上海电控研究所 Shanghai Electric Control Research Institute 上海电控研究所从事电子电器专业、测试专业及相关技术的研究,是集科研、生产、试制三位一体的专业研究所,现隶属中国兵器装备集团公司。 全所占地面积15500平方米,建筑面积20300平方米,固定资产原值3670万元,净值2870万元,拥有从国外引进的数控铣床、数控冲床、温湿度试验箱、高低温冲击箱、光学投影仪、卧式加工中心、计算机系统等先进设备,具有较强的科研开发、生产试制加工、测试手段。 我所现有职工370余人,其中各类专业人员近120人,具有高级职称的20人,中级职称的100人。目前我所从事的主要研制项目有:坦克电子综合系统技术研究;火箭炮发射控制系统研制;导弹发射测试仪器露点仪系列研制;特种车辆电压调节器系列研制,微机自动装弹控制系统技术研究等项目。 自建所以来,我所多次参与国家重点科技项目的科研开发,参与"9910工程"阅兵装备的配套研制,曾荣获国家科技进步特等奖及一等奖各一项,国防科工委科技进步一等奖两项,部级科技进步奖十多项,为我国兵器工业的发展和国防现代化建设做出了贡献。 1990年11月,本所经中国兵器工业总公司的考核评审获得了国防科工委颁发的《军工产品承制单位质量保证体系合格证书》。2000年1月,经新时代质量认证中心的现场审核,获得GJB/Z9001-96质量体系认证一次性通过,并获得《军工产品质量体系认证证书》。建所以来,我所连续获得七届上海市机电系统文明单位等荣誉称号,为本所科研开发、生产试制的持续发展,经济效益的提高及参与市场竞争创造了良好的条件。 Shanghai Electric Control Research Institute was established in 1986, its precursor was the former 515th factory of Ordnance Instry Ministry, and now it belongs to the China Ordnance Equipment Group Incorporation. The institute is primarily engaged in developing the electronic and electric parts on tanks, tracked vehicles and rocket launchers, as well as test instruments and related technology. It is the trinity for the institute that gathers scientific research, proction and trial-manufacture up into one. The institute is responsibility for its own profit and loss, and is run as an enterprise. The institute lies in the center of the economic development zone in Yangpu district, Shanghai. It is adjacent to the inner circular overhead road Yangpu Bridge, which connects to Pudong New District, so its situation is excellent, and it’s convenient for anyone to come and go. The institute covers an area of 15,500m2, and 20,300m2 for all buildings. Its original value of fixed assets are £¤36.7 million, and net value are £¤28.7 million. It possesses a lot of equipment, include machine tools, measuring and detecting devices and test equipment, the total number of these equipment are more than 300. Some of these equipment are imported and are relatively advanced, such as a numerical control milling machine, a numerical control punch, temperature and humidity test boxes, high and low temperature impact boxes, optical projectors, a horizontal type machining center and minicomputers, etc. It has strong force for research, development, trial-manufacture, process and measurement. There are more than 370 employees in the institute, including 120 specialized technical personnel, of them, 20 have senior title of technical post, and 100 have medium-grade professional title. Now the primary scientific research work includes: firing control system for rocket launchers, dew point instrument series for missiles firing test instrument, voltage adjuster series for special vehicles, microcomputer control automatic loading system, etc. There are 8 categories and more than 50 item procts manufactured by the institute, primarily include: LJY1 memory device, LDD1 electromagnet for elevating gears, LTD series voltage adjuster, WH511-14 firer, LKM1 automatic out fire controller box, BJ-63temperature indication instrument, etc. The procts mentioned above are equipped by PLA army, navy, air force, armored forces and artillery forces, and match the mainframes made by 617 th/627th/5317th/256th factories. The rate of execution of military proct contract is keep for 100% at all times these years. Since it was established, the institute has taken part in some important research and development projects many times and have also taken part in the research work project 9910 to develop matching components for the armaments paraded on Tian An Men Square. Among these research projects, one received special and another received first prize of the State-level Scientific and Technical Progress Awards, 2 received first classes prize of Scientific and Technical Progress Awards of the Commission of Science, Technology & Instry for National Defense, and more than 10 received Ministerial-level Scientific and Technical Progress Awards. The institute had made great contribution to the development of ordnance instry and the national defense modernization. Having been examined and assessed by China Ordnance Incorporation in Nov 1990, the institute received the Certificate of Quality Guarantee System for Military Procts Manufacture Unit awarded by the Commission of Science, Technology & Instry for National Defense. After initially evaluated by New Times Quality Verification Center at the worksite in Jan 2000,GJB/Z9001-96 Quality System Verification was passed at once, and the center agreed to recommend the institute to the Commission of Military Procts Quality System Verification for register. From 1986 to 1998, the institute had continuously received the title of civilized unit of Shanghai electromechanical system for seven times, this provides conditions for it to research, develop, trial-manufacture, enhance its economic benefit and participate in market competition.