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    同等学力申硕考试只考察外语和学科综合,而外语语种选择英语的占绝大多数。根据以往的试题来看,从2013年开始难度就有所下降,下面在职研究生招生信息网给广大考生详细介绍一下同等学力申硕英语考试的难度。  同等学力申硕外国语水平考试将启用新大纲,新大纲将成为今后几年同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试命题的基本依据。各语种新大纲的版本分别是:英语、德语和日语等语种为第六版;法语为第五版;俄语为第七版。  由于新大纲的影响,英语大纲为第六版,和往年同等学力申硕英语考试对比,词汇没变,题型有所变化,多了一题型“短文完成”,当然分值也有调整。同等学力申硕英语考试比大学考试时四级水平高一级,稍微难一些但没有到达六级水平,基本在5.5级水平,4000-4500单词量。对于同等学力申硕英语考试这种语言类的科目考试,准考生们要循序渐进,不断练习。尤其在职人员时间都比较紧张,合理安排时间,高效复习。推荐阅读:同等学力人员申请硕士学位备考的健康心态同等学力申硕考试考前预备四要素同等学力申硕考试备考做好心理准备。


  声明:根据国务院学位委员会、教育部(2013)36号文件,自2014年起,原"在职研究生班"更名为"在职研修课程班",在职人员申请硕士学位流程及要求不变。 同等学力申硕考试的科目有外语和学科综合,其外语的语种有英语、日语、德语、俄语和法语,其中选择英语考试的人员最多,其英语考试水平的难度在四级到六级之间,满分是100分,60分算及格。  同等学力统考全国统考英语分七个部分,第一部分是口语交际,分AB两节,共十道题;第二部分是词汇部分,主要是选择替换和选择填空两种题型,共十道题,每题一分;第三部分是阅读理解,也是分AB两节,段落阅读和短文阅读,共二十五题;第四部分是完型填空,一篇文章会设置10个空白,考生在备选答案除选出正确答案即可;第五部分是完成短文,共三篇文章,每篇短文自身有3-4个空白;第六部分是翻译,考生要将100个词左右的英语翻译成汉语;第七部分是写作,考生按要求写作即可。同等学力统考英语总分是100分,考生达到六十分,并且另一门科目也达到六十分就可以继续参加论文答辩了。  从历年来考试的情况来看,考试的通过率还是比较高的,所以大家一定要有信心。可以去关注山东在职研校友会微信平台,在职研动态与你分享!


你要根据最新的同等学力英语大纲上的要求记单词,一般会给你划分范围的。同等学力英语的难度在四-六级之间,一些高频单词一定要记住。第一. 在单词记忆的过程中,必须要做到反复、快速、大量、多次。不能总停留在单词本的前10—20页,不能对某些单词死钻牛角尖,更不能学习一天停五天。手上准备一本实用的词汇手册,以每天200单词(只要记忆常用词义即可)频率快速识记,反复进行。第二. 我们可以用不同的标准将词汇进行分组归纳,比如以同一字母开头的单词、近义词、相同词根、相同词缀、相同场景词等等。第三. 强化单词的运用。在记忆单词的过程中,要多听、多读、多写,通过多个维度去强化单词的运用,这样才能达到巩固强化,学以致用的目的。同等学力英语单词汇总下载http://www.tdxl.cn/yydk/xxzl/5123.html


哦 还有就是,现在我报读的ABC天丅口语的老师说过,事实上想征服英语是不难的!必然具有适宜的研习环境以及进修口语对象 最关键就是外教水平 标准口音才是最好,保持每天口语交流,1v1针对性教学才能够有很.好.的学习效果~学习后需要复习听取课堂录音档,更可以加深印象。如果真的没有练习对象的情况 只能去听力室或爱思拿到课后材料阅读 多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想,很快的口语能力会进步许多,整体效果应该可以最佳的..

