是南洋理工大学吧托福雅思任选一个即可,一般是prefer雅思,6.5就好,如果是PhD,最好能在7.0以上GPA3.0往上,厦大的牌子还是不错的,3.0应该就可以轻松搞定了,关于GRE,如果你的GPA太低的话,最好是带上GRE,如果成绩不错的话,GPA3.5左右的,直接雅思就可以申请了Hey,DandySingapore is the most myopic country in the world,just ahead of China.Forby English is only one of the four official languages of Singapore,Its English is really vanilla!I vouch for USA,the prevalence of myopia in USA is darned low!GDP(nominal) per capita in Singapore is only 37,000 dollars comparing USA 47,000 dollars.USA is much more STATE-OF-THE-ART!Feel free to email me at johnny.kong@yahoo.com if you still have questions after all!