1 信息与计算科学培养方案(070102) (Information and Science Computing 070102) 一、专业简介(Ⅰ、Major Introction) 本专业是由计算数学、运筹学与控制科学等学科交叉渗透而形成的一个新的理科专业。培养德智体全面发展,具有良好的数学基础和数学思维能力,掌握信息与计算科学的理论、方法和技能的专门人才。经过严格的数学思维和科学研究的训练,使毕业生成为能解决信息处理、科学与工程计算、控制和自动化、规划决策等中的实际问题的高级专门人才,能在科技、教育和经济金融等部门从事研究、教学、应用开发和管理工作,或继续攻读研究生学位。 Information and Science Computing is a new interdisciplinary field of science formed by combining computing mathematics, and operational research and control theory. It is committed to train high-level talents with not only expertise in Information Theory and Computing Science, but also strong mathematical background and excellent mathematical way of thinking. After being strictly trained in mathematics and scientific research, the students will become experts in solving real problems in the field of information processing, scientific and engineering computing, control and automation, and planning and decision making. They will be qualified for in the fields of science and technology, ecation, economics and finance, working as researchers, teachers, application developers and administrators. They will make themselves competitive in pursuing higher degree in the graate school. 二、培养目标(Ⅱ、Academic Objectives) 本专业学生主要学习信息与计算科学的基本理论、方法和技能,具备在信息与计算科学领域从事科学研究、教学、解决实际问题及软件开发等方面的基本能力和较强的知识更新能力。 Students in this major are going to learn basic knowledge, methods and techniques in the field of information and science computing. They are expected to have the basic capability of doing research, teaching, solving practical problems and developing software in this filed, and also the capability of keeping updated with the latest knowledge and technology. 三、培养要求(Ⅲ、Academic Requirement) 毕业生应达到以下要求: 1.具有良好的数学基础,掌握信息与计算科学的基础理论和基本方法; 2.能熟练使用计算机(包括常用语言、工具及专业软件),具有基本的算法分析、设计能力和较强的编程能力; 3.能运用所学的理论、方法和技能解决应用领域中的某些实际问题; 4.掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,了解信息与计算科学理论、技术及应用的新发展,具有一定的科学研究和软件开发能力。 The graates are required to be qualified in the following: 1. Well trained with the fundamental knowledge in mathematics; proficient with the basic theory and methods in the field of Information and Science Computing.