请参考以下两个在读证明模板: 1. 在读证明学生XX,女/男,汉族,XXXX年X月X日生,于二零XX年九月考入XX大学XX学院XX专业学习,学制四年。现为本科四年级学生。特此证明。XX大学二零XX年X月X日 Certificate of SchoolingMiss/Mr. XX, born on X(月)X(日), XXXX, was admitted by College of XX of XX University, majoring in XX Program in September, 20XX. Length of schooling is four years. She is studying in our university as a senior now. Here is to certify. XX University X(月)X(日), 20XXXXXXXX大学(最好用学校的抬头纸) 2. 在读证明兹有学生XX,女/男,19XX年X月X日出生,于20XX年9月进入XX大学XX专业学习,现在读大四年级。特此证明。XX大学教务处20XX年X月X日 CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that XXX, female/male, born on XX(月). XX(日), 19XX has been studying in XX University majoring in XXX since Sept., 20XX. She is now a student in Grade 4.It is hereby testified. XX University X月X日, 20XX