耶鲁不要GRE,托福100,而且口语和听力要28卡内基梅隆大学没有平面设计研究生啊耶鲁大学排名第三,, 申请研究生的 网址 http://www.yale.e/graateschool/admissions/examinations.html托福 GMAT .The TOEFL is required of all applicants whose native language is not English. This requirement is waived only for applicants who will have received a baccalaureate degree, or its foreign equivalent, prior to matriculation at Yale, from a college or university where English is the primary language of instruction. If you qualify (on the basis of your answers to specific questions in the application), no waiver form is necessary. 卡耐基麦隆 排名23。。http://www.design.cmu.e/show_admissions.php?s=6&t=1 Language (TOEFL) scores. Successful candidates will have a minimum ibT TOEFL score of 100, with minimum subscores of 25. The TOEFL test is administered by the Ecational Testing Service. 托福最低分 100,每部分 不低于25.