去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:heaven大禹哥大学生对华为手机的使用满意度调研报告据市场研究公司IDC公布的数据显示,华为成为全球第三大智能手机制造商,同时华为本身也是世界上最大的电信设备制造商。中国是世界上最大的智能手机市场,2015年华为手机以13.57%的高份额占有率,成为中国市场销量第一,这也是华为手机在中国市场上首次在销量上超过苹果等跨国品牌,这标志着华为手机已经在中国市场完胜三星。在当今时代,大学生是手机市场的一个重要部分,为了解大学生购买手机时的消费态度、以及大学生对民族品牌华为的使用满意度,我们以新乡职业技术学院的学生群体为目标群体进行了相关的市场调研。关键词:华为手机大学生使用满意度A survey report on the use of College Students' use of HUAWEI mobile phonesSummaryAuthor:shangxueyanTutor:kongfeiFrom a global point of view, as the world's largest telecoms equipment maker, according to data released by the world famous international data company, Huawei has become the third-largest smartphone maker in the world. While China is the world's largest market for smartphones, 2015 Huawei mobile phone with a high share of 13.57% share, become the Chinese market sales of the first, which is Huawei's mobile phone in the Chinese market first in sales over multinational brands such as apple, Huawei mobile ph