范围上属于大纲明确范围,一直是英语一大作文考生备考的重点,具体而言,考查形式为双图题,虽然和2018,2019的不同,但考研的历史上,最早可以追溯到2003,近几年比如2016,2017出的也是双图题,因此就形式而言难度不大;2. 话题范围: 习惯,自律,时间管理,效率,防范拖延,行动等相关主题就话题范围而言,依然考的是历年真题考频最高的个人修养类,相关话题在历届考研真题中可以说屡见不鲜,如2008 “合作”;2012 “乐观”;2014“孝顺”,2017—“实践”等。同时,北京文都在考前押题班等多次课程中反复强调个人品质类为热点话题,需重点关注。话题内容并不生疏,难度偏易;3. 具体撰写:宏观角度---布局谋篇首段为图画描述段,可用两到三个长句子具体描述图画内容,注意双图题必须两幅图都要描述到位,不能有遗漏,但可以在具体写作时就其中某一幅图有所侧重;主体段为围绕主题的具体论述,可从意义分析或原因分析等多维角度进行论述;尾段为总结段,正面话题可从:总结上文、回应主题、提出希望三个方面作结。微观角度---遣词造句1)词汇、句法:考研英语作为英语阶段的高级测试,对词和句的要求要远远高于四六级等等级测试。从词汇角度来说,要注意少用或不用被历届学生用俗套的词,而多用一些熟词的生僻含义或“高大上”的词汇,于细微处彰显写作功底;从句法角度来说,句子结构的丰富多样性直接与得分正相关,因而要多运用句式解构复杂的句子,比如复合句(名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句)、特殊句型(倒装句、强调句、there be句型)、独立主格、非谓语动词等,以体现自己在句意表达上的优势所在。2)避免常见错误:具体用词上,注意基本语法错误,如名词单复数:动词的时态语态:被动语态的-ed形式,形近词混用等问题;构句上,英语与汉语不同,为形合语言,这就要求考生在写作时不仅要关注内容的契合,也要对前后句形式上的相合,也就是,如前后句语义关系密切,要有意识地使用关联词、分词等形式把二者紧密结合起来,以使行文鲜活生动,助力高分作文。
2020考研英语(二)大作文热点话题深度训练:文化类【考点考向】留学生【必备主题词】1. 出国留学 study abroad2. 留学生overseas students3. 扩展视野broaden the horizons4. 全球化globalization【必备论证素材句】1. 我们不仅可以在国外学习新的文化和知识,还可以从文化和经济的角度充实找们的生活。Not only can we learn different cultures and knowledge from foreign countries, studying abroad can also enrich our lives culturally and economically.2. 留学海外被看作是一些人生命中的重要机遇。Studying abroad is considered as a great opportunity in one's life.3. 我们在国外留学的中国人在面对突如具来的困难时一定要坚强。 Our Chinese people who study abroad have strong characters when facing unexpected difficulties. 【实战演练】Directions:Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should1) interpret the chart, and2) give your comments.You should write about 150 words on ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)Emerging from the chart are the data about the result of a survey regarding the number of foreign students in China and Chinese students studying abroad. According to the figures provided by the graph, one can see that the numbers of students in these two groups both have been on a sharp increase from 2008 to 2018, increasing from 160 thousand and 140 thousand to 260 thousand and 280 thousand respectively.It is no difficult job for us to find some factors that underlie the above changes. To begin with, as China is progressing, both economically and politically, the level of ecation also has been improved a lot, appealing to a huge number of foreigners to study in China. Meanwhile, since China has opened its door widely to the outside word, numerous foreigners have been attracted by Chinese culture and scenery, which is a contributory factor for this phenomenon as well. In addition, the advancement of economy in China has been translated into an increase in people’s incomes and living standard, enabling more Chinese students to study abroad and broaden their horizons.From the analysis above, we could safely draw the conclusion that with the progress of globalization, the communication between China and other countries will become more frequent. Consequently, it can be predicted that the trend in the picture will continue for a while in the years to come, which would exert positive influences on our country.
2020考研英语(一)小作文终极预测(下)(建议英语二考生关注)摘自《2020考研英语(一)高分写作考前预测20篇》(王江涛编著,浙江教育出版社)05、祝贺信Directions:Write an email to one of your friends, Zhang Wuji, to congratulate him on graation.预测范文Dear Wuji,Congratulations upon having received your doctorate in philosophy from Yale University. I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can well be proud of.I have followed your progress with pleasure and interest for many years, and I am sure, from the fine record you have made, that you will be a success in whatever you undertake. No doubt you are tired after the strain of the past few months, and if you would like to come to my hometown for a few weeks this Summer, we’d like very happy to have you.I’d certainly enjoy hearing about your plans, now that you havecompleted your college course. Think it over, and let me know.Yours faithfully,Li Ming参考译文亲爱的无忌:祝贺你取得了耶鲁大学哲学博士学位。