去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:鍠冨杻涓濊浅谈音乐欣赏中的感情体验的基本要求摘要:音乐是情感的艺术,音乐和其他门类的艺术相比,特别擅长于抒发人们的内心情感,擅长于用有组织的乐音去扣人心弦、感人肺腑。音乐是一种善于抒情的艺术,其中有着丰富而深刻的感情内涵,只有当音乐欣赏者的感情活动与音乐作品蕴含的感情基本相吻合的时候,才能称之为正确的音乐欣赏。因此,准确、深刻和细致地体验音乐作品中的感情内涵,是音乐欣赏中感情体验的基本要求。音乐是一种善于表现和激发感情的艺术,音乐欣赏的过程就是感情体验的过程,情感体验的前提是了解音乐作品的结构形式;关键是把握音乐音响的整体情绪;基础是丰富的文化修养和生活经历。它既是欣赏者对音乐的感情内涵进行体验的过程,同时也是欣赏者自己的感情和音乐中表现的感情相互交融,发生共鸣的过程。关键词:音乐;欣赏;感情体验On the Sentimental Experience in Enjoying MusicMusic is an art of emotion, compared to other categories of art, music particularly good at expressing the people's inner feelings, stroking people’s heart with organizedandmoving music . Music is an lyric art, which has rich and profound feelings of content itself. Only when the feelings of the person who appreciate it is basically the same with the feelings of the music itself, that can be called the right appreciation of music. Theref