去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:geshenshisb521Unit 1:cyberspace:if you don't love it ,leave it信息空间:出入随愿1something in the American psyche loves new frontiers.美国人的内心深处具有一种酷爱探索新领域的气质。We hanker after wide-open spaces ;we like to explore ;we like to make rules but refuse to follow them .我们渴求宽敞的场地,我们喜欢探索,喜欢制定规章制度,却不愿去遵守。But in this age it's hard to find a place where you can go and be yourself without worrying about he neighbours .在当今时代,却很难找到一块空间,可以供你任意驰骋,又不必担心影响你的邻居。2There is such a place : cyberspace .确实有这样一个空间,那就是信息空间。Formerly a playground for computer fans ,cyberspace . Formely a playground for computer fans ,cyberspace now embraces every conceivable constituency : school children , flirtatious ,singles ,Hungarian-Americans, accountants .这里原本是计算机迷的游戏天地,但如今只要想像得到的各类人群应有尽有,包括少年儿童、轻佻的单身汉、美籍匈牙利人、会计等。Can they all get along ?Or will our fear of kids surfing for dirty pictures behind their bedroom doors provoke a crackdown ?问题是他们都能和睦相处吗?人们是否会因为害怕孩子们躲在卧室里看网上的淫秽图片而将它