作者:赵雨嘉链接:https://www.hu.com/question/49317487/answer/144953155来源:知乎著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。伦敦艺术大学MACommunicationDesignMAVisualArts:Illustration雅思要求:6.5,单科不低于5.5学费:2013-2014学费是10300英镑南安普顿大学MACommunicationDesign雅思6,单科不低于5.5学费:15160英镑爱丁堡大学GraphicDesignMAIllustrationMA雅思6.5,单科不低于6学费:18100英镑金斯顿大学MACommunicationDesign&theCreativeEconomyCommunicationDesign:GraphicDesignMA雅思6.5,单科不低于5.5学费:13700英镑伯明翰城市大学VisualCommunication-MA学费:11500英镑格拉斯哥艺术学院(读完授予格拉斯哥大学的学位)M.DesCommunicationDesignM.DesinGraphics/Illustration雅思要求:6,单科不低于5.5学费:13534英镑/年视觉传达设计申请需要提供作品集,有的学校如伦敦艺术大学要求作品必须是PDF格式,有的学校如南安普顿大学要求作品必须是10M以内,有的学校如金斯顿跟爱丁堡大学要求作品页数要控制在20页以内,格拉斯哥艺术学院却要求25页。总之,作品是影响申请的重要因素,申请者可以在学校的要求框架下发挥自己的灵感跟创造性,体现出自己在这个专业的兴趣能力即可。视觉传达设计是通过视觉媒介表现并传达给观众的设计,包括平面设计、视觉传达、插画设计、摄影、交互设计等。视觉传达专业要求学生能够运用专业设计的方法技能,独立从事包装、广告、平面设计等工作,具有一定的艺术修养和审美能力。它的广泛应用决定了这个专业的火热程度,也决定了它倍受艺术留学生的追捧。让我们来一起关注一下美国名校关于视觉传达的录取要求都有哪些吧~1.The New School-Parsons School of Design(帕森斯设计学院)Major:Communication Design (BFA)Deadlines:Fall Term Early Action Applicants: November 1Fall Term Regular Priority Applicants: RD January 15Spring Term Priority Applicants: October 15Works Requirements:Create a new visual work inspired by the theme within a piece submitted in your portfolio. Support your process by writing one 500 word essay describing how your ideas developed. You may also submit up to two additional visual pieces that support your process. All forms of media are acceptable—drawing, video, photography, sculpture, 3D work, collage, and digital images.帕森斯设计学院需要童鞋们写一份500字左右的文书来描述你的创作想法是如何形成的。同时,你还可以再多提交两份额外的视觉作品,包括很多形式,可以是图画、视频、摄影、雕塑等等,童鞋们可以根据自己的擅长,提供有助于申请的作品。Portfolio:The portfolio must be completed in SlideRoom only. Freshman and transfer applicants must submit a portfolio of eight to 12 images. Portfolios can include a range of media such as drawing, painting, sculpture, fashion design, animation, performance, graphic design, or sketchbook pages. We encourage you to show experimentation and breadth, and the portfolio does not need to specifically address the major to which you are applying.无论你是新生还是转学生,需要提供八到十二张图像的作品集。它可以包括一系列的媒体形式,比如绘画、雕塑、时尚设计、动画等等,并且作品集不必局限于你所要申请的专业。Essay:The New School brings together a dynamic group of students interested in art, design, performing arts, entrepreneurship and critical thought. We would like to know more about your interest in joining our community and why you would be a good fit for The New School. We are particularly interested in knowing why you have applied to a specific school, college, program, area of study, or campus.至于申请中比较重要的文书,学校方面想更多的了解你为什么选择这所学校尤其是为什么想申请这个学院,专业,学习方向并且为什么适合这所学校。Language Requirements:The New School does not require submission of SAT or ACT scores for applications to be considered complete. Should you feel your SAT or ACT test scores are beneficial to your application, you may submit them for our consideration.The minimum score required for TOEFL (IB) is 92, for IELTS is7.0, and for PTE is 63.对于申请中的硬性条件,SAT考试以及ACT考试,校方不要求在入学申请审核过程中递交SAT考试成绩或者是ACT考试成绩。当然,如果你的SAT或者ACT考试成绩足够有竞争力,对你的入学申请有帮助的话,那么你可以递交你的考试成绩。语言方面的考试:托福考试成绩不低于92分,雅思考试成绩不得低于7.0分,PTE考试成绩不得低于63分。2.Pratt Institute(普瑞特艺术学院)Major:Communication Design (BFA)Deadlines:Fall: Early Action: November 1 Spring: September 1 (International applicants)Regular decision: January 5October 1 (US citizens and permanent residents)Works Requirements:Visual Portfolio:The visual portfolio should consist of 12-20 pieces of your best work. It should consist of a variety of media and approaches. It can include assignment-based projects, self-directed work or pieces of a collaborative nature. The portfolio does not need to be major-specific and can include any type of work including paintings, drawings, sculpture, ceramics, etc. In addition, students must submit three to five observational drawings. Examples of observational work include landscape, still-life, self-portrait, figure drawings, and interior spaces. Please do not include work that copies photographs, uses the grid system or directly replicates any other artist's work (including replicating anime drawings, cartoons, or video game character designs).