我不是上外翻译系的,我是北外英语系的.笔译和口译的区别和前途是:口译更注重反应速度,达意是首要任务,笔译则注重文字的功底,尤其是中文的功底。但建议你学习的时候也不要分的太明显,那样对于你的学习是没有好处的。另外就工作方向而言,英语专业的学生一般就业出路是教师,真正能做翻译的是少数。口译比较辛苦但工资按时收费比较客观,笔译则能满足你的成就感,毕竟一本书被翻译的漂亮是很美好的一件事。二外是指第二语言,非英语的,一般是法语德语日语.至于不是在职,要不要学习除英语外的外语就不清楚了,还要请教他人.至于学费么,两者差不多。不过全日制研究生一般都有奖学金的,可以抵消不少的学费希望能帮到你!I am about to enter junior, like the English in this instry who wish to sit on the outside of the 2012 full-time non-service MTI. Would like to ask what English translation and interpretation of their respective strengths? How the direction of future work? Second Foreign refers to what? If it is not working, do not need to learn a foreign language than English? On the outside of the tuition fees for full-time and working the same? How much each? More trouble to answer, thank you!