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1, arise from=result from =derive from=stem from=originate from由。。。产生的,由。。。带来的Your success arises fromyour effort 你的成果是由你的努力带来的。2, abide by =comply with=adhere to = confirm to 遵守,接受,遵循(决定,规则,协定等)I must abide by the rules 我必须遵守这些规定。3, be about to do 即将要(做某事)He is about to read books 他将要去读书4, keep abreast of sth =stay abreast of =be in parallel with = keep pace with与。。。齐头并进,跟上。。。的步伐We must keep abreast of the world 我们必须与这个世界齐头并进5, in abundance 大量,丰富,充裕,充足There are many books in abundance 那里有大量的书6, by accident =by chanceI found a pen by accident 我偶然发现了一支钢笔7, by the chance of 因。。。的机会,由于。。。方面的运气You won just by the chance of his absence 你的胜利知识由于他的缺席给你的机会。8, be in accord with =coincide with =be in accordance with =identify with be in tune with=be consistent withYour actions must be in accord with your words 你的言行必须一致。9, on account of =owing to =thanks to = as a result of = e to = in virtue of =by virtue of =out of sth =by reason of = in consequence of 由于,因为His absence is on account of the terrible weather 他的缺席是由于糟糕的天气10, out of time with sb 与。。。不协调His action is out of time with him 他的行为不太协调。11, out of time with sth 与。。。不一致His actions are out of time with his words 他的言行不太一致。12, on no account =by no means =at no time =in no case =under no circumstances=in no circumstances=on no condition =under no condition=in no way 决不We must on no account refuse to change our bad points 我们决不能拒绝改变我们的坏毛病。



1、keep company with (=be friendly and go out together) 和…要好2、take…into consideration (=take account of, take…into account)考虑到, 把…考虑进3、on no consideration(in no case)无论如何也不4、be concerned with (=about) 与…有关5、be conscious of(=be aware of)觉察,知道6、be in debt to sb. 欠…的债7、beyond dispute不容争议的,无可争议8、be in favour with 受宠, 受偏爱9、be grateful to sb. for sth 因…感谢某人10、be in the habit of 习惯于11、live from hand to mouth勉强度日,现挣现吃12、be identical with(=exactly alike)和完全相同13、independent of 独立的,不受约束的14、be innocent of 无罪的,无辜的15、in the interests of 符合…的利益; be interested in 对…感兴趣16、keep…to oneself(=keep secret)不告诉别人17、throw light on ( = make clear, explain) 使…更为清楚, 提供线索, 阐明18、make the most of 充分利用19、take notice of (=pay attention) 注意20、comply with (=act in accordance with a demand, order, rule etc.) 遵守, 依从21、in confidence 推心置腹地22、with confidence 满怀信心地have confidence in 对…有信心23、consist of(=be composed of)由…组成的。24、consist in主要在于。 consist with符合,与…一致25、work out ideas 出主意26、on credit赊购27、 with credit以优异成绩28、to one’s credit使某人感到光荣30、demand sth. of sb. 向某人要求(非物质的)东西31、demand sth. from sb. 向某人要求(物质的)东西32、in the distance 在远处33、break sb. of (a habit)使某人改掉(某习惯)34、in consideration of (=in return for, on account of, because of )由于



