【个人建议】 到底选择那个考试?对于这个问题知道你很困惑,当时我也是一样(我本科是学工商管理的,主修市场。但后来工作强度太大改的金融市场风险管理)! 那么我给你点参考吧! 最直接也是最把握的方法就是直接发EMAIL给你想去的学校(加拿大大学-商学院),问他们到底需要什么条件,到底需要GMAT还是GRE! 如果选择去读商科的话,在北美大部分专业是需要考GMAT的,因为北美(加、美)商科毕业后MASTER只有一种就是MBA(工商管理硕士),但这MBA中又分很多方向,比如: 市场,会计,金融,管理,保险,创业 甚至医学……等太多了!! (REMARK:我的专业在开在商学院下边,学校当时是要求考GMAT) 但就现在的趋势,有些偏理科的专业,是要考GRE了,(取决于学校的要求)比如: 金融方面的投资证券,保险等,确是要考GRE的,因为这门专业是偏理科的(比如你学的投资那部分,起码没达到数3水平是学不下来的,但是GMAT的数学不会那么难)! 他们是这么认为的! 另外有的学校就是两个都承认,(但是通常这样的学校不会是一流的大学就是了!) 也不是您问的,所以我也就不多解释了! 以下是北美一些著名大学商学院对申请者(GRE,GMAT)的要求请作为参考: Standford: *Accounting - The GRE is preferred,although the GMAT will be accepted. *Economic Analysis & Policy -The GRE is preferred,although the GMAT will be accepted. *Finance - The GRE is preferred,although the GMAT will be accepted. *Marketing - Either the GMAT or GRE is accepted. *Organizational Behavior - Only the GRE will be accepted. *Operations, Information & Technology - The GRE is preferred,although the GMAT will be accepted. *Political Economics - Only the GRE will be accepted Upenn-Wharton School: Either the Graate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) or the Graate Record Examination (GRE) may be taken for admission to most programs. For Business and Public Policy, Ethics and Legal Studies, Operations and Information Management, Real Estate, and Statistics, only the GRE is acceptable 有些学校无侧重,GRE和GMAT一视同仁。 MIT: All applicants — including those from the United States and those with advanced degrees — must take either the GMAT or GRE (General Test only) and have the Ecational Testing Service report results directly to MIT Sloan's PhD Program (GMAT code 3510; GRE code 3510-4201). Test scores must be from within the past five years. Those applying to Operations Management should submit GRE scores only UCLA-Anderson School: Official score report of either the GMAT or the GRE。 所以具体GRE好还是GMAT好,要看不同的学校,自己到他们的网页上多看看就可以了。还是直接给心仪学校的商学院直接发邮件讯问的好! 【如不方便讯问,就去考GMAT……市场方向应该是GMAT无措】--------- IM SO PLEASED IF MY ANSWER MAY HELPED U TO SOLVE SUCH PROBLEM,BUT ITS JUS 4 A RE. BLESSING U