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去香港中文大学读博士的条件:1、博士学位项目申请人应毕业于认可的大学,获得硕士学位;或获得学士学位,荣誉等级不低于二等;或获得学士学位,成绩不低于“B”;或在高等教育机构完成了学业,并且获得了与荣誉学位相当的职业资格或类似资格。2、GPA 3.0及以上;3、所有申请者必须符合英语要求(符合以下要求之一):(1)托福: 网考不低于79分;笔试不低于550分;(2)雅思(学术类): 平均分不低于6.5分;(3)研究生管理科学入学考试GMAT: 语文不低于21分;(4)获得香港中文大学(深圳)或以英语作为教学语言的认可学校的学位证书;(5)获得以下考试的英文科目合格的分数:Hong Kong Advanced Level Exam (AS Level);Hong Kong Higher Level Exam;(6)获得 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Ecation (HKDSE) Examination的英文科目四级或以上的级别的成绩。扩展资料:香港中文大学校园环境香港中文大学面临吐露港,依山傍海,树木鸟类繁多,人文气息浓郁,被誉为亚洲最美的大学校园之一。 学校位于沙田西北隅,不但兼拥海山胜景,交通也极为便捷,坐火车从九龙到中大只需三十分钟,从罗湖边境则只需二十分钟。校园占地一百三十七点三公顷,是香港最大最秀逸者。中大依山而建,从山顶到山脚,由高至低可分成三层,经过几十年的经营,处处花木扶疏,中西风格的建筑掩映于其间。中大也是许多鸟兽虫鱼的栖息地,校方也竭力保护校园生态。俯瞰吐露港、远眺八仙岭的中大校园,是山与海的协奏曲,给予诗人灵感,赋诗歌颂它的和谐景致以及当中的翰墨因缘。中大校园宜漫步宜健行,徜徉于其间,可远观飞鸟,近赏花树。行于校园内的人行步道,如山阴道上行,从大学铁路站起步,以任何一所书院为终点,信步而上,会途经清雅的荷塘、苍郁的老树、翠瓦丹柱的亭台以及其他或人工或天然的景物,使人应接不暇。凡此种种,都令中文大学成为潜心治学、培养德行才干的好地方。参考资料:百度百科-香港中文大学参考资料:香港中文大学-入学要求及注意事项参考资料:中国政法大学-香港中文大学硕士学位项目和博士学位项目的通知


申请条件 GPA一般为3.0分以上。考生报考的外语语种必须为英语,以150分为标准满分计算,自费生的英语成绩须达120分或以上;奖学金生则须达130分或以上。留学志愿参考系统:https://www.jianshu.com/p/20ef0e8bdca2


我去年年底申请的香港中文大学的博士。托福成绩不是最重要的,你应该申请香港政府研究资助局的奖学金,不清楚你这个专业的情况。申请时只要把你的论文复印件还有成绩单,获奖证书复印件以及一切可以证明你优秀的东西按时邮寄过去就可以了。研究资助局的奖学金竞争比较激烈,全香港一共有一百多个名额。还有要写出你在博士阶段的Research Proposal,这个也是很重要的,可以跟导师商量一下,让导师帮忙修改。


Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Ecation, Doctor of Music, Doctor ofPsychology Programmes:• Master's degree from a recognized university; or• Bachelor's degree, normally with Second Class Honours in the upper divisionor above, and have been registered in a course of study for a Master's degree at this University for at least one year and have demonstrated research ability; or• Been registered in a course of study for a doctoral degree at a recognized university for at least one year, and have been approved for admission by the Graate Council; or• Obtained the degrees of MBChB, or equivalent, or under special circumstances, the degree of Bachelor, for admission to programmes of the Faculty of Medicine.Doctor of Philosophy stream under the "MPhil-PhD Programmes":• Master's degree holder from a recognized university; or• Graate from a recognized university and obtained a Bachelor's degree, normally with honours not lower than Second Class; or• Graated from an honours programme of a recognized university with a Bachelor's degree, normally achieving an average grade of not lower than "B" in undergraate courses; or• Completed a course of study in a tertiary ecational institution and obtained professional or similar qualifications equivalent to an honours degree.Juris Doctor Programme:• Graated from a recognized university and obtained a Bachelor's degree in a non-law subject or a law degree from a non common law jurisdiction, normally with honours not lower than Second Class; or• Graated from an honours programme of a recognized university with a Bachelor's degree in a non-law subject or a law degree from a non-common law jurisdiction, normally achieving an average grade of not lower than "B" in undergraate courses; or• Completed a course of study in a tertiary ecational institution and obtained professional or similar qualifications equivalent to an honours degree.Master's programme (other than the Executive Master of Business Administration Programme):• Graated from a recognized university and obtained a Bachelor's degree, normally with honours not lower than Second Class; or• Graated from an honours programme of a recognized university with a Bachelor's degree, normally achieving an average grade of not lower than "B" in undergraate courses; or• Completed a course of study in a tertiary ecational institution and obtained professional or similar qualifications equivalent to an honours degree.Executive MBA Programme:• Obtained a Bachelor's degree or professional qualifications equivalent to a degree.Postgraate Diploma Programme other than those separately listed in the ensuing sub-paragraphs:• Graated from a recognized university and obtained a Bachelor's degree.One-year full-time Postgraate Diploma in Ecation Programme:• Graated from a recognized university and obtained a Bachelor's degree with a major/minor subject in an area of study within the secondary school curriculum.Two-year part-time Postgraate Diploma in Ecation Programme:• Graated from a recognized university and obtained a Bachelor's degree with a Major/Minor subject in an area of study within the secondary school curriculum; and• Be an in-service full-time secondary school teacher.Two-year part-time Postgraate Diploma in Ecation (Primary) Programme:• Graated from a recognized university and obtained a Bachelor's degree; and• Be an in-service as full-time primary school teacher.All students should fulfill the English Language Proficiency Requirement prescribed below before they are admitted:• Possess a pass grade in English in one of the following examinations:- Hong Kong Advanced Level Exam. (AS Level);- Hong Kong Higher Level Exam;- CUHK Matriculation Exam; or• Have a degree from a university in Hong Kong or an English speaking country; or• Submit one of the following scores for assessment by the programmes concerned:- TOEFL;- GMAT (Verbal);- College English Test (CET) of PRC;- IELTS (Academic); or.• Have obtained a recognized professional qualification awarded in Hong Kong or an English speaking country.Each graate division may set further requirements, including a subject test or language test, and may also waive such additional requirements in particular cases.Those who expect to obtain a Bachelor's degree in the current academic year may also apply for admission. Some programmes may require applicants to have full-time work experience. Please refer to the programme leaflets for details.Applicants with degrees awarded by overseas universities by distance learning or by completing a curriculum of short ration may be required to provide assessment report from the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) on the level of qualification obtained.也就是说,没有传播学的博士点?中大入學資訊研究生gradschool@cuhk.e.hk持續進修scs@cuhk.e.hk中大入学资讯研究生


