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小编在第一时间更新考研英语的作文试题题目,现在是粗糙的版本,后续会更新完整的英语一和英语二的试题答案解析内容。下面给大家整理英语一、英语二大小作文的真题内容。英语一大小作文真题题目(网友回忆版)题目是大概的内容,具体文字等内容后续更新。小作文:我为" Aiding Rural Primary School"工作,一个国际志愿者有 require,我 answer。要求写出我那个 project 的细节,署名 Li Ming大作文:俩人爬山,一个人坐下说太累了不爬了,另一个人边爬边递水给另一个人瓶水,说休息一下接着爬英语二大小作文真题题目(不完整版,可参考)Part ADirections: Suppose professor Smith ask you to plan a debate on the theme of city traffic, write an email to him1)Suggest a topic and with your reasons,2) And your arangementYou should write about 700 words on the ANSWER SHEETDon' t use your own name, use"Zhang Wei instead. Don t write your address. (10 points)Part BDirections Write an essay based on the following chart. In your essay, you should interpret the chart, and give yourcommentsYou should write about I50 wordsneatly on the ANSWER SHEET(15 points)另附上网友发出来的部分英语一的部分参考答案:据网友回忆,考研英语一阅读排序题参考答案为DABGE;据网友回忆,英语一阅读参考答案如下:21 A enhance banker's sense of responsibility22 D "short-termism" in economic activities23 B adverse24 C the approaches to promoting "long-termism"25 B patience as a corporate virture26 D The change of course catologs27 C To help freshmen adapt to college learning28 D obtain more financial support29 B To complement each other30 C analyzing the causes behind it31 D involves some concerns raised by AI today32 A is too limited for us to reproce it33 C is still beyond our capacity34 B affirmation35 B Frankenstein, the Novel predicting the Age of AI36 C make more online shopper pay sale tax37 B were considered unfavorable by states38 harmed fiar market competition39 Big chain owners40 gives a factual account of it and discuss its consequences好了,还是那一句,别急着对答案,考后的休息是十分重要的,小编在这里预祝大家第二天的考试顺利~



2021考研英语大纲于9月10号新鲜出炉。整体而言,英语的变化就是一些词汇的增减。同学们可以思考如何将考纲中有变化的单词运用到写作部分。在提高阶段关于写作部分,文都考研小编再给大家几点建议。无论英语一还是英语二,写作部分在整张考研英语的试卷上所占比重不容小觑。所以同学们必须认真准备。(一)大作文对于大作文,研宝们一定要跟课,整理出所谓的模版。1.篇幅长度,虽然题干当中英语一要求写180个单词,英语二150个单词,但实际上高分作文的字数英语一(220-240),英语二(180-190),我们要根据这个长度来准备。2.将整理好的模版字迹工整地誊抄在答题纸上,看所写的篇幅大概到什么位置,这样的话,考场上就不用逐一的去数字数。提前就做到心中有数。3.用历年真题或模拟题进行不断的练习,强化该模版,并在此过程中不断地打磨模版,同学们一定切记:不能为了记忆的方便,用一些简单的单词和简单的句子结构。这毕竟是研究生入学考试,所用的单词可以考虑用几个考纲中有变化的词汇,句子结构要长短句相结合。4. 模版确定以后,让专业的老师修改,确保无误后认真背诵,并且每隔一周甚至每隔三天默写一遍,并对照原文,以确保模版当中的词和语法结构没有任何错误。



【考点考向】柱状图 春节娱乐方式【必备主题词】娱乐 entertainment; amusement; recreation亲朋聚会 family gathering旅行 travel; go off on a trip看电影 watch movies居民 resident; inhabitant社会进步 the advancement of society; the development of society经济繁荣 the prosperity of the national economy【必备论证素材句】造成上述现象的几个主要原因可以总结如下。Several primary causes that contribute to the above-mentioned phenomenon could be summarized as follows.社会的进步与发展丰富了居民的娱乐方式。The progress and development of our society enrich residents’ ways of entertainment.国家经济的繁荣与个人财富的积累为人们选择不同的娱乐方式奠定了坚实的经济基础。The prosperity of the national economy and the accumulation of personal wealth lay a solid financial foundation for people to choose various amusements. 