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去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:day我是天蝎座A.1. came up with|6. put your mind|2. The chances are|7. appalled|3. fell flat|8. verdict|4. bestowed upon|9. poise|5. downright|10. blurted out|1. inarticulate| 6. enhance|2. insults| 7. invite|3. inept| 8. sickly|4. glowingly| 9. adroit|5. execrable|10. charming|C.1. A|6. C|2. C|7. D|3. C|8. A|4. B|9. C|5. A|10 A |1. hesitant 6. external 11. Given 16. achieved2. playing 7. lurking 12. for 17. equal3. contributes 8. whose 13. perspective 18. based1.or 9. because 14. drawback 19. enters2.confidence 10. withhold 15. competition 20. enhancingA.我想了片刻,觉得世界上讲西班牙语的人最善于辞令,也许可以从他们身上学到点什么。你对他们中的一个人赞叹道,“这是我曾经见到过的最漂亮的房子”,他立刻回应道,“您大驾光临,更使蓬荜生辉。”让你站在那儿,一脸尴尬。要想回敬他们是没有用的——不管说什么,最后他们总会占上风的。有一点很清楚:所有得体的社交最根本的就在于保持镇定。Eliza. W. Farrar,写过一本美国最早的关于礼仪方面的书。她在书中

求研究生英语综合教程(熊海虹)(下) MP3



去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:day我是天蝎座A.1. came up with|6. put your mind|2. The chances are|7. appalled|3. fell flat|8. verdict|4. bestowed upon|9. poise|5. downright|10. blurted out|1. inarticulate| 6. enhance|2. insults| 7. invite|3. inept| 8. sickly|4. glowingly| 9. adroit|5. execrable|10. charming|C.1. A|6. C|2. C|7. D|3. C|8. A|4. B|9. C|5. A|10 A |1. hesitant 6. external 11. Given 16. achieved2. playing 7. lurking 12. for 17. equal3. contributes 8. whose 13. perspective 18. based1.or 9. because 14. drawback 19. enters2.confidence 10. withhold 15. competition 20. enhancingA.我想了片刻,觉得世界上讲西班牙语的人最善于辞令,也许可以从他们身上学到点什么。你对他们中的一个人赞叹道,“这是我曾经见到过的最漂亮的房子”,他立刻回应道,“您大驾光临,更使蓬荜生辉。”让你站在那儿,一脸尴尬。要想回敬他们是没有用的——不管说什么,最后他们总会占上风的。有一点很清楚:所有得体的社交最根本的就在于保持镇定。Eliza. W. Farrar,写过一本美国最早的关于礼仪方面的书。她在书中

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谁有《研究生综合英语2(修订版)》第一单元《The Joy of Giving (Affirmation)》的翻译?

The Joy of Giving (Affirmation) —— The Healing Effect of Compliments在给予(确认喜) The Healing Effect of Compliments 恭维愈合的影响 正文:S andra works for an employer who seldom affirms her. 拧安德烈工程雇主谁,她肯定很少。 She can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times the supervisor of the small social service agency where she works has given her a genuine compliment, ring more than two years that she has diligently served the firm.她可以依靠的一方面倍的小社会服务机构,主管人数的手指她的作品已在两年多的真正的赞美她,她一直坚持不懈地努力服务于企业。 Even if a finger or two were missing, she could still make the count.即使手指或2人失踪,她仍然可以计数。 It isn't that Sandra's boss doesn't appreciate her; in fact, she clearly admires Sandra's work.这并不是说桑德拉的老板不理解她,其实她清楚地钦佩桑德拉的工作。 Nor is her supervisor mean-spirited.也不是她的上司卑劣。 She is a deeply compassionate woman, who gives herself relentlessly to the needs of others.她是一个深切体恤女人,谁给自己不断地对他人的需要。 Through her kindness and availability she does indeed affirm others in many ways.通过她的善良和可用性,她确实在很多方面肯定别人。 Yet she is highly uncomfortable affirming others verbally. Though Sandra greatly enjoys her work, she has found it increasingly disheartening to spend so much time around someone who seldom commends her.然而,她肯定是非常不舒服的人口头。虽然桑德拉大大喜欢她的工作,她发现越来越令人沮丧的花费约谁很少有人称赞她这么多时间。 At the end of the work day, this normally optimistic woman often feels deflated, and wonders if her efforts have really been needed.