去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:cnhk3557合肥工业大学成人高等教育大专毕业论文题目耐克公司在中国市场的品牌文化推广策略浅析英文题目Promotion Strategy Analysis of the Nike brand culture in the Chinese market专业市场营销姓名谢丹丹年级14级专科二零一六年四月耐克公司在中国市场的品牌文化推广策略浅析[摘要]一个成功的企业离不开有特色的企业文化。本文简要的分析了耐克的成长与壮大,其中以耐克文化为主要分析对象,讲述了耐克公司在中国市场的品牌文化的推广策略的精辟与不足之处,并浅谈了一下自己对于现在社会企业文化对与企业发展的重要性,以及对我国体育用品企业启示的一些看法。关键字:企业文化、耐克、品牌Promotion Strategy Analysis of the Nike brand culture in the Chinese market[Abstract] A successful business without a unique corporate cul .This paper analyzes the Nike's growth and expansion, which Nike culture as the main analysis, about the Nike brand culture in the Chinese market promotion strategy incisive and inadequacies, and Discussion on the for the importance of the social enterprise culture and enterprise development, and the revelation of China's sporting goods business.Key word: Corporate culture、Nike、brand企业文化品牌研究,内容繁杂,工程量大,既要有理体系支持,又要有一手资料支撑,是一件系统