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考研英语的两篇英语作文都要写。第一篇是小作文,第二篇属于大作文。具体要求如下:字数要求:考研大纲对于英语一和英语二的字数规定不同,即英语一160到200词,英语二150词左右,但是在实际的阅卷操作中,两种试卷只要都不写超200字。内容要求:小作文一般属于书信类型,大作文是图画作文,主要以现在的热点话题为内容。语言要求:用词准确,语法正确,减少口语和缩略词,句型多变,又复合句也有从句。1、时间要求:小作文 15分钟,大作文控制在35分钟内。2、字数要求:因为第一篇小作文写6—8句话,超过8句话就过分了,就远远超过考试的字数要求,增加判卷老师的工作量。第二篇作文写3个自然段,12句话,冲到顶17句话。3.注意事项:英语中没有顿号,在汉语需要顿号的情况下可以用逗号。汉语中的引言通常都是:“”的格式,而英语中不用冒号,用逗号,如, " "。书名、文章名等出版物名称用下划线或者斜体字表示(手写时用下划线)。破折号可以用于在一个句子的前面或后面加入额外的注释,灵活地运用破折号可以使长句子变得更加生动,增加文章的文采。


在考研英语(二)试卷结构中,写作部分占了25分,根据写作本身的特征,考生想要取得写作高分很困难,但是想要得到一般分数(小作文:6分;大作文9分)确实有可能在短时间可以实现的。而小作文相比大作文来说,通过套用模板的方法很容易拿到及格分。对于考MBA/MPA/MEM等在职考生,尤其是提前面试通过的,对自己要求仅过线的同学,小作文的准备就背背单词、背背万能句、背背模板、有精力再看看范文,就可以,为啥这么说呢?首先,作文提高的空间不大,高分一般都是有一定英语文化底蕴的同学,现在才开始准备的话,短期效果不大,所以,大家还是把重心放在阅读上。另外,现在阅卷组老师都在查杀模板,所以单靠背诵模板的话,文章不仅千篇一律,而且套用生硬的话看起来很别扭,不过也可以将就,能拿到4-5分。再加上单词书写不出错,文章结构清晰完整,会给你个5-6分及格分。如果,你要是有点亮点词组、长难句,整体用词又高端不low,那就会锦上添花,拿到7-8分。在英语二大纲里,小作文大纲要求的有10种类型:1.道歉信、2.求职信、3.推荐信、4.请求信、5.辞职信、6.建议信、7.投诉信、8.感谢信、9.邀请信、10.询问信;从历年真题来看,英语二小作文类型上更侧重考:道歉信、建议信、推荐信、投诉信。接下来,把通哥整理的8大类型小作文模板汇总如下,大家可以熟练背诵应用,可节省复习时间,快速拿基础分。01、请求信02、询问信03、投诉信经典句式:1) complain the poor quality of the dictionary, and2) give reasons for your complaints.04、求职信05、感谢信经典句式:1) I am writing to extend/convey my heart-felt thanks/sincere appreciation/gratitude to you for…2) I find an ordinary “thank you” entirely inadequate to tell you how much…3) I must thank you again for…4) If you need any help to …please let me know.【范文】06、道歉信写作模式:表示歉意—>说明具体原因、提出补救办法—>再次致歉、希望得到理解经典句式:1. I would like to give you my apology for...2. I must apologize to you for3. I express my regret at being unable to do...4. Please accept my sincere apology for...5. I hope that the settlement of the matter will meet your wishes.6. I sincerely hope you can understand that I offended you unintentionally.7. We assure you that such a matter will never happen again.8. I do hope you will understand me and excuse me for my carelessness.【范文】07、邀请信08、建议信除了背模板也一定要注意卷面。最新考研英语大纲在“评分原则及方法”部分明确提出:“如书写较差,以致影响读者理解,将分数降低一个档次。”同时,大纲将考研写作分为六大档次:第五档(满分/优秀)、第四档(高分/良好)、第三档(及格)、第二档(不及格)、第一档(低分)以及零档(0分)。小作文两分一档、大作文四分一档。如果书写较差,小作文直接扣两分,大作文直接扣四分,写作扣分六分以上;反之,如果书写较好,小作文直接提两分,大作文直接提四分,写作涨分六分以上。众多考研阅卷教师反映:如果书写好一点,涨分在六分以上轻而易举。下面给几个考生在模考中的实例,希望考生对卷面予以重视,不是要求字写得多漂亮。




