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拦路虎一:文不对题“文不对题”是考研英语写作中经常出现的问题之一,不少老师在阅卷时都遇到过这样的作文——内容充实,条理清晰,用词准确,却与题目规定的内容大相径庭,最后得分非常低.考研英语写作是非开放性的,不可以随意创作,考生要严格按照题目的要求来展开文章.因此,在写作时认真审题是第一步.审题不仅仅是要仔细读题目,还要准确地理解、提取题目中的信息点和内容,明确题目的要求.由于考试的时间有限,因此要求我们在考场上必须快速、准确地审题.这就需要我们在平时多看一些题目,只有通过练习才能在考试时熟能生巧.平时我们可以按照下面的步骤进行审题练习:(1)看题目,划出其中的核心词汇,找出作文内容的要点以及格式要求等.(2)想一想这道题考的是什么方面的话题,应该从哪 方面展开,可以找到什么样的论据.(3)找到范文,与自己的构思进行对照、检验.对于历年考研英语的作文真题,尤其是近几年的新题,建议大家动手练一练.仅在脑海中对作文题进行构思虽然节省时间,但是很多问题只有通过完整地写作才能发现.考试时,要为自己留下一段比较充足的时间进行审题及构思,最好简略的列一个提纲,比如一两个关键词、中文或英文,甚至是一些简单的符号、标记都行.只要能够让自己明白,起到提示自己写作思路的作用就可以了.拦路虎二:无话可说在写作中考生常常遇到的一大难题就是无话可说,难以下笔.造成这种情况的主要原因是平时积累少.纵观多年考研英语作文试题,我们可以发现,这些题目几乎从未涉及到偏、难、怪的话题,比如:2003年的话题:温室花朵经不起风雨;2005年的话题:养老“足球赛”;2006年的话题:偶像崇拜等等,只要考生在日常生活中能多看多想,在考试时就不会无话可说.我们可以通过看中文的报刊来提升自己思想的深度与广度,作为写作时的论点与素材,也可以看英文文章来丰富语言.有不少人都提倡多背文章,但是背书对很多人来说并不是一件容易的事.其实要起到培养语感、积累语言素材的作用,只要多读多看就可以了.这些文章可以是你感兴趣的小短文,也可以是英文教材中的课文.在此,笔者还向大家推荐另一类材料,那就是阅读理解的题目,这些题目中的文章内容丰富,用语规范,长短也比较适宜,尤其是历年考研英语真题中的文章.通过反复阅读,不仅有益于作文,也可以帮助我们加深对阅读理解部分出题方式的感受与体会.虽然这些文章不一定要背,但是要记住,我们对文章内容及其表达方式越熟悉,在需要时它就越能为我所用.甚至在考试时,如果我们在阅读中看到好的句子,也可以把它划下来以便在写作文时借用.当然,如果能在考前准备一些比较通用的小例子,把它记熟,对于丰富写作内容也是很有益的.但由于考研作文对文章篇幅的要求,这些例子不要太复杂,最好能够用1~2句话说清楚即可;或者就选用一些人们耳熟能详的例子,仅用简单的语言概述一下即可.比如,在使用爱迪生发明灯丝这个人们非常熟悉的例子时,我们就不必花太多笔墨讲述故事本身,而可以直接过渡到对观点的论述:We can learn from the experience of the great inventor Thomas Edison that sometimes a series of apparent failures is really a precursor to success.拦路虎三:结构混乱结构混乱是写作最为忌讳的问题.有话可说是写作最基本的要求,但要写好作文则必须把话说到点子上,把意思表达的清楚明白.要做到条理清楚,就要求文章的结构合理.而只有在写作时理清思路,才能使作文结构清晰,从而方便评卷老师理解文章的层次.文章不分段或者分段过多都是不合理的.现行的考研英语作文题目中一般会有三条要求,考生可以对应的写三段话进行回应.一篇文章一定要有开头段与结尾段.首段不要太长,要开宗明义,明确表明自己的观点.尾段的主要作用是使文章结构完整,主要为归纳或建议.文章主体部分的每一段都应该围绕一个主题来写,每一段都要有主题句,而且主题句最好是每段的首句,这样更有利于避免一段内出现多个论点,或是出现偏题的现象,同时也可以使全文的逻辑结构更加清楚明了.良好的文章结构也可以帮助我们有话可说.每篇文章的首段和尾段、每段的首句几乎都是作为文章的结构而存在的,因此它们的内容是相对固定的.并列结构的文章可以用如下几组短语:on the one hand,on the other hand;for one thing,for another thing;in the first place,in the second/following/next place……in the last place;递进结构的文章可以使用以下这些短语:further/furthermore,mor/moreover,besides/still/also,what is more;转折结构则可以用这样的结构:Il is true……,But……,Also,……对于比较长的段落来说,还可以用一个结尾句来呼应首句的主题,最常用的方法就是同意转述.拦路虎四:用词贫乏,句式单一“用词”和“句式”是反映英语作文水平的重要指标,用词贫乏,句式单一,很容易让作文失去“血肉”.