关于视觉作品集应该包括12-20幅你的最佳作品,应包含多种媒介和方法,可以是作业形式、自我创作或合作作品等。 提交的作品不需要一定与所申请专业完全重合,可以包括任何类型的作品,包括绘画,油画,雕塑,陶瓷等。此外,学生必须提交三到五幅观察性素描,观察性素描作品的例子包括景观,静物,自画像和室内设计。但千万不能复制图片,或者使用网格系统或直接复制任何其他艺术家的作品。Language Requirement:TOEFL score of 550 (paper), 79 (Internet)or 213 (computer) is required for four-year programs.The required IELTS score is 6.5.The minimum SAT score for consideration is a critical reading score of 450.语言要求:托福成绩550(纸)、79(互联网)或213(计算机)。雅思成绩要求6.5分。最低SAT考试的批判性阅读至少450分。3.Academy of Art University(旧金山艺术大学)Major:Visual Development ( BFA)Deadline:Rolling AdmissionUndergraate Applicants: An art portfolio is not required for admission, but it will help the admission processGraate Applicants: An art portfolio in your chosen discipline is required with detailed descriptions for all international graate school applicants.本科生申请过程中艺术作品不是必须的,但是如果你提供会对你的申请有帮助;对于所有国际研究生申请的作品集需要根据选择的专业进行详细的描述。Language Requirements:We do not require these scores and do not have a minimum score requirement. However, you will be evaluated for English language proficiency upon arrival at Academy of Art University.Academy of Art University offers EAP (English for Art Purposes) classes. The Academy invites international students to enroll immediately in art and design classes while learning English as a second language.学校在申请阶段不需要这些成绩,也没有最低分要求。但是,将会在开学的时候对学生进行英语能力的评估。旧金山艺术大学提供语言课程。4.School of the Art Institute of Chicago(芝加哥艺术学院)Major: Visual Communication DesignDeadline:Fall EA: November 15 Spring: EA: N/ARD: April 15 RD: January 15Works Requirements:Like our unique interdisciplinary curriculum, our approach to what we want to see in a portfolio is distinctive as well. There is no one “right way” to construct a portfolio—you choose what to present to give us an understanding of your technical and conceptual skill set.Show us 10–15 of your best and most recent works.Use your portfolio to showcase your interests, skills, and creative potential.You may show us work created across media or focus entirely in one medium.Work can range from observational to abstract.We have no media-specific limitations nor do we present portfolio assignments.作品要求:关于作品集要求展示10-15你最近和最好的作品,这些作品最好能展示你的兴趣技能和创造潜能,这些作品可以用几种不同的媒体形式也可以集中全部用一种,作品的形式可以从观察到抽象,我们没有特定的媒体限制。Language Requirements:English proficiency is a requirement for all students. Students with TOEFL scores below 96, IELTS below 7.0 and PTE below 65 take EIS classes. SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing component scores of 560 or higher (for tests administered March 2016 and later); SAT Critical Reading component scores of 500 or higher (for tests administered prior to March 2016)*; or ACT Reading scores of 21 or higher are required for a TOEFL waiver. This requirement is also waived if you hold a 4-year undergraate degree from an accredited college where English is the primary language of instruction.语言要求:学生托福成绩低于96,雅思低于7.0 and PTE低于65的都需要参加EIS课程。SAT阅读和写作不低于560,批判性写作不低于500(只适用于2016年3月以后的考试),或者ACT阅读部分不低于21.如果你持有英语为第一授课语言的四年制本科学历可以免托福。5.School of Visual Arts(纽约视觉艺术学校)Major:Visual & Critical StudiesDeadline:Fall: EA: December 1Spring: November 1RD: February 1Works Requirements:The portfolio should contain samples of your strongest artwork, and should be submitted in accordance with the criteria detailed in the portfolio guidelines. Submitting your portfolio at Slideroom is highly encouraged.作品要求:作品集应该包含你最强的艺术作品,当然你递交的作品必须严格按照作品集指南中的详细要求去完成。最强烈推荐在Slideroom上递交作品。Language Requirements:TOEFL: A minimum of 80 on the Internet version, or 550 on the paper-based version of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Please note that the CEEB code for School of Visual Arts is 2835. A minimum of IELTTS is 6.5 and a minimum of PTE is 53.Note: Students accepted to Undergraate Programs who wish to improve their English proficiency may take advantage of SVA's English as a Second Language (ESL) courses. The program is offered in the summer as well as ring the academic year.语言要求:网络托福至少80,纸质托福至少550,雅思至少6.5,PTE至少53分。当然如果你是来自英语为母语的国家可以豁免托福,另外如果学生需要提高自己的英文水平可以参加学校的ESL课程,每学年的夏季学校会提供这个课程。