In nowdays ,the life of graated student seems only have something with their studies with nothing special ,which is not a good phenomenon . They only care about their studies and read the books related to their subjects and spend very little time on other active things,such as dissussing with some issues with friends or classmates ,attending some social activites or paying attention to some social or political phenomenon ,etc . If we only keep pushing ourself read the limited books for passing the exams every day ,we can't compete with others to find the good job and make much contribution to the socitey . As we can see ,the company ,the socoity and the whole contries now all is in need of the talents qualitifiled with rich abilities to deal with all kinds of problems like logical language ability ,forsight ability of unknow things and judgement ability etc . And we can only have these abilities from our pratices and our active thinking on things happened around you but not all from books .The Life of graguated stufent should be very active and meaningful with colorful activites so that graated student can be fit for the changing socities .


考研热<the craze for graate school>参考了:)~~ With ecational opportunities evolving so rapidly, the choice of a graate program requires introspection and considerable research.People entering medicine or law, whose need for degree is obvious, face new decisions about what studies will enhance their careers. Some 20 per cent of the nation's medical schools now sponsor al M.D/ M.B.A. programs. These programs prepare doctors to become involved in hospital or HMO management, or to create their own health care companies. Besides al degrees, a growing number of law schools offer certificate programs in specialty areas like alternative dispute resolution.One force that propels many people into graate school is the desire for more money. According to the Census Bureau, doctors, lawyers, and people with M.B.A. degrees earned an average of '95,148, more than twice the '40,478 earned by workers with only a bachelor's degree. Someone with a doctorate brought home '77,445, on average; someone with a master's, '51,183.The numbers are compelling, and certain professions clearly pay more handsomely than others. But researchers caution that an unknown portion of the income differential between those with a master's or Ph.D. and those with a bachelor's degree is explained by personality and ability—and that an advanced degree won't automatically make up for a lack in those areas. Because people who go on to graate school are often more driven and gifted than the average college graate. “If you sent them on an around-the-world cruise for the next few years, you might find similar income gains,” says Robert Reischauer, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C.Prospective students thus need to assess both their abilities and the dynamics of the job market that interests them for clues about whether immediate schooling will pay off and which type of program confers the greatest advantages.


历年的 经济学人什么的~不是有专门的考研阅读训练题么,里面会有题型,可以作为参考~望采纳~






找出自己的主要原因和薄弱点。如果是因为阅读文章花费太长时间的话,应该是文章略读,重点放在选项与文章信息的核对上面,一般读文章就了解大意就行,每一套题要把四个选项与文章信息核对清楚才行。如果是因为定位不准,就要多训练找出题干的关键词再与文章相应信息核对。如果定位好了,选项和文章无法对应的话,找找自己是否因为单词等原因读不懂,单词关过了之后,再结合选项“211”的原则以及“混反偏无”等特征排除,阅读也别要求太高分数,一般得26-30我觉得就差不多了,有的个别题目出题本来就不是很好,你再花时间弄明白也不一定会,所以英语多花太多时间效率比不一定高,还不如复习其他容易得分的科目呢,除非你一定要上名校,呵呵 技巧还是有一些的,比如一般正确选项肯定都是同义替换,越和原文相似,越不选。过分绝对的不选。因果的一般不选,因为经常是倒置的等。技巧还是其次,主要还是分析研究透历年真题,搞清楚出题模式和规律。还一点很关键,看清楚题目和选项!至关重要。211的意思是,四个选项一般容易排除2个,剩下2个就比较难选择,经常模棱两可。混反偏无只是错误选项的几个特张。其他的大致有:1.无中生有,偷换概念,正反混淆,答非所问。2.过分绝对,扩大范围,因果倒置,程度过深。3.就事论事,时态错误,局部信息,常识判断。等等这些。