因此,要提高语言的驾驭能力,积累仍然是最重要的.前文提到的多读文章仍然是一个适用的好方法.当然,针对考试作文我们还要有一些提升语言运用能力的技巧.在词汇方面,建议大家多关注动词、副词以及连词.针对大家常常出现的一个问题:同一个词不断被反复使用,我们可以积累一些重点词汇的同义词.考研论坛有一个比较简单的方法,就是在word文档中输入一个英文单词,然后点击鼠标右键,在“同义词词库”中就可以看到很多表达相似意思的词汇.要想学会用一个词,就要求我们知道该词的用法与搭配.不仅动词的使用存在搭配问题,副词与连词也一样,比如:although和but不能在同一句话中连用.因此,在记单词时最好是熟悉一些例句.我们不需要花太多时同和精力在偏词、难词上,有一些很简单的小词(如:take、get等)有众多的搭配及不同的用法,如能恰当使用,一样能使文章增色不少.词汇的应用贵在准确,而不在于使用多少高级词汇.在拿不准的情况下,建议大家不要乱用不熟悉的词,以免闹出笑话.


去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:干燥器舱仍研究生议论文写作范文/模板一、引出开头1:it is well-known to us that……(我们都知道……)==as far as my knowledge is concerned,…(就我所知…)2:recently the problem of……has been brought into focus. ==nowadays there is a growing concern over……(最近……问题引起了关注)4:internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. it has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.(互联网已在我们的生活扮演着越来越重要的角色,它给我们带来了许多好处但也产生了一些严重的问题)5:with the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……(随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为……)7:a lot of people seem to think that……(很多人似乎认为……)8:it is universally acknowledged that +句子(全世界都知道...)二、表达不同观点however, others believe that……(人们对……的观点因人而异,有些人认为……然而其他人却认为……)2:people may have different opinions on……(人们对……可能会持有不同见解)3:attitudes towards(drugs)vary from person to person.==different people hold different attitudes towards(failure)(人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异)4:there are different opinions among peopleas to……(对于……人们的观


考生应多做句 子、模仿套用,读.背记、成语对于想要提高考研英语写作能力的同学有以下建议。 2、段落、漫画和提示的要求进行造句。背教师给的范文的框架:所谓“改写”就是根据命题要求对背过的语言材料进行去粗取精、写是培养书面交际能力,才能心领神会、句型按提纲. 改写,越早复习越好,对照答案反复推敲,早早积累词汇推荐何凯文2017《考研英语写作高分攻略》、句型。众所周知。这是培养写作技能熟巧问题的必经之路?背阅读理解等资料里面的成语:练习性写作和考研写作一样,把熟练背记的词汇。这就叫套用、或者2017《考研英语写作高分特训》 1。在这方面、段落和短文的汉译英练习。 3套用,悟出道理来、组段,以便写出一篇比较规范的短文:背什么、惯用句式或段落、去伪存真的模仿练习




Most of the countries in the world value ecation.why?beacause ecation is the basic of a country .nobody can deny the importance of ecation.a person ,who has been ecated ,know much knowlegde than others .if every civilian in a country can be ecated ,the country would be very rich and civilised.and the civilian of the country must be very happy ,because they not only have money they also have knowlegde.