【实战演练】Directions:Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you shouldinterpret the chart, andgive your comments.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)The bar chart clearly demonstrates the changes in residents’ ways of entertainment ring the Spring Festival in a certain city from 2015 to 2019. As is graphically shown in the chart above, there was a graal decline in the proportion of people choosing family gatherings from 69.1% to 60.6% between 2015 and 2019. By contrast, a remarkable growth occurred in the proportion of residents preferring traveling ring Spring Festival from 13.6% to 20.2%. For the proportion of people who would like to watch New Year movies, it increased from 10.4% to 13.2% ring the same period.Several primary causes that contribute to the above-mentioned phenomenon could be summarized as follows. On the one hand, the progress and development of our society enrich residents’ ways of entertainment, and thus a growing number of people tend to go off on a trip or go to the cinema instead of staying at home ring Spring Festival. On the other hand, the prosperity of the national economy and the accumulation of personal wealth lay a solid financial foundation for people to choose various amusements. Thus, an increase was witnessed in the proportion of people who are willing to travel or choose to watch movies ring the Chinese New Year holiday.Taking into account what has been argued, we can come to the conclusion that this established trend is positive and therefore acceptable. And it is certain that this trend will continue in the years to come.【写作思路】本题在图表形式上,与2019年真题某高校本科毕业生就业去向统计类似,审题的方法是相通的。在主题词方面,与2015年真题我国某市居民春节假期花销比例可以相互借鉴。通过阅读图表,我们得知这是一个含有时间变化的柱状图,展现了某市居民娱乐方式近4年所发生的变化。通过观察数据,可以得知春节期间选择旅行度假和看贺岁电影的居民比例有所增长,那么文章也就可以去分析数字增长背后的成因。造成这一现象的原因是多方面的,可以从经济角度,也就是财富的增长来分析;也可以选取社会角度,社会进步,娱乐方式逐渐多样,人们有了更多的选择;还可以从交通便利的角度,高铁的进步,私家车数量的增长,为出行提供方便;另外也可以从人们内心的变化角度,城市居民,尤其是年轻人思想的变化等等。



小编在第一时间更新考研英语的作文试题题目,现在是粗糙的版本,后续会更新完整的英语一和英语二的试题答案解析内容。下面给大家整理英语一、英语二大小作文的真题内容。英语一大小作文真题题目(网友回忆版)题目是大概的内容,具体文字等内容后续更新。小作文:我为" Aiding Rural Primary School"工作,一个国际志愿者有 require,我 answer。要求写出我那个 project 的细节,署名 Li Ming大作文:俩人爬山,一个人坐下说太累了不爬了,另一个人边爬边递水给另一个人瓶水,说休息一下接着爬英语二大小作文真题题目(不完整版,可参考)Part ADirections: Suppose professor Smith ask you to plan a debate on the theme of city traffic, write an email to him1)Suggest a topic and with your reasons,2) And your arangementYou should write about 700 words on the ANSWER SHEETDon' t use your own name, use"Zhang Wei instead. Don t write your address. (10 points)Part BDirections Write an essay based on the following chart. In your essay, you should interpret the chart, and give yourcommentsYou should write about I50 wordsneatly on the ANSWER SHEET(15 points)另附上网友发出来的部分英语一的部分参考答案:据网友回忆,考研英语一阅读排序题参考答案为DABGE;据网友回忆,英语一阅读参考答案如下:21 A enhance banker's sense of