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萨塞克斯大学研究生申请条件 开学时间:每年9月或1月 申请截至日:无 IELTS分数要求:6.5或7 硕士预科是5,但需要读三学期 大学GPA:80.0-85.0 英国一等或二等高级学士荣誉学位:相当于中国一流大学颁发的学士学位证书,并且平均成绩达到75%-85%(具体取决于你所在的大学) 英国一等或二等本科荣誉学位:相当于中国一流大学颁发的学士学位证书,并且平均成绩达到65%-85%(具体取决于你所在的大学) 申请读研的学生,必须提供一所被认可的大学相应学科的大学本科学位。


萨塞克斯大学的本科和研究生教学结构主要由7个学院组成,每个学院下设若干个系。学院分为人文学院、生命科学学院、科技学院、社会文化科学学院、科技政策研究学院、萨塞克斯研究所以及布莱顿和萨塞克斯医学院。学校为国际留学生开设国际预科课程,涵盖的主要学科领域包括商务管理和经济学、计算机和数学、工程和物理、法律和社会研究、生命科学、媒体研究和医学。下面为大家详细介绍申请英国苏塞克斯大学需要哪些申请条件?入学要求:一、本科生开学时间:每年9月1日申请截至日:每年3月15日IELTS分数要求:6.5 以上高中GPA:80.0本科申请说明:萨塞克斯大学通过UCAS在线申请。直读本科需具备的学术背景包括:IB课程、A-Level、AP课程、或sat/ACT等学校认可课程或考试,否则只能就读预科或文凭课程。必需申请材料包括:(1)UCAS在线申请表(2)托福/雅思(3)A-level或IB课程成绩等(4)1篇Essay及1封推荐信(5)高中毕业证/高中在读证明(6)高中成绩单(7)资金证明注:萨塞克斯大学要求所有学生必须参加面试。学校每年安排面试时间大致是1-4月,面试人员大都是学校教职工。二、研究生开学时间:每年9月或1月申请截至日:无IELTS分数要求:6.5或7硕士预科是5,但需要读三学期大学GPA:80.0-85.0国内大学排名前202:1学位专业:75分2:2学位专业: 65分国内大学排名前202:1学位专业: 80分2:2学位专业: 70分申请读研的学生,必须提供一所被认可的大学相应学科的大学本科学位。