这是你自己多年来刻苦学习、努力工作的结果。你可以为这一成就自豪。我一直以愉快关切的心情注视着你的进步。从你获得的良好成绩中我深信,你一定能在你所从事的任何工作中获得进步。毫无疑问,过去几个月的紧张学习一定使你很疲倦。今年夏天,如果你愿意到我家来度过几个星期,我将非常高兴地欢迎你。现在你既然读完了大学课程,我乐于倾听你今年夏季的打算。望考虑一下,然后告诉我。李明亮点词汇congratulation祝贺 receive取得 doctorate博士学位 philosophy哲学 Yale University耶鲁大学 mean意味着 years of多年的 hard work努力工作 on your part你自己 achievement结果 be proud of 自豪 follow注视 progress进步 pleasure愉快 interest关切 fine record良好成绩 success成功 whatever无论什么 undertake从事 no doubt毫无疑问 tired疲倦的 strain紧张 certainly必然地 plan计划 complete完成 course课程 think over考虑 faithfully真诚地道长点评在西方,当得知某位朋友即将订婚、结婚或生子的时候,或某位朋友得到荣誉或奖赏时,往往会立即写信祝贺。要求真诚自然、亲切动人、鼓舞人心、尽情发挥。06、告示Directions:The Students’ Union of your department is planning a Chinese Speaking Contest. Write an announcement which covers the following information:1) the purpose of the contest,2) time and place of the contest,3) what is required of the candidates,4) details of the judges and awards.You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the end of the announcement.预测范文Chinese-Speaking ContestDecember 21, 2019To improve students’ ability tospeak Chinese and enrich after-class activities, the Students’ Union of Department of Chinese Language and Literature is organizing a school-wide Chinese-speaking contest to be held on Saturday next week (28 December) at the Students’ Auditorium.Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before Tuesday next week.Five professors will be invited to be judges. The first six winners will be given awards. Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest.The Students’ UnionDepartment of Chinese Language and Literature参考译文中文演讲比赛2019年12月21日为提高同学们中文演讲的能力并丰富课外活动,中文系学生会将于下周六(12月28日)在学生大礼堂组织全校中文演讲比赛。有兴趣参加的同学请于下周二之前在本班班长处报名。我们将邀请五位教授担任评委,并将给前六名获奖者者颁奖。欢迎大家积极参加。中文系学生会2020考研英语(二)小作文终极预测(下)(建议英语一考生关注)(附每日一句第279句解读)摘自《2020考研英语(二)高分写作考前预测20篇》(王江涛编著,浙江教育出版社)05、邀请信Directions:Write an email to invite a famous professor to give a lecture to the students who love English in your university.预测范文Dear Professor Alexander,On behalf of all the students at my university who share a love forthe English language, I cordially invite you to give a lecture to at Beijing Foreign Studies University.As you are one of the leading experts in the English languagein the world, I believe that the students will not only be able to learn from you, but to be inspired by you as well. We are hoping that you will be available for a lecture on our campus on January 4 at 10:00 am. There has been 45 minutes allocated for your lecture and 15 minutes for a question and answer session.If you are interested in coming to our university for the lecture, you can email me at the address below. We are looking forward to meeting you.Yours sincerely,Li Ming参考译文尊敬的先生或女士:谨代表本校全体热爱英语语言的学生的名义,我想诚挚地邀请您给北京外国语大学学生做一场演讲。由于您是中国英语语言研究方面杰出的专家之一,我相信学生们不仅能从您身上学到很多知识,而且也能够获得很大的启发。我们期待您能抽出时间在1月4日上午10点来学校做一个演讲,其中45分钟是您的演讲时间,另外15分钟则是问答环节。随后会有一个简单的招待晚宴。如果您对来我校演讲感兴趣,可以通过以下的地址和我进行邮件联系。盼复。您真诚的李明亮点词汇on behalf of代表 share a love热爱 language语言 cordially诚挚地 invite邀请 lecture讲座 studies研究 leading杰出的 expert专家 inspire启发 be available for能够 lecture讲座 campus校园 January一月 allocate分配 question and answer问答 session单元 be interested in对······感兴趣 email发电子邮件 address地址 look forward to期待道长点评邀请信包括邀请参加宴会、午餐、晚餐、聚会、舞会、婚礼等等。邀请信分两种:正规格式即请柬,非正规格式即一般邀请信。邀请信务必具体明确完整,不可留任何疑问使对方捉摸不定,写明场合、地点、年月日及具体时间。经典句型1、I am pleased to invite you to participate in an activity to be held from January 4 to 7 in Beijing.我很高兴邀请您参加从1月4日到7日在北京举行的一场活动。2、It is my pleasure to extend an invitation to you to take part in an evening party for purpose of celebrating my birthday.为了庆祝我的生日,我很高兴邀请你来参加一场晚会。3、I hope that you have not any plan for the coming Sunday, as I would like you to spend it with us at our home.我希望你下星期天没有什么安排,因为我想邀请你到我家玩。