在一天的工作结束,这通常乐观的妇女往往感到泄气,她的努力,如果真的有需要的奇迹。 I've known many Christians who, like Sandra's boss--herself a strong Christian--find it difficult to give compliments.我知道是谁,像桑德拉的老板-自己是一个强大的基督教-很难让很多基督徒致意。 They are among the most compassionate and dedicated believers I've known, and come from all walks of life.他们是最富有同情心和专用我认识的信徒,以及来自各行各业。 While the reasons they don't affirm others vary, there are six common assumptions that lead many Christians to be sparing in giving compliments.虽然他们没有理由肯定别人不同,有6个是导致许多基督徒在给致意不遗余力共同的假设。 1. 1。 “We're all expected to do our ty.” In a fit of honesty one day, Sandra's boss admitted to her that she doesn't believe people deserve to receive compliments. “我们都将尽我们的职责。”在一个合适的诚实一天,桑德拉的老板承认她,她不相信人民应该得到赞扬。 Each of us is required to bear a certain burden in life.我们每个人都必须在生活中承担一定的负担。 There's no point commending someone for doing what they're expected to do anyway.没有意义,赞扬他们是怎么做应该做反正人。 2. 2。 “Compliments will go to another's head.” If you compliment someone, it's feared, they'll become prideful. “恭维将前往另一个的脑袋。”如果你赞美别人,它的担心,他们会成为自傲。 They may be left with a false sense of having arrived, and not be challenged to grow.它们可能留下了虚假的安全感,而到了,没有受到质疑增长。 A young man once told me that members of his church had informed him they would never compliment him for his song leading, even though he put a lot of time and energy into the task.一个年轻人曾经告诉我,他的教会人员告诉他,他们绝不会赞扬他的领导歌曲他,即使他投入工作的时间和精力。 Their reason for not affirming him, they explained, was so he would learn to receive his praise from God alone.他们不肯定他的原因,他们解释说,所以他能学会接受他从上帝单独的赞扬。 3. 3。 “Christians are not to stoop to flattery.” Some Christians fear that any verbal affirmation is pretentious. “基督徒是不能弯腰奉承。”有些害怕基督信徒,任何口头肯定是自命不凡。 Given the desperate sinfulness of the human heart, there really is nothing authentic in anyone to compliment anyway.鉴于人的心脏绝望的罪孽,真的没有什么人真正无论如何恭维。 4. 4。 “If you compliment someone, they'll assume you love them only for their achievement; this will cause them to feel under unfair pressure to live up to your expectations.” Some feel that this is a reason not to verbally affirm their children. “如果你恭维别人,他们会以为你爱只为他们的成就,这将导致他们感到不公平的压力下 , 不辜负你们的期望。”有些人认为,这是一个理由不以口头肯定自己的孩子。 If you commend Johnny for getting an A in math, it's feared, he'll associate your love with getting good grades.如果你得到了赞扬数学甲约翰尼,它的担心,他会联想到中获得好成绩的爱。 He'll then feel insecure if he doesn't proce top marks in the future.然后他会感到不安,如果他不是在今后产生最高分。 5. 5。 “Compliments don't need to be verbalized.” Others will know you appreciate them simply by your actions. “赞美并不需要语言表达的。”其他人会知道你很欣赏你的行动他们根本。 At most, an occasional or veiled compliment is all that should be needed to keep someone feeling affirmed.在大多数,偶尔或隐晦的赞美是所有应需要保持人的感觉肯定。 6. 6。 “Praise is e to God alone.” To compliment someone is to give them commendation that God alone deserves. “赞美是因为只有上帝。”要赞美别人,是为他们单独表彰上帝值得。 Since no one can achieve anything worthwhile apart from God's help, we dishonor him by praising someone for their accomplishment.因为没有人能达到什么值得上帝的帮助外,我们耻辱的赞扬他们的成绩为他的人。 We imply that they achieved success by their own effort rather than by God's grace.我们暗示,他们实现了自己的努力取得成功,而不是上帝的恩典。 