一、申请手续 申请文件包括: 1. 填好申请表格/ 提交网上申请表格 2. 申请人肄业之大学发出之学业成绩单3. 毕业证书副本 4. 符合研究院「英语能力规定」的学历/ 资格之证明文件 5. 两位咨询人的机密推荐书各一 6. 报名费收据( 于网上申请并以信用卡缴款的申请人则毋须提交) 7. 身份证明文件副本 8. 个别学部要求的其他文件学业成绩单及机密推荐书必须由肄业大学及咨询人直接寄往个别学部,或以密封加签形式,由申请人连同其他文件直接寄往个别学部。二、入学资格 申请攻读哲学博士、教育博士、音乐博士或心理学博士学位课程者须: • 持有认可大学之硕士学位。 • 持有学士学位,其荣誉等级通常须为乙等一级或以上,并曾于本大学攻读硕士学位课程最少一年,兼具有从事研究工作之能力;或 • 曾于认可之大学攻读一项博士学位课程最少一年,且经研究院院务会核准。 • 持有内外全科医学士或相等之学位,或于特殊情形下,具有学士学位(只限于医学院课程)。

请教 申请香港中文大学的博士需要哪些手续和条件







GPA比较低!对申请念博士有一点困难,但不是没有希望,这要你:1.有硕士导师或在校其他人士的有力推荐信2.硕士论文的质量3.硕士期间可有论文发表其实还有一项,你打算念哪个专业?有否与心仪的学系、导师联络?因不知其中细节,只能再略说一些材料,近年大陆生去香港考研究生很方便,因香港很欢迎内地同学来香港升读研究院,每年已设定有若干学位给非本地(即非香港学生)入读,也有奖学金等让各地同学申请。不妨先浏览各大学的网页: 香港大学:http://www.hku.e/study/c_index.html 中文大学:http://www.cuhk.e.hk/v5/b5/admission.htm 科技大学:https://www.ab.ust.hk/arr/adm/ 理工大学:http://www.polyu.e.hk/as/Non-local/nonlocal_Chi.htm 城市大学:http://www.cityu.e.hk/cityu/admissions/index-tc.htm 岭南大学:http://www.ln.e.hk/admissions/ 浸会大学:http://www.hkbu.e.hk/eng-ver/index.php 教育学院:http://www.ied.e.hk/pro_student/index_c.html 公开大学:http://www.ouhk.e.hk/WCM/?FUELAP_TEMPLATENAME=tcSingPage&ITEMID=WCM2004_57422974&lang=chi&FUELAP_SITEDBID=SITE_-66 珠海书院:http://www.chuhai.e.hk/ch/content/admission/nonlocal/ 演艺学院:http://www.hkapa.e/asp/general/general_academic_programme_non_local_student.asp 树仁学院:http://www.hksyc.e/ 了解了解,看看哪个学科合宜,再作申请。至於自费报读,连学费、生活费,每年也要约十多万港圆,不算便宜,努力一点,取得奖学金更花算。 否则可以先预备首年学费,次年争取奖助学金,申请兼任助教也可! 港大中国事务处www.hku.hk/cao有今年本科生的招生情况可以参考。 希望合用。请采纳答案,支持我一下。