  苏塞克斯大学工程商业管理硕士申请条件:  1.雅思成绩6.5(6.0);  2.平均分不少于65%;  3.最好是985或211大学。  苏塞克斯大学简介:  萨塞克斯大学(University of Sussex),又译作苏塞克斯大学,位于英国最具活力的海滩城市布莱顿附近,城市标志性建筑是英皇阁(Royal Pavilion)。它是英国20世纪60年代新大学浪潮成立的第一批学校之一,前1994大学集团成员。成立之初,萨塞克斯大学就以对战后社会分析、创新教学和研究方式而闻名于世。  萨塞克斯作为一所顶尖大学位于英国和世界排名前列。根据世界最新以及最权威的排名显示,在2016年的英国卫报The Guardian和英国泰晤士报Times排名中,萨塞克斯大学均位列英国第19名。在泰晤士报2010世界大学排行榜(TOP200)中,萨塞克斯大学位列世界第79名,正式成为世界百强大学。2014-2015年泰晤士报研究影响力(Research influence)的排名,萨塞克斯位于英国第4,世界第34名。在2015年最新的QS全球大学学科排名中,发展学( Development Studies)超越牛津,哈佛,剑桥等名校位列全球第一, 于此同时萨大拥有号称全英第一的化学系,全球前80的传媒以及国际关系学院,综合研究国际影响力全球第34位。If you are starting in September 2016 (for the autumn term or full academic year), you must apply before 1 May 2016. If you are starting in January 2017 (the spring term), you must apply before 30 October 2016.1. Decide if you want to study at Sussex for a full year or one termSTUDY OPTIONSautumn termspring/summer termfull academic year.The full academic year consists of the autumn, spring and summer terms. If you are studying here for a full-year you are more likely to be allocated your chosen moles, and have a wider range of accommodation choices. See our term dates2. Make sure you meet the academic requirementsYou must be academically qualified to take the moles which you apply for at Sussex.You are also normally expected to have completed at least one year of higher ecation in your own country.If you are an exceptionally well-prepared student who has completed at least three years of higher ecation, you may be able to take Masters-level moles.Your application will be assessed on an indivial basis.If you are a student from the USA, a current GPA of 3.0 or higher is normally required.3. Choose the moles you would like to takeList six moles per term in order of preference in case any of your choices are not available.Search for moles4. Make sure you have the following documents for your applicationtranscript of grades from your current universitya reference from a current academic advisor (this is not required if you are an Erasmus + student)evidence of suitable English language qualifications (if your native language is not English). For more information, see the next step.5. Provide evidence of suitable English language qualifications (if your native language is not English)You must have a good level of English competence and give evidence of suitable English language qualifications if your native language is not English.We accept the following English language qualifications, which must have been achieved within two years before starting at Sussex:International English Language Testing System (IELTS): 6.5 and not less than 6.0 in each of the four componentsthe Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) may also be acceptable as evidence of English language ability.The standard TOEFL requirement is an overall score of 88, with at least 20 in Listening, 19 in Reading, 21 in Speaking and 23 in Writing.The TOEFL institution code for the University of Sussex is DI 9166.Contact the Sussex Abroad team for information on other qualifications we accept.If you need to improve your English before the course, there are different entry requirements based on IELTS scores. Find out more on our Pre-sessional English webpage.6. Complete the application formDownload and fill out the relevant form and submit the completed form with your transcript and reference to the Study Abroad team.Visiting and Exchange application form 2016-17 [PDF 117KB] (for non-Erasmus students)Erasmus application form 2016-17 [DOCX 72KB] (for Erasmus students)Junior Year Abroad - Application for admission as a Visiting Student 2016/17 [DOCX 72KB]If we have an exchange agreement with your home university, you should apply for a place at Sussex through your university.7. Submit your completed application to the Sussex Abroad teamSTUDY ABROAD TEAM CONTACT DETAILST +44 (0)1273 877346 E sussexabroad@sussex.ac.ukAPPLICATION DEADLINES FOR SUBMITTING THE FORMIf you are starting in September 2016 (the first term or full academic year), you must apply before 1 May 2016.If you are starting in January 2017 (the spring term), you must apply before 30 October 2016.If you submit your application after these dates, your application will be considered subject to availability of places. As places on most moles are limited, preference is given to early applicants.WHEN WILL I KNOW IF MY APPLICATION HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL?You can generally expect a decision on your application about three weeks after we receive it.If your application is successful, we will send you more information on applying for university accommodation before you arrive.Visas and immigrationDepending on your country of origin, you may need a visa to study in the UK. You should make sure that you have the most up-to-date information when planning your trip to the UK.Find out more about how to apply for a visa as a visiting or exchange student




其实,国外的硕士预科也都是中国人,或者是亚洲人在读,因为语言不过关、或者成绩有差距,或者是转专业需要适应和过渡。 liverpool中国人比Sussex还多,不过现在英国的中国人都不少,但是没有印巴人多,呵呵。两个学校排名差不多。liverpool靠近曼城,在中部,属于大城市,物价不低。sussex属于南部城市,物价也差不多,但是城市比liverpool小。硕士预科升学率不取决与大学,而是在个人的学习情况。不过我认识好多在exeter读硕预的,几乎都去了别的大学,很难进本校。 硕预学费不低,生活费也不低,其实含金量和性价比还真不如在国内上个硕预呢,除了工科的。


选校或者选专业定位可以参考留学志愿参考系统 https://www.douban.com/group/topic/105602910/输入GPA、专业等信息,系统会自动从数据库中匹配出与你情况相似的同学案例,看看他们成功申请了哪些院校和专业,也可以按照留学目标来查询,看看你的目标院校和专业都哪些背景(语言成绩多少分、学校背景如何、什么专业、GPA多少等)的学生申请了,也从而对比自身情况,制定大致的目标和方向。有的。。。




一、入学要求  本科学习:雅思6.5 以上  研究生学习:雅思7.0 以上  1、本科申请条件  开学时间:每年9月1日  申请截至日:每年3月15日  留学费用:12300.0 英镑  TOEFL分数要求:92.0  TOEFL单科要求:21  高中GPA:80.0  2、研究生申请条件  开学时间:每年9月1日  申请截至日:无  留学费用:13069.0 英镑  TOEFL分数要求:100.0  TOEFL单科要求:21  大学GPA:85.0  二、留学费用  国内一年贸大信息学院IAC预科费用:66000元-70000元  英国预科一年费用:18-22万/年(人民币)  总共节省约11万-15万元留学费用  细节:国内学费58000元/年,生活费:8000-1.2万元左右(月均1000元左右来算)  英联邦国家由于学制不同,国际学生需要读一年预科才能对接大学专业课,英国预科一年学费约10-14万/年(人民币),生活费:8万/年(人民币)。  7500-9000英镑/年,付费方式灵活,每学期可分三次付清款项;本科学习的学费在课程期间不会变动。