06、询问信Directions:Write a letter to a travel agency, asking about the detailed information of a package tour预测范文Dear Sir or Madam,I write for information about thepackage tour to France between July and August this year.I would like to receive more information aboutthe tour, including the length and cost. I would also like to know if customers are given a choice of hotels, or if you use standard accommodation. Also, does the cost include travel insurance, or do I have to arrange this separately?At the same time, would you kindly forward the details ofother tours you offer? In fact, I would be particularly interested in any destination that includes visiting ancient monuments because archaeology is my specialist subject at university. I look forward to receiving the information at your earliest convenience.Yours sincerely,Li Ming参考译文尊敬的先生或女士:我写信是为了询问关于今年七八月之间法国跟团游的信息。我想了解更多旅游的信息,包括时间和费用。我也想知道是否顾客可以选择饭店,或只有标准住宿。同时,费用是否包括旅游保险,或者必须我自己负担?同时,您是否可以好心寄来贵社其他团队游的细节?事实上,由于考古学是我在大学时的专业,我对于任何包含参观古代历史遗迹的旅游目的地都有浓厚的兴趣。期待着尽快收到您的消息。您真诚的,李明亮点词汇information信息 package tour跟团游 Italy意大利 July七月 August八月 receive了解 include包括length时间 cost费用 customer顾客 choice选择 hotel饭店 standard标准的 accommodation住宿 also同时 travel旅游 insurance保险 arrange安排 separately独自 at the same time同时 kindly好心 forward寄来 detail细节 offer提供 in fact事实上 particularly特别 be interested in有兴趣 destination目的地ancient古代的 monument历史遗迹 archaeology考古学 specialist专业的 subject学科道长点评询问信开头应开门见山表明写作目的,其次询问请求的具体内容,最后希望得到对方的帮助和合作。经典句型1.Your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated.如您能尽快给我一个满意的答复,我将不胜感激。2. Please render me some valuable advice which is concive to my final decision.请您为我提供宝贵意见,我想将有助于我做出最后决定。3. Should I need to send further materials, please let me know.如果我需要提供更多的其他材料的话,请告知。来源:王江涛老师(ID:jtwang2013)
一、社会热点类相关表述1.“共享”类话题It can be clearly seen from the drawing that there are several kinds of shared activities(共享活动) that urban citizens are enjoying much. On a closer look, a boy is using his mobile phone to unlock a shared bike that is parked in right order.Moreover, there is a traveler-looking young man recharging his mobile phone at a shared charging station, and there are several readers focusing on books in a shared library. Commercial and non-profitable shared activities make the metropolitan life more convenient. Furthermore, the limited resources(有限的资源) in highly populated areas(人口密集的地区) can be reallocated (重新分配) and then utilized more efficiently. In effect, with human society evolving, the proportion of private property may graally decrease to escape the heavy dependence on environment.2、“低头族““手机病”As is ironically shown in the picture..., Undoubtedly, the picture satirized an epidemic prevailing among youngsters, namely, phubber(低头族) or the smart phone syndrome.(手机病) As for me, it is a problem that deserves grave concern.(值得深切关注) Two reasons, as far as I'm concerned(在我看来), can be easily found to account for (解释)the phenomenon. As a result, the smart phone has attained enormous popularity and graally become an indispensable part of our life.(我们生活中不可或缺的一部分) Eventually, the charm of the cell phone outshines the pleasure with friends and even makes parents forget their obligations. Besides the damage to the friendship, mobile phone syndrome can be disastrous in other ways. Thus it is most urgent for us to realize the harm of the syndrome and adopt every measure possible to reverse the condition.3、"年轻人熬夜"问题We, specially the teenagers, should develop good living habits.(养成良好的生活习惯) Having a good rest is the fundamental need, which ensures us a strong healthy body and a good mood. We should go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late(熬夜) is bad for our health. Besides, healthy eating habits(健康的饮食习惯)are of great importance, which leads to both physical and mental health. We should eat more fruits and vegetables instead of (代替,而不是)biscuit,hamburgers and meat. Junk food (垃圾食品)is a fatal killer of our health, so we should stay away from it.4、“信任危机”In the set of pictures above, suspecting the vegetables for sale aren't green food, a woman turns her back on(转身离开) the seller; doubting the credibility of advice from a self claimed expert dressed as a doctor, an old man turns away; a young man casts doubt on(产生怀疑)an officer who takes an oath of integrity(许下廉政诺言).The underlying meaning of the drawings can be elaborated in terms of loss of trust(信任缺失) among people. There was a time when doors were left unlocked at night (曾几何时,夜不闭户)and no one pocketed anything found on. However, with the development of the society, people increasingly distrust each other. This crisis of trust in our society will bring many unfavorable consequences. Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It s the fundamental principle that holds all relationships。(信任是生活的粘合剂。它是有效沟通的必备因素,也是维持所有关系的基本准则)高分热文DirectionsWrite an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should 1) describe the picture briefly, 2) interpret its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)As is ironically shown in the picture, a little boy's parents are both deeply addicted to the cell phone, while he is siting on the ground, crying alone. Undoubtedly, the picture satirized an epidemic prevailing among youngsters, namely, phubber,(低头族) or the smart phone syndrome.(手机病) As for me, it is a problem that deserves grave concern.(值得深切关注) Two reasons, as far as l'm concerned(在我看来), can be easily found to account for(解释)the phenomenon. First of all, the unprecedented boom in telecommunications technology has made it possible for us to get access to every conceivable piece of information and service. As a result, the smart phone has attained enormous popularity and graally become an indispensable part of our life.(我们生活中不可或缺的一部分) Plus, the springing up of countless powerful socializing and game applications has also deteriorated the issue. It is quite common to see young people focusing on their phones under all circumstances, playing games and posting status.Eventually, the charm of the cell phone outshines the pleasure with friends and even makes parents forget their obligations. Besides the damage to the friendship, mobile phone syndrome can be disastrous in other ways. A student addicted to mobile phone may be distracted from his or her study ; parents playing mobile phone may neglect their child and cause serious results. Thus it is most urgent for us to realize the harm of the syndrome and adopt every measure possible to reverse the condition。译参考译文如图所示,一个小男孩的父母深深地沉迷于手机,留他独自坐在地上哭泣。毫无疑问,此图讽刺了如今年轻人中非常普遍的一种流行病,即低头族或手机病。我认为,这个问题值得我们深切关注。 我认为,可以很容易地找到两个原因来解释这个现象。首先,通信技术前所未有的迅猛发展让我们能够轻易地接触到任何能够想象得到的信息和服务。因此,智能手机迅速得到普及,逐渐成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。其次,无数功能强大的社交和游戏应用也恶化了这一问题。现在在任何场合都可以经常看到年轻人专注地玩手机游戏或者发状态。最终,手机的魅力胜过了交友的乐趣,甚至使父母忘记了自己的责任。 除了对友谊有害,手机病带来的危害还体现在其他地方。学生沉迷于手机游戏便会影响学习;父母玩手机可能会忽视他们的孩子,从而造成严重的后果。所以当务之急是要意识到手机病的危害,并采取一切可能的措施来扭转局面。二、哲理类1、“没有行动,梦想只是空想”The picture aims at revealing a simple truth: without action, any goal is just a fantasy.(没有行动,梦想只是空想) No one can deny the fact that taking action is extremely essential to achieving your goals. Only by turning your dream into action, can you really realize it. “The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. "(千里之行,始于足下) The more action we take, the more likely we are to accumulate experience, master skills and get close to our destination.2、“逆境造人才”As is shown in the picture, a sailor is steering a ship in a calm sea, which definitely would not arouse his faculties and fortitude.(平静的水面练就不出强悍的水手) That is why the caption reads“A smooth sea never makes a skilled sailor.”There is no denying the fact that it is rough times that make us grow faster. The home is their comfort zone, and the longer they stay there, the less likely they would be able to deal with life's storms. Just as a saying goes, greenhouse flowers cannot survive the unpleasant weather outdoors. (温室的花朵经不起外面的风雨) We should not be content with a life of ease.