    词组能有效的帮助大家提高完型和句子的理解与写作质量,为保证大家能够灵活运用考研重点词组,社科赛斯李梅老师特配以相应的例句,帮助大家更快地获得更高的分数。  1. appeal to sb吸引  His argument appealed to me.  他的论据引起了我的兴趣。  2. appeal to sb for sth 恳求,呼吁  You and I need to appeal to God for mercy.  你和我都需要恳求神的怜悯。  3. appetite for 对...41、 as a matter of fact 实际上  It’s not that difficult, as a matter of fact, it’s quite easy.  这并不那么困难,实际上,容易得很。  4. apply for 申请  What qualifications should I have to apply for this major?  要申请这个专业,我需要具备哪些资格?  5. apply sth to sth 把...应用于...  apply one’s knowledge to a problem  把知识应用于解决问题  The club applied the rules to new members only.  俱乐部仅对新会员实行了这些规定。  6. approach to通往...的方法;接近  We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information.  我们将探索手机信息的不同方法。  7. be appropriate for/to 适当,合适  Plain and simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.  朴素的服装适合在学校里穿。  8. be apt to 易于  People are apt to confuse the two issues.  人们容易把这两问题混淆起来。  9. arouse sb's curiosity about sth/sb.  激起某人对某事物/某人的好奇心  His strange behavior aroused her curiosity about him.  他的古怪行为引起了她对的他好奇。  10. arrive at a decision 决定下来  It took us hours to arrive at a decision.  我们花了几个小时才作出了决定。  11、 as a matter of fact 实际上  It’s not that difficult, as a matter of fact, it’s quite easy.  这并不那么困难,实际上,容易得很。  12、as a result(of) 因此,由于  As a result of this conflict he lost both his home and his means of livelihood.  这场冲突使他同时失去了住所和生机来源。  13、as a rule 通常,照例  I go to work by bicycle as a rule.  平常我骑自行车上班。  14、as far as...be concerned 就...而言  As far as I am concerned, Jason is basically a nice guy.  据我所知,贾森算得上是个好人。  15、as follows 如下  The main points of the plan are as follows.  计划的要点如下。  16、as for/to至于,关于  As for Laura and me, the color of our skin has never mattered.  至于我和劳拉,肤色根本不是问题。  17、as good as 和...几乎一样  It looks as good as new.  看上去和新的无异。  18、as regards 关于,至于  My opinions are concurrent with yours as regards this matter.  有关这件事我的意见和你的一致。  19、as usual 像平常一样,照例  As usual, we’d like to hear your opinion.  像往常一样,我们希望听听你的意见。  20、be ashamed of 对...感到惭愧,羞耻  You should be ashamed of your bad manners.  你应该对自己的不礼貌感到羞耻。的欲望  Exercise will improve your appetite for food.  运动能增进你的食欲。



考研英语必备核心词组(二)1, take account of sth 仔细考虑清楚 =take sth into account =take sth into considerationYou must take account of your grades 你必须仔细考虑你的成绩2,act on sth=act upon sth 对。。。起作用,根据(建议,命令,信息等)行事A student must follow the rules and act on them 一个学生必须遵守规定3, be out of action 不再运转, 失去效用The railway station is out of action 这个火车站不再运转。4, add up to 合计达Your several efforts add up to a big victory 你的少许努力达到了一个大的胜利。5, in advance(of sth)预先,事先, 在。。。之前=ahead of time =ahead of scheleYou must book a ticket in advance of the flight 你必须在这个航班之前早早预订一张机票6, take advantage of 利用,占。。。的便宜You must take advantage of your time 你必须利用你的时间7, to advantage 用某种方法使优点突出You must dance to advantage 你必须跳舞来突出你的优点8, be in the air 存在的,即将出现的Your happiness will be in the air 你的快乐即将出现9, on the air 在广播中You can get a lot of news on the air 你能在广播中获得很多消息10, be off the air 广播结束You can talk to me off the air 你可以在广播结束以后和我聊天11, be up in the air 悬而未决Your problem is up in the air 你的问题还没有解决。12, on the alert (for )警戒着,随时准备着He is on the alert for the test 他时刻准备着考试13, allow for sb 考虑到某人,allow for sth 考虑到某事You must allow for your family 你必须考虑到你的家人You must allow for your grades 你必须考虑到你的成绩14, one after another 一个接一个You can sing a song one after another 你可以一个接一个的唱一首歌15, one another 相互We can learn English one another 我们能相互学英语16, answer for 对。。。负有责任You must answer for your mistake 你必须为你的错误负有责任17, anything but 绝对不The question is anything but easy 这个问题绝对不简单18, nothing but 只有,只不过He is nothing but a little boy 他只不过是一个小男孩19, apart from =aside from=other thanApart from a small mistake ,your composition is great 除了一个小的错误,你的作文棒极了。20, as for =as to =with regard to =with respect to =with reference to 至于As for math ,we must study harder 至于数学,我们必须更加努力的学习。21, as it were 可以说,在一定程度上He is ,as it were ,a tall boy 他在一定程度上是一个很高的男孩。22, be associated with 与。。。有关,与。。有关系=be involved with =link to=be related to = be bound up with = be involved withYour success is associated with your effort 你的成果与你的努力有关系。



