要是念澳洲国立大学research式的研究生,好好写一下,网上很多模板。要是念course式的研究生,大致写写就行,你之前学习的背景,将来怎么学,学成之后打算怎么办。都可以。Before you can be admitted, you need to show:1) You have the basic qualification (your undergraate degree which has to be good)2) You have acquire research training (normally you should have done either some units in research methodology or you have written a dissertation or thesis before)3) You have a research proposal (this is what you are asking now).My suggestion is as follows:1) You should study the research of the staff in the school and preferably check with their publications.2) identify an area or topic you are interested in and write to the prof/academic staff direct to see whether he is interested to supervise you and agree with your topic.3) normally you do not need to write very detail on the proposal, but you have to consider the few points:1) WHAT is the topic you want to work on2) WHY do you think this is significant3) HOW do you intend to study on the topicResearch is all about the THESIS, which means the ARGUMENT - so you are proposing an argument and you have to spend 3-4 years to work on it, to prove your argument. In the end, you have to make sure that you are making an original and significant contribution to knowledge, that;s all.good luck