在我以前参加的考研中考研英语一的小作文,一般都是应用性文体;主要包含:邀请信、介绍信、询问信、投诉信、道歉信、通知或备忘录。如果准备考试的话,最好这几种文体都要多参考一些例文 熟悉相应的常见的语句表达方式与信件的格式。考生面对英语的重头戏作文也应该头脑清醒,对于作文流程做到心里有数。第一步,做好审题工作,完成内容框架构思。考研英语作文的命题类型年难都有所不同,常见的有图画作文命题、图标作文命题、热点论述命题、简短故事命题等等形式,考生审题一定要理解请考研英语作文的写作要点,切勿偏离主题。第二步,就是初稿写作过程了。一般的英语水准的考生,在此将会花费较多时间来文成考研英语作文主体部分来完成,但时间尽量控制在半个小时之内,毕竟考试时间也是很紧张的。应该注意的是要丰富好考研英语作文的大致提纲框架,每段按照一定的句数进行写作,同时在开头选好相对有气势的句子,内容上注意长短句的搭配,连接词的合适运用。另外一点也得注意,就是字迹一定要工整、优美。切勿仓促下笔,一路狂草。最后就是进行加工润色了,使完成的这篇考研英语作文进一步的饱满、润和。写作完成后不要急于放松休息,以下的语言文字润饰工作可以让你的作品锦上添花,不留遗憾。浏览检查不可能推翻全部内容,因为时间有限,也为了保持卷面整洁,修改工作要以纠正明显的语法拼写错误为主。为了避免用语单调重复,也可将若干机械平淡的语言替换掉,实现语言的丰富多变。具体调整的内容主要留意主谓一致、名词单复数、时态一致、合理搭配,同时注意是否有拼写错误,这些得注意好了,避免细节上出现纰漏。总之,在考研英语真题考场上,时间至允许我们用40分钟时间来文成考研英语作文的写作,因此我们尽量要少些即兴冒险,多些理性沉稳,把握写作流程,突破自己的一般水准。


去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:干审科考研英语作文范文155篇(1)上大学的理由1.People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, care1.People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.People attend colleges or universities for a lot of different reasons. Career preparation is becoming more and more important to young people. For many, this is the primary reason to go to college, They know that the job market is competitive. At college, they can learn new skill for careers with a lot of opportunities. This means careers, such as information technology, that are expected to need a large workforce in the coming years.Also, students go to colleges and universities to have new experiences. This often means having the opportunity to meet people different from those in their hometowns. For most students, going to college is the first time they’ve been away from home by themselves. In additions, this is the first time they’ve had to make decisions on their own. Making these


y graate life planning Einstein said: "love is the best teacher." As has been the professional very interested, whichgave me a great driving force, in order to meet the strong desire for knowledge and better study, I chose to read a graate student. In the graate student stage I will work hard, study of heart, to read more literature, to lay the foundation for a phd. "The ideal is the beacon, without ideal,there is no secure direction, without direction, there is no life."Three - year graate study time has a great influence on thedevelopment of human life. " for this reason I made apreliminary plan, what are the shortcomings, hope the teacherto give advice.The profound understanding to graate students anniversity is different, both in life and learning will be of greatchanges and discomfort. In order to better and faster to adapt to life as a graate student, devoted to scientific research andstudy, I will as soon as possible to adjust, arrange their ownlearning and living habits. By accepting the knowledge tocreate new knowledge, is being a graate student the biggest characteristic. The times of college students is to try to create their own to accept anything but at the masters and doctoral students are no longer for a variety of novel class accept according to the order, but to pay attention to the problems oforientation arrangement, focus all your energy, all courses andread the book should be a concern, must there is a problem oriented learning, and have their own point of view. As soon as possible from the passive recipients into an active explorer,and learn to swim in the academic field. The graate three years life quickly, the key is my life. More important to improve our ability (1) to improve the capability of programming,application software 2 learning ability to analyze and solve problems with 3 people, skills, contacts circle the first semester: understand the subject, course of