(不应该满足于安逸的生活) Instead we should be brave enough to take on new challenges to bring out the best in us(勇于接受挑战,成就最好的自己)热高分热文DirectionsWrite an essay of 160 200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should 1) describe the pictures briefly, 2) interpret the intended meaning,and then 3) give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)As is vividly shown in the picture above, both young men want to be a famous singer. One man is sitting on the chair is daydreaming about the day when he gives a perfect concert to all his fans, while the other practices the guitar and his singing skill all day long. The picture aims at revealing a simple truth: without action, any goal is just a fantasy.(没有行动,梦想只是空想) No one can deny the fact that taking action is extremely essential to achieving your goals. Only by turning your dream into action, can you really realize it. If you never take action, you will never have a chance to win, Just as an old Chinese saying goes, "The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. "(千里之行,始于足下) The more action we take, the more likely we are to accumulate experience, master skills and get close to our destination.To further demonstrate the importance of taking action, I would like to take a famous fable as a case in point: the Foolish Old Man who dreamed of removing the mountain in front of his gate began with carrying away small stones and finally realized his dream. Consequently, I believe, on the one hand, government and the media should lose no opportunity to publicize the importance of taking action.(宣传行动的重要性) On the other hand, in our daily life, more than just thinking of something, we have to put it into action(付诸于行动中). Only by doing so, can we achieve our objective sand realize our dreams.译参考译文正如上图所生动展示的,两个年轻人都想成为歌星。一个坐在椅子上做白日梦,想着自己在举办一次完美的演唱会给粉丝听;而另一人整日苦练吉他和唱功。图画旨在揭示一个简单的道理:没有行动,任何目标都只是空想。 采取行动对实现目标非常重要,没有人能够否认这一事实。只有把梦想付诸行动,梦想才能实现。如果从不采取行动,就永远没有成功的机会。正如中国的古语所说:“千里之行,始于足下”。我们采取的行动越多,就越有可能积累经验、掌握技能,并靠近自己的目标。为了进一步说明行动的重要性,我想列举一个著名的寓言故事-愚公移山作为例子。愚公想把自己家门口的大山移走,他从搬小石子开始,最终实现了梦想。 因此,我认为,一方面,政府和媒体应该不失时机地宣扬行动的重要性。另一方面,在日常生活中,我们要付诸行动,而不只是空想。只有如此,我们才能达成目标并实现梦想。三、教育专题1、师德Unfolded before us is a cartoon simply drawn yet profoundly meaningful. teachers' ethics is essential(至关重要的) in the ecational process. We can identify the significance of teachers' ethics from the following perspectives. To begin with, it will help students to acquire the basic personal qualities for their future life. Furthermore, teachers' ethics is a code of conct that must be followed in the teaching process. Last but not least, teachers' ethics is also critical for a progressive and healthy development.2、大学替课现象The picture depicts... For many students, after years of preparation for the gruelling Gaokao, life gets much easier once they are at college where nearly everyone can graate without having to be instrious.四、环境类1、污染Mobile phone usage in public places like hospitals can easily interfere(打扰) with the medical equipment, which can be harmful to the patient. 在医院等公共场所使用手机很容易干扰医疗设备,这对病人有害。 In my opinion, cell phones should be allowed in public places with some restrictions. What's more, in public places, quiet zones where phone use is banned should be set up. 在我看来,应该允许在公共场所使用手机,并设有一此限制。此外,在公共场所,应该建立禁止使用手机的安静区域。2、城市病The unprecedented (空前的)expansion of cities undoubtedly leads to the excessive concentration of population, which in turn brings about a series of problems, such as environmental pollution, traffic jam, increased crimes and high housing prices. 城市空前的扩张无疑造成人口的过度集中,这反过来又会产生一系列问题,如环境污染、交通堵塞、犯罪增多及高房价等。 Therefore, the focus of urban authorities(市政部门) should be on consolidation and upgrading of urban infrastructure. Great attention should also be paid to develop a mechanism to monitor the carrying capacity(承受能力) of both resources and environment of cities to achieve urban layout optimization(布局优化). 因此,市政部门应关注城市基础设施的整合和升级。还应该重点建立一种机制来监督城市资源和环境的承受能力,以达到城市布局最优化。