有奖学金[新加坡] 新加坡国立大学National University of Singapore 建校年代:1905年 所在省州:新加坡 所在城市:Kent Ridge 学生人数:32366人 中国教育部是否认证:获得认证 国际学生参考学费:13130新加坡元/年, 折合人民币65021元;折算汇率:1 新加坡元 = 4.9392 人民币奖学金:Financial assistance for graate students is available in the form of scholarships and various financial aid schemes. There are many different types of graate scholarships available in the university for graate students. These awards are highly competitive and are given based on a track record of academic excellence. Most scholarships can be renewed annually subject to satisfactory academic progress. Applications for such scholarships are generally made concurrently with the application for admission to a graate programme. The list of scholarships available for graate students can be found here. Other forms of financial aid which are available include study loans and part-time appointments as Graate Student Tutor or Student Researcher. The part-time appointments are for selected students who wish to gain research and teaching experience. The full details of the financial aid schemes and part-time appointment scheme are set out here. In considering part-time work arrangements, it should be noted that a high level of commitment is expected of all graate students enrolled in full-time programmes, and the taking on of external part-time work to supplement personal income is not generally encouraged. Fees which are e to the University will be dected prior to crediting any financial aid (e.g. scholarship stipend/loan/remuneration) to the students' account. 参考资料: http://school.nihaowang.com/9171.html