http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/7720836.htmlhttp://user.qzone.qq.com/765834163/blog/1286003045#!app=2perhaps you should read these first.in fact,as steve jobs put it,to think about what you really want rather than what you can still lose is good for you to make wise decision when you are faced with tough options.follow your heart and listen carefully to your inner voice.well,as for the specific proposals,i suggest that you should take part in this exam,given the realistic situation in chinese job market.first,try your best to be admitted in a superior university.although there is no significant relationship between excellent univerities and outstanding graates, you had better do better.second,find more internships when you take your master's degree.your mere advantage when you are faced with the hrs in the future is that you have more practical experiences.(do not care about the income when you do your internships.you will gain more than that)third,remember clearly you are a university student instead of a common youth.so you should think more than how to enjoy life and be merry.take your course seriously.