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投行的研究报告 研究报告这个词的英文是?

Research report.看看链接吧,你的心也较有底。参考资料:http://www.internationalbusinessstrategies.com/


Report on the survey of university students' online shopping 1. Objective of the survey To understand, through this survey,current university students'online shopping's purchasing attitude, as well as their future expectation of online shopping's development 2. Survey's methods and targets Method of analysing the survey.Carry out questionnaire survey on 50 students currently at universities. and then add up, analyse to reach the conclusion. 3. Survey's result (i) Analysis of the overall situation of university students online shopping 1. Online shopping's power of attraction is evry great to university students. Through this survey which shows that 74% of the students have online shopping's experience.And among those who do not have online shopping's experience, only 2% have never viewed the online shopping's websites 2. In the days while online consumption and traditional consumption coexist, the reasons, that the majority of university students chose to shop online, are convenience,low price, its ratios are 34% and 42% respectively, having a satisfactory variety of goods is also part of the reasons, naturally,there are also those minority who do it out of curiosity and trend. All those online shoppers, who took part in the survey,chose a third party ( Alipay or TenPay)when it comes to selecting thier method of payment for goods purchased.This illustrates that third party payment is the most popular way of making payment. 3. Among those websites that offer online shopping facilities,Taobao is the msot frequently visited website by university students,it accounts for 84%. 4. Among the shoppers, the demands for goods are mainly those procts that would satisfy their mental needs. The top four items that people buy are softwares for games/hardwares & softwares for computers/digital procts (36%), fashions: jewellery/fresh flowers/perfumes/gifts (28%),video procts (14%), Sports and leisure goods: physical training/keep fit/camping (10%) 5. There is a time and space difference between online shopping and traditional mode of shopping. 12% of those online shoppers agree that goods are cheap but good, this is consistent with what it said, 20% say goods are genuine and the price is fair, however, there are also shoppers being fooled by the online sellers. After the purchase, 36% of the shoppers said they were generally satisfied with what they bought, and 18% are satisfied. (ii) The effect taht online shopping concts have on university students' network knowledge. Using " Having any online shopping experience?" as the standard,to compare the marks they gained in the areas regarding their awareness with respect to online purchasing risk,degree of trust towards network, network environment, from this we could see that online shopping conct has a certain degree of effect on university students' knowledge towards network. 1. The perception of risk is higher among university students who do not have online shopping experience.Among those that have been surveyed, 68% have worries about network safety(credit card details, personal details etc.,) and the percentage for those worry about after sale service guarantee, quality of goods,speed of delivery are 62%, 58% and 40% respectively, others concerned about the tedious registration proceres, delivery charges etc., 2. As for the difficulties encountered by university students who have online shopping experience.Categories of merchandise and the number of website mostly account for 30%, unclear description of goods take 38%, and the way of accounts settlement is 8% among all participants in this servey, other issues such as insufficient stock,complicated display of goods, uneasy to operate and website speed too slow etc.,account for 24%. 3.The development prospect of online shopping is perceptible.80% of the participants' mutual recognition has been more and more accepted by others, the space for development is huge, it can be seen that online shopping would develop more and more and would become the main way of shopping for the people. There are also 12% of people who reckon online shopping would not develop a great deal in the short term,among this group of people, many of them have no online shopping experience. (iii) Concise research analysis (简要研究分析) The foundation of online shopping market has increasingly become stablized, Taobao, PaiPai, Yique etc.,online shopping websites have already become the market places for the vast number of network users. As a result of our country's continued speedy economic growth,the improvement of people's living standard, the enormous scale of China's telecommunication networks, the rise of computers'rate of popularization, the development of computer technology as well as government's impetus, online shopping is becoming more and more exciting, it will graally develop and take shape to become people's principal form of shopping. 