3、垃圾分类Worse still, in many places, waste is disposed of(被处理) by burning, and burning the recyclable waste(可回收垃圾) like plastics will give off toxic(有毒的) smoke which pollutes the air. 更糟糕的是,在很多地方,垃圾是通过焚烧来处理的,而焚烧诸如塑料之类的可回收垃圾会释放有毒气体,污染空气。五、经济类1、春节期间的旅游As is graphically illustrated(阐明,举例说明) in the bar chart, the number of tourists traveling ring the Spring Festival in China increased ... At the very beginning, there is no denying that the ever-accelerating pace of our life(生活节奏加快) and the improvement of our living standards (生活质量的提高)have come to characterize our living habit, which in turn contributed to the marked change of traveling ring the Spring Festival. What's more, that numerous indivials have been blessed with(享有...的)both physical and mental benefits from traveling also conced to the trend. Still, the governmental incentives serve as a momentous driving force(驱动力)of it.2、中美学生收入来源There are probably two reasons contributing to(促成) the differences. First, in China, students without sustainable income(没有可持续收入) are still considered dependent on parents. Therefore, it is natural for them to ask their parents for money. By contrast,(相比之下) American students over 18 years have developed more senses of financial independence.(经济独立意识) Second, since America is more developed than China, it is relatively easier for American students to find part-time jobs(兼职). Therefore, a larger proportion of income comes from part-time jobs in America.3、新能源汽车销量增长的原因The rapid growth of the sales of the new energy vehicles can be attributed to several factors. First of all, in big cities like Beijing, according to the vehicle restriction rule(车辆限行规则), private cars in urban areas must be off the road one workday a week while new energy vehicles are allowed to be on the road throughout the week., Moreover, purchase tax exemption(免征车辆购置税) has boosted new energy vehicle sales,especially in the year 2015. Last but not least, the improvement of new energy vehicles has attracted more and more customers.热高分热文DirectionsWrite an essay based on the following table. In your writing, you should 1) interpret the table, and 2) give your comments You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)The table shows that the income sources of Chine students are quite different from (与...不同)those of American students In China,85% of students' money is from their parents while in America only 40% of students money is provided by their parents. Chinese students earn only 5% from part-time jobs and 5% from student loan(学生贷款). However, American students get 20% and 25% of their money from these two sources respectively. In addition, fellowship or scholarship takes up 15% of American students' income while income from this source for Chinese students occupies only 5%. There are probably two reasons contributing to (促成)the differences. First, in China, students without sustainable income (没有可持续收入)are still considered dependent on (依赖)parents. Therefore, it is natural for them to ask their parents for money. By contrast,(相比之下) American students over 18 years have developed more senses of financial independence.(独立的经济意识)Second, since America is more developed than China, it is relatively easier for American students to find part-time jobs. Therefore, a larger proportion of income comes from part-time jobs(兼职) in America. I believe in future, more Chinese students will realize the necessity of self-dependence and try to make their own living through part-time jobs and other ways.译精彩翻译如图所示,关于大学生心理问题方面,显著的变化已然发生。根据图表所提供的数据我们可以看到,有心理问题的大学生比例这些年在快速上升。2006 年,面临这种问题的大学生比例是20.23%,然而不到7年的时间,比例上升到33.47%。 表格显示中美两国学生的收人来源有很大的不同。在中国,学生85%的钱是他们父母给的。而在美国,学生只有40%的钱是由父母提供的。中国学生的收人当中只有5%从兼职获得,5%从学生贷款中获得。然而,美国学生从这两个来源获得的收入分别占了20%和25%。此外,奖学金占美国学生收人的15%,而仅占中国学生收人的5%。 造成这些差异的原因可能有两个。首先,在中国,没有可持续收人的学生仍然被认为是要依靠父母的。因此,他们向父母要钱是自然而然的事。相比之下,美国18岁以上的学生养成了更多的经济独立意识。其次,由于美国比中国更发达,美国学生相对更容易找到兼职工作。因此,在美国,来自兼职工作的收人占比更大。 我相信在未来,更多的中国学生将认识到自我独立的必要性,并试着通过兼职和其他方式来谋生。