本科与硕士:大部分科目要求雅思要求6.5以上,每门不得低于6.0。 注:有些专业如法律、医学、商科的某些专业要求IELTS7分。 商科雅思要求总分7.0分,单科不低于6.0分。 中国考生必须满足的条件: 要求1 英语成绩: 雅思:总分7分,并且单科不能少于6分。 或托福:总分600分,并且写作不低于4.5分。 或IBT:总分100分,并且写作不低于23分,其他每部分也不能低于22分。 要求2 学术成绩: 中国高考成绩:必须高于各省市的重点一本线,根据各地情况要求不同。 或英国A-LEVEL成绩:AAB 或 以上 或美国SAT成绩:1910 或 以上我去悉尼大学主页上看了下, 以下是Finance and banking可选专业: Majors available in this area of interest Postgraate: Master of Commerce (including the following combined degrees: Master of Commerce and Master of Facilities Management, Master of Commerce and Master of Logistics Management, Master of International Business and Master of Commerce, and Master of Commerce and Master of Professional Accounting) with a major in Banking. Master of Commerce (including combined degrees) with a major in Finance. Master of Commerce (including combined degrees) with a major in Quantitative Finance. Master of Economics with a major in Financial Economics.学费:Postgraate International Course Fee: $26,880 per 1 EFTSL (nominal full time year)Postgraate International Course Fee: $560 per credit point 雅思入学分数要求: FacultyDegree ProgramIELTSPaper-based TOEFLComputer-based TOEFL (CBT)Internet-based TOEFL (IBT) OverallSection minimumOverallTest of Written EnglishOverallEssay Economics and BusinessMaster of Commerce and Master of Facilities Management,Master of International Business and Law,Master of Management,Master of Management (CEMS),Master of Marketing,Master of Transport Management and Master of Urban and Regional PlanningAll coursework programs in the following disciplines:Human Resource Management & Instrial Relations,International Security,Organisational Coaching766004.5250所以你要学金融是7分,每项不得低于6分。如果你考的是6.5的话去和学校商量下,也是可能的。不过我还是怀疑楼上说的本科5.5?可能吗?本回答被网友采纳