study first, postgraatecourses study earnestly, must each door to achieve excellent,and timely review more doctrine thinking training; by searching the literature, written literature review and reading reports, in order to further improve the inction, analysis, comprehensive ability, to understand the development of dynamic task and actively to the teachers and students to ask, have a preliminary idea on the study of their future, with a faster access to scientific research activities; at the same time, efforts to improve the foreign language, the computer knowledge, with period with the social requirements of compound talentsconsistent. Second semester: access to research, to determine the appropriate topic, familiar with the experiment, learningcourses have a profound understanding of the research topic,and then determine the research topic. Some preliminary experiments, a preliminary understanding about theexperiment, from the whole of his experimental difficulties have experience. Then is formulated in accordance with thecomprehensive plan to start research. Third semester: began to study thoroughly familiar with in the research stage,personally think that we must develop a good habit, every dayto summarizes the experimental condition, and preliminaryanalysis; design and processing experiment is correct, if you want to use a short time to do experiments or more experiments to do a good job, we must use the method of experiment designokay, so before the experiment design of multiple options,select the best. A preliminary to write a paper, write the paperas a goal, continue to improve, continue to progress,constantly improve. Fourth semester: the beginning ofpublished papers, the main experiment preliminary began towrite a paper, write the paper as a goal, continue to improve,continue to progress, constantly improve; supplementary documents in time, the world is changing every day, to continue to add new document, difference of the experiment is likely andimagine himself great, therefore we need to refer to some literature to study, sometimes to make great changes to his plan! Pay attention to the exchange of ideas, usually more and students, teachers, teacher exchanges, learn from each have the advantage of people. Fifth semester: the final experimentsupplement, published research papers by the two semester ofin-depth study and exploration of the subject, has been very familiar with understanding, then a comprehensive inspection,on the experimental analysis, and further improve, targetedresearch; know well to the research field of books, the formation of the tree of the knowledge of their own;interdisciplinary learning, learn to other areas of uptake ofsome concepts, proce a different kind of inspiration for itselfconcerns, expand their knowledge, their thinking is more active,write papers more sensation; the sixth semester: write a thesis defense began to write research papers, one must first understand the format according to the test requirements, draw up an outline, and then step by stepTo draft, note paper creatively, stay time, delicate thoughts!Thesis writing and knowledge deposition process, the respondent and the explanation of knowledge, declarative,翻译;爱因斯坦说:“爱是最好的老师。“由于一直对这个专业很感兴趣,这给了我很大的动力,为了满足对知识和更好学习的强烈渴望,我选择了读研究生。在研究生阶段我会努力学习,用心学习,多读文学,为博士学位打下基础。“理想是灯塔,没有理想,就没有安全的方向,没有方向,就没有生命。“三年的研究生学习时间对人类生活的发展有很大的影响。“为此,我制定了一个初步的计划,有什么缺点,希望老师能给出建议。对研究生和大学的深刻理解是不同的,无论是在生活上还是在学习上都会有很大的变化和不适。为了更好更快地适应研究生的生活,致力于科学研究和学习,我会尽快调整、安排自己的学习和生活习惯。通过接受知识创造新知识,是研究生最大的特点。时代的大学生是要努力创造自己接受的任何东西,但在硕士生和博士生中却不再是按顺序接受各种新奇的课程,而是要注意问题的定向安排,集中全部精力,所有课程和书籍都要有所关注,必须有问题导向的学习,并有自己的观点。尽快从被动接受者变成主动探索者,并学会在学术领域游泳。毕业三年的生活很快,关键是我的生活。本回答被网友采纳