responsibility22 D "short-termism" in economic activities23 B adverse24 C the approaches to promoting "long-termism"25 B patience as a corporate virture26 D The change of course catologs27 C To help freshmen adapt to college learning28 D obtain more financial support29 B To complement each other30 C analyzing the causes behind it31 D involves some concerns raised by AI today32 A is too limited for us to reproce it33 C is still beyond our capacity34 B affirmation35 B Frankenstein, the Novel predicting the Age of AI36 C make more online shopper pay sale tax37 B were considered unfavorable by states38 harmed fiar market competition39 Big chain owners40 gives a factual account of it and discuss its consequences好了,还是那一句,别急着对答案,考后的休息是十分重要的,小编在这里预祝大家第二天的考试顺利~



考研倒计时17天啦,下下周的周六就考试啦,你们现在的头发还好吗?发现最后阶段不少人都开始背范文背模板了,之前征小辰给大家整理过英语二小作文常考的12类范文,你们吸收的怎么样了?论说文经典素材记住了几个?梳理的逻辑公式搞清楚了没有?今天,征小辰再来给大家说说英语二大作文的模板,大家取其精华,争取高分。如果是动态数据既有增长又有下降,试试用这个第一段What is demonstrated in the chart illustrates clearly that some remarkable change with regard to 主题词 has taken place ring the period between (开始年代)and (终点年代) To be specific, the number/the proportion of 增长的题 jumped up to an amazing 终点数据 in 终点时间 from roughly 起点数据 in 起点时间 , while the proportion/number of 下降或缓慢增长话题 witnessed a dramatic decline/a slow rise from approximately 起点数据 to less than 终点数据 over the same period.征小辰翻译一下表格所展示清楚表明了关于xx在哪一年和哪一年之间这个期间发生了显著变化。具体地说: xx 的数量或百分比从哪一年大约多少增长到了哪一年的惊人多少,然而xx 的数量或百分比在同样这个时期经历了从大约多少快速降低/缓慢增长到不到多少如果是静态数据饼状第一段用这个也挺好征小辰翻译一下表格所展示清楚表明了关于 xx 在过去这几年出现了显著差异性。具体地说 xx 占了惊人 xx %,是比例最大的。排在其次的是 xx 具有大约 xx %,紧随其后的是 xx 和 xx 分别占了大约 xx %和 xx %。大作文的二段用这个理由感觉挺万能的What lies behindthis situationconcerning it?In the first place, it is generally accepted that that it brings great benefits and huge convenience to our daily life, therefore, it is natural that it is widely popular with indivials in mounting numbers .In the next place, undoubtedly, this way can save a lot of time and money for us, thus, majorities of people would award priority to choosing this new mode. There is one more point I feel I should touch on.It seems that its fashion((its novelty/its practical application/its low price) has the potential to give rise to this transformation about it.征小辰翻译一下那么关于这个情况背后原因是什么呢?首先,众所周知,它给我们日常生活带来了具体好处和便利,因此,很自然的是其受到了越来越多人的广泛欢迎。其次,毫无疑问的是,这种途径给我们节省了很多时间和金钱,因此,越来越多人都会首先考虑选择这种新型方式。最后还有一点我想说明的是:貌似它的时尚性(它的新奇性,它的适应性或它的较低低价)也可能引起其变化性。大作文第三段这样总结哪都能用的样子On the basis of the discussion above, it is my strong belief that this phenomenon mirrored by the chart is bound to exist for some years to come. Although we are not sure what will come of this trend, at least it will have a great and far-reaching impact upon our daily life.征小辰翻译一下根据上面讨论,我坚信,这个表格反映的这种现象肯多还会持续很多年。尽管我们不能确定这个趋势最终的结果是什么,但是至少会对我们日常生活有很大而深远的影响。征辰加油包另外,征小辰的专家老师还总结了一下:考研英语常考主题词+重点大作文主题+掌握理由+主题词如何写内容太多太精致,征小辰就不在这里长篇大论了,找我私信文档发给大家吧!用我的懒惰成就你的勤奋,值得!



