英国巴斯大学建筑学专业:MSc Architectural Engineering: Environmental Design(建筑物的环保、低碳性) 2.1 + 7.0 (6.5) 此专业主要为学生日后设计建筑物工作中提供一个基本的知识技能。让建筑物可以起到低二氧化碳排放,并减少对环境的影响,在现代建筑中提供预期的舒适感。它让学生重新审视它们的设计过程,开发建设项目的可持续性战略。就读该专业的学生可以从事建筑师,工程师等专业性领域里的工作。本专业一共有7个主修课,3门选修课,以及一片论文组成。巴斯大学的建筑工程学院获得英国工程物理科学研究院的980万英镑的基金以备其发展。此课程提供12个月的全日制硕士学位课程,同时也有9个月的硕士文凭课程。 英国巴斯大学建筑学专业:MSc Conservation of Historic Buildings 2.1 + 7.0 (6.5) 毕业后获得特许测量师皇家院认证,即Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)。 英国巴斯大学建筑学专业:MSc Conservation of Historic Gardens and Cultural Landscapes 获得LI(Landscape Institute)英国园林院认证 2.1 + 7.0 (6.5) The programme is open to graates from most disciplines including landscape architects景观建筑师,architects建筑师,archaeologists考古学,horticulturists园艺家,land managers, chartered surveyors特许测量师,Suitably qualified candidates from other fields including conservationists环境保护学者, planners规划师,geographers地质学者,engineers and historians with2.1,equivalent professional qualification or relevant experience。 英国巴斯大学建筑学专业:MSc Façade Engineering 墙面工程 (材料 & 涂层技术) 7.0 (6.5) A first degree at 2.1 or above A first degree below 2.1 with several years relevant instry experience An HND or equivalent with 10 years relevant instry experience Applicants with other qualifications and backgrounds may be considered. Students on the programme include structural engineers建筑工程师,civil engineers土木工程师,architects建筑师,surveyors测量师and building engineers,Candidates from some disciplines may be required to demonstrate an acceptable ability in mathematics