Firmly Affirmed 牢固申明 There is certainly an element of truth to each of these objections. We each are expected to do our ty whether we're praised for it or not. There are times when compliments amount to flattery or alation that should only be directed to God.有当然是正确的成分对这些反对意见元。我们每个人都将尽我们的责任,我们是否正在赞扬与否。有些时候致意金额奉承奉承应只针对神。 Too much praise may cause another's ego to swell, or lead them to think that they now have to live up to certain expectations that we have.太多的赞誉可能导致其他人的自我膨胀,或导致他们认为,他们现在已经不辜负我们有一定的期望。 Yet to adopt a philosophy of never complimenting others, or doing so only sparingly, because of any of these reasons, is to take the truth to an unfortunate extreme.然而,通过一项没有恭维别人,这样做只是节制因为上述任何原因,哲学,就是要把真相,一个不幸的极端。 It's to ignore the fact that God has created us humans with a substantial and ongoing need for affirmation.这是忽视的是,上帝创造了我们一个很大的肯定和正在进行的需要人类的事实。 An important part of how we experience his grace and commendation is through encouragement from people-- particularly from other Christians, who are Christ's body on this earth.一个重要组成部分,我们的经验,他如何优雅和赞赏的,就是-特别是来自其他基督徒,谁是基督的身体在这地球上的人通过鼓励。 It's to this end that Paul commands in Romans 12:10, “outdo one another in showing honor” (RSV).它为此,保罗在罗马书12:10命令,“胜过彼此等奖”(RSV)的。 This is the only place in the New Testament where we're told to strive to outdo each other in some way!这是在新约中唯一的地方,我们被告知努力竞相以某种方式等! Paul's point is that we should give considerable attention to building each other up through giving compliments. The body of Christ should be marked by an unusually strong atmosphere of affirmation.保罗的一点是,我们应该给予相当的重视建立彼此透过给予赞扬。基督的机构应当由一个肯定气氛明显异常强劲。 For this to occur, though, compliments need to be verbalized. It's not enough to assume that others know we appreciate them even though we don't say as much in words.要做到这一点,但是,必须致意语言表达的。这不是足以承担别人知道我们感谢他们,即使我们并没有说太多的话一样。 I remember a long seminar I once gave where the sponsor afterwards merely thanked me but had nothing affirming to say to me about the weekend.我记得的研讨会有一次我给主办单位在事后只是感谢我,但没有什么肯定谈谈我的周末。 I assumed from his silence that he must have taken offense at something I'd said, or that he didn't think my teaching had been effective.我以为他的沉默,他必须是在我说的东西,进攻或他不认为我的教学是有效的。 It was only several years later that I found the event had been an important turning point in his life; it simply wasn't his nature to express compliments outwardly.直到数年后,我发现该事件曾在他生活中重要的转折点,它根本不是他的本性向外表示致意。 Most of us have enough critical self-talk going on within us that we assume others are disappointed in what we've done unless they expressly say otherwise.我们大多数人有足够的关键的自我对话将在我们的,我们承担,其余的是我们所做的,除非他们明确表示,否则失望。 For most of us, too, it's not enough for compliments merely to be occasional.对我们大多数人也,这不足够的致意仅仅是偶然。 Charlie Shedd has likened our need for affirmation to a tire with a slow leak, which though pumped up at night must be blown up again the next day.查理与谢德比喻缓慢泄漏,这虽然在晚上抽了我们的肯定,对轮胎的需要,必须再次被炸第二天。 His point is that yesterday's compliments don't suffice for today.他的观点是,昨天的致意是不够的今天。 We have an ongoing need for affirmation, and initial compliments need to be followed up with reminders.我们有一个需要不断的肯定,并初步致意需要提醒应遵循的行动。 