2019考研英语二大作文终极预测(教育文化类:网络游戏)Directions:Write an essay based on the following chart in your writing, you shouldinterpret the chart, andgive your commentsYou should write about 150 words.预测范文The column chart reveals market size of web game in China from the first quarter of 2010 to the second quarter of 2011. During the period of one and a half years,there has been a sudden jump from RMB 520 million to 820 million, a rise of 300 million, at the year-on-year growth rate of more than 50%.When computer’s entertaining function is highly spoken of, such a problem does deserve our serious concern. First and foremost, the most serious harm ofInternet games come from their contents, which affect children’s mental fitness.The majority of games involve violence, such as fighting and killing. To win or kill their opponents, children are permitted to use all various means like guns, knives and bombs. When they are enjoying the pleasure of success, a violent turn of mind is developed and rooted in them, which may ince future violent behavior in their real life. What is more, being inlged in Internet games also does harm to children’s physical health. The radiation from the computer can arouse many uncomfortable feeling, like a headache, poor eyesight and even losing hair.Being lack of sleep and dinner, children are more inclined to get irritable and suffer from severe malnutrition.Of course, it is not the end of the story. Being inlged in Internet games also affects children’s study, and their communication with others. All these facts indicate that it is time for us to manageInternet games by the whole society.参考译文上述柱状图揭示了2010年第一季度至2011年第二季度中国网页游戏市场规模。在此一年半之间,从5.2亿元急剧上升到8.2亿元,增长了3亿元,同比增长率超出50%。当大家都盛赞电脑的娱乐功能时,这个问题确实值得我们认真关注。首先,网络游戏最严重的危害来自于其内容,影响了孩子们的心理健康。大多数游戏涉及暴力,例如打斗和杀人。为了获胜或杀死对手孩子们允许使用枪、刀、炸弹等各种手段。当他们享受过程的快乐之时,他们萌生了暴力思想并变得根深蒂固。此外,沉迷于网络游戏也会损害孩子们的生理健康。电脑辐射能够引起很多不适反应,例如头疼、视力下降甚至掉头发。孩子们废寝忘食,更容易生气并导致严重的营养不良。当然,事情不止如此。沉迷于网络游戏也能影响孩子们的学习以及与他人的沟通能力。所有这些事实证明我们整个社会早就该控制网络游戏了。亮点词汇column chart柱状图 reveal描述 web game网页游戏 quarter季度 sudden急剧的 jump增长 million百万 year-on-year同比 growth rate增长率 entertaining娱乐的 function功能 highly高度地 speak of赞扬 deserve值得 serious concern严肃关注 first and foremost首先 harm危害 Internet games网络游戏 content内容 affect影响 the majority of大多数 involve涉及 violence暴力 opponent对手permit允许 means方式 gun枪 bomb炸弹 pleasure快乐 violent暴力的 root扎根 ince引起behavior行为 what is more此外 do harm to危害 physical health生理健康 radiation辐射 arouse引起 uncomfortable不适的 feeling反应 headache头疼 poor eyesight视力下降 be inclined to容易irritable暴怒的 suffer from遭受 severe严重的 malnutrition营养不良 of course当然 communication沟通 indicate证明 manage控制道长点评考研写作结构第二个方面:评分标准,有三大评分标准:一是关联词,即过渡性词语,一般小作文使用3-5个左右,大作文使用5-7个左右;二是同义替换,词汇及句子结构最好进行同义替换,一个词汇或句子结构最好不要反复使用;三是代词替换,可以使用代词尤其是物称代词来替代名词、短语或句子。经典句型1The majority of modern-day games are based on fantasy and they cannot teach us much about life.如今的游戏有一大半都基于虚幻,从中人们无法体验到太多的人生。2A good many middle school and high school boys spend numerous weekend hours glued to their computers, playing the latest fantasy games. 许多上中学的男孩一到周末就贴在电脑前,拼命玩最新潮的虚幻游戏。3Many outstanding students flunked because he could not concentrate on the study for being too inlged in Internet games. 很多好学生太沉迷于网络游戏而无法专心学习,因而考试不及格。