注: 网络购物 Online shopping (这是英国地道的书面语和口语) 网络 Network (单独时的翻译)Net purchase of University Students Survey As the network popular, the ever decreasing cost of computer, online shopping has slowly from one novel to the people graally become part of everyday life. Network is an impact on people's traditional consumption habits and ways of thinking, way of life, its special advantages of graally people. So my shopping through the Internet on college students concted a survey of the situation. First, investigate the purpose of Through this survey of contemporary college students know the consumer attitude toward online shopping and the future development of Net purchase expectations Two, the survey methods and survey Survey analysis. Through 50 at the school concted a survey of university students, and then statistical analysis, and come to the conclusion. Three, the findings (1) University Students online shopping overall situation analysis 1. Online shopping a lot more attractive to college students. Through this survey, there is online shopping experience accounted for 74 percent of university students. Online shopping experience without the college students, one of only 2% of people do not have to visit the website. 2. In the online consumer with the traditional consumer co-exist today, the majority of University Students select the reason online shopping is convenient, cheap, their respective proportion of 34%, 42%, but also because there is a part of merchandise are complete, of course, have less partly out of curiosity, fashion. At online shopping selection of respondents in the settlement, the selection of all third-party payment (payment or financial pay-Bao Tong), This shows that third-party payments are currently the most popular billing method. 3. At the website for online shopping in Taobao students are most often go the website, accounting for 84%. 4. There is shopping in person to demand to meet the spiritual needs of the procts. Purchase merchandise before the four were game software / computer hardware and software / digital procts (36%), fashion: jewelry / flowers / perfume / gifts (28%), audio-visual procts (14%), sports and leisure procts: Sport / Fitness / camping (10%), 5. Online shopping and traditional forms of shopping have time and space differences. Purchase one of inexpensive items have 12%, in line with what, 20% real, but also online sellers have been deceived. Purchase items, the purchase of merchandise on the degree of satisfaction has 36% of people feel in general, there is the satisfaction of 18% (B) of online shopping behavior of college students the effects of cognitive network To "have the online shopping experience," as the standard to compare their perceived risk of online shopping, network trust, network environment, such as questions on the score, we can see that online shopping behavior at a certain extent, will affect the perception of university students on the network. 1. There is no online shopping experience of university students on the network to a higher risk perception. All respondents to network security (credit card information, personal information, etc.) have worried that 68% of after-sales service guarantee the quality of the goods, delivery speed concerns separately accounted for 62%, 58%, 40%, the other also cumbersome registration proceres have to, distribution costs 2. Has a network of college students to experience online shopping difficulties. The number of merchandise categories and too many web accounts for 30% of merchandise description was not clear 38%, while clearing the way at all which also accounted for 8%, and other questions in the inventory shortage interface complex and difficult to operate and too slow, such as web 24% 3. The prospects for the development of online shopping are perceived. 80% of respondents agree that there is more and more being accepted, a large space for development of this opinion, we can see that online shopping will be more and more people to development and forming the main form. Also has 12% of people still think there will not be much short-term development, which has a lot of online shopping are not experienced. Four, a brief analysis of Online shopping market environment more and more stable foundation,淘宝,拍拍, eBay and other online shopping has become a vast number of Net users place for online shopping. As China's sustained and rapid economic growth, improve people's living standards, China's telecommunications network scale growth, enhance the penetration of computer, computer technology, as well as the development of the Government to promote more and more hot-line shopping market, will graally develop and the formation of people to the main form.

