去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:倾铃520Growing Up1 Fifty years ago parents still asked boys if they wanted to grow up to be president, and asked it not jokingly but seriously. Many parents who were hardly more than paupers still believed their sons could do it. Abraham Lincoln had done it. We were only sixty-five years from Lincoln. Many of grandfatherwho walked among us could remeber Lincoln. Men of grandfatherlyage were the worst for asking if you wanted to grow up to be president. A surprising number of little boys said yes and meant it.五十年前父母大都会问男孩子们长大后想不想当总统,问这话时一本正经,并非开玩笑。许多穷得跟乞丐似的父母也仍然相信他们的孩子能当上总统。亚伯拉罕・林肯就做到了。我们与林肯那个时代仅仅差65年。依然健在的许多爷爷辈的人还能记得林肯时代。就是他们最喜欢问你长大后想不想当总统。回答说想当的小男孩数量多得惊人,而且他们是当真的。2 I was asked many times myself. No, I didn’t want to grow up to be president. My mother was present ring one of these interrogations. An elderly uncle, having posed the usual question and exposed my lack of interest in the presidency, asked, “Well, what do you want to be when you grow up.我就曾经被问过多次。我会回答说不,我长大后不想当总统。有一个年纪大的叔