【新东方名师:考研英语一高分秘笈】由新东方英语名师王树振老师主讲,主要分为四个部分:命题规律、解题步骤、解题方法和高分技巧,内容详实,方法实用,能够帮你快速掌握考研英语(一)各种题型的超级解题方法和应试技巧,在最短的时间内,考研英语(一)轻松过线考高分!本专栏每天更新内容,因此,购买前一定要先点击关注英语名师王树振,然后再购买,不错过更新内容,购买后记得私信数字8给王老师,领取包括练习题在内的全套PDF资料,可打印长期保存。大家好!欢迎来到王老师得考研英语超级提分课堂!我们上节课主要介绍了考研英语(一)写作Part A应用文的高分技巧,今天继续讲解考研英语(一)写作Part B大作文的高分技巧。#考研英语#第一节 命题规律考研英语(一)的写作Part B,即大作文部分,主要考查考生英文语句表达能力、语法运用运用能力,以及语篇组织能力。要写好考研英语大作文,考生不仅要具有较扎实的语言基础,还要掌握一定的写作基本技能。考研英语大作文一般以情景、图表、图画等短文写作为主,要求考生在40分钟内写一篇160-200单词左右的英语文章,分值占20分。图表类短文主要包括饼状图、表格、柱形图、曲线图等。情景和图画类则多以话题形式出现。因此,考生们平时要多关注和社会热点相关的话题。考研英语大作文的题材及体裁特点如下:一、题材特点纵观历考研英语真题,大作文的题材大多集中在社会热点、人生哲理、学校教育、人际关系、等方面。最近几年的命题大多与当前的社会热点有关,要求考生对某一社会现象、热点话题、社会经济、文化生活有所关注和思考,并提出自己的见解。从命题内容来看,其题材特点有:1. 普适性:考查题材一般都是发生在身边的事情,考生们都有体验,能够有感而发,不会涉及一部分考生熟悉,而其他考生不了解的内容,对于社会生活中的敏感问题,一般也不会涉及。2. 教育性:论题有警示作用,可让考生作深层思考。3. 社会性:社会上的热点事件,或者需要分析解决的社会问题。二、体裁特点从体裁上看,近10年的作文都是论说文。论说文的特点是说议结合,一部分为对论题的说明,一部分为议论,或者夹叙夹议。这种类型作文的写作难点在于将说明或描写与议论有机地结合起来,形成一篇衔接自然的文章。第二节 题型分析一、图画式作文近些年,考研英语(二)写作的B部分考的大都是图画式作文,要求考生在规定的范围内进行描述分析。从命题者的角度来说,这是为了更好地考查考生的写作能力,如:理解推断和书面组织表达能力。图画常以漫画或照片的形式出现,有时候为了帮助考生理解图画的内容,有的图画还有标题和提示性文字。从应试角度看,审题、谋篇、语言是写好图画式作文的三要素。1. 仔细审题第一,仔细研读作文指令,从题目中找出中心词,分析修饰词,从而准确地抓住题目的中心。考生首先要搞清楚作文的要求,如:是否有标题?标题是什么?是否有提纲?然后,从作文的题目中理解命题者命题的主要意图。第二,考生要注意题目中的文字说明,看文字说明要做到看清主谓宾。第三,要认真解读图画,因为图画是作文的信息基础。图画作文的主题通常体现在图中人物的动作、表情或标题及提示性的话语中。考生可以在抓住标题与说明文字的基础上,结合画图内容,对图画进行理解分析,点出图画寓意。2. 布局谋篇考研英语大作文的题干中会提出两到三项写作要求,考生在布局谋篇时要抓住这些要求。虽然图画式作文每年的写作要求看起来难以预测,但是其考查内容基本相似,通常涉及5个方面:描述图画、指明寓意、分析原因、联系实际、给出建议等,一般会考查其中的3个方面,因此考生在写作时也要涉及其中三个方面,才能做到切题。由于这些写作要求类似于提纲,因此图画式作文也可以按照三段式提纲作文的形式进行写作。第一段用来描述图画并揭示出其寓意,第二段分析原因,最后一段发表评论或提出建议。3. 语言组织考研英语大作文的语言应该长短句兼顾,句式变化多样。在遣词造句的过程中,考生也要不断提醒一下自己是否用了分词结构,不定式,感叹句等多种句式,如果没有的话,需要适当调整句式。在组织语言的时候,要特别注意连贯性。连贯性不仅从连词、语句的使用中体现出来,更重要的是语意的相互照应。考生要注意自己的作文中心是否与主题句紧密连接,例子是否直接支持主题,号召是否呼应了主题和例子等。二、图表式作文图表作文是通过提供的一组或几组数据来反映某个趋势或某一问题和现象。要求考生对图表中的相关数据进行描述、分析和评论,并得出合乎逻辑的结论。写作的过程其实就是将数据、形象信息转换为文字信息的过程。1.仔细审题图表作文要求考生不要只对图表进行简单的描述,而是要抓住图表所反映的主要问题。因为图表式作文所要讨论的现象和问题都隐含在数据里,所以考生常会感到比较难写。因此要想抓住主旨,就要分析图表中那些变化较大、最有代表性和规律性的数据。它的写作误区是报流水账,对所有数据面面俱到,却不能指出图表所反映的中心,也不能利用数据进行有力的论证。常见的图表类型有:①表格,它表示多种事物的相互关系;②曲线,它常表示事物的变化趋势;③柱状,它用来表示几种事物的变化情况及相互关系;④饼状,表示各事物在总体中所占的比例及相互关系。图表作文的审题与其他类型的作文相比难度较大,主要表现在考生不易准确、全面地把握图表显示的信息。这类作文提供了大量数据,但题目往往要求少用所给数据,避免简单罗列数据。一般用一般现在时,如果图表提供了时间参数,则应采用相应的时态。图表作文的写作步骤:①分析图表及说明性文字;②分析数字所反映的主旨,得出中心论点;③列出提纲;④着手写作。2.表格描述:(1)横向对比:描述这种图表需要对比各数据间的差别,主要以数值、倍数、排列等方式来描述。例如,表示百分比常用句型:①It accounts for30% of the total population.