求一篇“圣诞节在中国”的 英文研究报告,500—1000词,谢谢好心人了,尽快!!!

  The name Christmas is short for "Christ's Mass". A Mass is a kind of Church service. Christmas is a religious festival. It is the day we celebrate as the birthday of Jesus.  There are special Christmas services in Christian churches all over the world. But many of the festivities of Christmas do not have anything to do with religion. Exchanging gifts and sending Christmas cards are the modern ways of celebrating the Christmas in the world.  The birth of Jesus had a story: In Nazareth, a city of Galilee. The virgin's name was Mary was betrothed to Joseph. Before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband was minded to put her away secretly. While he thought about these things, Gabriel, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and told him did not be afraid to take Mary as wife. And Mary will bring forth a Son, and he shall call his name, Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.  Before Jesus births, Joseph and Mary came to Quintus was governing Syria. So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. Joseph also went up out of Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and of the lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. So it was that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.  And that, Christmas is the feast of the nativity of Jesus, is on 25th, December every year. But nobody know the actual birthday of Jesus. And the Christmas has become popular when Christmas cards appeared in 1846 and the concept of a jolly Santa Claus was first made popular in nineteenth Century.  The Chinese Spring Festival and the Western Christmas  Evely nation has its own folk festivals. Those festivals give people a chance to be away from their regular work and everyday worries to enjoy themselves and to develop kindship and fi’iendship. The Spring Festival is the chief holiday in China while Christmas is the most important redletter day in the western world.  The Spring Festival and Christmas have much in common. Both are prepared hefiorehand to create a joyous atmosphere; both offer a family reunion with a square feast: and both satisfy the children with new clothes, lovely presents and delicious food. However, the Chinese Spring Festival has no religious background while Christmas has something to do with God and there is Santa Claus with white heard to bring children presents. The westerners send each other Christmas cards for greetings while the Chinese people pay a call on each other.  Nowadays, some of the Chinese youth has begun to celebrate Christmas, following the example of the westerners. Perhaps they do so just for fun and out of curiosity.  I think we Chinese should pay more attention to traditional Chinese festivals such as the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival. Observance of those traditional holidays increases cohesion of the entire nation. If those traditional holidays should disappear, it would be a loss to Chinese culture and to world civilization as well. On the other hand, Christmas is a season for people to be jolly. It is also an occasion for people to express love and other pleasant feelings. When family members get together for a huge dinner, they have a sense of warmth and closeness. When children receive gifts, they are excited, and their happiness is infectious. As the world has become smaller through globalization, Christmas has become more popular in many non-Western countries.宝贝儿,如果到最后还没人帮你的话,自己写个中文稿,我帮你翻译一下.但是让我写作文我是不行的行,我去找一篇,谢谢了


列提纲 把线条逻辑理清楚 然后一边对照报告主线,一边写论文 可以先写英文论文然后整理成中文


1. 工作范围市场研究服务DR计划将分为三个部分: •评价区域集装箱港口竞争力 •评价有竞争力的腹地/内陆运输问题和成本 •集装箱箱量预测/概况 Drewry将调查并确定在邻近地区的每个竞争集装箱港口和码头,并评估其设施和目前的能力,以及任何未来的扩展计划。并将确定历史箱量和区域的市场份额,以及每个竞争港口的内陆连接情况。主要客户和贸易箱量也将尽可能的确定。 内陆连通性和成本将是确定港口市场竞争力的一个主要因素,Drewry 将比较区域竞争港口与主要内陆城市/市场的距离和成本作为分析竞争力的因素。而后,这份评估也可用于作为新的集装箱码头的商业可行性报告。集装箱量预测/概括将根据上述每个竞争因素,以及有关的历史GDP的增长,参照中国和未来的国内生产总值预期增长加以评价。航班在区域市场份额中将是一个决定未来的潜在箱量的关键因素。同时也将考虑该地区的进口和出口的生产基地和消费需求的因素。基地情况,高和低的箱量的预测/概括都将会提供。 3. 交付 这份市场研究将会以报告的形式用Microsoft Word做出,并通过电子邮件交付,基本标题如下: a )执行摘要和结论 b )评价区域的集装箱港竞争力-区域内每个竞争港口的关键设施-历史箱量和市场份额 -内陆连接性-主要航运路线客户和贸易通道 -港口竞争能力的评价-港口定价策略c )对内陆运输的竞争力问题评价-货运腹地分析 -评价港口内陆的分部网络-对比竞争 -内陆的距离和与主要内陆城市/市场的运输方式-内陆运输成本 d )装箱箱量量预测/概括 -重点行业分析-对比中国的国内生产总值,评价区域的历史集装箱量增长情况-基地,高和低的未来的货量预测/概括。 报告草案将以英语提供,一旦最终完成,中文版连同英文版将最为最终报告一起提供。1 工作范围市场研究服务,医生建议提供分为二部分: •审查区域的货柜港竞争•审查有竞争力的腹地/内陆运输问题和费用•货柜量预测/情景Drewry )将研究并确定每个竞争者的货柜港口和码头,在邻近地区,并评估其设施和目前的能力,以及任何未来的扩展计划。历史卷和区域的市场份额将确定,以及每个竞争者港口的内陆连接。主要客户和贸易里卷也将确定在可能的。 内陆连通性和成本的一个主要因素,确定港口的市场竞争力和Drewry )将确定和比较内陆的距离和成本的主要内陆城市/市场向那些在区域竞争的港口。此后,评估可作,以在商业上是否可行的新货柜码头。 货柜量预测/情景将根据上述每个竞争力的问题,并在有关的历史GDP的增长,在中国和未来的国内生产总值增长期望。轮班在区域市场份额将是一个关键因素在决定未来的潜在册。亦会一并考虑该地区的进口和出口的生产基地和消费需求的因素。基地,高与低的个案量推算/情景会提供。 3 。交付交付这个市场研究会的一份报告在Microsoft Word格式,所发表的电子邮件,根据下列一般的标题: 一)执行摘要和结论b )审查区域的货柜港竞争-关键设施在每个区域的竞争对手港口-历史卷和市场份额-内陆连接-主要航运路线,客户和贸易通道-终端竞争能力的审查-定价策略港口c )审查对内陆运输的竞争力问题-货运腹地分析-审查港口内陆的分销网络-比较竞争-内陆的距离和运输方式的主要内陆城市/市场-内陆运输成本d )在货柜量预测/情景-分析对重点行业,重点-审查历史区域的货柜量增长银两中国的国内生产总值-未来的货量预测/情景与基地,高与低的个案。 报告草案将交付在英语,一旦敲定,中文版的最后报告会提供,以及作为一个英文版本。