考研英语比CET六级水平还要更高,但是比专业八级又略简单一些。不过主要还是看考的哪一门英语,考研英语分为英语1和英语2,英语1的难度比英语2还要高很多,英语2的话略高于六级。1、be absent from缺席,不在2、abundant in 富于,富有3、by accident 偶然地,意外4、give sb an account of说明,解释5、accuseof指控,控告6、in addition to 除外7、take advantage of 利用8、above all 尤其是,最重要的9、be anxious about为焦急不安10、apply to与有关;适用11、be ashamed of 以为羞耻12、attend to 注意,照顾13、on the average 平均14、turn one's back on sb. 不理睬,背弃,抛弃15、believe in 相信,依赖,信仰16、in blossom开花17、out of breath喘不过气来18、in brief 简言之19、on business出差办事20、last but one倒数第二21、in the case of至于,就而言22、be cautious of谨防23、be indispensable to对…必不可少24、be beneficial / concive to…对…有益 25、interest in the long run…长远利益.26、for the benefit of为了的利益27、behind one's back背着某人28、make an attempt at doing sth. 试图做29、allow for 考虑到,估计到30、all in all大体上说31、in advance 预告,事先32、be accustomed to 习惯于33、with one accord 一致地34、a symbol of society progress社会进步的体现35、make joint efforts做出共同努力36、As the proverb goes正如谚语所说37、accuse sb of sth控告38、be acquainted with ①了解 ②熟悉39、adjust to(doing)sth习惯于;使自己适应于…40、apart from除…外(有/无)41、be capable of doing能够42、as follows如下43、at a loss不知所措44、at the moment此刻,目前45、by chance碰巧45、compare…with…把…和…比较47、in despair绝望48、ensure sb from/against sth保护某人免受…49、get a bargain买到便宜货50、kick off开球辨析lie—lay—lain 躺;位于lie—lied—lied撒谎lay—laid—laid下蛋;放置英语词汇量,考研英语词汇量比六级多了两千,难度也有加大,考研英语1有3%的超纲词,也就是一篇文章有六七个词你不认识。但是如果一个长难句有那么几个不认识的词,就足够头疼了。不过英语2就好一点,没有超纲词,但是难度还是略高于英语六级的。






词组能有效的帮助大家提高完型和句子的理解与写作质量,为保证大家能够灵活运用考研重点词组,社科赛斯李梅老师特配以相应的例句,帮助大家更快地获得更高的分数。91. bound for 开往...I boarded the plane bound for England.我登上了飞往英格兰的飞机。 92. be bound to 肯定,一定If so, your points of view are bound to conflict with his.如果这样的话,你的观点一定会和他的起冲突。 93. break a promise 不遵守诺言,失信I would never break a promise that I’d made to a friend.我绝不对我的朋友失信。 94. break down机器或车辆出毛病,出故障;(健康、关系等)垮掉,崩溃Their car broke down.他们的车子出故障了。Talks with business leaders broke down last night.昨晚与商界领导人的谈判破裂了。 95. break in 非法闯入;打断,插嘴(1) They broke in and made off with all the furniture.他们破门而入,把所有家具都搬走了。(2) She broke in on our conversation.她突然插话,打断了我们的谈话。96. break off 中断,突然停止Barry broke off in mid-sentence.巴里话说到一半就突然停止了。 97. break out逃出;突然发生,爆发(1) He spent two moths in prison before he broke out. 他越狱逃走之前在狱中坐牢两个月。(2) He was 29 when the war broke out.战争爆发时他29岁。 98. break through 突破,冲破;取得突破(1) to break through the barrier to knowledge克服知识上的障碍(2) to break through the enemy’s lines突破敌人防线 99. break up 分裂;(婚姻、恋爱关系)破裂;结束(1) Civil war could come if the country breaks up.如果国家分裂,内战就会来临。(2) His frist marriage broke up.他的第一次婚姻破裂了。(3) The meeting didn’t break up until noon.集会到中午才结束。 100. bring about导致;引起The economic reform brought about great change in he lives of the common people.经济改革给老百姓生活方面带来巨大的变化。



考研英语在考研试卷上占的比重是非常大的,所以,大家一定要好好复习,今天作者给大家整理了一些比较容易常考的词语大家好好看看,考研翻译一定可以有一些突破!1、 at the thought of 一想到2、 as a whole 就整体而论3、 at will 随心所欲4、 access (to) 能接近、进入、了解5、 by accident 偶然地、意外6、 with one accord 一致的7、in accordance with 依照、根据8、 give sb an account of 说明、解释9、 account for 解释、说明10、on account of 因为、由于11、 act on 奉行、照办12、 act for 代理13、 in addition to 除……外14、 adjust to 调节,适应15、 admit of 留有余地16、 to advantage 有利的17、 take advantage of 利用18、 agree with 赞同19、 agree to 同意20、 ahead of time 提前这是作者从历年真题中挑选的一些重要的短语,大家平常可能没有时间去整理,那我可以帮助大家去做这件事情,每天20个短语,不多不少,这样坚持下去,大家的英语考研成绩一定会提高不少的。我每天都会更新关于考研的知识点,以及自己的经验,其中包括数学英语和政治,希望大家关注支持,有什么问题,可以随时问,作者一定回!大家今天可以把这二十个记住,我每天都会从历年真题中选28个比较经典的,来帮助大家记忆!