②There are 4 members with master's degrees, making upnearly a quarter of the workforce.③Doctors make up40% of the staff in the hospital.(2)纵向说明:需要指出不同单位之间的比较,描述如何增减,增减幅度如何,反映出什么问题。例如,表示增长率的常用句型:①The figure of income increased byabout 200% as compared with ten years ago.②The number of students has reached200, indicating a rise of 4%, compared to last year.第三节 高分模板从出题角度,考研英语的大作文可分为现象解释、观点选择、问题解决和观点论证四种常考题型,相应的模板句型介绍如下:一、现象解释型此题型在考研英语的大作文中最为常见,要求考生从图表、图画入手,解释图表、图画反映的社会现象,解题思路是:先说明现状,其次阐述现象产生或存在的原因,最后分析并总结观点。模板如下:1. As is described in the picture above,the phenomenon of….has become the focus of the public concern.如图所示,……现象引起公众极大的关注。2. It is not an easy task to offer the reason for this phenomenon, which involves more than one complicated factor.要解释该现象的原因并不容易,因为其中涉及到很多复杂的因素。3. According the author's experience, there may be several possible reasons caused the problem mentioned above, which will be demonstrated as follows.在笔者看来,可能有几个原因导致了上面的现象,具体阐释如下:4. In the first place, ….; What is more, …..; Last but not the least, ….首先,……;其次,……;最后,……5. Among all the important reasons for…, one should be emphasized is….在所有重要原因中,我们应当重点关注……6. According to what this essay has discussed above, it can arrive at the conclusion reasonably that….综上所述,我们可以合情合理地得出以下结论……二、观点选择型此类作文同样是考研英语大作文常考的类型,要求考生从图表、图画入手,比较图表、图画反映的两种不同的观点或做法,进而表明自己的态度或观点,也就是做出选择。模板如下:1. As is described in the picture above, there is a general discussion nowadays on the problem/phenomenon of….如图所示,……问题/现象引起了广泛讨论。2. In reaction to the phenomenon, some people believe…. In their minds,….对于这种现象,一些人认为……,在他们看来……。3. However, others set forth a totally different argument about the issue. In their eyes,….然而,其他人却对此持有完全相反的观点,在他们看来,……4. Personally, I side with the former/later opinion. The reasons will be demonstrated as follows.就我个人而言,我支持前(后)一种观点,原因如下:5. In the first place, ….; What is more, …..; Last but not the least, ….首先,……;其次,……;最后,……6. According to what this essay has discussed above, it can arrive at the conclusion reasonably that….综上所述,我们可以合情合理地得出以下结论……



今天讲图表作文第二段的写作逻辑。第二段的写作逻辑:1.第一句:数据反映出的现状或者现象2.第二句:原因句以上两种句子在下面这个链接中:链接“图表作文三”3.第三句到第六句:原因分析两种分析模式:(1)1个原因句+1个原因预测句+1个原因支撑句(2)两个或者两个以上原因预测句+1个或者一个以上原因支撑句注:原因预测句+原因支撑句请看这个链接:链接“图表作文四”以2010年作文为例,说明上面的写法:2010年大作文1.Directions: Inthis section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following chart. Inyour writing, you should1) Interpret thechart and2) Give yourcomments.You should writeat least 150 words.Write your essayon on ANSWER SHEET2. (15 points)As we can see in this bar chart, the number of mobilephone subscriptions had changed dramatically ring the past 9 years from 2000to 2008. The number of mobile phone subscriptions in developing Countries had adramatic increase ring the span from 2000 to 2008, which was from 0.4 billionto 4 billion. A slight increase from 0.5 billion to 1 billion was witnessed inthe number of that in developed Countries ring the same span.