同等学历申硕英语是全国统一出题还是各省出题另外和考研英语比 哪个难





  Spring is the season of diseases, especially infectious diseases more common infectious diseases, including: influenza, meningococcal meningitis, measles, chicken pox, mumps, rubella, scarlet fever. Most of these diseases are respiratory infections, can spread through the air, a short distance droplets or contact with respiratory secretions and other means. School personnel-intensive, concentrated, once it is relatively easy to spread, will bring greater influence work and study, so we need to spring common understanding diseases and their prevention.  A human infectious diseases, many types, according to the different routes of transmission can be divided into four categories, respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, blood diseases and infectious diseases surface. Respiratory diseases refers to infectious respiratory diseases after the respiratory mucosa caused by invasive pathogens, including influenza, diphtheria, whooping cough, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, mumps, measles and meningococcal meningitis and so on. The disease occurs mostly in winter and spring, patients and carriers are the main source of infection. The original site of the parasitic pathogen is respiratory tract and lungs, mainly through droplets, airborne. No spitting, housing and public places to keep air circulating, and wearing masks, etc., can prevent the occurrence of respiratory diseases. Gastrointestinal diseases refers to infectious pathogens invade the gastrointestinal mucosa after arising, including dysentery, viral hepatitis, typhoid, polio, such as ascariasis and pinworm. The disease occurs mostly in summer and autumn, the sick and contaminated animals are the main source of infection. The original site of pathogens gastrointestinal parasite and its subsidiary organs, mainly through drinking water and food-borne. Therefore, do not drink unboiled water, not raw, without washing vegetables, melons, fruit, and vigorously to eliminate flies, such as washing hands before meals and after, you can prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases. Blood diseases refers to arthropods (such as mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, ticks, etc.) for infectious disease caused by the media, which is also called vector-borne diseases, including malaria, Japanese encephalitis, leishmaniasis, filariasis and hemorrhagic fever. Patients and contaminated animals are the main source of infection. The original site of the parasitic pathogens in blood and lymph, mainly through the spread of blood-sucking arthropods. Blood-sucking arthropods eliminate mosquitoes, ticks, etc., can prevent the occurrence of blood diseases. Surface diseases is e to the direct or indirect, animal contact with sick people, or in contact with the soil water containing pathogens, infectious pathogens enter the body through the skin caused by contact and thus also known as infectious diseases, including rabies, anthrax, tetanus, schistosomiasis, trachoma, scabies and ringworm. The original site of the pathogen is a parasitic skin and mucous membrane surface, mainly spread through contact. Isolation of patients, attention to personal hygiene, not with human or animal pathogens, such as contact with, the surface can prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases. Two, three basic aspects of epidemics.  Infectious diseases prevalent in the population can be, must also have a source of infection, transmission and susceptible populations of these three basic aspects, the lack of any one part, infectious diseases will not pop up.  The source of infection is the ability to spread a human or animal pathogen. Source of infection pathogens in respiratory, digestive, blood or other tissue survival, reproction, and can be the source of infection through  Excretions, secretions or biological agents (such as mosquitoes, flies, lice, etc.), directly or indirectly spread to healthy people.  Refers to the transmission of infectious pathogens, leaving the healthy way to reach people elapsed. The main route of transmission of pathogens are: air-borne, water-borne, food communication, contact, communication and other biological agents.  Susceptible population refers to the lack of immunity to certain diseases and susceptible to disease crowd. To the influenza epidemic, for example, to illustrate the three basic aspects of epidemics. When the flu speak, cough, sneeze, will emit large amounts of droplets containing the influenza virus from the nasopharynx, suspended in the air, the people around this air is inhaled with the virus after the virus enters the respiratory tract, it may cause influenza. Visible, the main source of infection influenza influenza patients, route of transmission is droplet, airborne, you can include the most vulnerable groups of people. So, how to prevent infectious diseases it? Third, the preventive measures  Different diseases have different treatment, but basic precautions are the same, as long as we pay attention to the following points, we can effectively rece the incidence and spread of disease.  1. Reasonable diet, increase nutrition, to the water, adequate intake of vitamins, should eat more rich in high quality protein, carbohydrates and trace elements in foods such as lean meat, eggs, dates, honey and fresh vegetables, fruits, etc. ; actively participate in physical exercise, much to the outskirts, outdoor fresh air, take a walk every day, jogging, exercise, boxing, so that the body blood flow, stretch muscles, enhance physical fitness.  2. Less densely populated, staff mix, air pollution places to go, such as: farmers market, indivial restaurants, entertainment and activity room.  3. Washing hands frequently and thoroughly with clean running water, including without dirty towels towels; 4. Day window ventilation to keep indoor air fresh, especially the dormitories, computer rooms, classrooms;  5. Reasonable arrangements for rest, so that the law of life; be careful not to fatigue, prevent colds, so as not to decrease resistance to disease;  6. Do not eat unclean food, refusing all kinds of seafood and raw meat, do not drink unboiled water. Not just trash, not just pile up garbage, garbage to be classified and unity destroyed.  7. Attention to personal hygiene, do not spit; avoid contact with infectious diseases, as less than epidemics epidemic.  8. Fever or other discomfort timely medical treatment; to the hospital is best to wear a mask, wash your hands after the dormitory, to avoid cross-infection;  9. Infectious used items and rooms properly disinfected, such as sunlight to dry clothing, room doorknob, tabletop, floor with a chlorine disinfectant spray and wipe.