英语完形虽然分值比较低,但我们不能忽视,如果答得好一样可以给我们的英语加分。为此小编整理了“2020考研英语:这些词组完形填空经常考!”的文章,希望对大家有所帮助。by chance偶然,碰巧take a chance冒险一试in charge of负责,主管take charge of担任,负责check in办理登记手续check out结帐后离开check upon校对,检查cheer up使高兴,使振奋,高兴起来around / round the clock一齐,-致,共同clear away扫除,收拾clear up整理,收拾,清除,澄清around /round the clock昼夜不停地come off实现,成功,奏效come on请,来吧,发展come out出版,出现,显露,结局是as if好像,仿佛as though好像,仿佛as to至于,关于as well也,一-样aside from除...之外ask for请求,要求pay attention to注意on the average平均,一般来说right away立即,马上back and forth来回,往返,来来往往地back off放,让步,退却back up支持,援助on the basis of根据,在...的基础上break in强行进入,闯入,打断break into闯入break out突发,爆发break through突破break up终止,结束,打碎catch one's breath屏息out of breath喘不过气来,上不接下气in brief 简而言之bring about带来,造成bring down.....挫伤bring forth产生,提出bring forward提出bring out使出现,公布bring to使恢复知觉come round / around来访,苏醒come through经历,脱险come to总计,达到come true实现,达到come up走近,发生come up to达到,符合come up with提出,提供in common共同,共有keep company with与...交往,与...结伴compare...to/with把...比作by compare比较起来be concerned with就...而言be concerned with关心in conclusion最后,总之a number of若干above all首要,尤其be absorbed in专心于by accident偶然account for说明on account of因为,由于take..into account考虑be accustomed to习惯于add up to合计,总计in addition另外in addition to除...之外in advance提前,预先take advantage of利用ahead of在...前面,先于in the air在流行中,在传播中after all终于,毕竟,虽然这样all but几乎,差一点,除...之外其余都because of由于,因为on behalf of代表,为了at the best充其量,至多do/ try one's best尽力,努力get the best of胜过make the best of充分利用,妥善处理for the better好转,改善get the better of打败,智胜had better最好还是,应该on board在船/车飞机上be bound to必定,一定break away脱离,逃跑break down损坏,分解,瓦解burn out烧掉burn up烧完,烧尽call for邀请,要求,需要call forth唤起,引起call off放弃,取消call on / upon访问,拜访call up召集,动员care for照顾,关心take care小心,当心take care of照顾,照料,负责carry off夺去carry on继续下去,坚持下去carry out贯彻,执行,实现in any case无论如何,总之in case假如,万一in no case决不catch on理解,明白catch up with追上,赶上all over遍及,到外all right行,可以at all完全,根本in all总共,共汁make allowances for考虑,顾及,体谅in alliance with与...联盟leave..alone听其自然,不要去管let alone更不用说along with与...一起one after another一个接一个one another互相apart from除去as for至于,就...方面说



摘要:考研英语短语是阅读,翻译,作文的重头戏,有些单词本意是一个意思,加一个介词可能就是另外一个意思,而且如果能运用到作文上,会更加优美上档次。本文分享“2021考研英语:常考热门短语2 ”内容,希望能给备战2021考研考生提供帮助~  21.act on奉行,按照…行动;act as 扮演;act for 代理  22.adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to)使自己适应于  23.adapt…(for)(=make sth. suitable for a new need)改编,改写(以适应新的需要) 24.in addition(=besides)此外,又,加之  25.in addition to(=as well as,besides,other than)除…外  26.adhere to(=abide by,conform to,comply with,cling to,insist on,persist in,observe,opinion,belief)粘附;坚持,遵循  27.adjacent(=next to,close to)毗邻的,临近的  28.adjust..(to)(=changes lightly)调节;适应  29.admit of(=be capable of,leave room for)…的可能,留有…的余地  30.in advance(before in time)预告,事先  31.to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地  32.have an advantage over 胜过;have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件;have the advantage of sb. 知道某人所不知道的事  33.take advantage of(=make the best of,utilize,make use of,profit from,harness)利用  34.agree with 赞同(某人意见);agree to 同意  35.in agreement(with)同意,一致  36.ahead of 在…之前,超过…  37.in the air 1)不肯定,不具体;2)在谣传中  38.above all(=especially,most important of all)尤其是,最重要的.  39.in all(=counting everyone or everything,altogether)总共,总计  40.after all 毕竟,到底;(not)at all一点也不;all at once(=suddenly)突然;once and for all 只此一次;above all 最重要的;first of all首先;all in all 大体上说;be all in 累极了;all but 几乎.