去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:april0424_Unit 1Move Over, Big BrotherBackground Information1.Big Brother: An omnipresent, seemingly benevolent figure representing the oppressive control over indivial lives exerted by an authoritarian government. (after Big Brother, a character in the novel1984by George Orwell)Answer keysI. Reading comprehension1. B|2. C|3. D|4. A|5. D|6. B|7. D|8. B|9. D|10.C|Ⅱ. VocabularyA. |1. C|2. A|3. A|4. D|5. A|6. B|7. B|8. A|9. C|10. D|B.|1. A|2. D|3. C|4. C|5. D|6. C|7. A|8. D|9. D|10. B|Ⅲ. Cloze1. C|2. D|3. B|4. B|5. B|6. A|7. C|8. A|9. D|10. D|Ⅳ. TranslationA.人们已经越来越意识到计算机的某些应用对我们所谓的“个人隐私”这种抽象的价值观可能带来的影响。过去,冗繁的活字印刷技术抑制了人们搜集并保存同伴信息的欲望,因而限制了个人信息的记载。但现在许多人已表示担忧,由于计算机信息容量大、准确无误、储存信息久,它可能会成为监视系统的中心,使社会变成透明的世界,将家庭、财政收支、社交等暴露在各种各样漫不经心的观察者面前,这些人中有些是病态的好奇者,也有居心不良或刺探商业情报的人。B.Anyone who googles for a website or looks up a friend on Facebook is likely to have those actions recorded and s