确定自来己能否保研:若能保自研,建议关注外校保研的夏令营等活动,提前准备和参加,争取保研!考虑出国的可能性:经济状况(如果经济状况好到了一定程度,后面的文字不用看,出国稳稳的);英语能力(如果感觉GRE/TOEFL/雅思/GMAT等考试一年内刷不出与理想学校相匹配的成绩,慎重考虑出国);GPA(经验是没有3.5的话也最起码要到3.0);是否有出国交换交流经历、实习经历(商科较重要)、科研经历、社会学生活动(依据不同国家专业要求不同,不要求全有,但是不能全没有);等等考虑考研的可能性:是否来得及准备(要考更好的学校,大三下还没有开始准备就是时间比较紧张的情况);是否有硬伤(转专业考研但是对要转的专业一无所知,数学就是差到无可救药,等等);是否有足够的意志力(因为国内考研是所有鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,所以压力很大,一般来说需要集中精力学习)衡量过两个的可能性后,应该会有相对容易准备,相对更感兴趣的一个,再做选择。如果有可能的话,最好结合自己的职业规划来选择。有的职业很偏好海龟或国外经历,有的职业不认。Yeah,most of people are ignoramuses before going abroad.nevertheless I can give you some hints: You need spend one year to adapt English speaking environment in the abroad,owing to 60,000 vocabulary.for the first time,you will meet cultural shock owing to different cultures between China and western countries,for instance,Christian,how much do you know?Considering the Master degree in beijing university,it is a boo-boo,owing to Beijing university is not good as you expected,the instruction medium is still in Chinese,TOP 10 UNIVERSITIES IN THE WORLD all are teaching in English.For the IELTS and TOEFL score which is required for admission,usually a better university will require a higher band.you had better take it before applying the university in USAfeel free to email me at johnny.kong@3262363062yahoo.com if you still have question,i am an overseas student studying Mathematics in Philippines