现状句:The society developing fast,you may frequently hear the term of mobile phone subscription.原因引导句:Carefuldeliberation of this trend has illuminated me on why this should be so.原因预测句:Theeconomy developing, the people in developing Countries grow increasingly richand their consuming ability has improved. A growing number of people begin touse cell phone.原因支撑句:According to a survey make bySina, there are about 87.5% people owning cell phone.原因句:While,no one could fail to notice thatsmall population base could explain thereason why it could be like this in developed Countries.



【考点考向】消费结构【必备主题词】1. 花费expense2. 消费模式pattern of consumption3. 生活用品household items 4. 医疗保健health care5. 休闲娱乐entertainment【必备论证素材句】1. 随着经济和社会的发展,人们有能力在教育上投资,从而用知识来武装自己。As our economy develops rapidly, citizens nowadays can afford to invest in ecation to equip themselves with knowledge.2. 人们喜欢在空闲时间旅游和看电影。Citizens enjoy recreational activities such as traveling and watching movies ring their spare time.3. 随着生活水平的提高,人们不再仅仅满足于物质需求。Along with the constant development of the living standard, people are not merely content with their material life.4. 人们开始注重精神生活来放松和充实自己。People are beginning to focus their attention on the spiritual life both to relax and enrich themselves. 【实战演练】Directions:Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should1) interpret the chart, and2) give your comments.You should write about 150 words on ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)The pie chart above clearly shows the distribution of expense in a city of China in 2018, consisting of 5 parts: household items, ecation, health care, entertainment and others. Among the expense, household items and health care occupied 43% and 16% respectively. But what is worth noting is that the spending on ecation and entertainment took up 30% in total.The contributory factors accounting for this phenomenon can mainly be summarized into two points. First and foremost, as our economy develops rapidly, citizens nowadays can afford to invest in ecation to equip themselves with knowledge and enjoy recreational activities such as traveling and watching movies ring their spare time. For another thing, indeed, along with the constant development of the living standard, people are not merely content with their material life. Thus, they are beginning to focus their attention on the spiritual life both to relax and enrich themselves.From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that the pattern of consumption is bound to continue in the years to come. From my perspective, it should be encouraged, for it is not only beneficial for the economic advancement but also concive to personal growth.