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  Spring is the season of diseases, especially infectious diseases more common infectious diseases, including: influenza, meningococcal meningitis, measles, chicken pox, mumps, rubella, scarlet fever. Most of these diseases are respiratory infections, can spread through the air, a short distance droplets or contact with respiratory secretions and other means. School personnel-intensive, concentrated, once it is relatively easy to spread, will bring greater influence work and study, so we need to spring common understanding diseases and their prevention.  A human infectious diseases, many types, according to the different routes of transmission can be divided into four categories, respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, blood diseases and infectious diseases surface. Respiratory diseases refers to infectious respiratory diseases after the respiratory mucosa caused by invasive pathogens, including influenza, diphtheria, whooping cough, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, mumps, measles and meningococcal meningitis and so on. The disease occurs mostly in winter and spring, patients and carriers are the main source of infection. The original site of the parasitic pathogen is respiratory tract and lungs, mainly through droplets, airborne. No spitting, housing and public places to keep air circulating, and wearing masks, etc., can prevent the occurrence of respiratory diseases. Gastrointestinal diseases refers to infectious pathogens invade the gastrointestinal mucosa after arising, including dysentery, viral hepatitis, typhoid, polio, such as ascariasis and pinworm. The disease occurs mostly in summer and autumn, the sick and contaminated animals are the main source of infection. The original site of pathogens gastrointestinal parasite and its subsidiary organs, mainly through drinking water and food-borne. Therefore, do not drink unboiled water, not raw, without washing vegetables, melons, fruit, and vigorously to eliminate flies, such as washing hands before meals and after, you can prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases. Blood diseases refers to arthropods (such as mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, ticks, etc.) for infectious disease caused by the media, which is also called vector-borne diseases, including malaria, Japanese encephalitis, leishmaniasis, filariasis and hemorrhagic fever. Patients and contaminated animals are the main source of infection. The original site of the parasitic pathogens in blood and lymph, mainly through the spread of blood-sucking arthropods. Blood-sucking arthropods eliminate mosquitoes, ticks, etc., can prevent the occurrence of blood diseases. Surface diseases is e to the direct or indirect, animal contact with sick people, or in contact with the soil water containing pathogens, infectious pathogens enter the body through the skin caused by contact and thus also known as infectious diseases, including rabies, anthrax, tetanus, schistosomiasis, trachoma, scabies and ringworm. The original site of the pathogen is a parasitic skin and mucous membrane surface, mainly spread through contact. Isolation of patients, attention to personal hygiene, not with human or animal pathogens, such as contact with, the surface can prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases. Two, three basic aspects of epidemics.  Infectious diseases prevalent in the population can be, must also have a source of infection, transmission and susceptible populations of these three basic aspects, the lack of any one part, infectious diseases will not pop up.  The source of infection is the ability to spread a human or animal pathogen. Source of infection pathogens in respiratory, digestive, blood or other tissue survival, reproction, and can be the source of infection through  Excretions, secretions or biological agents (such as mosquitoes, flies, lice, etc.), directly or indirectly spread to healthy people.  Refers to the transmission of infectious pathogens, leaving the healthy way to reach people elapsed. The main route of transmission of pathogens are: air-borne, water-borne, food communication, contact, communication and other biological agents.  Susceptible population refers to the lack of immunity to certain diseases and susceptible to disease crowd. To the influenza epidemic, for example, to illustrate the three basic aspects of epidemics. When the flu speak, cough, sneeze, will emit large amounts of droplets containing the influenza virus from the nasopharynx, suspended in the air, the people around this air is inhaled with the virus after the virus enters the respiratory tract, it may cause influenza. Visible, the main source of infection influenza influenza patients, route of transmission is droplet, airborne, you can include the most vulnerable groups of people. So, how to prevent infectious diseases it? Third, the preventive measures  Different diseases have different treatment, but basic precautions are the same, as long as we pay attention to the following points, we can effectively rece the incidence and spread of disease.  1. Reasonable diet, increase nutrition, to the water, adequate intake of vitamins, should eat more rich in high quality protein, carbohydrates and trace elements in foods such as lean meat, eggs, dates, honey and fresh vegetables, fruits, etc. ; actively participate in physical exercise, much to the outskirts, outdoor fresh air, take a walk every day, jogging, exercise, boxing, so that the body blood flow, stretch muscles, enhance physical fitness.  2. Less densely populated, staff mix, air pollution places to go, such as: farmers market, indivial restaurants, entertainment and activity room.  3. Washing hands frequently and thoroughly with clean running water, including without dirty towels towels; 4. Day window ventilation to keep indoor air fresh, especially the dormitories, computer rooms, classrooms;  5. Reasonable arrangements for rest, so that the law of life; be careful not to fatigue, prevent colds, so as not to decrease resistance to disease;  6. Do not eat unclean food, refusing all kinds of seafood and raw meat, do not drink unboiled water. Not just trash, not just pile up garbage, garbage to be classified and unity destroyed.  7. Attention to personal hygiene, do not spit; avoid contact with infectious diseases, as less than epidemics epidemic.  8. Fever or other discomfort timely medical treatment; to the hospital is best to wear a mask, wash your hands after the dormitory, to avoid cross-infection;  9. Infectious used items and rooms properly disinfected, such as sunlight to dry clothing, room doorknob, tabletop, floor with a chlorine disinfectant spray and wipe.




同等学力申硕是国家统一组织的申硕考试,报名时间是3月份,考试时间是5月底,考试科目有外语和学科综合两门,详情如下:1、外语申硕考试科目中的外语有英语、法语、德语、日语、俄语五种语种,考试可任选其一,但选择的语种一定要跟院校规定的语种一致。而大部分院校的考试语种都是英语,考试难度与大学英语四级相当。2、学科综合学科综合便是学员参加专业课学习的课程知识,主要考察的是专业基础知识,学员只要认真听课,课下认真复习,通过并不是难事。同等学力申硕考试的通过率是很高的, 只要大家认真学习,都是可以通过的。通过申硕考试,完成论文答辩,最后可以获得学位证书,该证书的含金量也是很高的,大家可以放心报考。以上回复希望能帮到您~如果想要了解在职研究生报考条件和招生院校等详细信息的,可以咨询我们在线老师。上海财经大学,全国211重点学校,免试入学,可申请国家承认学位。招生专业涵盖金融、管理、法律、市场营销、物流、人力资源、大数据等。想详细了解的可以在线咨询老师哦...官方电话在线客服官方服务官方网站





