如果获得了Fellowship,即除了免学杂费、住宿费、保险费、书本费以外,还给获奖学生一定金额作为其个人消费费用。同时不必服务,也不用纳税,这种奖学金是完全意义上的“全奖”。 Graate Assistantship包括以下两种—— Teaching Assistantship (TA) A form of financial aid awarded to graate students to help support their ecation. Teaching assistantships usually provide the graate student with a waiver of all or part of tuition, plus a small stipend for living expenses. As the name implies, a TA is required to perform teaching-related ties. Research Assistantship (RA) A form of financial aid awarded to graate students to help support their ecation. Research assistantships usually provide the graate student with a waiver of all or part of tuition, plus a small stipend for living expenses. As the name implies, an RA is required to perform research ties. Sometimes these ties are strongly tied to the student"s eventual thesis topic. 这种属于服务性奖学金,获得此类资助者每周担任12-20小时的辅助教学或研究工作。这种经济资助只提供给硕士或者博士申请者。绝大多数的美国高校研究生院都设置这种资助,然而并非所有的此类资助都能覆盖一年中的全部费用,但多数都在全部金额的2/3以上。不过很多学校提供这种奖学金的同时,还会给学生免学杂费,也就相当于申请到“全奖”。在这里有一点要说明:TA/RA所得是要纳税的。 Tuition Waiver 实际上Tuition Waiver并不属于奖学金的范畴,而是属于经济资助,这是中国学生,尤其是非理工类申请人拿的最多的一类资助类型。它也是非服务性资助中发放最多的,最容易申请的一种。