去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:我爱joga《研究生英语读写译教程》(第二版)练习参考答案及参考译文(注:第二版只有第六单元为全新单元,其余单元只是有些调整。)各单元练习答案UNIT ONE STAY HUNGRY. STAY FOOLISH.COMPREHENSION1He dropped out of Reed College because he did not see the value of it. (The answer to the second part of the question is open.)2Life was tough – he slept on the floor in friends’ rooms, he returned coke bottles and he walked 7 miles to get one good free meal…3He cited the example to demonstrate that what he had learned in his calligraphy class worked when designing the first Macintosh computer.4Jobs’ first story tells that the dots will somehow connect in your future. (What you have learned/experienced might help in your future career.)5He was publicly out. (The company that he and Woz established dismissed him.) The fact that he still loved what he did made him start over again.6He has learned a good lesson from his failure.7Do the things we love to do.8Open.9Open.10Open. (Weshould always want more, never be content and whenwewant to do something that others say is foolish,do it anyway.)VOCABULARY AND STRUCTUREA1 naively 2 curiosit