Giving Others Credit That They Can Handle Credit 使他们能处理其他信贷信用 But what about the objection that complimenting someone will make them think you only appreciate them for their achievement?但是,我们反对的称赞有人会令他们觉得你只看到他们的成就呢? Here I believe we have to give people credit--even small children--that they can discern whether our love is merely tied to what we're commending them for, or that we're complimenting them because we love them and want them to feel encouraged.在这里,我相信我们已经为人们提供信贷-哪怕是很小的儿童-他们可以看出我们的爱是否仅仅是依赖于我们正在为表彰他们,或者说我们称赞他们, 因为我们爱他们,希望他们感到鼓舞。 If the latter is true, then we shouldn't fear that our praise will make them think they have to act a certain way in order to merit our love.如果是后者是真的,那么我们不应该担心我们的赞扬会让他们认为他们必须以某种方式行事,以值得我们爱。 It's more likely that our affirmation will have a freeing effect on them: they'll be relieved to know they don't have to strive endlessly and futilely to achieve our praise.更可能的,我们肯定会对他们释放的影响:他们将得到一些安慰,他们不知道要不断的徒劳努力,实现我们的赞扬。 Consider those intriguing instances in the Gospels where Jesus commends indivials for their faith--telling someone he healed, for instance, that their faith had made them well.考虑在福音那些耐人寻味的情况下耶稣赞扬他们的信仰个人-告诉某人他痊愈,例如, 他们的信仰作出了他们。 He actually paid these people a profound compliment by affirming their faith.他实际支付的这些人,申明他们的信念深刻的恭维。 Take the example of the woman with the hemorrhage, who was healed after pressing through a huge crowd and touching Jesus' robe (Mark 5:24-34).就以与出血,谁按下后通过一个庞大的人群和触摸耶稣的长袍(马可福音5:24-34)愈合女子的例子。 Jesus did her an extraordinary service merely by healing her. While she owed him plenty of praise, he didn't owe her any compliment at all.耶稣没有她一个特殊的服务仅仅通过她的治疗。虽然她欠他受赞誉,他不欠任何在她所有的赞美。 It even would have been appropriate for him to say, “The power of God has healed you, even though you were unworthy of receiving it.” Yet instead, he declared to her--in front of all those standing around them-- ”Your faith has healed you” (Mark 5:34).它甚至会是合适的他说:“上帝的力量已愈合你,即使你不值得接受它。”然而,相反,他宣称她在周围的人都站在他们面前- - “ 您的信仰治愈你“(马可福音5:34)。 In effect, I believe he was saying, “Your confidence in God, and your tenacity in persisting to find an answer to your problem in spite of so many setbacks, have played a vital role in your healing.实际上,我相信他说:“你的信心,上帝,您的坚韧在这么多挫折,在坚持寻找答案,您的问题,发挥了重要作用的愈合。 You are to be congratulated!”你应该祝贺!“ I'm certain that Jesus' affirming the faith of sick people who sought his help often had as great a healing effect on them as the actual physical cures that he brought.我敢肯定,耶稣'肯定是谁寻求他的帮助很大常常对他们的实际,他提出的物理疗法治疗效果有病人的信仰。 Yes, there is risk involved in giving compliments.是的,在提供风险涉及致意。 Yet usually the risk is greater in refraining, since we may lose a golden opportunity for extending the love of Christ to someone who needs it.但通常的风险较大,使他们戒除,因为我们可能会失去延长基督爱谁需要它的人一个黄金机会。 I might add that the loss is not only to others' spiritual and emotional health but to our own, for some of the greatest joy we can know as Christians comes from the experience of affirming others.我想补充一点的损失不仅是为了他人的精神和情绪健康,而是我们自己,为最大的快乐,我们可以知道的一些基督徒在肯定别人的经验来。 I can't help but wonder if this was part of what Jesus had in mind when he said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”我不禁在想:这是耶稣想到的一部分时,他说:“这是更为有福给予比接受。”参考资料:网络>整理

