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1、学士学位的英文缩写为B.S.,全称是:Bachelor of Science。2、硕士学位的英文全称为:Master degree 。硕士学位大致分以下几种:①MA.Sc(master of science科学硕士);②MA.Eng(master of engineering.工程硕士);③MBA.工商管理硕士3、博士学位的英文全称为:Doctor degree,哲学博士简称为:Ph.D。扩展资料:其他关于学历的英文表达:1、师范大学:Normal University2、专科学校:Postsecondary Specialised College3、广播电视大学:Radio and Television University4、中等专科学校:Secondary Specialised School5、技工学校:Skilled Workers School6、业余大学:Spare-Time University7、职工大学:Staff and Workers University


去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:阳夏秋天学士学位证书及毕业证英文翻译模板BACHELOR’S DEGREE CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that Ms. Wang Danli, born in October 1977, has studied in the Department of Law, xxx University with a specialty of Law from September 1996 to June 2000. Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraate program, she is granted graation. In accordance with the academic degree act of the People’s Republic of China, the aforesaid student is awarded the Bachelor’s Degree in Law.xxxChairman of Degree Appraising Committee of xx UniversityJune 30, 2000 Certificate No.: 103354003888[ Last edited by rachel4176 on 2005-6-22 at 21:14 ]|DIPLOMAThis is to certify that Ms. Wang Lan, born on February 29, 1980, has studied in the Department of Foreign Languages,xxxUniversity with a specialty of English from September 1997 to June 2000. Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraate program, she is granted graation.xxPresident of xx UniversityRegistration No.: 298168015 Date Issued: June 30, 2000|如果学校要求寄学位证书复印件的话,可以复印一份中文的。然后把这个英文的打印一下两份都到学校教务那儿去敲个章 就比较有效啦|<br


硕士学位的英语为Post-Graate。其中:理学硕士(MasterofScience,英文短写为MSc)教育硕士(Master of Ecation,英文短写为MEd)工程硕士(Master of Engineering,英文短写为MEng)文学硕士(Masterof Arts,英文短写为MA)另有工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration,英文短写为MBA)。而研究式的硕士课程有哲学硕士(Master of Philosophy,英文短写为MPhil)。硕士是一个介于学士及博士之间的研究生学位(Post-Graate),拥有硕士学位者通常象征具有基础的独立的思考能力。硕士课程主分为两种,分别是修课式和研究式。例句:The faculty also offers graate and post-graate programs in Environmental Design.该学院还提供了环境设计的本科和研究生课程。The school also has an undergraate degree in environmental design and graate and post-graate degrees in Landscape Architecture.学校也有一个在环境设计和研究生,并在景观设计的研究生学位的本科学位。The post-graate ecation in research universities is based on the system of Graate School.我国研究型大学的研究生教育主要是以研究生院制度为载体的。It will facilitate the development of post-graate or fourth-level legal ecation and research.它将有助于研究生或四年级的法律教育和研究。The post-graate school of the university has approved your application for admission.大学研究院同意了你的入学申请。The post-graate ecation in research universities assume a great historical mission and responsibility.研究型大学的研究生教育,承担着重大的历史使命和责任。In the post-graate stage, I will further study and senior economics for theoretical research to provide background;在研究生阶段,我将进一步学习高级经济学,为理论研究提供背景;It is important to remember that undergraate ecation and post-graate ecation are tightly linked to research.我们应该认识到,本科生教育和研究生教育都与研究紧密相连。A post-graate degree can guarantee a more promising career.研究生学位可以确保有一个更有前途的职业。A Research on the Application of MDA in Post-Graate Ecation ManagementMDA在研究生教育管理中应用研究。


去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:ROB广西大学毕业证、学位证英文模板DIPLOMACertificate No:⑴This is to certify that⑵,⑶, born on⑷, majoring in⑸in our university from September(6)toJune(7)and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a(8)-year undergraate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graation.President:(9)Guangxi UniversityDate:(10)说明:⑴证书编号⑵姓名拼音⑶性别⑷出生日期⑸专业方向(6)入学年份(7)毕业年份⑻学制年数(9)校长姓名拼音(10)毕业证书签发日期BACHELOR’S DEGREE CERTIFICATECertificate No:⑴This is to certify that⑵,⑶, born on⑷, majoring in⑸in our university from September(6)to June(7)and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a(8)-year undergraate program and is awarded the Bachelor of (9) upon graation in conformity with the Degrees Regulations of the People’s Republic of China.Chairman:(10)Committee on Conferring of DegreeGuangxi UniversityDate:(11)说明:⑴证书编号⑵姓名拼音⑶性别⑷出生日期⑸专业方向⑹入学年份(7)毕业年份(8)学制年数(9)学科名称(10)学位评定委员会主席姓名(11)学位证书签发日期欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学


1. Mr.XXX, MA in business administration for 3 years, was born on 日,月, 年,has passed all moles and oral examination of postgraates study project, is granted to graate.2. XX has completed the Business Administration for MA course, gained pass score, is granted as MA in B.A. according to the people's republic of China degree regulation.3. economic ana management 4. Organizational Operations 5. simulated enterprises strategy management.6. finance management7. marketing8. human resource management9, communication10 proction & operation management11 E-business12 group work on specialized topic


教育部,国务院学位办政策文件支持。无需参加全国统考,通过高校的自主命题的考试后,以学课程,修学分,完成论文答辩直接取得硕士学位,硕士学位由国务院学位办统一印制、高校颁发,国家承认。学制 2.5年


首先得分清 同等学力 和 同等学历 词典中一般翻译的都是同等学历同等学历 指 不同高等学历教育或者不同专业间的毕业证具有同等效力。 例如 普通本科和 自考 化学专业和 管理专业同等学力 指 和相应阶段的毕业证[毕业生]具有同等的学习能力和教育环境。 但不是,本科毕业生。 例如:本科结业生,专科毕业2年等所以 翻译应该是 同等学历 equal authenticity 同等学力 equal ecation / Equal learning ability结业证书 course-completion certificate certificate of completion 毕业证书 Certificate of Graation to apply for Master' degree with course-completion certificate which obtained by coequal postgraate ecation level.

翻译硕士学位MTI 和 翻译方向的研究生有什么区别?



2017年研究生学位授予仪式。翻译为英文是:                    2017 graate degree award ceremony.注:请提问者及时采纳!2017 Graate degree conferring ceremony20017 研究生学位授予仪式 confering degree 授学位 2017 Graate School's hooding and commencement ceremony 2017 研究生毕业典礼暨授学位仪式hooding, 指带硕士帽、学士帽和拨穗仪式.