计划考在职研究生 同等学历申硕和十月联考有什么区别 ? 英语专业毕业, 现在中石油工作,报考方向选什么

在职研究生有四种考试:(1)一月统考,专业有MBA, MPA, MPACC, MEM, JM。报考时间同全日制考研,每年十月报名,次年一月考试。(2)5月同等学力申硕,先入学,后考试。除了原来的33个专业,2013年开始,考软件工程、城乡规划学、风景园林学、护理学也可以通过同等学力申硕的途径取得硕士学位。流程如下:一般来说,具有学士学位并有三年以上工作经验的学员,在完成研究生课程班全部课程并通过考试、通过“每年5月举行的同等学力人员申请硕士学位”全国统一考试、并通过论文答辩后,就可以获得国家认可的硕士学位证书。路线图:免试入学,参加研究生课程进修班——修满全部学分获得结业证书——通过 综合学科、英语统考,学分四年有效——撰写论文,通过答辩——获得硕士学位。时间表: ◆两次:一般来说,在职研究生课程班每年春秋两次招生,由于对于符合条件的申请者,研究生课程班都是采取“先到先得”,名额报满为止,因此如果是选择一些热门专业,有意报考者zuihao提早报名申请。◆4年:以同等学力申请硕士学位,必须修完研究生课程班所有课程,修满学分后才可以报考全国同等学力统一考试,学分在4年内有效。这也意味着,每个申请者有4次的机会参加全国同等学力统一考试。◆5月:同等学力申请硕士学位的考试在每年5月份举行。(3)十月联考,共有17个专业,其中工程硕士,风景园林,兽医,中职教师,农业推广硕士要参加GCT。报考流程:每年7月初网上报名,7月末现场确认,十月考试。(4)自主命题形式:专业为软件工程硕士。以同济大学为例,每年2次招生,春季报名,秋季入学;秋季报名,次年春季入学。 在职研究生的大多数专业报考条件都是国民教育序列本科3年工作经验,且有学士学位。 本科无学士学位,一般专业不容许报考,即使容许报考,也要求四年工作经验,录取分数也要高于本科有学位的,且录取人数不能超过总人数的10%。 部分专业专科5年工作经验可以报考:工商管理硕士,公共管理硕士,会计硕士,艺术硕士与体育硕士。 部分专业不限制工作年限:工程硕士里的电子与通讯工程,控制工程,计算机技术,与软件工程硕士。兽医,风景园林,农业推广也不限制工作年限,但要求有相关工作背景。 具体考试科目,招生院校,可以到学位网,或者中国研究生招生信息网或者各院校官网查询。 在职研究生,不脱产学习,不迁户口,不调档。一般周末上课,不容许网络授课,因此,报考一般都是就近原则,报考时,先到所在城市院校官网查询招简,或者先确定专业,再到网上查询招生院校。 专业选择可以询问周围同事都是什么专业的,或者直接咨询单位人事即可。 希望我的回答能帮到你。在职研究生是半脱产上课,有的院校提供网络授课。同等学力申硕及在职联考都是单证教育,只有学位证。双证的话,建议你报考一月份的在职MBA。或者报考工程硕士。有其他疑问,可以继续问我,希望能帮到你。本回答被网友采纳