生产性劳动和非生产性劳动区别标准的选择Choosing Standards for Differing Proctive Labor and Non-proctive Labor汤美芳;TANG Mei-fang中共浙江省委党校;【摘要】对于生产性劳动和非生产性劳动区分标准的争论是自亚当.斯密两百多年来一直争论不休的课题。文章试图将判断标准的确定安置于一个特定的历史背景下进行考察,并且在继承和发展亚当斯密相关理论的前提下,重新构建生产性劳动和非生产性劳动的判断标准的选择模型,确定判断标准,并且试图证明逻辑的严密性。【Abstract】 The argument about the standards of proctive labor and non-proctive labor has been lasting over two hundred years since Adam.Smith.The paper sets the standards in a certain background for discussion and reestablishes the model for the standards on the basis of inheriting and developing the relative theory of Adam.Smith,which demonstrates its logic in determining the standards.【关键词】生产性劳动;非生产性劳动;古典政治经济学;新古典政治经济学;判断标准;【参考文献】[1] (英)A.斯密著;郭大力,王亚南译; 国民财富的性质和原因的研究[M].商务印书馆, 1972