案例分析 调查报告 学术论文 用英文怎么翻译

the frist one: case analysisthe second one:census report investigation report report of survey survey papersthe third one: academic dissertation

高分求救。。。。调查报告 英文翻译。。。

我得天哪!知道为什么没人回答吗?一看就被吓到了~只50分吗~,我们这帮人对这种题很势力的The report analyzes: First, use targets to analyze Men and women's operating position of this teaching platform is very extreme. In all questionnaires, boys' application number is less than once / week, some did not use once a month; Girl more than 2 / week application number. Because the man girl of our department is unequal in proportion, the data can't reveal the operating position of all students truly. And demonstrate in the questionnaire, second grade and students of grade three use the frequency of the teaching platform higher than the students of grade one. Two, study time and environment to divide and analyze The students close to 80% will use it one or more times every week, is only less than 10% of the students' union to use for 2 times, 10% of the students do not even use it once every week. According to course, generally finishes a unit in two weeks, the teachers will generally fix up homework once in two weeks, so students' application number is directly proportional to the number of times of the teacher's homework task. The students close to 90% have not accomplished the task of studying ahead of time voluntarily, most of them have not finished the homework at home, but in the dormitory. Often to deadline, none of them will submit the homework ahead of time. Do not have abundant time to plan to write the homework, result in studying and has not improved by a large margin. Third, use content analysis 90% of the students will only use the teaching platform to look over a teacher assigns the homework situation and submits the homework. Other 10% of the students' union uses the teaching platform while reviewing lesson, facing the examination, the reason is that there is more knowledge that is clicked on the platform. It is obvious, use the content to be monotonous. The students will think the advantage which can bring to them in network teaching platform is to dispense with the writing of paper homework. The computerized greatly popularization now, abundant network resources, can help students find the information needed in time, so the students would like to use the computer to finish the homework further. They still think, the other information contents of the network teaching platform are obviously insufficient, and has not drawn their interest, because more function is to submit the homework in the network teaching platform. Fourth, suggestion analysis to the network teaching platform The students especially pay attention to several respects of the network teaching platform, thinking that it is insufficient to slightly show. 1,It is insufficient to study the quantity of the materials. 2,Webpage open slow 3, have no law to classify use, find out the content relatively comes loose. The page is not enough for specialization. 4,Some students propose increasing statistics that indivials study the situation, autognosis of the respect. 5,The content is more uninteresting, full of the content of the characters, there is not very good layout that is carried on interdynamically. The overall appraisal on the network teaching platform of the students, 60% of the persons feel general, there are satisfied 30%, only 10% of the persons feel very satisfied.参考资料:译典通

请问分析研判的英文翻译,专业性强的词汇 除了analysis以外的翻译

最好的一个词是research Information Research Centerinvestigation如果说是XX 研究报告,就是 XX Investigation Report


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