本科成绩单要求 新生入学:如果学生在国内读三年制的高中,高三毕业后直接入读美国大学的话,申请时需要提供初三及高一高二的中英文成绩单及高中的在读证明。如果是高中毕业后申请(没有在国内读大学),则需要提供初三及高中三年的中英文成绩单及高中毕业证。如果学生读的是四年制的国际高中的话,则申请入学时不需要提供初三的成绩单。 本科转学:需要学生提供高中三年的中英文成绩单和毕业证,以及就读大学的中英文成绩单及在读证明。 部分学校会要求成绩单认证(WES或者ECE),查校时一定要注意这个问题。例如Northeastern U:http://www.northeastern.e/admi ... aterials/index.html International Transfer Students will need all of the Transfer student required materials plus: Transcripts evaluated by one of the recognized credentialing agencies (For transfer applicants who have earned credits at an international institution): World Ecational Services Center for Ecational Documentation Ecational Credential Evaluators Course descriptions and syllabi for all University courses 研究生成绩单要求 如果学生本科毕业后直接入读美国大学的研究生,则申请时需要提供大一到大三的中英文成绩单和在读证明,开学时再带上完整的中英文成绩单和毕业证,学位证给学校。 如果申请时学生已大学毕业,则需要提供大学四年完整的中英文成绩单和毕业证,学位证。 如果学生国内大学硕士毕业,申请美国大学的研究生,则需要提供本科大学的中英文成绩单,毕业证和学位证,以及硕士就读大学的中英文成绩单和毕业证,学位证。 如果学生国内硕士在读,则需要提供本科大学的中英文成绩,毕业证和学位证,以及硕士在读大学的中英文成绩单和在读证明。特别提示,石溪的化学博士申请要求邮寄两份成绩单,以下为成绩单的具体要求: International Applicants Transcripts in both original language (two copies) and English (two copies)are required unless the primary language of instruction was English. Copies of diploma certificates for all degrees obtained, both original language and English, unless the primary language of instruction is English. See Acceptable Documents in English A Provisional Certificate from your Registrar must give the expected month/year of graation, if you have not yet graated and received your diploma. 注意,部分学校也会要求成绩单认证。美国各高校要求提供成绩单认证的学校大致总结如下: 1. 南卡罗莱纳大学University of South Carolina 专业:国际转学生international transfer 认证机构: Josef Silny & Associates, Inc. (http://www.jsilny.com) World Ecation Services (www.wes.org) (NACES) member (www.naces.org/members.htm) 2. 俄亥俄州立大学Ohio State University 专业:硕士会计专业Master of Accounting 认证机构: World Ecation Services (www.wes.org) Ecational Credential Evaluators, Inc. (http://www.ece.org) 3. 华盛顿州立大学Washington State University 专业:本科新生和转学分 认证机构: member of National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) AACRAO International Ecation Services (http://ies.aacrao.org) 4. 德宝大学DePaul University 专业:硕士专业 认证机构: One Earth International Credential Evaluation (http://www.oneearthevaluations.org/One_Earth/Welcome.html) Ecational Credential Evaluators, Inc. (ECE) (http://www.ece.org) Ecational Perspectives (EP) (http://www.edperspective.org) 5. 克莱姆森大学Clemson University 专业:international freshman and transfer 认证机构: World Ecation Services Inc.(www.wes.org) Foundation for International Services Inc. (www.fis-web.com) osef Silny & Associates Inc. (www.jsilny.com) American Association of Collegiate Lisano International Foreign Ecational 6. 特拉华大学 University of Delaware 专业:本科新生和转学分 认证机构: member of National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) AACRAO International Ecation Services (http://ies.aacrao.org) 7. 佩珀代因大学Pepperdine University 专业:硕士金融Master of Science in Finance 认证机构:member of NACES , 建议WES认证 8. 纽约州立大学石溪校区SUNY-Stony Brook 专业:International Transfer 认证机构:World Ecational Services 9. 天普大学Temple University 专业:International Graate Student 认证机构:World Ecational Services 10. 乔治华盛顿大学 专业:International Graate Student 认证机构:member of (NACES) ( www.naces.org/members.htm) 有的学校的研究生申请是不用邮寄纸质的成绩单的,提示,只需要在网申系统中上传扫描件即可,等正式录取时再给学校。比如Yale U: A record of your academic performance is required for each institution you list in the Prior Study section of the application. This record must be “uploaded” to your on-line application. An academic record can be in the form of a scanned copy of a transcript or an academic record from the institutions’ Student Information System (SIS) Portal. If uploading an academic record from your institutions SIS portal please be certain that it contains the institution name, course names and grade information and any academic comments. If not, then please upload a copy of your official transcript. Do not mail, or have mailed, any paper based transcript. An “Official Transcript” or “Final Official Transcript” is required only after an offer of admission has been extended to you and you accept that offer.